#include "MapSource.h" void usage(); void help(); //////////// modes //////////////////////////////// // // render an OSM file: // Input: XMLfile OSMfile width height [bbox] // // render live data in 256x256 tiles: // Input: XMLfile bbox int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { if(argc<2 || (argc>=2 && !strcmp(argv[1],"-h"))) { usage(); help(); exit(0); } MapSource s ; s.process_cmd_line_args(argc,argv); if(!s.isValid()) { cerr << "Invalid combination of command-line parameters!" << endl<<endl; usage(); exit(1); } datasource_cache::instance()->register_datasources ("/usr/local/lib/mapnik/input"); freetype_engine::register_font ("/usr/local/lib/mapnik/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf"); s.generateMaps(); return 0; } void usage() { cerr << "Usage: easymapnik -s source [-w width] [-h height] -x xmlfile " << endl << "[-i InOSMFile] [-o OutPNGFile] [-t] [-z startzoom] [-Z endzoom] " << endl << "[-b bbox] [-u serverURL] [-m]" << endl << endl; } void help() { cerr << "Source should be 'osm' or 'api', indicating OSM files and " << endl << "retrieval direct from a server (e.g. OSMXAPI) respectively." << endl << "-t indicates tiled mode (generate 'Google' style tiles); you must " << endl << "supply at least a start zoom, and a bounding box, for this." << endl << "-m means 'multirequest'; if you're requesting a relatively large " << endl << "area from the server (e.g. OSMXAPI), it will fetch it in " << "0.1x0.1 degree tiles. " << endl << "This speeds up processing considerably." << endl; exit(1); }