/***************************************************************************** * * This file is part of Mapnik (c++ mapping toolkit) * * Copyright (C) 2017 Artem Pavlenko * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * *****************************************************************************/ // stl #include #include #include #include #include "runner.hpp" #include "parse_map_sizes.hpp" namespace visual_tests { class renderer_visitor { public: renderer_visitor(std::string const & name, mapnik::Map & map, map_size const & tiles, double scale_factor, result_list & results, report_type & report, std::size_t iterations, bool is_fail_limit, std::atomic & fail_count) : name_(name), map_(map), tiles_(tiles), scale_factor_(scale_factor), results_(results), report_(report), iterations_(iterations), is_fail_limit_(is_fail_limit), fail_count_(fail_count) { } template ::type* = nullptr> void operator()(T const& renderer) const { test(renderer); } template ::type* = nullptr> void operator()(T const & renderer) const { if (tiles_.width == 1 && tiles_.height == 1) { test(renderer); } } private: template void test(T const & renderer) const { map_size size { map_.width(), map_.height() }; std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()); for (std::size_t i = iterations_ ; i > 0; i--) { typename T::image_type image(render(renderer)); if (i == 1) { std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point end(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()); result r(renderer.report(image, name_, size, tiles_, scale_factor_)); r.duration = end - start; mapnik::util::apply_visitor(report_visitor(r), report_); results_.push_back(std::move(r)); if (is_fail_limit_ && r.state == STATE_FAIL) { ++fail_count_; } } } } template ::type* = nullptr> typename T::image_type render(T const& renderer) const { if (tiles_.width == 1 && tiles_.height == 1) { return renderer.render(map_, scale_factor_); } else { return renderer.render(map_, scale_factor_, tiles_); } } template ::type* = nullptr> typename T::image_type render(T const & renderer) const { return renderer.render(map_, scale_factor_); } std::string const & name_; mapnik::Map & map_; map_size const & tiles_; double scale_factor_; result_list & results_; report_type & report_; std::size_t iterations_; bool is_fail_limit_; std::atomic & fail_count_; }; runner::runner(runner::path_type const & styles_dir, config const & defaults, std::size_t iterations, std::size_t fail_limit, std::size_t jobs, runner::renderer_container const & renderers) : styles_dir_(styles_dir), defaults_(defaults), jobs_(jobs), iterations_(iterations), fail_limit_(fail_limit), renderers_(renderers) { } result_list runner::test_all(report_type & report) const { boost::filesystem::directory_iterator begin(styles_dir_); boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end; std::vector files(begin, end); return test_parallel(files, report, jobs_); } result_list runner::test(std::vector const & style_names, report_type & report) const { std::vector files; files.reserve(style_names.size()); std::transform(style_names.begin(), style_names.end(), std::back_inserter(files), [&](runner::path_type const & name) { return (name.extension() == ".xml") ? name : (styles_dir_ / (name.string() + ".xml")); }); return test_parallel(files, report, jobs_); } result_list runner::test_parallel(std::vector const & files, report_type & report, std::size_t jobs) const { result_list results; if (files.empty()) { return results; } if (jobs == 0) { jobs = 1; } std::size_t chunk_size = files.size() / jobs; if (chunk_size == 0) { chunk_size = files.size(); jobs = 1; } std::launch launch(jobs == 1 ? std::launch::deferred : std::launch::async); std::vector> futures(jobs); std::atomic fail_count(0); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < jobs; i++) { files_iterator begin(files.begin() + i * chunk_size); files_iterator end(files.begin() + (i + 1) * chunk_size); // Handle remainder of files.size() / jobs if (i == jobs - 1) { end = files.end(); } futures[i] = std::async(launch, &runner::test_range, this, begin, end, std::ref(report), std::ref(fail_count)); } for (auto & f : futures) { result_list r = f.get(); std::move(r.begin(), r.end(), std::back_inserter(results)); } return results; } result_list runner::test_range(files_iterator begin, files_iterator end, std::reference_wrapper report, std::reference_wrapper> fail_count) const { result_list results; for (runner::files_iterator i = begin; i != end; i++) { runner::path_type const & file = *i; if (file.extension() == ".xml") { try { result_list r = test_one(file, report, fail_count.get()); std::move(r.begin(), r.end(), std::back_inserter(results)); } catch (std::exception const& ex) { result r; r.state = STATE_ERROR; r.name = file.string(); r.error_message = ex.what(); r.duration = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::duration::zero(); results.emplace_back(r); mapnik::util::apply_visitor(report_visitor(r), report.get()); ++fail_count.get(); } } if (fail_limit_ && fail_count.get() >= fail_limit_) { break; } } return results; } result_list runner::test_one(runner::path_type const& style_path, report_type & report, std::atomic & fail_count) const { config cfg(defaults_); mapnik::Map map(cfg.sizes.front().width, cfg.sizes.front().height); result_list results; try { mapnik::load_map(map, style_path.string(), true); } catch (std::exception const& ex) { std::string what = ex.what(); if (what.find("Could not create datasource") != std::string::npos || what.find("Postgis Plugin: could not connect to server") != std::string::npos) { return results; } throw; } mapnik::parameters const & params = map.get_extra_parameters(); boost::optional status = params.get("status", cfg.status); if (!*status) { return results; } boost::optional sizes = params.get("sizes"); if (sizes) { cfg.sizes.clear(); parse_map_sizes(*sizes, cfg.sizes); } boost::optional tiles = params.get("tiles"); if (tiles) { cfg.tiles.clear(); parse_map_sizes(*tiles, cfg.tiles); } boost::optional bbox_string = params.get("bbox"); mapnik::box2d box; if (bbox_string) { box.from_string(*bbox_string); } std::string name(style_path.stem().string()); for (auto const & size : cfg.sizes) { for (auto const & scale_factor : cfg.scales) { for (auto const & tiles_count : cfg.tiles) { if (!tiles_count.width || !tiles_count.height) { throw std::runtime_error("Cannot render zero tiles."); } if (size.width % tiles_count.width || size.height % tiles_count.height) { throw std::runtime_error("Tile size is not an integer."); } for (auto const & ren : renderers_) { map.resize(size.width, size.height); if (box.valid()) { map.zoom_to_box(box); } else { map.zoom_all(); } mapnik::util::apply_visitor(renderer_visitor(name, map, tiles_count, scale_factor, results, report, iterations_, fail_limit_, fail_count), ren); if (fail_limit_ && fail_count >= fail_limit_) { return results; } } } } } return results; } }