#define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN #include "catch.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace bfs = boost::filesystem; namespace { void add_csv_files(bfs::path dir, std::vector &csv_files) { for (auto const &entry : boost::make_iterator_range( bfs::directory_iterator(dir), bfs::directory_iterator())) { auto path = entry.path(); if (path.extension().native() == ".csv") { csv_files.emplace_back(path); } } } mapnik::datasource_ptr get_csv_ds(std::string const &file_name, bool strict = true) { mapnik::parameters params; params["type"] = std::string("csv"); params["file"] = file_name; params["strict"] = mapnik::value_bool(strict); auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params); // require a non-null pointer returned REQUIRE(ds != nullptr); return ds; } void require_field_names(std::vector const &fields, std::initializer_list const &names) { REQUIRE(fields.size() == names.size()); auto itr_a = fields.begin(); auto const end_a = fields.end(); auto itr_b = names.begin(); for (; itr_a != end_a; ++itr_a, ++itr_b) { CHECK(itr_a->get_name() == *itr_b); } } void require_field_types(std::vector const &fields, std::initializer_list const &types) { REQUIRE(fields.size() == types.size()); auto itr_a = fields.begin(); auto const end_a = fields.end(); auto itr_b = types.begin(); for (; itr_a != end_a; ++itr_a, ++itr_b) { CHECK(itr_a->get_type() == *itr_b); } } mapnik::featureset_ptr all_features(mapnik::datasource_ptr ds) { auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); mapnik::query query(ds->envelope()); for (auto const &field : fields) { query.add_property_name(field.get_name()); } return ds->features(query); } std::size_t count_features(mapnik::featureset_ptr features) { std::size_t count = 0; while (features->next()) { ++count; } return count; } using attr = std::tuple; void require_attributes(mapnik::feature_ptr feature, std::initializer_list const &attrs) { REQUIRE(bool(feature)); for (auto const &kv : attrs) { REQUIRE(feature->has_key(std::get<0>(kv))); CHECK(feature->get(std::get<0>(kv)) == std::get<1>(kv)); } } namespace detail { struct feature_count { template std::size_t operator()(T const &geom) const { return mapnik::util::apply_visitor(*this, geom); } std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::geometry_empty const &) const { return 0; } template std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::point const &) const { return 1; } template std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::line_string const &) const { return 1; } template std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::polygon const &) const { return 1; } template std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::multi_point const &mp) const { return mp.size(); } template std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::multi_line_string const &mls) const { return mls.size(); } template std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::multi_polygon const &mp) const { return mp.size(); } template std::size_t operator()(mapnik::geometry::geometry_collection const &col) const { std::size_t sum = 0; for (auto const &geom : col) { sum += operator()(geom); } return sum; } }; } // namespace detail template std::size_t feature_count(mapnik::geometry::geometry const &g) { return detail::feature_count()(g); } void require_geometry(mapnik::feature_ptr feature, std::size_t num_parts, mapnik::geometry::geometry_types type) { REQUIRE(bool(feature)); CHECK(mapnik::geometry::geometry_type(feature->get_geometry()) == type); CHECK(feature_count(feature->get_geometry()) == num_parts); } } // anonymous namespace static const std::string csv_plugin("./plugins/input/csv.input"); const bool registered = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().register_datasources(csv_plugin); TEST_CASE("csv") { if (mapnik::util::exists(csv_plugin)) { REQUIRE(registered); // make the tests silent since we intentially test error conditions that are noisy auto const severity = mapnik::logger::instance().get_severity(); mapnik::logger::instance().set_severity(mapnik::logger::none); // check the CSV datasource is loaded const std::vector plugin_names = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().plugin_names(); const bool have_csv_plugin = std::find(plugin_names.begin(), plugin_names.end(), "csv") != plugin_names.end(); SECTION("broken files") { if (have_csv_plugin) { std::vector broken; add_csv_files("test/data/csv/fails", broken); add_csv_files("test/data/csv/warns", broken); broken.emplace_back("test/data/csv/fails/does_not_exist.csv"); for (auto const &path : broken) { REQUIRE_THROWS(get_csv_ds(path.native())); } } } // END SECTION SECTION("good files") { if (have_csv_plugin) { std::vector good; add_csv_files("test/data/csv", good); add_csv_files("test/data/csv/warns", good); for (auto const &path : good) { auto ds = get_csv_ds(path.native(), false); // require a non-null pointer returned REQUIRE(bool(ds)); } } } // END SECTION SECTION("lon/lat detection") { for (auto const &lon_name : {std::string("lon"), std::string("lng")}) { auto ds = get_csv_ds((boost::format("test/data/csv/%1%_lat.csv") % lon_name).str()); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {lon_name, "lat"}); require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer}); CHECK(ds->get_geometry_type() == mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Point); mapnik::query query(ds->envelope()); for (auto const &field : fields) { query.add_property_name(field.get_name()); } auto features = ds->features(query); auto feature = features->next(); require_attributes(feature, { attr { lon_name, mapnik::value_integer(0) }, attr { "lat", mapnik::value_integer(0) } }); } } // END SECTION SECTION("type