/***************************************************************************** * * This file is part of Mapnik (c++ mapping toolkit) * * Copyright (C) 2011 Artem Pavlenko * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef MAPNIK_SQLITE_UTILS_HPP #define MAPNIK_SQLITE_UTILS_HPP // stl #include #include // mapnik #include #include #include #include // boost #include #include #include #include // sqlite extern "C" { #include } #include "sqlite_resultset.hpp" #include "sqlite_prepared.hpp" #include "sqlite_connection.hpp" //============================================================================== class sqlite_utils { public: static bool needs_quoting(std::string const& name) { if (name.size() > 0) { const char first = name[0]; if (is_quote_char(first)) { return false; } if ((first >= '0' && first <= '9') || (name.find("-") != std::string::npos) ) { return true; } } return false; } static bool is_quote_char(const char z) { if (z == '"' || z == '\'' || z == '[' || z == '`') { return true; } return false; } static void dequote(std::string & z) { boost::algorithm::trim_if(z,boost::algorithm::is_any_of("[]'\"`")); } static std::string index_for_table(std::string const& table, std::string const& field) { std::string table_trimmed = table; dequote(table_trimmed); return "\"idx_" + table_trimmed + "_" + field + "\""; } static std::string index_for_db(std::string const& file) { //std::size_t idx = file.find_last_of("."); //if(idx != std::string::npos) { // return file.substr(0,idx) + ".index" + file.substr(idx); //} //else //{ return file + ".index"; //} } static bool apply_spatial_filter(std::string & query, mapnik::box2d const& e, std::string const& table, std::string const& key_field, std::string const& index_table, std::string const& geometry_table, std::string const& intersects_token) { std::ostringstream spatial_sql; spatial_sql << std::setprecision(16); spatial_sql << key_field << " IN (SELECT pkid FROM " << index_table; spatial_sql << " WHERE xmax>=" << e.minx() << " AND xmin<=" << e.maxx() ; spatial_sql << " AND ymax>=" << e.miny() << " AND ymin<=" << e.maxy() << ")"; if (boost::algorithm::ifind_first(query, intersects_token)) { boost::algorithm::ireplace_all(query, intersects_token, spatial_sql.str()); return true; } // substitute first WHERE found if not using JOIN // (because we can't know the WHERE is on the right table) else if (boost::algorithm::ifind_first(query, "WHERE") && !boost::algorithm::ifind_first(query, "JOIN")) { std::string replace(" WHERE " + spatial_sql.str() + " AND "); boost::algorithm::ireplace_first(query, "WHERE", replace); return true; } // fallback to appending spatial filter at end of query else if (boost::algorithm::ifind_first(query, geometry_table)) { query = table + " WHERE " + spatial_sql.str(); return true; } return false; } static void get_tables(boost::shared_ptr ds, std::vector & tables) { std::ostringstream sql; // todo handle finding tables from attached db's sql << " SELECT name FROM sqlite_master" << " WHERE type IN ('table','view')" << " AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'" << " AND name NOT LIKE 'idx_%'" << " AND name NOT LIKE '%geometry_columns%'" << " AND name NOT LIKE '%ref_sys%'" << " UNION ALL" << " SELECT name FROM sqlite_temp_master" << " WHERE type IN ('table','view')" << " ORDER BY 1"; sqlite3_stmt* stmt = 0; const int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2 (*(*ds), sql.str().c_str(), -1, &stmt, 0); if (rc == SQLITE_OK) { boost::shared_ptr rs = boost::make_shared(stmt); while (rs->is_valid() && rs->step_next()) { const int type_oid = rs->column_type(0); if (type_oid == SQLITE_TEXT) { const char * data = rs->column_text(0); if (data) { tables.push_back(std::string(data)); } } } } } static void query_extent(boost::shared_ptr rs, mapnik::box2d& extent) { bool first = true; while (rs->is_valid() && rs->step_next()) { int size; const char* data = static_cast(rs->column_blob(0, size)); if (data) { boost::ptr_vector paths; if (mapnik::geometry_utils::from_wkb(paths, data, size, mapnik::wkbAuto)) { for (unsigned i=0; i const& bbox = paths[i].envelope(); if (bbox.valid()) { if (first) { first = false; extent = bbox; } else { extent.expand_to_include(bbox); } } } } } } } static bool create_spatial_index(std::string const& index_db, std::string const& index_table, boost::shared_ptr rs) { /* TODO - speedups - return early/recover from failure - allow either in db or in separate */ if (!rs->is_valid()) return false; #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER >= 3005000 int flags = SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE | SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX; #else int flags; #endif bool existed = boost::filesystem::exists(index_db); boost::shared_ptr ds = boost::make_shared(index_db,flags); bool one_success = false; try { ds->execute("PRAGMA synchronous=OFF"); ds->execute("BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION"); /* ds->execute("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL"); ds->execute("PRAGMA fullfsync=1"); ds->execute("PRAGMA locking_mode = EXCLUSIVE"); ds->execute("BEGIN EXCLUSIVE TRANSACTION"); */ // first drop the index if it already exists std::ostringstream spatial_index_drop_sql; spatial_index_drop_sql << "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " << index_table; ds->execute(spatial_index_drop_sql.str()); // create the spatial index std::ostringstream create_idx; create_idx << "create virtual table " << index_table << " using rtree(pkid, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)"; // insert for prepared statement std::ostringstream insert_idx; insert_idx << "insert into " << index_table << " values (?,?,?,?,?)"; ds->execute(create_idx.str()); prepared_index_statement ps(ds,insert_idx.str()); while (rs->is_valid() && rs->step_next()) { int size; const char* data = (const char*) rs->column_blob(0, size); if (data) { boost::ptr_vector paths; mapnik::box2d bbox; if (mapnik::geometry_utils::from_wkb(paths, data, size, mapnik::wkbAuto)) { for (unsigned i=0; icolumn_type(1); if (type_oid != SQLITE_INTEGER) { std::ostringstream error_msg; error_msg << "Sqlite Plugin: invalid type for key field '" << rs->column_name(1) << "' when creating index '" << index_table << "' type was: " << type_oid << ""; throw mapnik::datasource_exception(error_msg.str()); } const sqlite_int64 pkid = rs->column_integer64(1); ps.bind(pkid); } else { std::ostringstream error_msg; error_msg << "SQLite Plugin: encountered invalid bbox at '" << rs->column_name(1) << "' == " << rs->column_integer64(1); throw mapnik::datasource_exception(error_msg.str()); } ps.step_next(); one_success = true; } } } catch (mapnik::datasource_exception const& ex) { if (!existed) { try { boost::filesystem::remove(index_db); } catch (...) {}; } throw mapnik::datasource_exception(ex.what()); } if (one_success) { ds->execute("COMMIT"); return true; } else if (!existed) { try { boost::filesystem::remove(index_db); } catch (...) {}; } return false; } typedef struct { sqlite_int64 pkid; mapnik::box2d bbox; } rtree_type; static void build_tree(boost::shared_ptr rs, std::vector & rtree_list) { while (rs->is_valid() && rs->step_next()) { int size; const char* data = static_cast(rs->column_blob(0, size)); if (data) { boost::ptr_vector paths; if (mapnik::geometry_utils::from_wkb(paths, data, size, mapnik::wkbAuto)) { for (unsigned i=0; i const& bbox = paths[i].envelope(); if (bbox.valid()) { const int type_oid = rs->column_type(1); if (type_oid != SQLITE_INTEGER) { std::ostringstream error_msg; error_msg << "Sqlite Plugin: invalid type for key field '" << rs->column_name(1) << "' when creating index " << "type was: " << type_oid << ""; throw mapnik::datasource_exception(error_msg.str()); } const sqlite_int64 pkid = rs->column_integer64(1); rtree_type entry = rtree_type(); entry.pkid = pkid; entry.bbox = bbox; rtree_list.push_back(entry); } else { std::ostringstream error_msg; error_msg << "SQLite Plugin: encountered invalid bbox at '" << rs->column_name(1) << "' == " << rs->column_integer64(1); throw mapnik::datasource_exception(error_msg.str()); } } } } } } static bool create_spatial_index2(std::string const& index_db, std::string const& index_table, std::vector const& rtree_list) { #if SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER >= 3005000 int flags = SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE | SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX; #else int flags; #endif bool existed = boost::filesystem::exists(index_db); boost::shared_ptr ds = boost::make_shared(index_db,flags); bool one_success = false; try { ds->execute("PRAGMA synchronous=OFF"); ds->execute("BEGIN IMMEDIATE TRANSACTION"); // first drop the index if it already exists std::ostringstream spatial_index_drop_sql; spatial_index_drop_sql << "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " << index_table; ds->execute(spatial_index_drop_sql.str()); // create the spatial index std::ostringstream create_idx; create_idx << "create virtual table " << index_table << " using rtree(pkid, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)"; // insert for prepared statement std::ostringstream insert_idx; insert_idx << "insert into " << index_table << " values (?,?,?,?,?)"; ds->execute(create_idx.str()); prepared_index_statement ps(ds,insert_idx.str()); std::vector::const_iterator it = rtree_list.begin(); std::vector::const_iterator end = rtree_list.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { ps.bind(it->bbox); ps.bind(it->pkid); ps.step_next(); one_success = true; } } catch (mapnik::datasource_exception const& ex) { if (!existed) { try { boost::filesystem::remove(index_db); } catch (...) {}; } throw mapnik::datasource_exception(ex.what()); } if (one_success) { ds->execute("COMMIT"); return true; } else if (!existed) { try { boost::filesystem::remove(index_db); } catch (...) {}; } return false; } static bool detect_extent(boost::shared_ptr ds, bool has_spatial_index, mapnik::box2d & extent, std::string const& index_table, std::string const& metadata, std::string const& geometry_field, std::string const& geometry_table, std::string const& key_field, std::string const& table ) { if (has_spatial_index) { std::ostringstream s; s << "SELECT MIN(xmin), MIN(ymin), MAX(xmax), MAX(ymax) FROM " << index_table; boost::shared_ptr rs(ds->execute_query(s.str())); if (rs->is_valid() && rs->step_next()) { if (! rs->column_isnull(0)) { double xmin = rs->column_double(0); double ymin = rs->column_double(1); double xmax = rs->column_double(2); double ymax = rs->column_double(3); extent.init (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax); return true; } } } else if (! metadata.empty()) { std::ostringstream s; s << "SELECT xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax FROM " << metadata; s << " WHERE LOWER(f_table_name) = LOWER('" << geometry_table << "')"; boost::shared_ptr