#!/bin/bash set -eu set -o pipefail : ' Usage: git tag v3.0.12-rc7 -a -m "Tagging v3.0.12-rc7" ./scripts/publish_release.sh Note: before running this script you need to tag a new release or release candidate. This script: - confirms that the current git checkout is a valid tag - Downloads a fresh checkout to a /tmp directory - Updates the submodules - Confirms that the test-data and test-data-visual is also tagged, otherwise tags them - Removes the test-data and test-data-visual since they are large and can be downloaded dynamically for released code - Creates a tarball and uploads to a DRAFT "github release" After using this script: - Go to https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/releases and confirm that the draft release looks good, then publish it. ' function step { >&2 echo -e "\033[1m\033[36m* $1\033[0m"; } function step_error { >&2 echo -e "\033[1m\033[31m$1\033[0m"; } if [[ ${GITHUB_TOKEN_MAPNIK_PUBLIC_REPO:-false} == false ]]; then step_error "Please set GITHUB_TOKEN_MAPNIK_PUBLIC_REPO to a github token with 'public_repo' scope (create one at https://github.com/settings/tokens)" exit 1 fi export MAPNIK_VERSION=$(git describe) if [[ $(git tag -l) =~ $MAPNIK_VERSION ]]; then step "Success: found $MAPNIK_VERSION (result of git describe) in tags, continuing" else step_error "error: $MAPNIK_VERSION (result of git describe) not in "git tag -l" output, aborting" step_error "You must create a valid annotated tag first, before running this ./scripts/publish_release.sh" exit 1 fi # alternatively set this to `git@github.com:mapnik/mapnik.git` to pull public tag export ROOT_GIT_CLONE="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && cd ../ && pwd )" export TARBALL_NAME="mapnik-${MAPNIK_VERSION}" cd /tmp/ rm -rf ${TARBALL_NAME} step "Cloning ${MAPNIK_VERSION}" git clone --depth 1 --branch ${MAPNIK_VERSION} ${ROOT_GIT_CLONE} ${TARBALL_NAME} cd ${TARBALL_NAME} step "Checking out ${MAPNIK_VERSION}" git checkout "tags/${MAPNIK_VERSION}" step "checking submodules" step "vendorizing and cleaning up mapbox variant" git submodule update --init deps/mapbox/variant rm -rf deps/mapbox/variant/.git rm -f deps/mapbox/variant/*yml rm -f deps/mapbox/variant/Jamroot function check_and_tag() { REPO_DIR=$1 REPO_NAME=$2 if [[ $(curl --fail -I https://github.com/mapnik/${REPO_NAME}/archive/${MAPNIK_VERSION}.tar.gz) ]]; then step "test data already tagged, no need to initialize submodule" else step "tagging test data" git submodule update --depth 100 --init ${REPO_DIR} cd ${REPO_DIR}/ git remote set-url origin git@github.com:mapnik/${REPO_NAME} git tag ${MAPNIK_VERSION} -a -m "tagging for ${MAPNIK_VERSION}" git push --tags cd ../../ step "removing test data submodule" rm -rf ${REPO_DIR}/ fi } # test data check_and_tag test/data test-data # test data visual check_and_tag test/data-visual test-data-visual step "removing .git and .gitignore" rm -rf .git rm -rf .gitignore export TARBALL_COMPRESSED=${TARBALL_NAME}.tar.bz2 step "creating tarball of ${TARBALL_COMPRESSED}" cd ../ tar cjf ${TARBALL_COMPRESSED} ${TARBALL_NAME}/ step "uploading to github" # https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/releases/#create-a-release IS_PRERELEASE=false if [[ ${MAPNIK_VERSION} =~ 'rc' ]]; then IS_PRERELEASE=true fi IS_DRAFT=true step "creating a draft release" export CHANGELOG_REF=$(python -c "print '${MAPNIK_VERSION}'.replace('.','').replace('v','').split('-')[0]") export RELEASE_NOTES="Mapnik ${MAPNIK_VERSION}\r\n\r\n[Changelog](https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/blob/${MAPNIK_VERSION}/CHANGELOG.md#${CHANGELOG_REF})" step "release notes: $RELEASE_NOTES" # create draft release curl --data "{\"tag_name\": \"${MAPNIK_VERSION}\",\"target_commitish\": \"master\",\"name\": \"${MAPNIK_VERSION}\",\"body\": \"${RELEASE_NOTES}\",\"draft\": ${IS_DRAFT},\"prerelease\": ${IS_PRERELEASE}}" \ https://api.github.com/repos/mapnik/mapnik/releases?access_token=${GITHUB_TOKEN_MAPNIK_PUBLIC_REPO} \ > create_response.json cat create_response.json # parse out upload url and form it up to post tarball UPLOAD_URL=$(python -c "import json;print json.load(open('create_response.json'))['upload_url'].replace('{?name,label}','?name=${TARBALL_COMPRESSED}')") step "upload url: $UPLOAD_URL" # upload source tarball curl ${UPLOAD_URL} \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN_MAPNIK_PUBLIC_REPO}" \ -H "Content-Type:application/octet-stream" \ --data-binary @${TARBALL_COMPRESSED} echo step "Success: view your new draft release as https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/releases" echo #step "uploading $(realpath ${TARBALL_COMPRESSED}) to s3://mapnik/dist/${MAPNIK_VERSION}/" #aws s3 cp --acl public-read ${TARBALL_COMPRESSED} s3://mapnik/dist/${MAPNIK_VERSION}/