detection") { auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/nypd.csv"); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"Precinct", "Phone", "Address", "City", "geo_longitude", "geo_latitude", "geo_accuracy"}); require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::Double, mapnik::Double, mapnik::String}); CHECK(ds->get_geometry_type() == mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Point); CHECK(count_features(all_features(ds)) == 2); auto feature = all_features(ds)->next(); require_attributes(feature, { attr { "City", mapnik::value_unicode_string("New York, NY") } , attr { "geo_accuracy", mapnik::value_unicode_string("house") } , attr { "Phone", mapnik::value_unicode_string("(212) 334-0711") } , attr { "Address", mapnik::value_unicode_string("19 Elizabeth Street") } , attr { "Precinct", mapnik::value_unicode_string("5th Precinct") } , attr { "geo_longitude", mapnik::value_integer(-70) } , attr { "geo_latitude", mapnik::value_integer(40) } }); } // END SECTION SECTION("skipping blank rows") { auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/blank_rows.csv"); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "name"}); require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String}); CHECK(ds->get_geometry_type() == mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Point); CHECK(count_features(all_features(ds)) == 2); } // END SECTION SECTION("empty rows") { auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/empty_rows.csv"); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "text", "date", "integer", "boolean", "float", "time", "datetime", "empty_column"}); require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Boolean, mapnik::Double, mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::String}); CHECK(ds->get_geometry_type() == mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Point); CHECK(count_features(all_features(ds)) == 4); auto featureset = all_features(ds); auto feature = featureset->next(); require_attributes(feature, { attr { "x", mapnik::value_integer(0) } , attr { "empty_column", mapnik::value_unicode_string("") } , attr { "text", mapnik::value_unicode_string("a b") } , attr { "float", mapnik::value_double(1.0) } , attr { "datetime", mapnik::value_unicode_string("1971-01-01T04:14:00") } , attr { "y", mapnik::value_integer(0) } , attr { "boolean", mapnik::value_bool(true) } , attr { "time", mapnik::value_unicode_string("04:14:00") } , attr { "date", mapnik::value_unicode_string("1971-01-01") } , attr { "integer", mapnik::value_integer(40) } }); while (bool(feature = featureset->next())) { CHECK(feature->size() == 10); CHECK(feature->get("empty_column") == mapnik::value_unicode_string("")); } } // END SECTION SECTION("slashes") { auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/has_attributes_with_slashes.csv"); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "name"}); // NOTE: y column is integer, even though a double value is used below in the test? require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String}); auto featureset = all_features(ds); require_attributes(featureset->next(), { attr{"x", 0} , attr{"y", 0} , attr{"name", mapnik::value_unicode_string("a/a") } }); require_attributes(featureset->next(), { attr{"x", 1} , attr{"y", 4} , attr{"name", mapnik::value_unicode_string("b/b") } }); require_attributes(featureset->next(), { attr{"x", 10} , attr{"y", 2.5} , attr{"name", mapnik::value_unicode_string("c/c") } }); } // END SECTION SECTION("wkt field") { using mapnik::geometry::geometry_types; auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/wkt.csv"); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"type"}); require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::String}); auto featureset = all_features(ds); require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::Point); require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::LineString); require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::Polygon); require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::Polygon); require_geometry(featureset->next(), 4, geometry_types::MultiPoint); require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, geometry_types::MultiLineString); require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, geometry_types::MultiPolygon); require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, geometry_types::MultiPolygon); } // END SECTION SECTION("handling of missing header") { // TODO: does this mean 'missing_header.csv' should be in the warnings // subdirectory, since it doesn't work in strict mode? auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/missing_header.csv", false); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"one", "two", "x", "y", "_4", "aftermissing"}); auto feature = all_features(ds)->next(); REQUIRE(feature); REQUIRE(feature->has_key("_4")); CHECK(feature->get("_4") == mapnik::value_unicode_string("missing")); } // END SECTION SECTION("handling of headers that are numbers") { auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/numbers_for_headers.csv"); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "1990", "1991", "1992"}); auto feature = all_features(ds)->next(); require_attributes(feature, { attr{"x", 0} , attr{"y", 0} , attr{"1990", 1} , attr{"1991", 2} , attr{"1992", 3} }); auto expression = mapnik::parse_expression("[1991]=2"); REQUIRE(bool(expression)); auto value = mapnik::util::apply_visitor( mapnik::evaluate( *feature, mapnik::attributes()), *expression); CHECK(value == true); } // END SECTION SECTION("quoted numbers") { using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string; auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/quoted_numbers.csv"); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "label"}); auto