rs(ds->execute_query(s.str())); if (rs->is_valid() && rs->step_next()) { double xmin = rs->column_double(0); double ymin = rs->column_double(1); double xmax = rs->column_double(2); double ymax = rs->column_double(3); extent.init (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax); return true; } } else if (! key_field.empty()) { std::ostringstream s; s << "SELECT " << geometry_field << "," << key_field << " FROM (" << table << ")"; boost::shared_ptr rs(ds->execute_query(s.str())); sqlite_utils::query_extent(rs,extent); return true; } return false; } static bool has_rtree(std::string const& index_table,boost::shared_ptr ds) { try { std::ostringstream s; s << "SELECT pkid,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax FROM " << index_table << " LIMIT 1"; boost::shared_ptr rs = ds->execute_query(s.str()); if (rs->is_valid() && rs->step_next()) { return true; } } catch (std::exception const& ex) { //std::clog << "no: " << ex.what() << "\n"; return false; } return false; } static bool detect_types_from_subquery(std::string const& query, std::string & geometry_field, mapnik::layer_descriptor & desc, boost::shared_ptr ds) { bool found = false; boost::shared_ptr rs(ds->execute_query(query)); if (rs->is_valid() && rs->step_next()) { for (int i = 0; i < rs->column_count(); ++i) { found = true; const int type_oid = rs->column_type(i); const char* fld_name = rs->column_name(i); switch (type_oid) { case SQLITE_INTEGER: desc.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::Integer)); break; case SQLITE_FLOAT: desc.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::Double)); break; case SQLITE_TEXT: desc.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::String)); break; case SQLITE_NULL: // sqlite reports based on value, not actual column type unless // PRAGMA table_info is used so here we assume the column is a string // which is a lesser evil than altogether dropping the column desc.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::String)); break; case SQLITE_BLOB: if (geometry_field.empty() && (boost::algorithm::icontains(fld_name, "geom") || boost::algorithm::icontains(fld_name, "point") || boost::algorithm::icontains(fld_name, "linestring") || boost::algorithm::icontains(fld_name, "polygon"))) { geometry_field = std::string(fld_name); } break; default: #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG std::clog << "Sqlite Plugin: unknown type_oid=" << type_oid << std::endl; #endif break; } } } return found; } static bool table_info(std::string & key_field, bool detected_types, std::string & field, std::string & table, mapnik::layer_descriptor & desc, boost::shared_ptr ds) { // http://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_table_info // use pragma table_info to detect primary key // and to detect types if no subquery is used or // if the subquery-based type detection failed std::ostringstream s; s << "PRAGMA table_info(" << table << ")"; boost::shared_ptr rs(ds->execute_query(s.str())); bool found_table = false; bool found_pk = false; while (rs->is_valid() && rs->step_next()) { found_table = true; const char* fld_name = rs->column_text(1); std::string fld_type(rs->column_text(2)); sqlite_int64 fld_pk = rs->column_integer64(5); boost::algorithm::to_lower(fld_type); // TODO - how to handle primary keys on multiple columns ? if (key_field.empty() && ! found_pk && fld_pk != 0) { key_field = fld_name; found_pk = true; } if (! detected_types) { // see 2.1 "Column Affinity" at http://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html // TODO - refactor this somehow ? if (field.empty() && ((boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "geom") || boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "point") || boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "linestring") || boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "polygon")) || (boost::algorithm::icontains(fld_name, "geom") || boost::algorithm::icontains(fld_name, "point") || boost::algorithm::icontains(fld_name, "linestring") || boost::algorithm::icontains(fld_name, "polygon"))) ) { field = std::string(fld_name); } else if (boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "int")) { desc.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::Integer)); } else if (boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "text") || boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "char") || boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "clob")) { desc.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::String)); } else if (boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "real") || boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "float") || boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "double")) { desc.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::Double)); } else if (boost::algorithm::contains(fld_type, "blob")) { if (! field.empty()) { desc.add_descriptor(mapnik::attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::String)); } } #ifdef MAPNIK_DEBUG else { // "Column Affinity" says default to "Numeric" but for now we pass.. //desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name,mapnik::Double)); // TODO - this should not fail when we specify geometry_field in XML file std::clog << "Sqlite Plugin: column '" << std::string(fld_name) << "' unhandled due to unknown type: " << fld_type << std::endl; } #endif } } return found_table; } }; #endif // MAPNIK_SQLITE_UTILS_HPP