"""A more complex example which renders an infinite series of concentric circles centred on a point. The circles are represented by a Python iterator which will yield only the circles which intersect the query's bounding box. The advantage of this approach over a MemoryDatasource is that a) only those circles which intersect the viewport are actually generated and b) only the memory for the largest circle need be available since each circle is created on demand and destroyed when finished with. """ import math import mapnik from shapely.geometry import * def box2d_to_shapely(box): import shapely.geometry return shapely.geometry.box(box.minx, box.miny, box.maxx, box.maxy) class ConcentricCircles(object): def __init__(self, centre, bounds, step=1): self.centre = centre self.bounds = bounds self.step = step class Iterator(object): def __init__(self, container): self.container = container centre = self.container.centre bounds = self.container.bounds step = self.container.step if centre.within(bounds): self.radius = 0 else: self.radius = math.ceil(centre.distance(bounds) / float(step)) * step def next(self): circle = self.container.centre.buffer(self.radius) self.radius += self.container.step # has the circle grown so large that the boundary is entirely within it? if circle.contains(self.container.bounds): raise StopIteration() return ( circle.wkb, { } ) def __iter__(self): return ConcentricCircles.Iterator(self) class TestDatasource(mapnik.PythonDatasource): def __init__(self): super(TestDatasource, self).__init__( geometry_type=mapnik.DataGeometryType.Polygon ) def features(self, query): # Get the query bounding-box as a shapely bounding box bounding_box = box2d_to_shapely(query.bbox) centre = Point(-20, 0) return mapnik.PythonDatasource.wkb_features( keys = (), features = ConcentricCircles(centre, bounding_box, 0.5) ) if __name__ == '__main__': m = mapnik.Map(640, 320) m.background = mapnik.Color('white') s = mapnik.Style() r = mapnik.Rule() r.symbols.append(mapnik.LineSymbolizer()) s.rules.append(r) m.append_style('point_style',s) ds = mapnik.Python(factory='TestDatasource') layer = mapnik.Layer('python') layer.datasource = ds layer.styles.append('point_style') m.layers.append(layer) box = mapnik.Box2d(-60, -60, 0, -30) m.zoom_to_box(box) mapnik.render_to_file(m,'map.png', 'png')