language: generic git: depth: 10 submodules: false env: global: - CCACHE_TEMPDIR=/tmp/.ccache-temp - CCACHE_COMPRESS=1 - HEAVY_JOBS="2" - PREFIX=/tmp/mapnik - secure: "D5CLP5lbyFru788iZO8RqDenY/YsHPREvr34zCEi93xMqOTxPmME/zyuEZSyjP5ZLyf8g/fxOuPYSDbOQ1QLwNDBWxB0JomWOahyimHKrMCrMcGHCjl//2W2mE+p9VwF5VLGgfy7CskGkS49Mye37FDK0ejwuq6MDI45DsH4Fkk=" - secure: "ZPHyAVL3ID5g3KEmwcnzG9z2tAQwSx526Qd3Y6tsZ3Yj+aSagVBiZQjZGKWgNX74lymtmYKnb2Md46apWLeImt6tjB3MWTu7WwWoZRnqUligz/8Nmg4Lgo7EOCkQcjN/gpA1i+cM5b+ZKDTZYOaHO6/+DAaunQzA7/p99hw/XYg=" - secure: "F6ivqDNMBQQnrDGA9+7IX+GDswuIqQQd7YPJdQqa2Ked9jddAQDeJClb05ig3JlwfOlYLGZOd43ZX0pKuMtI2Gbkwz211agGP9S3YunwlRg8iWtJlO5kYFUdKCmJNhjg4icfkGELCgwXn+zuEWFSLpkPcjqAFKFlQrIJeAJJgKM=" addons: postgresql: "9.4" cache: directories: - $HOME/.ccache matrix: include: - os: linux sudo: false compiler: ": clang" env: JOBS=4 CXX="ccache g++-6" CC="gcc-6" addons: apt: sources: [ 'ubuntu-toolchain-r-test'] packages: [ 'libstdc++-6-dev', 'g++-6', 'xutils-dev'] - os: linux sudo: false compiler: ": clang" env: JOBS=8 MASON_PUBLISH=true CXX="ccache clang++-3.9 -Qunused-arguments" CC="clang-3.9" TRIGGER=true addons: apt: sources: [ 'ubuntu-toolchain-r-test'] packages: [ 'libstdc++-4.9-dev', 'xutils-dev'] - os: linux sudo: false compiler: ": clang-coverage" env: JOBS=8 COVERAGE=true CXX="ccache clang++-3.9 -Qunused-arguments" CC="clang-3.9" addons: apt: sources: [ 'ubuntu-toolchain-r-test'] packages: ['libstdc++-4.9-dev', 'xutils-dev' ] - os: osx compiler: ": clang-osx" # osx_image: xcode7.3 # upgrades clang from 6 -> 7 env: JOBS=4 MASON_PUBLISH=true CXX="ccache clang++ -Qunused-arguments" before_install: # workaround travis rvm bug # - | if [[ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "osx" ]]; then rvm get head || true fi - source scripts/ - export PATH=${PREFIX}/bin:$(pwd)/mason_packages/.link/bin:${PATH} - export COVERAGE=${COVERAGE:-false} - export MASON_PUBLISH=${MASON_PUBLISH:-false} - export BENCH=${BENCH:-false} - if [[ ${TRAVIS_BRANCH} != 'master' ]]; then export MASON_PUBLISH=false; fi - if [[ ${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST} != 'false' ]]; then export MASON_PUBLISH=false; fi - git_submodule_update --init --depth=10 install: - on 'osx' export DATA_PATH=$(brew --prefix)/var/postgres - on 'osx' rm -rf ${DATA_PATH} - on 'osx' initdb ${DATA_PATH} -E utf8 - on 'osx' pg_ctl -w start -l postgres.log --pgdata ${DATA_PATH}; - on 'osx' cat postgres.log; - on 'osx' createuser -s postgres - psql -c 'create database template_postgis;' -U postgres - psql -c 'create extension postgis;' -d template_postgis -U postgres - enabled ${COVERAGE} curl -S -f -o codecov - enabled ${COVERAGE} chmod +x codecov before_script: - source - | if [[ $(uname -s) == 'Linux' ]]; then mason install clang++ 3.9.0 export PATH=$(mason prefix clang++ 3.9.0)/bin:${PATH} mason install llvm-cov 3.9.0 export PATH=$(mason prefix llvm-cov 3.9.0)/bin:${PATH} which llvm-cov export LLVM_COV="$(mason prefix llvm-cov 3.9.0)/bin/llvm-cov" fi - ccache --version - ccache -p || true - ccache --show-stats || true - commit_message_parse script: - export SCONSFLAGS='--debug=time' - configure BENCHMARK=${BENCH} - cat config.log # we limit the `make` to 40 min # to ensure that slow builds still upload their # ccache results and therefore should be faster # (and might work) for the next build - DURATION=2400 - scripts/ -s "date" -i 120 --deadline=$(( $(date +%s) + ${DURATION} )) make - RESULT=0 - make test || RESULT=$? # we allow visual failures with g++ for now: - if [[ ${RESULT} != 0 ]] && [[ ${CXX} =~ 'clang++' ]]; then false; fi; - enabled ${COVERAGE} coverage - enabled ${BENCH} make bench after_success: - enabled ${TRIGGER} trigger_downstream - if enabled ${MASON_PUBLISH}; then source ./.mason/ && ./ build && ./ publish; fi