# # This file is part of Mapnik (c++ mapping toolkit) # # Copyright (C) 2006 Artem Pavlenko, Jean-Francois Doyon # # Mapnik is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # $Id$ import os, re, sys, glob from subprocess import Popen, PIPE Import('env') def call(cmd, silent=True): stdin, stderr = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate() if not stderr: return stdin.strip() elif not silent: print stderr def run_2to3(*args,**kwargs): call('2to3 -w %s' % os.path.dirname(kwargs['target'][0].path)) def is_py3(): return 'True' in os.popen('''%s -c "import sys as s;s.stdout.write(str(s.version_info[0] == 3))"''' % env['PYTHON']).read().strip() prefix = env['PREFIX'] target_path = env['PYTHON_INSTALL_LOCATION'] + '/mapnik2' libraries = ['mapnik2','png','jpeg'] if env['BOOST_PYTHON_LIB']: if os.path.sep in env['BOOST_PYTHON_LIB']: pylib_dir = os.path.dirname(env['BOOST_PYTHON_LIB']) env.Prepend(LIBPATH = pylib_dir) pylib_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(env['BOOST_PYTHON_LIB']))[0].replace('lib','',1) libraries.append(pylib_name) else: libraries.append(env['BOOST_PYTHON_LIB'].replace('lib','',1)) else: if is_py3(): libraries.append('boost_python3%s' % env['BOOST_APPEND']) else: libraries.append('boost_python%s' % env['BOOST_APPEND']) # set up an understanding of where libmapnik is being installed # so that the python module can locate it at runtime # and so that we can add its runpath to _mapnik.so if needed (e.g. solaris) # Note: we use prefix rather than install_prefix here since install_prefix is for package building # and we intend for python to look to the standard prefix location to find the fonts and plugins mapnik_lib_path = os.path.normpath(prefix + '/' + env['LIBDIR_SCHEMA']) mapnik_lib_dir_path = os.path.normpath(prefix + '/' + env['LIBDIR_SCHEMA'] + env['LIB_DIR_NAME']) if env['PLATFORM'] == 'Darwin': libraries.append(env['ICU_LIB_NAME']) libraries.append('boost_regex%s' % env['BOOST_APPEND']) if env['THREADING'] == 'multi': libraries.append('boost_thread%s' % env['BOOST_APPEND']) if env['HAS_CAIRO']: libraries.append('cairomm-1.0') libraries.append('cairo') ##### Python linking on OS X is tricky ### # Confounding problems are: # 1) likelyhood of multiple python installs of the same major.minor version # because apple supplies python built-in and many users may have installed # further versions using macports # 2) boost python directly links to a python version # 3) the below will directly link _mapnik.so to a python version # 4) _mapnik.so must link to the same python lib as boost_python.dylib otherwise # python will Abort with a Version Mismatch error. # See http://trac.mapnik.org/ticket/453 for the seeds of a better approach # for now we offer control over method of direct linking... # The default below is to link against the python dylib in the form of #/path/to/Python.framework/Python instead of -lpython # http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/DOCUMENTATION/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/ld.1.html if env['PYTHON_DYNAMIC_LOOKUP']: python_link_flag = '-undefined dynamic_lookup' elif env['FRAMEWORK_PYTHON']: if env['FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATH']: # if the user has supplied a custom root path to search for # a given Python framework, then use that to direct the linker python_link_flag = '-F%s -framework Python -Z' % env['FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATH'] else: # otherwise be as explicit as possible for linking to the same Framework # as the executable we are building with (or is pointed to by the PYTHON variable) # otherwise we may accidentally link against either: # /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Python/Versions/ # or # /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Python/Versions/ # See: http://trac.mapnik.org/ticket/380 link_prefix = env['PYTHON_SYS_PREFIX'] if '.framework' in link_prefix: python_link_flag = '-F%s -framework Python -Z' % os.path.dirname(link_prefix.split('.')