/***************************************************************************** * * This file is part of Mapnik (c++ mapping toolkit) * * Copyright (C) 2021 Artem Pavlenko * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * *****************************************************************************/ #include "catch.hpp" #include "ds_test_util.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include TEST_CASE("Geobuf") { std::string geobuf_plugin("./plugins/input/geobuf.input"); if (mapnik::util::exists(geobuf_plugin)) { SECTION("Point") { //{"type":"Feature","id":1,"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[102,0.5]},"properties":{"prop0":"value0"}} mapnik::parameters params; params["type"] = "geobuf"; params["file"] = "./test/data/geobuf/point.geobuf"; auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params); auto fs = all_features(ds); auto f = fs->next(); auto const& geometry = f->get_geometry(); auto const& pt = mapnik::util::get >(geometry); REQUIRE(pt.x == 102.0); REQUIRE(pt.y == 0.5); CHECK(fs->next() == nullptr); } SECTION("MultiPoint") { //{"type":"Feature","id":1,"geometry":{"type":"MultiPoint","coordinates":[[100,0],[101,1]]},"properties":{"prop0":"value0"}} mapnik::parameters params; params["type"] = "geobuf"; params["file"] = "./test/data/geobuf/multipoint.geobuf"; auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params); auto fs = all_features(ds); auto f = fs->next(); auto const& geometry = f->get_geometry(); auto const& mpt = mapnik::util::get >(geometry); CHECK(mpt.size() == 2); REQUIRE(mpt[0].x == 100.0); REQUIRE(mpt[0].y == 0.0); REQUIRE(mpt[1].x == 101.0); REQUIRE(mpt[1].y == 1.0); CHECK(fs->next() == nullptr); } SECTION("LineString") { //{"type":"Feature","id":1,"geometry":{"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[102,0],[103,1],[104,0],[105,1]]},"properties":{"prop0":"value0","prop1":0}} mapnik::parameters params; params["type"] = "geobuf"; params["file"] = "./test/data/geobuf/linestring.geobuf"; auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params); auto fs = all_features(ds); auto f = fs->next(); auto const& geometry = f->get_geometry(); auto const& line = mapnik::util::get >(geometry); CHECK(line.size() == 4); REQUIRE(line[0].x == 102.0); REQUIRE(line[0].y == 0); REQUIRE(line[1].x == 103.0); REQUIRE(line[1].y == 1); REQUIRE(line[2].x == 104.0); REQUIRE(line[2].y == 0); REQUIRE(line[3].x == 105.0); REQUIRE(line[3].y == 1); CHECK(fs->next() == nullptr); } SECTION("MultiLineString") { //{"type":"Feature","id":1,"geometry":{"type":"MultiLineString","coordinates":[[[100,0],[101,1]],[[102,2],[103,3]]]},"properties":{"prop0":"value0","prop1":0}} mapnik::parameters params; params["type"] = "geobuf"; params["file"] = "./test/data/geobuf/multilinestring.geobuf"; auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params); auto fs = all_features(ds); auto f = fs->next(); auto const& geometry = f->get_geometry(); auto const& mline = mapnik::util::get >(geometry); CHECK(mline.size() == 2); auto const& line1 = mline[0]; REQUIRE(line1[0].x == 100.0); REQUIRE(line1[0].y == 0.0); REQUIRE(line1[1].x == 101.0); REQUIRE(line1[1].y == 1.0); auto const& line2 = mline[1]; REQUIRE(line2[0].x == 102.0); REQUIRE(line2[0].y == 2.0); REQUIRE(line2[1].x == 103.0); REQUIRE(line2[1].y == 3.0); CHECK(fs->next() == nullptr); } SECTION("Polygon") { //{"type":"Feature","id":1,"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[100,0],[101,0],[101,1],[100,1],[100,0]],[[100.8,0.8],[100.8,0.2],[100.2,0.2],[100.2,0.8],[100.8,0.8]]]},"properties":{"prop0":"value0","prop1":"{\"this\":\"that\"}"}} auto files = { "./test/data/geobuf/polygon.geobuf", "./test/data/geobuf/standalone-feature.geobuf", "./test/data/geobuf/standalone-geometry.geobuf" }; mapnik::parameters