#!/usr/bin/env python

from nose.tools import *
from utilities import execution_path

import os, sys, glob, mapnik2

def setup():
    # All of the paths used are relative, if we run the tests
    # from another directory we need to chdir()

# We expect these files to not raise any
# exceptions at all
def assert_loads_successfully(file):
    m = mapnik2.Map(512, 512)

    strict = True
    mapnik2.load_map(m, file, strict)
    # libxml2 is not smart about paths, and clips the last directory off
    # of a path if it does not end in a trailing slash
    base_path = os.path.dirname(file) + '/'

# We expect these files to raise a RuntimeError
# and fail if there isn't one (or a different type
# of exception)
def assert_raises_runtime_error(file):
    m = mapnik2.Map(512, 512)

    strict = True
    mapnik2.load_map(m, file, strict)

def test_broken_files():
    broken_files = glob.glob("../data/broken_maps/*.xml")

    # Add a filename that doesn't exist 

    for file in broken_files:
        yield assert_raises_runtime_error, file

def test_good_files():
    good_files = glob.glob("../data/good_maps/*.xml")

    for file in good_files:
        yield assert_loads_successfully, file