/***************************************************************************** * * This file is part of Mapnik (c++ mapping toolkit) * * Copyright (C) 2006 Artem Pavlenko * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * *****************************************************************************/ //$Id$ // stl #include // boost #include #include // agg #include "agg_basics.h" #include "agg_rendering_buffer.h" #include "agg_rasterizer_scanline_aa.h" #include "agg_scanline_p.h" #include "agg_scanline_u.h" #include "agg_renderer_scanline.h" #include "agg_pixfmt_rgba.h" #include "agg_path_storage.h" #include "agg_span_allocator.h" #include "agg_span_pattern_rgba.h" #include "agg_image_accessors.h" #include "agg_conv_stroke.h" #include "agg_conv_dash.h" #include "agg_conv_contour.h" #include "agg_vcgen_stroke.h" #include "agg_conv_adaptor_vcgen.h" #include "agg_conv_smooth_poly1.h" #include "agg_conv_marker.h" #include "agg_arrowhead.h" #include "agg_vcgen_markers_term.h" #include "agg_renderer_outline_aa.h" #include "agg_rasterizer_outline_aa.h" #include "agg_rasterizer_outline.h" #include "agg_renderer_outline_image.h" #include "agg_span_allocator.h" #include "agg_span_pattern_rgba.h" #include "agg_renderer_scanline.h" #include "agg_pattern_filters_rgba.h" #include "agg_renderer_outline_image.h" // mapnik #include #include #include namespace mapnik { class pattern_source : private boost::noncopyable { public: pattern_source(ImageData32 const& pattern) : pattern_(pattern) {} unsigned int width() const { return pattern_.width(); } unsigned int height() const { return pattern_.height(); } agg::rgba8 pixel(int x, int y) const { unsigned c = pattern_(x,y); return agg::rgba8(c & 0xff, (c >> 8) & 0xff, (c >> 16) & 0xff, (c >> 24) & 0xff); } private: ImageData32 const& pattern_; }; template agg_renderer::agg_renderer(Map const& m, T & pixmap) : feature_style_processor(m), pixmap_(pixmap), t_(m.getWidth(),m.getHeight(),m.getCurrentExtent()), finder_(Envelope(-64 ,-64, m.getWidth() + 64 ,m.getHeight() + 64)), point_detector_(Envelope(-64 ,-64, m.getWidth() + 64 ,m.getHeight() + 64)) { Color const& bg=m.getBackground(); pixmap_.setBackground(bg); std::clog << "scale=" << m.scale() << "\n"; } template void agg_renderer::start_map_processing(Map const& map) { std::clog << "start map processing bbox=" << map.getCurrentExtent() << "\n"; } template void agg_renderer::end_map_processing(Map const& ) { std::clog << "end map processing" << std::endl; } template void agg_renderer::start_layer_processing(Layer const& lay) { std::clog << "start layer processing : " << lay.name() << std::endl; std::clog << "datasource = " << lay.datasource().get() << std::endl; } template void agg_renderer::end_layer_processing(Layer const&) { std::clog << "end layer processing" << std::endl; } template void agg_renderer::process(polygon_symbolizer const& sym, Feature const& feature, proj_transform const& prj_trans) { typedef coord_transform2 path_type; typedef agg::renderer_base ren_base; typedef agg::renderer_scanline_aa_solid renderer; Color const& fill_ = sym.get_fill(); geometry_ptr const& geom=feature.get_geometry(); if (geom && geom->num_points() > 2) { unsigned width = pixmap_.width(); unsigned height = pixmap_.height(); path_type path(t_,*geom,prj_trans); agg::row_ptr_cache buf(pixmap_.raw_data(),width,height,width * 4); agg::pixfmt_rgba32 pixf(buf); ren_base renb(pixf); unsigned r=fill_.red(); unsigned g=fill_.green(); unsigned b=fill_.blue(); renderer ren(renb); agg::rasterizer_scanline_aa<> ras; agg::scanline_u8 sl; ras.clip_box(0,0,width,height); ras.add_path(path); ren.color(agg::rgba8(r, g, b, int(255 * sym.get_opacity()))); agg::render_scanlines(ras, sl, ren); } } template void agg_renderer::process(line_symbolizer const& sym, Feature const& feature, proj_transform const& prj_trans) { typedef agg::renderer_base ren_base; typedef coord_transform2 path_type; typedef agg::renderer_outline_aa renderer_oaa; typedef agg::rasterizer_outline_aa rasterizer_outline_aa; typedef agg::renderer_scanline_aa_solid renderer; geometry_ptr const& geom=feature.get_geometry(); if (geom && geom->num_points() > 1) { path_type path(t_,*geom,prj_trans); agg::row_ptr_cache buf(pixmap_.raw_data(), pixmap_.width(), pixmap_.height(), pixmap_.width()*4); agg::pixfmt_rgba32 