params; params["type"] = "geobuf"; for (auto const& filename : files) { params["file"] = filename; auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params); auto fs = all_features(ds); auto f = fs->next(); auto const& geometry = f->get_geometry(); auto const& poly = mapnik::util::get >(geometry); CHECK(poly.size() == 2); auto const& exterior = poly[0]; REQUIRE(exterior[0].x == 100); REQUIRE(exterior[0].y == 0); REQUIRE(exterior[1].x == 101); REQUIRE(exterior[1].y == 0); REQUIRE(exterior[2].x == 101); REQUIRE(exterior[2].y == 1); REQUIRE(exterior[3].x == 100); REQUIRE(exterior[3].y == 1); REQUIRE(exterior[4].x == 100); REQUIRE(exterior[4].y == 0); auto const& interior = poly[1]; REQUIRE(interior[0].x == 100.8); REQUIRE(interior[0].y == 0.8); REQUIRE(interior[1].x == 100.8); REQUIRE(interior[1].y == 0.2); REQUIRE(interior[2].x == 100.2); REQUIRE(interior[2].y == 0.2); REQUIRE(interior[3].x == 100.2); REQUIRE(interior[3].y == 0.8); REQUIRE(interior[4].x == 100.8); REQUIRE(interior[4].y == 0.8); CHECK(fs->next() == nullptr); } } SECTION("MultiPolygon") { //{"type":"Feature","id":1,"geometry":{"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[102,2],[103,2],[103,3],[102,3],[102,2]]],[[[100,0],[101,0],[101,1],[100,1],[100,0]],[[100.2,0.2],[100.2,0.8],[100.8,0.8],[100.8,0.2],[100.2,0.2]]]]},"properties":{"prop0":"value0","prop1":"{\"this\":\"that\"}"}} mapnik::parameters params; params["type"] = "geobuf"; params["file"] = "./test/data/geobuf/multipolygon.geobuf"; auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params); auto fs = all_features(ds); auto f = fs->next(); auto const& geometry = f->get_geometry(); auto const& mpoly = mapnik::util::get >(geometry); CHECK(mpoly.size() == 2); { auto const& poly = mpoly[0]; auto const& exterior = poly[0]; REQUIRE(exterior[0].x == 102); REQUIRE(exterior[0].y == 2); REQUIRE(exterior[1].x == 103); REQUIRE(exterior[1].y == 2); REQUIRE(exterior[2].x == 103); REQUIRE(exterior[2].y == 3); REQUIRE(exterior[3].x == 102); REQUIRE(exterior[3].y == 3); REQUIRE(exterior[4].x == 102); REQUIRE(exterior[4].y == 2); } { auto const& poly = mpoly[1]; auto const& exterior = poly[0]; REQUIRE(exterior[0].x == 100); REQUIRE(exterior[0].y == 0); REQUIRE(exterior[1].x == 101); REQUIRE(exterior[1].y == 0); REQUIRE(exterior[2].x == 101); REQUIRE(exterior[2].y == 1); REQUIRE(exterior[3].x == 100); REQUIRE(exterior[3].y == 1); REQUIRE(exterior[4].x == 100); REQUIRE(exterior[4].y == 0); auto const& interior = poly[1]; REQUIRE(interior[0].x == 100.2); REQUIRE(interior[0].y == 0.2); REQUIRE(interior[1].x == 100.2); REQUIRE(interior[1].y == 0.8); REQUIRE(interior[2].x == 100.8); REQUIRE(interior[2].y == 0.8); REQUIRE(interior[3].x == 100.8); REQUIRE(interior[3].y == 0.2); REQUIRE(interior[4].x == 100.2); REQUIRE(interior[4].y == 0.2); } CHECK(fs->next() == nullptr); } SECTION("GeometryCollection") { //{"type":"Feature","id":1,"geometry":{"type":"GeometryCollection","geometries":[{"type":"Point","coordinates":[100,0]},{"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[101,0],[102,1]]}]},"properties":{"prop0":"value0","prop1":"{\"this\":\"that\"}"}} mapnik::parameters params; params["type"] = "geobuf"; params["file"] = "./test/data/geobuf/geometrycollection.geobuf"; auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params); auto fs = all_features(ds); auto f = fs->next(); auto const& geometry = f->get_geometry(); auto const& collection = mapnik::util::get >(geometry); CHECK(collection.size() == 2); auto const& pt = mapnik::util::get >(collection[0]); REQUIRE(pt.x == 100.0); REQUIRE(pt.y == 0.0); auto const& line = mapnik::util::get >(collection[1]); REQUIRE(line[0].x == 101.0); REQUIRE(line[0].y == 0.0); REQUIRE(line[1].x == 102.0); REQUIRE(line[1].y == 1); CHECK(fs->next() == nullptr); } } }