#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from nose.tools import * from utilities import execution_path import os, mapnik try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json def setup(): # All of the paths used are relative, if we run the tests # from another directory we need to chdir() os.chdir(execution_path('.')) def show_grids(name,g1,g2): g1_file = '/tmp/mapnik-%s-actual.json' % name open(g1_file,'w').write(json.dumps(g1,sort_keys=True)) g2_file = '/tmp/mapnik-%s-expected.json' % name open(g2_file,'w').write(json.dumps(g2,sort_keys=True)) val = 'JSON does not match ->\n' if g1['grid'] != g2['grid']: val += ' X grid does not match\n' else: val += ' ✓ grid matches\n' if g1['data'].keys() != g2['data'].keys(): val += ' X data does not match\n' else: val += ' ✓ data matches\n' if g1['keys'] != g2['keys']: val += ' X keys do not\n' else: val += ' ✓ keys match\n' val += '\n\t%s\n\t%s' % (g1_file,g2_file) return val def show_grids2(name,g1,g2): g2_expected = '../data/grids/mapnik-%s-actual.json' % name if not os.path.exists(g2_expected): # create test fixture based on actual results open(g2_expected,'a+').write(json.dumps(g1,sort_keys=True)) return g1_file = '/tmp/mapnik-%s-actual.json' % name open(g1_file,'w').write(json.dumps(g1,sort_keys=True)) val = 'JSON does not match ->\n' if g1['grid'] != g2['grid']: val += ' X grid does not match\n' else: val += ' ✓ grid matches\n' if g1['data'].keys() != g2['data'].keys(): val += ' X data does not match\n' else: val += ' ✓ data matches\n' if g1['keys'] != g2['keys']: val += ' X keys do not\n' else: val += ' ✓ keys match\n' val += '\n\t%s\n\t%s' % (g1_file,g2_expected) return val # first pass impl where resolution is passed as render # time rather than encoding time, likely will be deprecated soon grid_correct_old = {"keys": ["", "North West", "North East", "South West", "South East"], "data": {"South East": {"Name": "South East"}, "North East": {"Name": "North East"}, "North West": {"Name": "North West"}, "South West": {"Name": "South West"}}, "grid": [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " !!! ### ", " !!!!! ##### ", " !!!!! ##### ", " !!! ### ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " $$$$ %%%% ", " $$$$$ %%%%% ", " $$$$$ %%%%% ", " $$$ %%% ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]} # now using svg rendering grid_correct_old2 = {"data": {"North East": {"Name": "North East"}, "North West": {"Name": "North West"}, "South East": {"Name": "South East"}, "South West": {"Name": "South West"}}, "grid": [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " !!! ### ", " !!! ### ", " !!! ### ", " !!! ### ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " $$$ %%% ", " $$$ %%% ", " $$$ %%% ", " $$$ %%% ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "], "keys": ["", "North West", "North East", "South West", "South East"]} # previous rendering using agg ellipse directly grid_correct_new = {"data": {"North East": {"Name": "North East"}, "North West": {"Name": "North West"}, "South East": {"Name": "South East"}, "South West": {"Name": "South West"}}, "grid": [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " !! ## ", " !!! ### ", " !! ## ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " $$ %% ", " $$$ %% ", " $$ %% ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "], "keys": ["", "North West", "North East", "South West", "South East"]} # newer rendering using svg grid_correct_new2 = {"data": {"North East": {"Name": "North East"}, "North West": {"Name": "North West"}, "South East": {"Name": "South East"}, "South West": {"Name": "South West"}}, "grid": [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " !! ## ", " !!! ### ", " !! ## ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " $$ %% ", " $$$ %% ", " $$ %% ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "], "keys": ["", "North West", "North East", "South West", "South East"]} def resolve(grid,row,col): """ Resolve the attributes for a given pixel in a grid. """ row = grid['grid'][row] utf_val = row[col] #http://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#ord codepoint = ord(utf_val) if (codepoint >= 93): codepoint-=1 if (codepoint >= 35): codepoint-=1 codepoint -= 32 key = grid['keys'][codepoint] return