#!/usr/bin/env python import os import re import sys import optparse import tempfile __version__ = '0.1.0' HAS_LXML = False try: import lxml.etree as etree HAS_LXML = True except ImportError: try: import elementtree.ElementTree as etree except ImportError: import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree def color_text(color, text): if os.name == 'nt': return text return "\033[9%sm%s\033[0m" % (color,text) def indent(elem, level=0): """ http://infix.se/2007/02/06/gentlemen-indent-your-xml """ i = "\n" + level*" " if len(elem): if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip(): elem.text = i + " " for e in elem: indent(e, level+1) if not e.tail or not e.tail.strip(): e.tail = i + " " if not e.tail or not e.tail.strip(): e.tail = i else: if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()): elem.tail = i def name2expr(sym): name = sym.attrib['name'] if re.match('^\[.*\]',name) is None \ and '[' not in name \ and ']' not in name \ and not name.startswith("'") \ and not name.endswith("'") \ and re.match("^\'.*\'",name) is None: print>>sys.stderr,"Fixing %s" % name expression = '[%s]' % name sym.attrib['name'] = expression def handle_attr_changes(sym): # http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_text_text-transform.asp # http://code.google.com/p/mapnik-utils/issues/detail?id=32&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Priority%20Component%20Owner%20Summary text_transform = sym.attrib.get('text_convert') if text_transform: # note: css supports text-transform:capitalize but Mapnik does not (yet) t_ = {'tolower':'lowercase','toupper':'uppercase','none':'none'} new = t_.get(text_transform) if new: sym.attrib['text_transform'] = new else: sym.attrib['text_transform'] = text_transform sym.attrib.pop('text_convert') minimum_distance = sym.attrib.get('min_distance') if minimum_distance: sym.attrib['minimum_distance'] = minimum_distance sym.attrib.pop('min_distance') minimum_padding = sym.attrib.get('min_padding') if minimum_padding: sym.attrib['minimum_padding'] = minimum_padding sym.attrib.pop('min_padding') def fixup_sym_with_image(sym): if sym.attrib.get('width'): sym.attrib.pop('width') if sym.attrib.get('height'): sym.attrib.pop('height') if sym.attrib.get('type'): sym.attrib.pop('type') def fixup_sym_attributes(sym): if len(sym.findall('CssParameter')): # copy, so we don't loose after clear() attrib = dict(sym.attrib) for css in sym.findall('CssParameter'): key = css.attrib.get('name') value = css.text attrib[key] = value sym.clear() # remove CssParameter elements for k,v in attrib.items(): # insert attributes instead sym.attrib[k] = v def underscore2dash(elem): for i in elem.attrib.items(): if '_' in i[0]: new = i[0].replace('_','-') old = i[0] elem.attrib[new] = i[1] elem.attrib.pop(old) print>>sys.stderr,"Changing %s to %s" % (new,old) def upgrade(input_xml,output_xml=None,indent_xml=True): if not os.path.exists(input_xml): sys.stderr.write('input xml "%s" does not exist' % input_xml) sys.exit(1) pre_read = open(input_xml,'r') if '!ENTITY' in pre_read.read() and not HAS_LXML: sys.stderr.write('\nSorry, it appears the xml you are trying to upgrade has entities, which requires lxml (python bindings to libxml2)\n') sys.stderr.write('Install lxml with: "easy_install lxml" or download from http://codespeak.net/lxml/\n') sys.exit(1) try: tree = etree.parse(input_xml) except: print 'Could not parse "%s" invalid XML' % input_xml return if hasattr(tree,'xinclude'): tree.xinclude() root = tree.getroot() root.set('minimum-version','0.7.2') # rename 'bgcolor' to 'background-color' if root.attrib.get('bgcolor'): root.attrib['background-color'] = root.attrib.get('bgcolor') root.attrib.pop('bgcolor') # underscores to spaces for underscore2dash(root) # underscores to spaces for fontset = root.findall('FontSet') for f in fontset: font = f.findall('Font') for f_ in font: underscore2dash(f_) # underscores to spaces for layers = root.findall('Layer') for l in layers: underscore2dash(l) styles = root.findall('Style') if not len(styles): sys.stderr.write('### Warning, no styles encountered and nothing able to be upgraded!\n') else: for style in styles: for rule in style.findall('Rule'): for sym in rule.findall('TextSymbolizer') or []: name2expr(sym) handle_attr_changes(sym) fixup_sym_attributes(sym) underscore2dash(sym) for sym in rule.findall('ShieldSymbolizer') or []: name2expr(sym) handle_attr_changes(sym) fixup_sym_attributes(sym) underscore2dash(sym) fixup_sym_with_image(sym) for sym in rule.findall('PointSymbolizer') or []: fixup_sym_with_image(sym) fixup_sym_attributes(sym) underscore2dash(sym) for sym in rule.findall('PolygonPatternSymbolizer') or []: fixup_sym_with_image(sym) fixup_sym_attributes(sym) underscore2dash(sym) for sym in rule.findall('LinePatternSymbolizer') or []: fixup_sym_with_image(sym) fixup_sym_attributes(sym) underscore2dash(sym) for sym in rule.findall('LineSymbolizer') or []: fixup_sym_attributes(sym) underscore2dash(sym) for sym in rule.findall('PolygonSymbolizer') or []: fixup_sym_attributes(sym) underscore2dash(sym) for sym in rule.findall('RasterSymbolizer') or []: fixup_sym_attributes(sym) underscore2dash(sym) for sym in rule.findall('BuildingSymbolizer') or []: fixup_sym_attributes(sym) underscore2dash(sym) for sym in rule.findall('GlyphSymbolizer') or []: fixup_sym_attributes(sym) underscore2dash(sym) if indent_xml: indent(root) if output_xml: tree.write(output_xml) else: tree.write(input_xml) parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="""%prog [options] Upgrade a Mapnik XML stylesheet to Mapnik 2.0 Full help: $ %prog -h (or --help for possible options) Read 'map.xml' and write new 'map2.xml' $ %prog map.xml map2.xml Update 'map.xml' in place (*Careful*) $ %prog map.xml --in-place """, version='%prog ' + __version__) parser.add_option('--indent', dest='indent_xml', action='store_true', default=False, help='Indent the resulting XML') parser.add_option('--in-place', dest='update_in_place', action='store_true', default=False, help='Update and overwrite the map in place') if __name__ == "__main__": (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not len(args) > 0: parser.error("Please provide the path to a map.xml and a new xml to write") input_xml = args[0] output_xml = None if len(args) < 3 and not options.update_in_place: if len(args) == 2: output_xml = args[1] if (len(args) == 1) or (input_xml == output_xml): parser.error(color_text(1,'\n\nAre you sure you want to overwrite "%s"?\nIf so, then pass --in-place to confirm.\nOtherwise pass a different filename to write an upgraded copy to.\n' % input_xml)) print 'Upgrading "%s" to "%s"...' % (input_xml,output_xml) upgrade(input_xml,output_xml=output_xml,indent_xml=options.indent_xml) elif len(args) == 1: print 'Upgrading "%s" to "%s"...' % (input_xml,output_xml) upgrade(input_xml,output_xml=output_xml,indent_xml=options.indent_xml) elif len(args) > 1: # assume a list of inputs found = [] for input_xml in args: if os.path.exists(input_xml) and input_xml not in found: print 'Upgrading "%s" in place...' % input_xml found.append(input_xml) upgrade(input_xml,output_xml=None,indent_xml=options.indent_xml)