#include <boost/version.hpp>
#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <mapnik/geometry.hpp>
#include <mapnik/geom_util.hpp>

int main( int, char*[] )
    // reused these for simplicity
    double x,y;

    // single point
    mapnik::geometry_type pt(mapnik::Point);
    BOOST_TEST( mapnik::label::centroid(pt, x, y) );
    BOOST_TEST( x == 10 );
    BOOST_TEST( y == 10 );
    // two points
    BOOST_TEST( mapnik::label::centroid(pt, x, y) );
    BOOST_TEST_EQ( x, 15 );
    BOOST_TEST_EQ( y, 15 );

    // line with two verticies
    mapnik::geometry_type line(mapnik::LineString);
    BOOST_TEST( mapnik::label::centroid(line, x, y) );
    BOOST_TEST( x == 25 );
    BOOST_TEST( y == 25 );
    // TODO - centroid and interior should be equal but they appear not to be (check largest)
    // MULTIPOLYGON(((-52 40,-60 32,-68 40,-60 48,-52 40)),((-60 50,-80 30,-100 49.9999999999999,-80.0000000000001 70,-60 50)),((-52 60,-60 52,-68 60,-60 68,-52 60)))

    if (!::boost::detail::test_errors()) {
        std::clog << "C++ label algorithms: \x1b[1;32m✓ \x1b[0m\n";
#if BOOST_VERSION >= 104600
        ::boost::detail::report_errors_remind().called_report_errors_function = true;
    } else {
        return ::boost::report_errors();