#! /usr/bin/env python # # SCons - a Software Constructor # # MIT License # # Copyright The SCons Foundation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """Utility script to dump information from SCons signature database.""" import getopt import importlib import os import sys from dbm import whichdb import time import pickle import SCons.compat import SCons.SConsign def my_whichdb(filename): if filename[-7:] == ".dblite": return "SCons.dblite" try: with open(filename + ".dblite", "rb"): return "SCons.dblite" except IOError: pass return whichdb(filename) def my_import(mname): """Import database module. This was used if the module was *not* SCons.dblite, to allow for programmatic importing. It is no longer used, in favor of importlib.import_module, and will be removed eventually. """ import imp if '.' in mname: i = mname.rfind('.') parent = my_import(mname[:i]) fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module(mname[i+1:], parent.__path__) else: fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module(mname) return imp.load_module(mname, fp, pathname, description) class Flagger: default_value = 1 def __setitem__(self, item, value): self.__dict__[item] = value self.default_value = 0 def __getitem__(self, item): return self.__dict__.get(item, self.default_value) Do_Call = None Print_Directories = [] Print_Entries = [] Print_Flags = Flagger() Verbose = 0 Readable = 0 Warns = 0 def default_mapper(entry, name): """ Stringify an entry that doesn't have an explicit mapping. Args: entry: entry name: field name Returns: str """ try: val = eval("entry." + name) except AttributeError: val = None return str(val) def map_action(entry, _): """ Stringify an action entry and signature. Args: entry: action entry second argument is not used Returns: str """ try: bact = entry.bact bactsig = entry.bactsig except AttributeError: return None return '%s [%s]' % (bactsig, bact) def map_timestamp(entry, _): """ Stringify a timestamp entry. Args: entry: timestamp entry second argument is not used Returns: str """ try: timestamp = entry.timestamp except AttributeError: timestamp = None if Readable and timestamp: return "'" + time.ctime(timestamp) + "'" else: return str(timestamp) def map_bkids(entry, _): """ Stringify an implicit entry. Args: entry: second argument is not used Returns: str """ try: bkids = entry.bsources + entry.bdepends + entry.bimplicit bkidsigs = entry.bsourcesigs + entry.bdependsigs + entry.bimplicitsigs except AttributeError: return None if len(bkids) != len(bkidsigs): global Warns Warns += 1 # add warning to result rather than direct print so it will line up msg = "Warning: missing information, {} ids but {} sigs" result = [msg.format(len(bkids), len(bkidsigs))] else: result = [] result += [nodeinfo_string(bkid, bkidsig, " ") for bkid, bkidsig in zip(bkids, bkidsigs)] if not result: return None return "\n ".join(result) map_field = { 'action' : map_action, 'timestamp' : map_timestamp, 'bkids' : map_bkids, } map_name = { 'implicit' : 'bkids', } def field(name, entry, verbose=Verbose): if not Print_Flags[name]: return None fieldname = map_name.get(name, name) mapper = map_field.get(fieldname, default_mapper) val = mapper(entry, name) if verbose: val = name + ": " + val return val def nodeinfo_raw(name, ninfo, prefix=""): """ This just formats the dictionary, which we would normally use str() to do, except that we want the keys sorted for deterministic output. """ d = ninfo.__getstate__() try: keys = ninfo.field_list + ['_version_id'] except AttributeError: keys = sorted(d.keys()) values = [] for key in keys: values.append('%s: %s' % (repr(key), repr(d.get(key)))) if '\n' in name: name = repr(name) return name + ': {' + ', '.join(values) + '}' def nodeinfo_cooked(name, ninfo, prefix=""): try: field_list = ninfo.field_list except AttributeError: field_list = [] if '\n' in name: name = repr(name) outlist = [name + ':'] + [ f for f in [field(x, ninfo, Verbose) for x in field_list] if f ] if Verbose: sep = '\n ' + prefix else: sep = ' ' return sep.join(outlist) nodeinfo_string = nodeinfo_cooked def printfield(name, entry, prefix=""): outlist = field("implicit", entry, 0) if outlist: if Verbose: print(" implicit:") print(" " + outlist) outact = field("action", entry, 0) if outact: if Verbose: print(" action: " + outact) else: print(" " + outact) def printentries(entries, location): if Print_Entries: for name in Print_Entries: try: entry = entries[name] except KeyError: err = "sconsign: no entry `%s' in `%s'\n" % (name, location) sys.stderr.write(err) else: try: ninfo = entry.ninfo except AttributeError: print(name + ":") else: print(nodeinfo_string(name, entry.ninfo)) printfield(name, entry.binfo) else: for name in sorted(entries.keys()): entry = entries[name] try: entry.ninfo except AttributeError: print(name + ":") else: print(nodeinfo_string(name, entry.ninfo)) printfield(name, entry.binfo) class Do_SConsignDB: def __init__(self, dbm_name, dbm): self.dbm_name = dbm_name self.dbm = dbm def __call__(self, fname): # The *dbm modules stick their own file suffixes on the names # that are passed in. This causes us to jump through some # hoops here. try: # Try opening the specified file name. Example: # SPECIFIED OPENED BY self.dbm.open() # --------- ------------------------- # .sconsign => .sconsign.dblite # .sconsign.dblite => .sconsign.dblite.dblite db = self.dbm.open(fname, "r") except (IOError, OSError) as e: print_e = e try: # That didn't work, so try opening the base name, # so that if they actually passed in 'sconsign.dblite' # (for example), the dbm module will put the suffix back # on for us and open it anyway. db = self.dbm.open(os.path.splitext(fname)[0], "r") except (IOError, OSError): # That didn't work either. See if the file name # they specified even exists (independent of the dbm # suffix-mangling). try: with open(fname, "rb"): pass # this is a touch only, we don't use it here. except (IOError, OSError) as e: # Nope, that file doesn't even exist, so report that # fact back. print_e = e sys.stderr.write("sconsign: %s\n" % print_e) return except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except pickle.UnpicklingError: sys.stderr.write("sconsign: ignoring invalid `%s' file `%s'\n" % (self.dbm_name, fname)) return except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write("sconsign: ignoring invalid `%s' file `%s': %s\n" % (self.dbm_name, fname, e)) exc_type, _, _ = sys.exc_info() if exc_type.__name__ == "ValueError": sys.stderr.write("unrecognized pickle protocol.\n") return if Print_Directories: for dir in Print_Directories: try: val = db[dir] except KeyError: err = "sconsign: no dir `%s' in `%s'\n" % (dir, args[0]) sys.stderr.write(err) else: self.printentries(dir, val) else: for dir in sorted(db.keys()): self.printentries(dir, db[dir]) @staticmethod def printentries(dir, val): try: print('=== ' + dir + ':') except TypeError: print('=== ' + dir.decode() + ':') printentries(pickle.loads(val), dir) def Do_SConsignDir(name): try: with open(name, 'rb') as fp: try: sconsign = SCons.SConsign.Dir(fp) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except pickle.UnpicklingError: err = "sconsign: ignoring invalid .sconsign file `%s'\n" % name sys.stderr.write(err) return except Exception as e: err = "sconsign: ignoring invalid .sconsign file `%s': %s\n" % (name, e) sys.stderr.write(err) return printentries(sconsign.entries, args[0]) except (IOError, OSError) as e: sys.stderr.write("sconsign: %s\n" % e) return ############################################################################## def main(): global Do_Call global nodeinfo_string global args global Verbose global Readable helpstr = """\ Usage: sconsign [OPTIONS] [FILE ...] Options: -a, --act, --action Print build action information. -c, --csig Print content signature information. -d DIR, --dir=DIR Print only info about DIR. -e ENTRY, --entry=ENTRY Print only info about ENTRY. -f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT FILE is in the specified FORMAT. -h, --help Print this message and exit. -i, --implicit Print implicit dependency information. -r, --readable Print timestamps in human-readable form. --raw Print raw Python object representations. -s, --size Print file sizes. -t, --timestamp Print timestamp information. -v, --verbose Verbose, describe each field. """ try: opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], 'acd:e:f:hirstv', [ 'act', 'action', 'csig', 'dir=', 'entry=', 'format=', 'help', 'implicit', 'raw', 'readable', 'size', 'timestamp', 'verbose', ], ) except getopt.GetoptError as err: sys.stderr.write(str(err) + '\n') print(helpstr) sys.exit(2) for o, a in opts: if o in ('-a', '--act', '--action'): Print_Flags['action'] = 1 elif o in ('-c', '--csig'): Print_Flags['csig'] = 1 elif o in ('-d', '--dir'): Print_Directories.append(a) elif o in ('-e', '--entry'): Print_Entries.append(a) elif o in ('-f', '--format'): # Try to map the given DB format to a known module # name, that we can then try to import... Module_Map = {'dblite': 'SCons.dblite', 'sconsign': None} dbm_name = Module_Map.get(a, a) if dbm_name: try: if dbm_name != "SCons.dblite": dbm = importlib.import_module(dbm_name) else: import SCons.dblite dbm = SCons.dblite # Ensure that we don't ignore corrupt DB files, # this was handled by calling my_import('SCons.dblite') # again in earlier versions... SCons.dblite.IGNORE_CORRUPT_DBFILES = False except ImportError: sys.stderr.write("sconsign: illegal file format `%s'\n" % a) print(helpstr) sys.exit(2) Do_Call = Do_SConsignDB(a, dbm) else: Do_Call = Do_SConsignDir elif o in ('-h', '--help'): print(helpstr) sys.exit(0) elif o in ('-i', '--implicit'): Print_Flags['implicit'] = 1 elif o in ('--raw',): nodeinfo_string = nodeinfo_raw elif o in ('-r', '--readable'): Readable = 1 elif o in ('-s', '--size'): Print_Flags['size'] = 1 elif o in ('-t', '--timestamp'): Print_Flags['timestamp'] = 1 elif o in ('-v', '--verbose'): Verbose = 1 if Do_Call: for a in args: Do_Call(a) else: if not args: args = [".sconsign.dblite"] for a in args: dbm_name = my_whichdb(a) if dbm_name: Map_Module = {'SCons.dblite': 'dblite'} if dbm_name != "SCons.dblite": dbm = importlib.import_module(dbm_name) else: import SCons.dblite dbm = SCons.dblite # Ensure that we don't ignore corrupt DB files, # this was handled by calling my_import('SCons.dblite') # again in earlier versions... SCons.dblite.IGNORE_CORRUPT_DBFILES = False Do_SConsignDB(Map_Module.get(dbm_name, dbm_name), dbm)(a) else: Do_SConsignDir(a) if Warns: print("NOTE: there were %d warnings, please check output" % Warns) if __name__ == "__main__": main() sys.exit(0) # Local Variables: # tab-width:4 # indent-tabs-mode:nil # End: # vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: