FO Processing Instruction Reference
$Id: pi.xsl 8487 2009-07-14 21:43:36Z bobstayton $
IntroductionThis is generated reference documentation for all
user-specifiable processing instructions (PIs) in the DocBook
XSL stylesheets for FO output.
You add these PIs at particular points in a document to
cause specific “exceptions” to formatting/output behavior. To
make global changes in formatting/output behavior across an
entire document, it’s better to do it by setting an
appropriate stylesheet parameter (if there is one).dbfo_background-colorSets background color for an imagedbfo background-color="color"DescriptionUse the dbfo background-color PI before or
after an image (graphic, inlinegraphic,
imagedata, or videodata element) as a
sibling to the element, to set a background color for the
image.Parametersbackground-color="color"An HTML color valueRelated Information in DocBook XSL: The Complete GuideBackground colordbfo_bgcolorSets background color on a table row or table celldbfo bgcolor="color"DescriptionUse the dbfo bgcolor PI as child of a table row
or cell to set a background color for that table row or cell.This PI works for both CALS and HTML tables.Parametersbgcolor="color"An HTML color valueRelated Information in DocBook XSL: The Complete GuideCell background colordbfo_float-typeSpecifies float behavior for a sidebardbfo float-type="margin.note"DescriptionUse the dbfo float-type PI to specify the float
behavior for a sidebar (to cause the sidebar to be
displayed as a marginal note).Parametersfloat-type="margin.note"Specifies that the sidebar should be
displayed as a marginal note.Related Global Parameterssidebar.float.type (parameter),
sidebar.float.width (parameter), (attribute-set), (attribute-set)
Related Information in DocBook XSL: The Complete GuideA sidebar as
side floatdbfo_funcsynopsis-styleSpecifies presentation style for a funcsynopsisdbfo funcsynopsis-style="kr"|"ansi"DescriptionUse the dbfo funcsynopsis-style PI as a child of
a funcsynopsis or anywhere within a funcsynopsis
to control the presentation style for output of all
funcprototype instances within that funcsynopsis.Parametersfuncsynopsis-style="kr"Displays funcprototype output in K&R stylefuncsynopsis-style="ansi"Displays funcprototype output in ANSI styleRelated Global Parametersfuncsynopsis.styledbfo_glossary-presentationSpecifies presentation style for a glossarydbfo glossary-presentation="list"|"blocks"DescriptionUse the dbfo glossary-presentation PI as a child of
a glossary to control its presentation style.Parametersglossary-presentation="list"Displays the glossary as a listglossary-presentation="blocks"Displays the glossary as blocksRelated Global Information in DocBook XSL: The Complete GuideGlossary
formatting in printdbfo_glosslist-presentationSpecifies presentation style for a glosslistdbfo glosslist-presentation="list"|"blocks"DescriptionUse the dbfo glosslist-presentation PI as a child of
a glosslist to control its presentation style.Parametersglosslist-presentation="list"Displays the glosslist as a listglosslist-presentation="blocks"Displays the glosslist as blocksRelated Global Information in DocBook XSL: The Complete GuideGlossary
formatting in printdbfo_glossterm-widthSpecifies the glossterm width for a glossary or
glosslistdbfo glossterm-width="width"DescriptionUse the dbfo glossterm-width PI as a child of a
glossary or glosslist to specify the
width for output of glossterm instances in the
output.Parametersglossterm-width="width"Specifies the glossterm width (including units)Related Global Parametersglossterm.width,
glossterm.separationRelated Information in DocBook XSL: The Complete GuideGlossary
formatting in printdbfo_keep-togetherSpecifies “keep” behavior for a table, example,
figure, equation, procedure, or taskdbfo keep-together="auto"|"always"DescriptionUse the dbfo keep-together PI as a child of a
formal object (table, example,
figure, equation, procedure, or
task) to specify “keep” behavior (to allow the object to
“break” across a page).The PI also works with informaltable, informalexample,
informalfigure and informalequation.
Parameterskeep-together="auto"Enables the object to break across a pagekeep-together="always"Prevents the object from breaking across a page (the
default stylesheet behavior)Related Global Parametersformal.object.propertiesRelated Information in DocBook XSL: The Complete GuideKeep-together processing instructiondbfo_label-widthSpecifies the label width for a qandaset, itemizedlist, orderedlist
or calloutlistdbfo label-width="width"DescriptionUse the dbfo label-width PI as a child of a
qandaset, itemizedlist, orderedlist,
or calloutlist to specify the width of labels.Parameterslabel-width="width"Specifies the label width (including units)Related Information in DocBook XSL: The Complete GuideQ and A formattingdbfo_linenumbering.everyNthSpecifies interval for line numbers in verbatimsdbfo linenumbering.everyNth="N"DescriptionUse the dbfo linenumbering.everyNth PI as a child
of a “verbatim” element – programlisting,
screen, synopsis — to specify
the interval at which lines are numbered.Parameterslinenumbering.everyNth="N"Specifies numbering interval; a number is output
before every Nth lineRelated Global Parameterslinenumbering.everyNthRelated Information in DocBook XSL: The Complete GuideLine numberingdbfo_linenumbering.separatorSpecifies separator text for line numbers in verbatimsdbfo linenumbering.separator="text"DescriptionUse the dbfo linenumbering.separator PI as a child
of a “verbatim” element – programlisting,
screen, synopsis — to specify
the separator text output between the line numbers and content.Parameterslinenumbering.separator="text"Specifies the text (zero or more characters)Related Global Parameterslinenumbering.separatorRelated Information in DocBook XSL: The Complete GuideLine numberingdbfo_linenumbering.widthSpecifies width for line numbers in verbatimsdbfo linenumbering.width="width"DescriptionUse the dbfo linenumbering.width PI as a child
of a “verbatim” element – programlisting,
screen, synopsis — to specify
the width set aside for line numbers.Parameterslinenumbering.width="width"Specifies the width (inluding units)Related Global Parameterslinenumbering.widthRelated Information in DocBook XSL: The Complete GuideLine numberingdbfo_list-presentationSpecifies presentation style for a variablelist or
segmentedlistdbfo list-presentation="list"|"blocks"|"table"DescriptionUse the dbfo list-presentation PI as a child of
a variablelist or segmentedlist to
control the presentation style for the list (to cause it, for
example, to be displayed as a table).Parameterslist-presentation="list"Displays the list as a listlist-presentation="blocks"(variablelist only) Displays the list as blockslist-presentation="table"(segmentedlist only) Displays the list as a tableRelated Global Information in DocBook XSL: The Complete GuideVariable list formatting in printdbfo_list-widthSpecifies the width of a horizontal simplelistdbfo list-width="width"DescriptionUse the dbfo list-width PI as a child of a
simplelist whose class
value is horizontal, to specify the width
of the simplelist.Parameterslist-width="width"Specifies the simplelist width (including units)dbfo_orientationSpecifies the orientation for a CALS table row or celldbfo orientation="0"|"90"|"180"|"270"|"-90"|"-180"|"-270"DescriptionUse the dbfo orientation PI as a child of a CALS
table row or cell to specify the orientation
(rotation) for the row or cell.Parametersorientation="0"|"90"|"180"|"270"|"-90"|"-180"|"-270"Specifies the number of degrees by which the cell or
row is rotateddbfo_pgwideSpecifies if an equation or example goes across full page widthdbfo pgwide="0"|"1"DescriptionUse the dbfo pgwide PI as a child of an
equation or example to specify that the
content should rendered across the full width of the page.Parameterspgwide="0"If zero, the content is rendered across the current
text flowpgwide="1"If 1 (or any non-zero value), the
content is rendered across the full width of the pageRelated Global Parameterspgwide.propertiesdbfo_rotated-widthSpecifies the width for a CALS table entry or
rowdbfo rotated-width="width"DescriptionUse the dbfo rotated-width PI as a child of
entry or row instance in a CALS table to specify the
width of that the entry or row; or
use it higher up in table to cause the width to be inherited
recursively down.Parametersrotated-width="width"Specifies the width of a row or cell (including units)dbfo_sidebar-widthSpecifies the width of a sidebardbfo sidebar-width="width"DescriptionUse the dbfo sidebar-width PI as a child of a
sidebar to specify the width of the sidebar.Parameterssidebar-width="width"Specifies the sidebar width (including units)Related Global Parameterssidebar.float.type parameter,
sidebar.float.width parameter, attribute-set,
sidebar.title.propertiesRelated Information in DocBook XSL: The Complete GuideA sidebar as
side floatdbfo_start(obsolete) Sets the starting number on an ordered listdbfo start="character"DescriptionThis PI is obsolete. The intent of
it was to provide a means for setting a specific starting
number for an ordered list. Instead of this PI, set a value
for the override attribute on the first
listitem in the list; that will have the same
effect as what this PI was intended for.Parametersstart="character"Specifies the character to use as the starting
number; use 0-9, a-z, A-Z, or lowercase or uppercase
Roman numeralsRelated Information in DocBook XSL: The Complete GuideList starting numberdbfo_table-widthSpecifies the width for a CALS table or for revhistory
outputdbfo table-width="width"DescriptionUse the dbfo table-width PI as a child or
sibling of a CALS table, or as a child of an
informaltable, entrytbl, or
revhistory instance (which is rendered as a table
in output) to specify the width of the table in output.Parameterstable-width="width"Specifies the table width (including units or as a percentage)Related Information in DocBook XSL: The Complete GuideTable widthdbfo_term-widthSpecifies the term width for a variablelistdbfo term-width="width"DescriptionUse the dbfo term-width PI as a child of a
variablelist to specify the width for
term output.Parametersterm-width="width"Specifies the term width (including units)Related Information in DocBook XSL: The Complete GuideVariable list formatting in printdbfo_tocSpecifies whether a TOC should be generated for a qandasetdbfo toc="0"|"1"DescriptionUse the dbfo toc PI as a child of a
qandaset to specify whether a table of contents
(TOC) is generated for the qandaset.Parameterstoc="0"If zero, no TOC is generatedtoc="1"If 1 (or any non-zero value),
a TOC is generatedRelated Information in DocBook XSL: The Complete GuideQ and A list of questions,
Q and A formattingdbfo-needSpecify a need for space (a kind of soft page break)dbfo-need height="n" [space-before="n"]DescriptionA “need” is a request for space on a page. If the
requested space is not available, the page breaks and the
content that follows the need request appears on the next
page. If the requested space is available, then no page break
is inserted.Parametersheight="n"The amount of height needed (including units)space-before="n"The amount of extra vertical space to add (including units)Related Information in DocBook XSL: The Complete GuideSoft page breaksdbfo_row-heightSpecifies the height for a CALS table rowdbfo row-height="height"DescriptionUse the dbfo row-height PI as a child of a
row to specify the height of the row.Parametersrow-height="height"Specifies the row height (including units)Related Information in DocBook XSL: The Complete GuideRow height