#encoding: utf8 from nose.tools import * import os,sys from utilities import execution_path, run_tests, Todo from utilities import get_unique_colors, pixel2channels, side_by_side_image import mapnik def setup(): # All of the paths used are relative, if we run the tests # from another directory we need to chdir() os.chdir(execution_path('.')) def is_pre(color,alpha): return (color*255.0/alpha) <= 255 def debug_image(image,step=2): for x in range(0,image.width(),step): for y in range(0,image.height(),step): pixel = image.get_pixel(x,y) red,green,blue,alpha = pixel2channels(pixel) print "rgba(%s,%s,%s,%s) at %s,%s" % (red,green,blue,alpha,x,y) def replace_style(m, name, style): m.remove_style(name) m.append_style(name, style) # note: it is impossible to know for all pixel colors # we can only detect likely cases of non premultiplied colors def validate_pixels_are_not_premultiplied(image): over_alpha = False transparent = True fully_opaque = True for x in range(0,image.width(),2): for y in range(0,image.height(),2): pixel = image.get_pixel(x,y) red,green,blue,alpha = pixel2channels(pixel) if alpha > 0: transparent = False if alpha < 255: fully_opaque = False color_max = max(red,green,blue) if color_max > alpha: over_alpha = True return over_alpha or transparent or fully_opaque def validate_pixels_are_not_premultiplied2(image): looks_not_multiplied = False for x in range(0,image.width(),2): for y in range(0,image.height(),2): pixel = image.get_pixel(x,y) red,green,blue,alpha = pixel2channels(pixel) #each value of the color channels will never be bigger than that of the alpha channel. if alpha > 0: if red > 0 and red > alpha: print 'red: %s, a: %s' % (red,alpha) looks_not_multiplied = True return looks_not_multiplied def validate_pixels_are_premultiplied(image): bad_pixels = [] for x in range(0,image.width(),2): for y in range(0,image.height(),2): pixel = image.get_pixel(x,y) red,green,blue,alpha = pixel2channels(pixel) if alpha > 0: pixel = image.get_pixel(x,y) is_valid = ((0 <= red <= alpha) and is_pre(red,alpha)) \ and ((0 <= green <= alpha) and is_pre(green,alpha)) \ and ((0 <= blue <= alpha) and is_pre(blue,alpha)) \ and (alpha >= 0 and alpha <= 255) if not is_valid: bad_pixels.append("rgba(%s,%s,%s,%s) at %s,%s" % (red,green,blue,alpha,x,y)) num_bad = len(bad_pixels) return (num_bad == 0,bad_pixels) def test_compare_images(): b = mapnik.Image.open('./images/support/b.png') b.premultiply() num_ops = len(mapnik.CompositeOp.names) successes = [] fails = [] for name in mapnik.CompositeOp.names: a = mapnik.Image.open('./images/support/a.png') a.premultiply() a.composite(b,getattr(mapnik.CompositeOp,name)) actual = '/tmp/mapnik-comp-op-test-' + name + '.png' expected = 'images/composited/' + name + '.png' valid = validate_pixels_are_premultiplied(a) if not valid[0]: fails.append('%s not validly premultiplied!:\n\t %s pixels (%s)' % (name,len(valid[1]),valid[1][0])) a.demultiply() if not validate_pixels_are_not_premultiplied(a): fails.append('%s not validly demultiplied' % (name)) a.save(actual) if not os.path.exists(expected): print 'generating expected test image: %s' % expected a.save(expected) expected_im = mapnik.Image.open(expected) # compare them if a.tostring() == expected_im.tostring(): successes.append(name) else: fails.append('failed comparing actual (%s) and expected(%s)' % (actual,'tests/python_tests/'+ expected)) fail_im = side_by_side_image(expected_im, a) fail_im.save('/tmp/mapnik-comp-op-test-' + name + '.fail.png') eq_(len(successes),num_ops,'\n'+'\n'.join(fails)) b.demultiply() # b will be slightly modified by pre and then de multiplication rounding errors # TODO - write test to ensure the image is 99% the same. #expected_b = mapnik.Image.open('./images/support/b.png') #b.save('/tmp/mapnik-comp-op-test-original-mask.png') #eq_(b.tostring(),expected_b.tostring(), '/tmp/mapnik-comp-op-test-original-mask.png is no longer equivalent to original mask: ./images/support/b.png') def test_pre_multiply_status(): b = mapnik.Image.open('./images/support/b.png') # not premultiplied yet, should appear that way result = validate_pixels_are_not_premultiplied(b) eq_(result,True) # not yet premultiplied therefore should return false result = validate_pixels_are_premultiplied(b) eq_(result[0],False) # now actually premultiply the pixels b.premultiply() # now checking if premultiplied should succeed result = validate_pixels_are_premultiplied(b) eq_(result[0],True) # should now not appear to look not premultiplied result = validate_pixels_are_not_premultiplied(b) eq_(result,False) # now actually demultiply the pixels b.demultiply() # should now appear demultiplied result = validate_pixels_are_not_premultiplied(b) eq_(result,True) def test_pre_multiply_status_of_map1(): m = mapnik.Map(256,256) im = mapnik.Image(m.width,m.height) eq_(validate_pixels_are_not_premultiplied(im),True) mapnik.render(m,im) eq_(validate_pixels_are_not_premultiplied(im),True) def