pixf(buf); ren_base renb(pixf); mapnik::stroke const& stroke_ = sym.get_stroke(); Color const& col = stroke_.get_color(); unsigned r=col.red(); unsigned g=col.green(); unsigned b=col.blue(); if (stroke_.has_dash()) { renderer ren(renb); agg::rasterizer_scanline_aa<> ras; agg::scanline_u8 sl; agg::conv_dash dash(path); dash_array const& d = stroke_.get_dash_array(); dash_array::const_iterator itr = d.begin(); dash_array::const_iterator end = d.end(); while (itr != end) { dash.add_dash(itr->first, itr->second); ++itr; } agg::conv_stroke > stroke(dash); line_join_e join=stroke_.get_line_join(); if ( join == MITER_JOIN) stroke.generator().line_join(agg::miter_join); else if( join == MITER_REVERT_JOIN) stroke.generator().line_join(agg::miter_join); else if( join == ROUND_JOIN) stroke.generator().line_join(agg::round_join); else stroke.generator().line_join(agg::bevel_join); line_cap_e cap=stroke_.get_line_cap(); if (cap == BUTT_CAP) stroke.generator().line_cap(agg::butt_cap); else if (cap == SQUARE_CAP) stroke.generator().line_cap(agg::square_cap); else stroke.generator().line_cap(agg::round_cap); stroke.generator().miter_limit(4.0); stroke.generator().width(stroke_.get_width()); ras.clip_box(0,0,pixmap_.width(),pixmap_.height()); ras.add_path(stroke); ren.color(agg::rgba8(r, g, b, int(255*stroke_.get_opacity()))); agg::render_scanlines(ras, sl, ren); } else if (stroke_.get_width() <= 1.0) { agg::line_profile_aa prof; prof.width(stroke_.get_width()); renderer_oaa ren_oaa(renb, prof); rasterizer_outline_aa ras_oaa(ren_oaa); ren_oaa.color(agg::rgba8(r, g, b, int(255*stroke_.get_opacity()))); ren_oaa.clip_box(0,0,pixmap_.width(),pixmap_.height()); ras_oaa.add_path(path); } else { renderer ren(renb); agg::rasterizer_scanline_aa<> ras; agg::scanline_p8 sl; agg::conv_stroke stroke(path); line_join_e join=stroke_.get_line_join(); if ( join == MITER_JOIN) stroke.generator().line_join(agg::miter_join); else if( join == MITER_REVERT_JOIN) stroke.generator().line_join(agg::miter_join); else if( join == ROUND_JOIN) stroke.generator().line_join(agg::round_join); else stroke.generator().line_join(agg::bevel_join); line_cap_e cap=stroke_.get_line_cap(); if (cap == BUTT_CAP) stroke.generator().line_cap(agg::butt_cap); else if (cap == SQUARE_CAP) stroke.generator().line_cap(agg::square_cap); else stroke.generator().line_cap(agg::round_cap); stroke.generator().miter_limit(4.0); stroke.generator().width(stroke_.get_width()); ras.clip_box(0,0,pixmap_.width(),pixmap_.height()); ras.add_path(stroke); ren.color(agg::rgba8(r, g, b, int(255*stroke_.get_opacity()))); agg::render_scanlines(ras, sl, ren); } } } template void agg_renderer::process(point_symbolizer const& sym, Feature const& feature, proj_transform const& prj_trans) { geometry_ptr const& geom=feature.get_geometry(); if (geom) { double x; double y; double z=0; boost::shared_ptr const& data = sym.get_data(); if ( data ) { geom->label_position(&x,&y); prj_trans.backward(x,y,z); t_.forward(&x,&y); int w = data->width(); int h = data->height(); int px=int(floor(x - 0.5 * w)); int py=int(floor(y - 0.5 * h)); if (sym.get_allow_overlap() || point_detector_.has_placement(Envelope(floor(x - 0.5 * w), floor(y - 0.5 * h), ceil (x + 0.5 * w), ceil (y + 0.5 * h)))) { pixmap_.set_rectangle_alpha(px,py,*data); } } } } template void agg_renderer::process(shield_symbolizer const& sym, Feature const& feature, proj_transform const& prj_trans) { geometry_ptr const& geom=feature.get_geometry(); if (geom) { std::string text = feature[sym.get_name()].to_string(); boost::trim(text); boost::shared_ptr const& data = sym.get_data(); if (text.length() > 0 && data) { face_ptr face = font_manager_.get_face(sym.get_face_name()); if (face) { int w = data->width(); int h = data->height(); text_renderer ren(pixmap_,face); ren.set_pixel_size(sym.get_text_size()); ren.set_fill(sym.get_fill()); string_info info; ren.get_string_info(text, &info); placement text_placement(&info, &t_, &prj_trans, geom, std::pair(w, h) ); bool found = finder_.find_placement(&text_placement); if (!found) { return; } double x = text_placement.starting_x; double y = text_placement.starting_y; int px=int(floor(x - 0.5 * w)); int py=int(floor(y - 0.5 * h)); pixmap_.set_rectangle_alpha(px,py,*data); Envelope dim = ren.prepare_glyphs(&text_placement.path); //If has_placement ren.render(x,y); } } } } template void agg_renderer::process(line_pattern_symbolizer const& sym, Feature const& feature, proj_transform const& prj_trans) { typedef coord_transform2 path_type; typedef agg::line_image_pattern pattern_type; typedef agg::renderer_base renderer_base; typedef agg::renderer_outline_image renderer_type; typedef agg::rasterizer_outline_aa rasterizer_type; geometry_ptr const& geom=feature.get_geometry(); if (geom && geom->num_points() > 1) { unsigned width = pixmap_.width(); unsigned height = pixmap_.height(); ImageData32 const& pat = sym.get_pattern(); path_type path(t_,*geom,prj_trans); agg::row_ptr_cache buf(pixmap_.raw_data(), width, height,width*4); agg::pixfmt_rgba32 pixf(buf); renderer_base ren_base(pixf); agg::pattern_filter_bilinear_rgba8 filter; pattern_source source(pat); pattern_type pattern (filter,source); renderer_type ren(ren_base, pattern); ren.clip_box(0,0,width,height); rasterizer_type ras(ren); ras.add_path(path); } } template void agg_renderer::process(polygon_pattern_symbolizer const& sym, Feature const& feature, proj_transform const& prj_trans) { typedef coord_transform2 path_type; typedef agg::renderer_base ren_base; typedef agg::wrap_mode_repeat wrap_x_type; typedef agg::wrap_mode_repeat wrap_y_type; typedef agg::image_accessor_wrap img_source_type; typedef agg::span_pattern_rgba span_gen_type; typedef agg::renderer_scanline_aa, span_gen_type> renderer_type; geometry_ptr const& geom=feature.get_geometry(); if (geom && geom->num_points() > 2) { ImageData32 const& pattern = sym.get_pattern(); unsigned width = pixmap_.width(); unsigned height = pixmap_.height(); path_type path(t_,*geom,prj_trans); agg::row_ptr_cache buf(pixmap_.raw_data(),width,height,width * 4); agg::pixfmt_rgba32 pixf(buf); ren_base renb(pixf); unsigned w=pattern.width(); unsigned h=pattern.height(); agg::row_ptr_cache pattern_rbuf((agg::int8u*)pattern.getBytes(),w,h,w*4); double x0,y0; path.vertex(&x0,&y0); path.rewind(0); unsigned offset_x = unsigned(width - x0); unsigned offset_y = unsigned(height - y0); agg::span_allocator sa; img_source_type img_src(pattern_rbuf); span_gen_type sg(img_src, offset_x, offset_y); renderer_type rp(renb,sa, sg); agg::rasterizer_scanline_aa<> ras; agg::scanline_u8 sl; ras.clip_box(0,0,width,height); ras.add_path(path); agg::render_scanlines(ras, sl, rp); } } template void agg_renderer::process(raster_symbolizer const&, Feature const& feature, proj_transform const& prj_trans) { // TODO -- at the moment raster_symbolizer is an empty class // used for type dispatching, but we can have some fancy raster // processing in a future (filters??). Just copy raster into pixmap for now. raster_ptr const& raster=feature.get_raster(); if (raster) { Envelope ext=t_.forward(raster->ext_); ImageData32 target((int)(ext.width() + 0.5),(int)(ext.height() + 0.5)); scale_image(target,raster->data_); pixmap_.set_rectangle(int(ext.minx()),int(ext.miny()),target); } } template void agg_renderer::process(text_symbolizer const& sym, Feature const& feature, proj_transform const& prj_trans) { geometry_ptr const& geom=feature.get_geometry(); if (geom) { std::string text = feature[sym.get_name()].to_string(); boost::trim(text); if (text.length() > 0) { Color const& fill = sym.get_fill(); face_ptr face = font_manager_.get_face(sym.get_face_name()); if (face) { text_renderer ren(pixmap_,face); ren.set_pixel_size(sym.get_text_size()); ren.set_fill(fill); ren.set_halo_fill(sym.get_halo_fill()); ren.set_halo_radius(sym.get_halo_radius()); string_info info; ren.get_string_info(text, &info); placement text_placement(&info, &t_, &prj_trans, geom, sym.get_label_placement()); text_placement.text_ratio = sym.get_text_ratio(); text_placement.wrap_width = sym.get_wrap_width(); bool found = finder_.find_placement(&text_placement); if (!found) { return; } double x = text_placement.starting_x; double y = text_placement.starting_y; Envelope dim = ren.prepare_glyphs(&text_placement.path); Envelope text_box(x + dim.minx() ,y - dim.maxy(), x + dim.maxx(),y - dim.miny()); if (sym.get_halo_radius() > 0) { text_box.width(text_box.width() + sym.get_halo_radius()*2); text_box.height(text_box.height() + sym.get_halo_radius()*2); } ren.render(x,y); } } } } template class agg_renderer; }