- Automated tests - Test subqueries [x] - Test Data input [x] - Test RGB input [x] - Test RGBA input [x] - Test Grayscale input [x] - Support for all band types: - PT_1BB data[x] rgb[ ] grayscale[x] - PT_2BUI data[x] rgb[ ] grayscale[x] - PT_4BUI data[x] rgb[ ] grayscale[x] - PT_8BSI data[x] rgb[x] grayscale[x] - PT_8BUI data[x] rgb[x] grayscale[x] - PT_16BSI data[x] rgb[ ] grayscale[x] - PT_16BUI data[x] rgb[ ] grayscale[x] - PT_32BSI data[x] rgb[ ] grayscale[x] - PT_32BUI data[x] rgb[ ] grayscale[x] - PT_32BF data[x] rgb[ ] grayscale[ ] - PT_64BF data[x] rgb[ ] grayscale[ ] - Have pgraster and postgis plugins share the same connection pool - Make overviews enabled by default if table is not a subquery ? - Make clipping enabled automatically when needed ? - Allow more flexible band layout specification, see http://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/wiki/RFC:-Raster-color-interpretation