featureset = all_features(ds); require_attributes(featureset->next(), { attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"label", ustring("0,0") } }); require_attributes(featureset->next(), { attr{"x", 5}, attr{"y", 5}, attr{"label", ustring("5,5") } }); require_attributes(featureset->next(), { attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 5}, attr{"label", ustring("0,5") } }); require_attributes(featureset->next(), { attr{"x", 5}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"label", ustring("5,0") } }); require_attributes(featureset->next(), { attr{"x", 2.5}, attr{"y", 2.5}, attr{"label", ustring("2.5,2.5") } }); } // END SECTION SECTION("reading newlines") { for (auto const &platform : {std::string("windows"), std::string("mac")}) { std::string file_name = (boost::format("test/data/csv/%1%_newlines.csv") % platform).str(); auto ds = get_csv_ds(file_name); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "z"}); require_attributes(all_features(ds)->next(), { attr{"x", 1}, attr{"y", 10}, attr{"z", 9999.9999} }); } } // END SECTION SECTION("mixed newlines") { using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string; for (auto const &file : { std::string("test/data/csv/mac_newlines_with_unix_inline.csv") , std::string("test/data/csv/mac_newlines_with_unix_inline_escaped.csv") , std::string("test/data/csv/windows_newlines_with_unix_inline.csv") , std::string("test/data/csv/windows_newlines_with_unix_inline_escaped.csv") }) { auto ds = get_csv_ds(file); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "line"}); require_attributes(all_features(ds)->next(), { attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0} , attr{"line", ustring("many\n lines\n of text\n with unix newlines")} }); } } // END SECTION SECTION("tabs") { auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/tabs_in_csv.csv"); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "z"}); require_attributes(all_features(ds)->next(), { attr{"x", -122}, attr{"y", 48}, attr{"z", 0} }); } // END SECTION SECTION("separators") { using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string; for (auto const &file : { std::string("test/data/csv/pipe_delimiters.csv") , std::string("test/data/csv/semicolon_delimiters.csv") }) { auto ds = get_csv_ds(file); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "z"}); require_attributes(all_features(ds)->next(), { attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"z", ustring("hello")} }); } } // END SECTION SECTION("null and bool keywords are empty strings") { using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string; auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/nulls_and_booleans_as_strings.csv"); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "null", "boolean"}); require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String, mapnik::Boolean}); auto featureset = all_features(ds); require_attributes(featureset->next(), { attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"null", ustring("null")}, attr{"boolean", true}}); require_attributes(featureset->next(), { attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"null", ustring("")}, attr{"boolean", false}}); } // END SECTION SECTION("nonexistent query fields throw") { auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/lon_lat.csv"); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"lon", "lat"}); require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer}); mapnik::query query(ds->envelope()); for (auto const &field : fields) { query.add_property_name(field.get_name()); } // also add an invalid one, triggering throw query.add_property_name("bogus"); REQUIRE_THROWS(ds->features(query)); } // END SECTION SECTION("leading zeros mean strings") { using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string; auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/leading_zeros.csv"); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "fips"}); require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String}); auto featureset = all_features(ds); require_attributes(featureset->next(), { attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"fips", ustring("001")}}); require_attributes(featureset->next(), { attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"fips", ustring("003")}}); require_attributes(featureset->next(), { attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"fips", ustring("005")}}); } // END SECTION SECTION("advanced geometry detection") { using row = std::pair; for (row r : { row{"point", mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Point} , row{"poly", mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Polygon} , row{"multi_poly", mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Polygon} , row{"line", mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::LineString} }) { std::string file_name = (boost::format("test/data/csv/%1%_wkt.csv") % r.first).str(); auto ds = get_csv_ds(file_name); CHECK(ds->get_geometry_type() == r.second); } } // END SECTION SECTION("creation of CSV from in-memory strings") { using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string; for (auto const &name : {std::string("Winthrop, WA"), std::string(u8"Qu\u00e9bec")}) { std::string csv_string = (boost::format( "wkt,Name\n" "\"POINT (120.15 48.47)\",\"%1%\"\n" ) % name).str(); mapnik::parameters params; params["type"] = std::string("csv"); params["inline"] = csv_string; auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params); REQUIRE(bool(ds)); auto feature = all_features(ds)->next(); REQUIRE(bool(feature)); REQUIRE(feature->has_key("Name")); CHECK(feature->get("Name") == ustring(name.c_str())); } } // END SECTION SECTION("geojson quoting") { using mapnik::geometry::geometry_types; for (auto const &file : { std::string("test/data/csv/geojson_double_quote_escape.csv") , std::string("test/data/csv/geojson_single_quote.csv") , std::string("test/data/csv/geojson_2x_double_quote_filebakery_style.csv") }) { auto ds = get_csv_ds(file); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"type"}); require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::String}); auto featureset = all_features(ds); require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::Point); require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::LineString); require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::Polygon); require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, geometry_types::Polygon); require_geometry(featureset->next(), 4, geometry_types::MultiPoint); require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, geometry_types::MultiLineString); require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, geometry_types::MultiPolygon); require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, geometry_types::MultiPolygon); } } // END SECTION SECTION("blank undelimited rows are still parsed") { using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string; // TODO: does this mean this CSV file should be in the warnings // subdirectory, since it doesn't work in strict mode? auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/more_headers_than_column_values.csv", false); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "one", "two", "three"}); require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::String}); require_attributes(all_features(ds)->next(), { attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"one", ustring("")}, attr{"two", ustring("")}, attr{"three", ustring("")} }); } // END SECTION SECTION("fewer headers than rows throws") { REQUIRE_THROWS(get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/more_column_values_than_headers.csv")); } // END SECTION SECTION("feature ID only incremented for valid rows") { auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/warns/feature_id_counting.csv", false); auto fs = all_features(ds); // first auto feature = fs->next(); REQUIRE(bool(feature)); CHECK(feature->id() == 1); // second, should have skipped bogus one feature = fs->next(); REQUIRE(bool(feature)); CHECK(feature->id() == 2); feature = fs->next(); CHECK(!feature); } // END SECTION SECTION("dynamically defining headers") { using ustring = mapnik::value_unicode_string; using row = std::pair; for (auto const &r : { row{"test/data/csv/fails/needs_headers_two_lines.csv", 2} , row{"test/data/csv/fails/needs_headers_one_line.csv", 1} , row{"test/data/csv/fails/needs_headers_one_line_no_newline.csv", 1} }) { mapnik::parameters params; params["type"] = std::string("csv"); params["file"] = r.first; params["headers"] = "x,y,name"; auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params); REQUIRE(bool(ds)); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "name"}); require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String}); require_attributes(all_features(ds)->next(), { attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"name", ustring("data_name")} }); REQUIRE(count_features(all_features(ds)) == r.second); } } // END SECTION #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wlong-long" SECTION("64bit int fields work") { auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/64bit_int.csv"); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "bigint"}); require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer}); auto fs = all_features(ds); auto feature = fs->next(); require_attributes(feature, { attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"bigint", 2147483648} }); feature = fs->next(); require_attributes(feature, { attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"bigint", 9223372036854775807ll} }); require_attributes(feature, { attr{"x", 0}, attr{"y", 0}, attr{"bigint", 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFll} }); } // END SECTION #pragma GCC diagnostic pop SECTION("various number types") { auto ds = get_csv_ds("test/data/csv/number_types.csv"); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {"x", "y", "floats"}); require_field_types(fields, {mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Double}); auto fs = all_features(ds); for (double d : { .0, +.0, 1e-06, -1e-06, 0.000001, 1.234e+16, 1.234e+16 }) { auto feature = fs->next(); REQUIRE(bool(feature)); CHECK(feature->get("floats").get() == Approx(d)); } } // END SECTION SECTION("manually supplied extent") { std::string csv_string("wkt,Name\n"); mapnik::parameters params; params["type"] = std::string("csv"); params["inline"] = csv_string; params["extent"] = "-180,-90,180,90"; auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params); REQUIRE(bool(ds)); auto box = ds->envelope(); CHECK(box.minx() == -180); CHECK(box.miny() == -90); CHECK(box.maxx() == 180); CHECK(box.maxy() == 90); } // END SECTION SECTION("inline geojson") { std::string csv_string = "geojson\n'{\"coordinates\":[-92.22568,38.59553],\"type\":\"Point\"}'"; mapnik::parameters params; params["type"] = std::string("csv"); params["inline"] = csv_string; auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params); REQUIRE(bool(ds)); auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors(); require_field_names(fields, {}); // TODO: this originally had the following comment: // - re-enable after https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/issues/2319 is fixed // but that seems to have been merged and tested separately? auto fs = all_features(ds); auto feat = fs->next(); CHECK(feature_count(feat->get_geometry()) == 1); } // END SECTION mapnik::logger::instance().set_severity(severity); } } // END TEST CASE