#!/usr/bin/env python from nose.tools import * from utilities import execution_path import os, mapnik2 def setup(): # All of the paths used are relative, if we run the tests # from another directory we need to chdir() os.chdir(execution_path('.')) # Note that without an extent or a spatial index, a sqlite # datasource will error on creation. We use this fact to test # database attachdb and initdb options def test_attachdb_with_relative_file(): # The point table and index is in the qgis_spatiallite.sqlite # database. If either is not found, then this fails ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite', table='point', attachdb='scratch@qgis_spatiallite.sqlite' ) def test_attachdb_with_multiple_files(): ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite', table='attachedtest', attachdb='scratch1@:memory:,scratch2@:memory:', initdb='create table scratch1.attachedtest (the_geom);\n' + 'create virtual table scratch2.idx_attachedtest_the_geom using rtree(pkid,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax);\n' + 'insert into scratch2.idx_attachedtest_the_geom values (1,-7799225.5,-7778571.0,1393264.125,1417719.375)\n' ) def test_attachdb_with_absolute_file(): # The point table and index is in the qgis_spatiallite.sqlite # database. If either is not found, then this fails ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file=os.getcwd() + '/../data/sqlite/world.sqlite', table='point', attachdb='scratch@qgis_spatiallite.sqlite' ) def test_attachdb_with_index(): ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite', table='attachedtest', attachdb='scratch@:memory:', initdb='create table scratch.attachedtest (the_geom);\n' + 'create virtual table scratch.idx_attachedtest_the_geom using rtree(pkid,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax);\n' + 'insert into scratch.idx_attachedtest_the_geom values (1,-7799225.5,-7778571.0,1393264.125,1417719.375)\n' ) def test_attachdb_with_explicit_index(): ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite', table='attachedtest', index_table='myindex', attachdb='scratch@:memory:', initdb='create table scratch.attachedtest (the_geom);\n' + 'create virtual table scratch.myindex using rtree(pkid,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax);\n' + 'insert into scratch.myindex values (1,-7799225.5,-7778571.0,1393264.125,1417719.375)\n' ) def test_dequoting_of_subqueries(): # The point table and index is in the qgis_spatiallite.sqlite # database. If either is not found, then this fails ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite', table='world_merc', ) fs = ds.featureset() feature = fs.next() eq_(feature['OGC_FID'],1) eq_(feature['fips'],u'AC') # TODO: # select * from world_merc fails # as rowid is dropped ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite', table='(select *,rowid from world_merc)', ) fs = ds.featureset() feature = fs.next() print feature eq_(feature['OGC_FID'],1) eq_(feature['fips'],u'AC') ds = mapnik2.SQLite(file='../data/sqlite/world.sqlite', table='(select GEOMETRY,OGC_FID as rowid,fips from world_merc)', ) fs = ds.featureset() feature = fs.next() print feature eq_(feature['rowid'],1) eq_(feature['fips'],u'AC') if __name__ == "__main__": setup() [eval(run)() for run in dir() if 'test_' in run]