/***************************************************************************** * * This file is part of Mapnik (c++ mapping toolkit) * * Copyright (C) 2007 Artem Pavlenko * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * *****************************************************************************/ // $Id$ #include "occi_datasource.hpp" #include "occi_featureset.hpp" // mapnik #include #include // boost #include #include #include // stl #include #include #include #include #include using std::clog; using std::endl; using std::vector; using boost::lexical_cast; using boost::bad_lexical_cast; using mapnik::datasource; using mapnik::parameters; using mapnik::query; using mapnik::featureset_ptr; using mapnik::layer_descriptor; using mapnik::attribute_descriptor; using mapnik::datasource_exception; using mapnik::box2d; using mapnik::coord2d; using oracle::occi::Environment; using oracle::occi::Connection; using oracle::occi::Statement; using oracle::occi::ResultSet; using oracle::occi::MetaData; using oracle::occi::SQLException; using oracle::occi::Type; using oracle::occi::StatelessConnectionPool; DATASOURCE_PLUGIN(occi_datasource) occi_datasource::occi_datasource(parameters const& params, bool bind) : datasource (params), type_(datasource::Vector), table_(*params_.get("table","")), fields_(*params_.get("fields","*")), geometry_field_(*params_.get("geometry_field","")), srid_initialized_(false), extent_initialized_(false), desc_(*params_.get("type"), *params_.get("encoding","utf-8")), row_limit_(*params_.get("row_limit",0)), row_prefetch_(*params_.get("row_prefetch",100)), pool_(NULL), conn_(NULL) { if (! params_.get("user")) throw datasource_exception("No specified"); if (! params_.get("password")) throw datasource_exception("No specified"); if (! params_.get("host")) throw datasource_exception("No string specified"); multiple_geometries_ = *params_.get("multiple_geometries",false); use_spatial_index_ = *params_.get("use_spatial_index",true); use_connection_pool_ = *params_.get("use_connection_pool",true); boost::optional ext = params_.get("extent"); if (ext) extent_initialized_ = extent_.from_string(*ext); boost::optional srid = params_.get("srid"); if (srid) { srid_ = *srid; srid_initialized_ = true; } if (bind) { this->bind(); } } occi_datasource::~occi_datasource() { if (is_bound_) { Environment* env = occi_environment::get_environment(); if (use_connection_pool_) { if (pool_ != NULL) env->terminateStatelessConnectionPool (pool_); } else { if (conn_ != NULL) env->terminateConnection(conn_); } } } void occi_datasource::bind() const { if (is_bound_) return; // connect to environment if (use_connection_pool_) { try { Environment* env = occi_environment::get_environment(); pool_ = env->createStatelessConnectionPool( *params_.get("user"), *params_.get("password"), *params_.get("host"), *params_.get("max_size",10), *params_.get("initial_size",1), 1, StatelessConnectionPool::HOMOGENEOUS); } catch (SQLException &ex) { throw datasource_exception(ex.getMessage()); } } else { try { Environment* env = occi_environment::get_environment(); conn_ = env->createConnection( *params_.get("user"), *params_.get("password"), *params_.get("host")); } catch (SQLException &ex) { throw datasource_exception(ex.getMessage()); } } std::string table_name = mapnik::table_from_sql(table_); // get SRID and/or GEOMETRY_FIELD from metadata table only if we need to if (! srid_initialized_ || geometry_field_ == "") { std::ostringstream s; s << "SELECT srid, column_name FROM " << SDO_GEOMETRY_METADATA_TABLE << " WHERE"; s << " LOWER(table_name) = LOWER('" << table_name << "')"; if (geometry_field_ != "") s << " AND LOWER(column_name) = LOWER('" << geometry_field_ << "')"; try { occi_connection_ptr conn; if (use_connection_pool_) conn.set_pool(pool_); else conn.set_connection(conn_, false); ResultSet* rs = conn.execute_query (s.str()); if (rs && rs->next ()) { if (! srid_initialized_) { srid_ = rs->getInt(1); srid_initialized_ = true; } if (geometry_field_ == "") { geometry_field_ = rs->getString(2); } } } catch (SQLException &ex) { throw datasource_exception(ex.getMessage()); } } // get columns description { std::ostringstream s; s << "SELECT " << fields_ << " FROM (" << table_name << ") WHERE rownum < 1"; try { occi_connection_ptr conn; if (use_connection_pool_) conn.set_pool(pool_); else conn.set_connection(conn_, false); ResultSet* rs = conn.execute_query (s.str()); if (rs) { std::vector listOfColumns = rs->getColumnListMetaData(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < listOfColumns.size(); ++i) { MetaData columnObj = listOfColumns[i]; std::string fld_name = columnObj.getString(MetaData::ATTR_NAME); int type_oid = columnObj.getInt(MetaData::ATTR_DATA_TYPE); #if 0 int type_code = columnObj.getInt(MetaData::ATTR_TYPECODE); if (type_code == OCCI_TYPECODE_OBJECT) { desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name,mapnik::Object)); continue; } #endif switch (type_oid) { case oracle::occi::OCCIBOOL: case oracle::occi::OCCIINT: case oracle::occi::OCCIUNSIGNED_INT: case oracle::occi::OCCIROWID: desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name,mapnik::Integer)); break; case