grid['data'].get(key) def create_grid_map(width,height,sym): ds = mapnik.MemoryDatasource() context = mapnik.Context() context.push('Name') f = mapnik.Feature(context,1) f['Name'] = 'South East' f.add_geometries_from_wkt('POINT (143.10 -38.60)') ds.add_feature(f) f = mapnik.Feature(context,2) f['Name'] = 'South West' f.add_geometries_from_wkt('POINT (142.48 -38.60)') ds.add_feature(f) f = mapnik.Feature(context,3) f['Name'] = 'North West' f.add_geometries_from_wkt('POINT (142.48 -38.38)') ds.add_feature(f) f = mapnik.Feature(context,4) f['Name'] = 'North East' f.add_geometries_from_wkt('POINT (143.10 -38.38)') ds.add_feature(f) s = mapnik.Style() r = mapnik.Rule() sym.allow_overlap = True r.symbols.append(sym) s.rules.append(r) lyr = mapnik.Layer('Places') lyr.datasource = ds lyr.styles.append('places_labels') m = mapnik.Map(width,height) m.append_style('places_labels',s) m.layers.append(lyr) return m def test_render_grid_old(): """ test old method """ width,height = 256,256 symb = mapnik.PointSymbolizer(mapnik.PathExpression('../data/images/dummy.png')) sym = mapnik.MarkersSymbolizer() sym.width = mapnik.Expression('10') sym.height = mapnik.Expression('10') m = create_grid_map(width,height,sym) #print mapnik.save_map_to_string(m) ul_lonlat = mapnik.Coord(142.30,-38.20) lr_lonlat = mapnik.Coord(143.40,-38.80) m.zoom_to_box(mapnik.Box2d(ul_lonlat,lr_lonlat)) grid = mapnik.render_grid(m,0,key='Name',resolution=4,fields=['Name']) eq_(grid,grid_correct_old2,show_grids('old-markers',grid,grid_correct_old2)) eq_(resolve(grid,0,0),None) # check every pixel of the nw symbol expected = {"Name": "North West"} # top row eq_(resolve(grid,23,9),expected) eq_(resolve(grid,23,10),expected) eq_(resolve(grid,23,11),expected) def test_render_grid_new(): """ test old against new""" width,height = 256,256 sym = mapnik.MarkersSymbolizer() sym.width = mapnik.Expression('10') sym.height = mapnik.Expression('10') m = create_grid_map(width,height,sym) ul_lonlat = mapnik.Coord(142.30,-38.20) lr_lonlat = mapnik.Coord(143.40,-38.80) m.zoom_to_box(mapnik.Box2d(ul_lonlat,lr_lonlat)) # new method grid = mapnik.Grid(m.width,m.height,key='Name') mapnik.render_layer(m,grid,layer=0,fields=['Name']) utf1 = grid.encode('utf',resolution=4) eq_(utf1,grid_correct_new2,show_grids('new-markers',utf1,grid_correct_new2)) # check a full view is the same as a full image grid_view = grid.view(0,0,width,height) # for kicks check at full res too utf3 = grid.encode('utf',resolution=1) utf4 = grid_view.encode('utf',resolution=1) eq_(utf3['grid'],utf4['grid']) eq_(utf3['keys'],utf4['keys']) eq_(utf3['data'],utf4['data']) eq_(resolve(utf4,0,0),None) # resolve some center points in the # resampled view utf5 = grid_view.encode('utf',resolution=4) eq_(resolve(utf5,25,10),{"Name": "North West"}) eq_(resolve(utf5,25,46),{"Name": "North East"}) eq_(resolve(utf5,38,10),{"Name": "South West"}) eq_(resolve(utf5,38,46),{"Name": "South East"}) grid_feat_id = {'keys': ['', '3', '4', '2', '1'], 'data': {'1': {'Name': 'South East'}, '3': {'Name': u'North West'}, '2': {'Name': 'South West'}, '4': {'Name': 'North East'}}, 'grid': [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' !! ## ', ' !!! ### ', ' !! ## ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' $$$ %% ', ' $$$ %%% ', ' $$ %% ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ']} grid_feat_id2 = {"data": {"1": {"Name": "South East"}, "2": {"Name": "South West"}, "3": {"Name": "North West"}, "4": {"Name": "North East"}}, "grid": [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " !! ## ", " !!! ### ", " !! ## ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " $$ %% ", " $$$ %% ", " $$ %% ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "], "keys": ["", "3", "4", "2", "1"]} def test_render_grid3(): """ test using feature id""" width,height = 256,256 sym = mapnik.MarkersSymbolizer() sym.width = mapnik.Expression('10') sym.height = mapnik.Expression('10') m = create_grid_map(width,height,sym) ul_lonlat = mapnik.Coord(142.30,-38.20) lr_lonlat = mapnik.Coord(143.40,-38.80) m.zoom_to_box(mapnik.Box2d(ul_lonlat,lr_lonlat)) grid = mapnik.Grid(m.width,m.height,key='__id__') mapnik.render_layer(m,grid,layer=0,fields=['__id__','Name']) utf1 = grid.encode('utf',resolution=4) eq_(utf1,grid_feat_id2,show_grids('id-markers',utf1,grid_feat_id2)) # check a full view is the same as a full image grid_view = grid.view(0,0,width,height) # for kicks check at full res too utf3 = grid.encode('utf',resolution=1) utf4 = grid_view.encode('utf',resolution=1) eq_(utf3['grid'],utf4['grid']) eq_(utf3['keys'],utf4['keys']) eq_(utf3['data'],utf4['data']) eq_(resolve(utf4,0,0),None) # resolve some center points in the # resampled view utf5 = grid_view.encode('utf',resolution=4) eq_(resolve(utf5,25,10),{"Name": "North West"}) eq_(resolve(utf5,25,46),{"Name": "North East"}) eq_(resolve(utf5,38,10),{"Name": "South West"}) eq_(resolve(utf5,38,46),{"Name": "South East"}) def gen_grid_for_id(pixel_key): ds = mapnik.MemoryDatasource() context = mapnik.Context() context.push('Name') f = mapnik.Feature(context,pixel_key) f['Name'] = str(pixel_key) f.add_geometries_from_wkt('POLYGON ((0 0, 0 256, 256 256, 256 0, 0 0))') ds.add_feature(f) s = mapnik.Style() r = mapnik.Rule() symb = mapnik.PolygonSymbolizer() r.symbols.append(symb) s.rules.append(r) lyr = mapnik.Layer('Places') lyr.datasource = ds lyr.styles.append('places_labels') width,height = 256,256 m = mapnik.Map(width,height) m.append_style('places_labels',s) m.layers.append(lyr) m.zoom_all() grid = mapnik.Grid(m.width,m.height,key='__id__') mapnik.render_layer(m,grid,layer=0,fields=['__id__','Name']) return grid def test_negative_id(): grid = gen_grid_for_id(-1) eq_(grid.get_pixel(128,128),-1) utf1 = grid.encode('utf',resolution=4) eq_(utf1['keys'],['-1']) def test_32bit_int_id(): int32 = 2147483647 grid = gen_grid_for_id(int32) eq_(grid.get_pixel(128,128),int32) utf1 = grid.encode('utf',resolution=4) eq_(utf1['keys'],[str(int32)]) # this will fail because it is used internally to mark alpha #max_neg = -(int32+1) # so we use max neg-1 max_neg = -(int32) grid = gen_grid_for_id(max_neg) eq_(grid.get_pixel(128,128),max_neg) utf1 = grid.encode('utf',resolution=4) eq_(utf1['keys'],[str(max_neg)]) def test_id_zero(): grid = gen_grid_for_id(0) eq_(grid.get_pixel(128,128),0) utf1 = grid.encode('utf',resolution=4) eq_(utf1['keys'],['0']) line_expected = {"keys": ["", "1"], "data": {"1": {"Name": "1"}}, "grid": [" !", " !! ", " !! ", " !! ", " !! ", " !! ", " !! ", " !! ", " !! ", " !! ", " !! ", " !! ", " !! ", " !! ", " !! ", " !! ", " !! ", " !! ", " !! ", " !! ", " !! ", "!! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! ", " ! "]} def test_line_rendering(): ds = mapnik.MemoryDatasource() context = mapnik.Context() context.push('Name') pixel_key = 1 f = mapnik.Feature(context,pixel_key) f['Name'] = str(pixel_key) f.add_geometries_from_wkt('LINESTRING (30 10, 10 30, 40 40)') ds.add_feature(f) s = mapnik.Style() r = mapnik.Rule() symb = mapnik.LineSymbolizer() r.symbols.append(symb) s.rules.append(r) lyr = mapnik.Layer('Places') lyr.datasource = ds lyr.styles.append('places_labels') width,height = 256,256 m = mapnik.Map(width,height) m.append_style('places_labels',s) m.layers.append(lyr) m.zoom_all() #mapnik.render_to_file(m,'test.png') grid = mapnik.Grid(m.width,m.height,key='__id__') mapnik.render_layer(m,grid,layer=0,fields=['__id__','Name']) utf1 = grid.encode() eq_(utf1,line_expected,show_grids('line',utf1,line_expected)) point_expected = {"data": {"1": {"Name": "South East"}, "2": {"Name": "South West"}, "3": {"Name": "North West"}, "4": {"Name": "North East"}}, "grid": [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " !!!! #### ", " !!!! #### ", " !!!! #### ", " !!!! #### ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " $$$$ %%%% ", " $$$$ %%%% ", " $$$$ %%%% ", " $$$$ %%%% ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "], "keys": ["", "3", "4", "2", "1"]} def test_point_symbolizer_grid(): width,height = 256,256 sym = mapnik.PointSymbolizer(mapnik.PathExpression('../data/images/dummy.png')) m = create_grid_map(width,height,sym) ul_lonlat = mapnik.Coord(142.30,-38.20) lr_lonlat = mapnik.Coord(143.40,-38.80) m.zoom_to_box(mapnik.Box2d(ul_lonlat,lr_lonlat)) grid = mapnik.Grid(m.width,m.height) mapnik.render_layer(m,grid,layer=0,fields=['Name']) utf1 = grid.encode() eq_(utf1,point_expected,show_grids('point-sym',utf1,point_expected)) if __name__ == "__main__": setup() [eval(run)() for run in dir() if 'test_' in run]