import re import os import sys from copy import copy from subprocess import Popen, PIPE Import('env') config_env = env.Clone() # TODO # major/minor versions # git rev-list --max-count=1 HEAD config_variables = '''#!/bin/sh ## variables CONFIG_PREFIX="$( cd "$( dirname $( dirname "$0" ))" && pwd )" CONFIG_MAPNIK_VERSION='%(version)s' CONFIG_GIT_REVISION='%(git_revision)s' CONFIG_GIT_DESCRIBE='%(git_describe)s' CONFIG_FONTS="%(fonts)s" CONFIG_INPUT_PLUGINS="%(input_plugins)s" CONFIG_MAPNIK_DEFINES='%(defines)s' CONFIG_MAPNIK_LIBNAME='%(mapnik_libname)s' CONFIG_MAPNIK_LIBPATH="%(mapnik_libpath)s" CONFIG_DEP_LIBS='%(dep_libs)s' CONFIG_MAPNIK_LDFLAGS='%(ldflags)s' CONFIG_MAPNIK_INCLUDE="${CONFIG_PREFIX}/include -I${CONFIG_PREFIX}/include/mapnik/agg" CONFIG_DEP_INCLUDES='%(dep_includes)s' CONFIG_CXXFLAGS='%(cxxflags)s' ''' def write_config(configuration,template,config_file): template = open(template,'r').read() open(config_file,'w').write(config_variables % configuration + template) try: os.chmod(config_file,0755) except: pass cxxflags = ' '.join(config_env['LIBMAPNIK_CXXFLAGS']) defines = ' '.join(config_env['LIBMAPNIK_DEFINES']) dep_includes = ''.join([' -I%s' % i for i in config_env['CPPPATH'] if not i.startswith('#')]) dep_includes += ' ' if config_env['HAS_CAIRO']: dep_includes += ''.join([' -I%s' % i for i in env['CAIRO_CPPPATHS'] if not i.startswith('#')]) ldflags = config_env['CUSTOM_LDFLAGS'] + ''.join([' -L%s' % i for i in config_env['LIBPATH'] if not i.startswith('#')]) dep_libs = ''.join([' -l%s' % i for i in env['LIBMAPNIK_LIBS']]) # remove local agg from public linking dep_libs = dep_libs.replace('-lagg','') git_revision = 'unknown' git_describe = 'unknown' # special GIT_REVISION/GIT_DESCRIBE files present only for official releases # where the git directory metadata is stripped # more info: revision_release_file = '../../GIT_REVISION' if os.path.exists(revision_release_file): git_revision = open(revision_release_file,'r').read() else: git_cmd = "git rev-list --max-count=1 HEAD" stdin, stderr = Popen(git_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate() if not stderr: git_revision = stdin.strip() describe_release_file = '../../GIT_DESCRIBE' if os.path.exists(describe_release_file): git_describe = open(describe_release_file,'r').read() else: git_cmd = "git describe" stdin, stderr = Popen(git_cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate() if not stderr: git_describe = stdin.strip() # for fonts and input plugins we should try # to store the relative path, if feasible fontspath = config_env['MAPNIK_FONTS'] lib_root = os.path.join(config_env['INSTALL_PREFIX'], config_env['LIBDIR_SCHEMA']) if lib_root in fontspath: fontspath = "${CONFIG_PREFIX}/" + os.path.relpath(fontspath,config_env['INSTALL_PREFIX']) inputpluginspath = config_env['MAPNIK_INPUT_PLUGINS'] if lib_root in inputpluginspath: inputpluginspath = "${CONFIG_PREFIX}/" + os.path.relpath(inputpluginspath,config_env['INSTALL_PREFIX']) lib_path = "${CONFIG_PREFIX}/" + config_env['LIBDIR_SCHEMA'] configuration = { "git_revision": git_revision, "git_describe": git_describe, "version": config_env['MAPNIK_VERSION_STRING'], "mapnik_libname": 'mapnik', "mapnik_libpath": lib_path, "ldflags": ldflags, "dep_libs": dep_libs, "dep_includes": dep_includes, "fonts": fontspath, "input_plugins": inputpluginspath, "defines":defines, "cxxflags":cxxflags } ## if we are statically linking depedencies ## then they do not need to be reported in ldflags #if env['RUNTIME_LINK'] == 'static': # configuration['ldflags'] = '' # configuration['dep_libs'] = '' template = '' config_file = 'mapnik-config' source = config_file write_config(configuration,template,config_file) target_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(config_env['INSTALL_PREFIX'],'bin')) full_target = os.path.join(target_path,config_file) Depends(full_target, env.subst('../../src/%s' % env['MAPNIK_LIB_NAME'])) if 'install' in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS: # we must add 'install' catch here because otherwise # custom command will be run when not installing env.Alias('install',full_target) env.Command(full_target, config_file, [ Copy("$TARGET","$SOURCE"), Chmod("$TARGET", 0755), ]) config_env['create_uninstall_target'](env,os.path.join(target_path,config_file))