oracle::occi::OCCIFLOAT: case oracle::occi::OCCIBFLOAT: case oracle::occi::OCCIDOUBLE: case oracle::occi::OCCIBDOUBLE: case oracle::occi::OCCINUMBER: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_NUM: desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name,mapnik::Double)); break; case oracle::occi::OCCICHAR: case oracle::occi::OCCISTRING: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_AFC: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_AVC: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_CHR: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_LVC: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_RDD: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_STR: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_VCS: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_VNU: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_VBI: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_VST: desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name,mapnik::String)); break; case oracle::occi::OCCIDATE: case oracle::occi::OCCITIMESTAMP: case oracle::occi::OCCIINTERVALDS: case oracle::occi::OCCIINTERVALYM: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_DAT: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_DATE: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_TIME: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_TIME_TZ: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_TIMESTAMP: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_TIMESTAMP_LTZ: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_TIMESTAMP_TZ: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_INTERVAL_YM: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_INTERVAL_DS: case oracle::occi::OCCIANYDATA: case oracle::occi::OCCIBLOB: case oracle::occi::OCCIBFILE: case oracle::occi::OCCIBYTES: case oracle::occi::OCCICLOB: case oracle::occi::OCCIVECTOR: case oracle::occi::OCCIMETADATA: case oracle::occi::OCCIPOBJECT: case oracle::occi::OCCIREF: case oracle::occi::OCCIREFANY: case oracle::occi::OCCISTREAM: case oracle::occi::OCCICURSOR: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_FILE: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_CFILE: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_REF: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_CLOB: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_BLOB: case oracle::occi::OCCI_SQLT_RSET: #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG clog << "unsupported datatype " << occi_enums::resolve_datatype(type_oid) << " (type_oid=" << type_oid << ")" << endl; #endif break; default: #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG clog << "unknown datatype " << occi_enums::resolve_datatype(type_oid) << " (type_oid=" << type_oid << ")" << endl; #endif break; } } } } catch (SQLException &ex) { throw datasource_exception(ex.getMessage()); } } is_bound_ = true; } std::string occi_datasource::name() { return "occi"; } int occi_datasource::type() const { return type_; } box2d occi_datasource::envelope() const { if (extent_initialized_) return extent_; if (!is_bound_) bind(); double lox = 0.0, loy = 0.0, hix = 0.0, hiy = 0.0; boost::optional estimate_extent = params_.get("estimate_extent",false); if (estimate_extent && *estimate_extent) { std::ostringstream s; s << "SELECT MIN(c.x), MIN(c.y), MAX(c.x), MAX(c.y) FROM "; s << " (SELECT SDO_AGGR_MBR(" << geometry_field_ << ") shape FROM " << table_ << ") a, "; s << " TABLE(SDO_UTIL.GETVERTICES(a.shape)) c"; #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG clog << s.str() << endl; #endif try { occi_connection_ptr conn; if (use_connection_pool_) conn.set_pool(pool_); else conn.set_connection(conn_, false); ResultSet* rs = conn.execute_query (s.str()); if (rs && rs->next ()) { try { lox = lexical_cast(rs->getDouble(1)); loy = lexical_cast(rs->getDouble(2)); hix = lexical_cast(rs->getDouble(3)); hiy = lexical_cast(rs->getDouble(4)); extent_.init (lox,loy,hix,hiy); extent_initialized_ = true; } catch (bad_lexical_cast &ex) { clog << ex.what() << endl; } } } catch (SQLException &ex) { throw datasource_exception(ex.getMessage()); } } else if (use_spatial_index_) { std::string table_name = mapnik::table_from_sql(table_); std::ostringstream s; s << "SELECT dim.sdo_lb, dim.sdo_ub FROM "; s << SDO_GEOMETRY_METADATA_TABLE << " m, TABLE(m.diminfo) dim "; s << " WHERE LOWER(m.table_name) = LOWER('" << table_name << "') AND dim.sdo_dimname = 'X'"; s << " UNION "; s << "SELECT dim.sdo_lb, dim.sdo_ub FROM "; s << SDO_GEOMETRY_METADATA_TABLE << " m, TABLE(m.diminfo) dim "; s << " WHERE LOWER(m.table_name) = LOWER('" << table_name << "') AND dim.sdo_dimname = 'Y'"; #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG clog << s.str() << endl; #endif try { occi_connection_ptr conn; if (use_connection_pool_) conn.set_pool(pool_); else conn.set_connection(conn_, false); ResultSet* rs = conn.execute_query (s.str()); if (rs) { if (rs->next ()) { try { lox = lexical_cast(rs->getDouble(1)); hix = lexical_cast(rs->getDouble(2)); } catch (bad_lexical_cast &ex) { clog << ex.what() << endl; } } if (rs->next ()) { try { loy = lexical_cast(rs->getDouble(1)); hiy = lexical_cast(rs->getDouble(2)); } catch (bad_lexical_cast &ex) { clog << ex.what() << endl; } } extent_.init (lox,loy,hix,hiy); extent_initialized_ = true; } } catch (SQLException &ex) { throw datasource_exception(ex.getMessage()); } } if (! extent_initialized_) throw datasource_exception("Unable to determine the extent of a table"); return extent_; } layer_descriptor occi_datasource::get_descriptor() const { if (!is_bound_) bind(); return desc_; } featureset_ptr occi_datasource::features(query const& q) const { if (!is_bound_) bind(); box2d const& box=q.get_bbox(); std::ostringstream s; s << "SELECT " << geometry_field_ << " AS geom"; std::set const& props = q.property_names(); std::set::const_iterator pos = props.begin(); std::set::const_iterator end = props.end(); while (pos != end) { s << ",\"" << *pos << "\""; ++pos; } s << " FROM "; std::string query (table_); std::string table_name = mapnik::table_from_sql(query); if (use_spatial_index_) { std::ostringstream spatial_sql; spatial_sql << std::setprecision(16); spatial_sql << " WHERE SDO_FILTER(" << geometry_field_ << ","; spatial_sql << " MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(" << SDO_GTYPE_2DPOLYGON << "," << srid_ << ",NULL,"; spatial_sql << " MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1," << SDO_ETYPE_POLYGON << "," << SDO_INTERPRETATION_RECTANGLE << "),"; spatial_sql << " MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY("; spatial_sql << box.minx() << "," << box.miny() << ", "; spatial_sql << box.maxx() << "," << box.maxy() << ")), 'querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE'"; if (boost::algorithm::ifind_first(query, "WHERE")) { boost::algorithm::ireplace_first(query, "WHERE", spatial_sql.str() + " AND "); } else if (boost::algorithm::ifind_first(query, table_name)) { boost::algorithm::ireplace_first(query, table_name, table_name + " " + spatial_sql.str()); } else { #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG clog << "Cannot determine where to add the spatial filter declaration" << endl; #endif } } if (row_limit_ > 0) { std::string row_limit_string = "rownum < " + row_limit_; if (boost::algorithm::ifind_first(query, "WHERE")) { boost::algorithm::ireplace_first(query, "WHERE", row_limit_string + " AND "); } else if (boost::algorithm::ifind_first(query, table_name)) { boost::algorithm::ireplace_first(query, table_name, table_name + " " + row_limit_string); } else { #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG clog << "Cannot determine where to add the row limit declaration" << endl; #endif } } s << query; #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG clog << s.str() << endl; #endif return featureset_ptr (new occi_featureset (pool_, conn_, s.str(), desc_.get_encoding(), multiple_geometries_, use_connection_pool_, row_prefetch_, props.size())); } featureset_ptr occi_datasource::features_at_point(coord2d const& pt) const { if (!is_bound_) bind(); std::ostringstream s; s << "SELECT " << geometry_field_ << " AS geom"; std::vector::const_iterator itr = desc_.get_descriptors().begin(); std::vector::const_iterator end = desc_.get_descriptors().end(); unsigned size=0; while (itr != end) { s << ",\"" << itr->get_name() << "\""; ++itr; ++size; } s << " FROM "; std::string query (table_); std::string table_name = mapnik::table_from_sql(query); if (use_spatial_index_) { std::ostringstream spatial_sql; spatial_sql << std::setprecision(16); spatial_sql << " WHERE SDO_FILTER(" << geometry_field_ << ","; spatial_sql << " MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(" << SDO_GTYPE_2DPOINT << "," << srid_ << ",NULL,"; spatial_sql << " MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1," << SDO_ETYPE_POINT << "," << SDO_INTERPRETATION_POINT << "),"; spatial_sql << " MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY("; spatial_sql << pt.x << "," << pt.y << ")), 'querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE'"; if (boost::algorithm::ifind_first(query, "WHERE")) { boost::algorithm::ireplace_first(query, "WHERE", spatial_sql.str() + " AND "); } else if (boost::algorithm::ifind_first(query,table_name)) { boost::algorithm::ireplace_first(query, table_name, table_name + " " + spatial_sql.str()); } else { #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG clog << "Cannot determine where to add the spatial filter declaration" << endl; #endif } } if (row_limit_ > 0) { std::string row_limit_string = "rownum < " + row_limit_; if (boost::algorithm::ifind_first(query, "WHERE")) { boost::algorithm::ireplace_first(query, "WHERE", row_limit_string + " AND "); } else if (boost::algorithm::ifind_first(query, table_name)) { boost::algorithm::ireplace_first(query, table_name, table_name + " " + row_limit_string); } else { #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG clog << "Cannot determine where to add the row limit declaration" << endl; #endif } } s << query; #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG clog << s.str() << endl; #endif return featureset_ptr (new occi_featureset (pool_, conn_, s.str(), desc_.get_encoding(), multiple_geometries_, use_connection_pool_, row_prefetch_, size)); }