[0]) elif '/System' in link_prefix: python_link_flag = '-F/System/Library/Frameworks/ -framework Python -Z' else: # should we fall back to -lpython here? python_link_flag = '-F/ -framework Python' # if we are not linking to a framework then use the *nix standard approach else: # TODO - do we need to pass -L/? python_link_flag = '-lpython%s' % env['PYTHON_VERSION'] elif env['PLATFORM'] == 'SunOS': # make sure to explicitly link mapnik.so against # libmapnik in its installed location python_link_flag = '-R%s' % mapnik_lib_path else: # all other platforms we don't directly link python python_link_flag = '' if env['CUSTOM_LDFLAGS']: linkflags = '%s %s' % (env['CUSTOM_LDFLAGS'], python_link_flag) else: linkflags = python_link_flag paths = ''' """Configuration paths of Mapnik fonts and input plugins (auto-generated by SCons).""" import os mapniklibpath = '%s' ''' paths += "inputpluginspath = os.path.normpath(mapniklibpath + '/input')\n" if env['SYSTEM_FONTS']: paths += "fontscollectionpath = os.path.normpath('%s')" % env['SYSTEM_FONTS'] else: paths += "fontscollectionpath = os.path.normpath(mapniklibpath + '/fonts')" if not os.path.exists('mapnik'): os.mkdir('mapnik') file('mapnik/paths.py','w').write(paths % (mapnik_lib_dir_path)) try: os.chmod('mapnik/paths.py',0666) except: pass # install the core mapnik python files, including '__init__.py' and 'paths.py' if 'install' in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS: init_files = glob.glob('mapnik/*.py') init_module = env.Install(target_path, init_files) env.Alias(target='install', source=init_module) # install the ogcserver module code if 'install' in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS: ogcserver_files = glob.glob('mapnik/ogcserver/*.py') ogcserver_module = env.Install(target_path + '/ogcserver', ogcserver_files) env.Alias(target='install', source=ogcserver_module) # install the shared object beside the module directory sources = glob.glob('*.cpp') py_env = env.Clone() py_env.Append(CPPPATH = env['PYTHON_INCLUDES']) if env['SVN_REVISION']: sources.remove('mapnik_python.cpp') env2 = py_env.Clone() env2.Append(CXXFLAGS='-DSVN_REVISION=%s' % env['SVN_REVISION']) if env['HAS_CAIRO'] or env['HAS_PYCAIRO']: if env['HAS_CAIRO']: env2.ParseConfig('pkg-config --libs --cflags cairomm-1.0') env2.Append(CXXFLAGS = '-DHAVE_CAIRO') if env['HAS_PYCAIRO']: env2.ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags pycairo') env2.Append(CXXFLAGS = '-DHAVE_PYCAIRO') sources.insert(0,env2.SharedObject('mapnik_python.cpp')) if env['HAS_CAIRO'] or env['HAS_PYCAIRO']: env2 = py_env.Clone() env2.ParseConfig('pkg-config --libs --cflags cairomm-1.0') fixup = ['mapnik_image.cpp','python_cairo.cpp'] for cpp in fixup: if cpp in sources: sources.remove(cpp) if env['HAS_CAIRO']: env2.Append(CXXFLAGS = '-DHAVE_CAIRO') if env['HAS_PYCAIRO']: env2.ParseConfig('pkg-config --cflags pycairo') env2.Append(CXXFLAGS = '-DHAVE_PYCAIRO') for cpp in fixup: sources.insert(0,env2.SharedObject(cpp)) _mapnik = py_env.LoadableModule('mapnik/_mapnik2', sources, LIBS=libraries, LDMODULEPREFIX='', LDMODULESUFFIX='.so',LINKFLAGS=linkflags) if 'uninstall' not in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS: pymapniklib = env.Install(target_path,_mapnik) py_env.Alias(target='install',source=pymapniklib) if 'install' in COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS: if is_py3(): env.AddPostAction(pymapniklib, run_2to3) env['create_uninstall_target'](env, target_path)