test_pre_multiply_status_of_map2(): m = mapnik.Map(256,256) m.background = mapnik.Color(1,1,1,255) im = mapnik.Image(m.width,m.height) eq_(validate_pixels_are_not_premultiplied(im),True) mapnik.render(m,im) eq_(validate_pixels_are_not_premultiplied(im),True) def test_style_level_comp_op(): m = mapnik.Map(256, 256) mapnik.load_map(m, '../data/good_maps/style_level_comp_op.xml') m.zoom_all() successes = [] fails = [] for name in mapnik.CompositeOp.names: # find_style returns a copy of the style object style_markers = m.find_style("markers") style_markers.comp_op = getattr(mapnik.CompositeOp, name) # replace the original style with the modified one replace_style(m, "markers", style_markers) im = mapnik.Image(m.width, m.height) mapnik.render(m, im) actual = '/tmp/mapnik-style-comp-op-' + name + '.png' expected = 'images/style-comp-op/' + name + '.png' im.save(actual) if not os.path.exists(expected): print 'generating expected test image: %s' % expected im.save(expected) expected_im = mapnik.Image.open(expected) # compare them if im.tostring() == expected_im.tostring(): successes.append(name) else: fails.append('failed comparing actual (%s) and expected(%s)' % (actual,'tests/python_tests/'+ expected)) fail_im = side_by_side_image(expected_im, im) fail_im.save('/tmp/mapnik-style-comp-op-' + name + '.fail.png') eq_(len(fails), 0, '\n'+'\n'.join(fails)) def test_style_level_opacity(): m = mapnik.Map(512,512) mapnik.load_map(m,'../data/good_maps/style_level_opacity_and_blur.xml') m.zoom_all() im = mapnik.Image(512,512) mapnik.render(m,im) actual = '/tmp/mapnik-style-level-opacity.png' expected = 'images/support/mapnik-style-level-opacity.png' im.save(actual) expected_im = mapnik.Image.open(expected) eq_(im.tostring(),expected_im.tostring(), 'failed comparing actual (%s) and expected (%s)' % (actual,'tests/python_tests/'+ expected)) def test_rounding_and_color_expectations(): m = mapnik.Map(1,1) m.background = mapnik.Color('rgba(255,255,255,.4999999)') im = mapnik.Image(m.width,m.height) mapnik.render(m,im) # ugh 252, see: https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/issues/1519 eq_(get_unique_colors(im),['rgba(252,252,252,127)']) m = mapnik.Map(1,1) m.background = mapnik.Color('rgba(255,255,255,.5)') im = mapnik.Image(m.width,m.height) mapnik.render(m,im) eq_(get_unique_colors(im),['rgba(253,253,253,128)']) im_file = mapnik.Image.open('../data/images/stripes_pattern.png') eq_(get_unique_colors(im_file),['rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'rgba(74,74,74,255)']) # should have no effect im_file.premultiply() eq_(get_unique_colors(im_file),['rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'rgba(74,74,74,255)']) im_file.set_alpha(.5) # should have effect now that image has transparency im_file.premultiply() eq_(get_unique_colors(im_file),['rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'rgba(37,37,37,127)']) # should restore to original nonpremultiplied colors im_file.demultiply() eq_(get_unique_colors(im_file),['rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'rgba(74,74,74,127)']) def test_background_image_and_background_color(): m = mapnik.Map(8,8) m.background = mapnik.Color('rgba(255,255,255,.5)') m.background_image = '../data/images/stripes_pattern.png' im = mapnik.Image(m.width,m.height) mapnik.render(m,im) # note: data loss due to rounding as per https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/issues/1519 # means that background will roundtrip to 253 not 255 #eq_(get_unique_colors(im),['rgba(255,255,255,128)', 'rgba(74,74,74,255)']) eq_(get_unique_colors(im),['rgba(253,253,253,128)', 'rgba(74,74,74,255)']) def test_background_image_with_alpha_and_background_color(): m = mapnik.Map(10,10) m.background = mapnik.Color('rgba(255,255,255,.5)') m.background_image = '../data/images/yellow_half_trans.png' im = mapnik.Image(m.width,m.height) mapnik.render(m,im) eq_(get_unique_colors(im),['rgba(255,255,85,191)']) def test_background_image_with_alpha_and_background_color_against_composited_control(): m = mapnik.Map(10,10) m.background = mapnik.Color('rgba(255,255,255,.5)') m.background_image = '../data/images/yellow_half_trans.png' im = mapnik.Image(m.width,m.height) mapnik.render(m,im) # create and composite the expected result im1 = mapnik.Image(10,10) im1.background = mapnik.Color('rgba(255,255,255,.5)') im1.premultiply() im2 = mapnik.Image(10,10) im2.background = mapnik.Color('rgba(255,255,0,.5)') im2.premultiply() im1.composite(im2) im1.demultiply() # compare image rendered (compositing in `agg_renderer::setup`) # vs image composited via python bindings raise Todo("looks like we need to investigate PNG rounding when saving") eq_(get_unique_colors(im),get_unique_colors(im1)) if __name__ == "__main__": setup() run_tests(eval(x) for x in dir() if x.startswith("test_"))