#include "catch.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1900 #include #endif TEST_CASE("conversions") { SECTION("to string") { #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1900 unsigned int old = _set_output_format(_TWO_DIGIT_EXPONENT); #endif using mapnik::util::to_string; using mapnik::util::string2bool; try { std::string out; // Test double to_string(out, double(0)); REQUIRE( out == "0" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(1)); REQUIRE( out == "1" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(-1)); REQUIRE( out == "-1" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(0.1)); REQUIRE( out == "0.1" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(-0.1)); REQUIRE( out == "-0.1" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(0.123)); REQUIRE( out == "0.123" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(-0.123)); REQUIRE( out == "-0.123" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(1e-06)); REQUIRE( out == "1e-06" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(-1e-06)); REQUIRE( out == "-1e-06" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(1e-05)); REQUIRE( out == "1e-05" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(-1e-05)); REQUIRE( out == "-1e-05" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(0.0001)); REQUIRE( out == "0.0001" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(-0.0001)); REQUIRE( out == "-0.0001" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(0.0001)); REQUIRE( out == "0.0001" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(0.00001)); REQUIRE( out == "1e-05" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(0.000001)); REQUIRE( out == "1e-06" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(0.0000001)); REQUIRE( out == "1e-07" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(0.00000001)); REQUIRE( out == "1e-08" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(0.000000001)); REQUIRE( out == "1e-09" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(0.0000000001)); REQUIRE( out == "1e-10" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(-1.234e+16)); REQUIRE( out == "-1.234e+16" ); out.clear(); // critical failure when karam is used // https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/issues/1741 // https://github.com/mapbox/tilemill/issues/1456 to_string(out, double(8.3)); REQUIRE( out == "8.3" ); out.clear(); // non-critical failures if karma is used to_string(out, double(0.0001234567890123456)); // TODO: https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/issues/1676 REQUIRE( out == "0.000123457" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(0.00000000001)); REQUIRE( out == "1e-11" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(0.000000000001)); REQUIRE( out == "1e-12" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(0.0000000000001)); REQUIRE( out == "1e-13" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(0.00000000000001)); REQUIRE( out == "1e-14" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(0.000000000000001)); REQUIRE( out == "1e-15" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(100000)); REQUIRE( out == "100000" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(1000000)); REQUIRE( out == "1e+06" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(10000000)); REQUIRE( out == "1e+07" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(100000000)); REQUIRE( out == "1e+08" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(1000000000)); REQUIRE( out == "1e+09" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(10000000000)); REQUIRE( out == "1e+10" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(100000000000)); REQUIRE( out == "1e+11" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(1000000000000)); REQUIRE( out == "1e+12" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(10000000000000)); REQUIRE( out == "1e+13" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(100000000000000)); REQUIRE( out == "1e+14" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(1000000000000005)); REQUIRE( out == "1e+15" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(-1000000000000000)); REQUIRE( out == "-1e+15" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(100000000000000.1)); REQUIRE( out == "1e+14" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(1.00001)); REQUIRE( out == "1.00001" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(67.65)); REQUIRE( out == "67.65" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(67.35)); REQUIRE( out == "67.35" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(1234000000000000)); REQUIRE( out == "1.234e+15" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(1e+16)); REQUIRE( out == "1e+16" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, double(1.234e+16)); REQUIRE( out == "1.234e+16" ); out.clear(); // int to_string(out, int(2)); REQUIRE( out == "2" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, int(0)); REQUIRE( out == "0" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, int(-2)); REQUIRE( out == "-2" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, int(2147483647)); REQUIRE( out == "2147483647" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, int(-2147483648)); REQUIRE( out == "-2147483648" ); out.clear(); // unsigned to_string(out, unsigned(4294967295)); REQUIRE( out == "4294967295" ); out.clear(); #ifdef BIGINT // long long to_string(out,mapnik::value_integer(-0)); REQUIRE( out == "0" ); out.clear(); to_string(out,mapnik::value_integer(-2)); REQUIRE( out == "-2" ); out.clear(); to_string(out,mapnik::value_integer(9223372036854775807)); REQUIRE( out == "9223372036854775807" ); out.clear(); #else #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma NOTE("BIGINT not defined so skipping large number conversion tests") #else #warning BIGINT not defined so skipping large number conversion tests #endif #endif // bool to_string(out, true); REQUIRE( out == "true" ); out.clear(); to_string(out, false); REQUIRE( out == "false" ); out.clear(); bool val = false; REQUIRE( !string2bool("this is invalid",val) ); REQUIRE( val == false ); REQUIRE( string2bool("true",val) ); REQUIRE( val == true ); // mapnik::value hash() and operator== works for all T in value mapnik::transcoder tr("utf8"); using values_container = std::unordered_map; values_container vc; mapnik::value keys[5] = {true, 1, 3.14159f, tr.transcode("Мапник"), mapnik::value_null()} ; for (auto const& k : keys) { vc.insert({k, 123456789}); REQUIRE( vc[k] == 123456789 ); } // mapnik::value << to ostream std::stringstream s; mapnik::value_unicode_string ustr = tr.transcode("hello world!"); mapnik::value streamable(ustr); s << streamable; CHECK( s.str() == std::string("hello world!") ); } catch (std::exception const & ex) { std::clog << ex.what() << "\n"; REQUIRE(false); } } }