@echo off set MAPNIK_VERSION=2.3.0 set MAPNIK_VERSION_NUMBER=200300 ::SET CUR_PATH=%CD% ::cd %CD%/../ set MAPNIK_PREFIX=%~dp0 :: strip trailing \ set MAPNIK_PREFIX=%MAPNIK_PREFIX:~0,-1% :: get dirname for %%F in (%MAPNIK_PREFIX%) do set MAPNIK_PREFIX=%%~dpF :: strip trailing \ set MAPNIK_PREFIX=%MAPNIK_PREFIX:~0,-1% :: now make double \\ for gyp set MAPNIK_PREFIX=%MAPNIK_PREFIX:\=\\% set MAPNIK_LIBS=%MAPNIK_PREFIX%\\libs set MAPNIK_INCLUDES=%MAPNIK_PREFIX%\\includes set MAPNIK_INPUT_PLUGINS_DIRECTORY=%MAPNIK_PREFIX%\\libs\\mapnik\\input set MAPNIK_FONTS_DIRECTORY=%MAPNIK_PREFIX%\\libs\\mapnik\\fonts if /i "%1"=="" ( goto help goto exit_error ) if /i "%1"=="-v" ( echo %MAPNIK_VERSION% goto exit_ok ) if /i "%1"=="--version" ( echo %MAPNIK_VERSION% goto exit_ok ) if /i "%1"=="--version-number" ( echo %MAPNIK_VERSION_NUMBER% goto exit_ok ) if /i "%1"=="--git-revision" ( echo TODO goto exit_ok ) if /i "%1"=="--git-describe" ( echo TODO goto exit_ok ) if /i "%1"=="help" ( goto help goto exit_ok ) if /i "%1"=="--help" ( goto help goto exit_ok ) if /i "%1"=="-help" ( goto help goto exit_ok ) if /i "%1"=="-h" ( goto help goto exit_ok ) if /i "%1"=="/help" ( goto help goto exit_ok ) if /i "%1"=="?" ( goto help goto exit_ok ) if /i "%1"=="-?" ( goto help goto exit_ok ) if /i "%1"=="--?" ( goto help goto exit_ok ) if /i "%1"=="/?" ( goto help goto exit_ok ) set hit="" if /i "%1"=="--prefix" ( echo %MAPNIK_PREFIX% set hit="yes" ) if /i "%1"=="--input-plugins" ( echo %MAPNIK_INPUT_PLUGINS_DIRECTORY% set hit="yes" ) if /i "%1"=="--fonts" ( echo %MAPNIK_FONTS_DIRECTORY% set hit="yes" ) if /i "%1"=="--lib-name" ( echo mapnik set hit="yes" ) if /i "%1"=="--libs" ( echo mapnik.lib set hit="yes" ) @rem TODO - figure out how to avoid hardcoding these library names if /i "%1"=="--dep-libs" ( echo libpng16.lib zlib.lib harfbuzz.lib libwebp_dll.lib libjpeg.lib icuuc.lib icuin.lib cairo.lib libboost_system-vc140-mt-1_56.lib libxml2_a.lib ws2_32.lib set hit="yes" ) if /i "%1"=="--ldflags" ( echo %MAPNIK_LIBS% set hit="yes" ) if /i "%1"=="--defines" ( echo _WINDOWS BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB BOOST_LIB_TOOLSET="vc140" BOOST_COMPILER="14.0" BOOST_VARIANT_DO_NOT_USE_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES HAVE_JPEG HAVE_PNG HAVE_WEBP HAVE_TIFF MAPNIK_USE_PROJ4 BOOST_REGEX_HAS_ICU GRID_RENDERER SVG_RENDERER MAPNIK_THREADSAFE BIGINT HAVE_LIBXML2 HAVE_CAIRO LIBXML_STATIC set hit="yes" ) @rem /MD is multithreaded dynamic linking - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2kzt1wy3.aspx @rem /EHsc is to support c++ exceptions - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/1deeycx5(v=vs.80).aspx @rem /GR is to support rtti (runtime type detection) - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/we6hfdy0.aspx if /i "%1"=="--cxxflags" ( echo /MD /EHsc /GR set hit="yes" ) if /i "%1"=="--includes" ( echo %MAPNIK_INCLUDES% %MAPNIK_INCLUDES%\\mapnik\\agg set hit="yes" ) if /i "%1"=="--all-flags" ( @rem nothing here yet echo "" set hit="yes" ) if /i "%1"=="--cxx" ( @rem nothing here yet echo "" set hit="yes" ) if /i "%1"=="--cflags" ( @rem nothing here yet echo "" set hit="yes" ) if /i "%1"=="--dep-includes" ( @rem nothing here yet echo %MAPNIK_INCLUDES%\\cairo %MAPNIK_INCLUDES%\\freetype2 %MAPNIK_INCLUDES%\\google %MAPNIK_INCLUDES%\\libxml2 set hit="yes" ) @rem if we got here print warning if /i %hit%=="" ( echo unknown option %1 1>&2 ) goto exit_ok :help echo Usage: mapnik-config echo Examples: echo --libs : provide lib name for mapnik.dll echo --defines : provide compiler defines needed for this mapnik build echo --dep-libs : provide lib names of depedencies echo --ldflags : provide lib paths to depedencies echo --cxxflags : provide compiler flags echo --includes : provide header paths for mapnik echo --dep-includes : provide header paths for dependencies echo --input-plugins : provide path to input plugins directory echo --fonts : provide path to fonts directory :exit_error @rem exit /b 1 goto :EOF :exit_ok @rem exit /b 0 goto :EOF