- Password is not necessary for connection identification - When password is not required by the database, user can accidentally use multiple different passwords without noticing. This leads to allocating more connection pools and increase of connection consumption.
426 lines
18 KiB
426 lines
18 KiB
* This file is part of Mapnik (c++ mapping toolkit)
* Copyright (C) 2017 Artem Pavlenko
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "catch.hpp"
#include "ds_test_util.hpp"
#include <mapnik/datasource.hpp>
#include <mapnik/datasource_cache.hpp>
#include <mapnik/geometry/geometry_type.hpp>
#include <mapnik/unicode.hpp>
#include <mapnik/util/fs.hpp>
#include "../../../plugins/input/postgis/connection_manager.hpp"
Compile and run just this test:
clang++ -o test-postgis -g -I./test/ test/unit/run.cpp test/unit/datasource/postgis.cpp `mapnik-config --all-flags` && ./test-postgis -d yes
#include <boost/optional/optional_io.hpp>
namespace {
bool run(std::string const& command, bool okay_to_fail = false)
std::string cmd;
if (std::getenv("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH") != nullptr)
cmd += std::string("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=") + std::getenv("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH") + " && ";
cmd += command;
// silence output unless MAPNIK_TEST_DEBUG is defined
if (std::getenv("MAPNIK_TEST_DEBUG") == nullptr)
#ifndef _WINDOWS
cmd += " 2>/dev/null";
cmd += " 2> nul";
std::clog << "Running " << cmd << "\n";
bool worked = (std::system(cmd.c_str()) == 0);
if (okay_to_fail == true) return true;
return worked;
std::string const dbname("mapnik-tmp-postgis-test-db");
bool status = false;
bool ping_postmaster()
return (run("psql --version")
&& run("dropdb --if-exists " + dbname)
&& run("createdb -T template_postgis " + dbname));
TEST_CASE("postgis") {
SECTION("Ping Postmaster (check if server is runnging and accessible")
if (!ping_postmaster())
WARN("Can't run postgis.input tests - check postmaster is running and accessible");
status = true;
if (status)
SECTION("Postgis data initialization")
//don't add 'true' here, to get error message, when drop fails. If it works nothing is output
REQUIRE(run("dropdb --if-exists " + dbname));
REQUIRE(run("createdb -T template_postgis " + dbname));
//REQUIRE(run("createdb " + dbname));
// Breaks when raster support is missing (unfortunately this is common)
//REQUIRE(run("psql -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;' " + dbname, true));
REQUIRE(run("psql -q -f ./test/data/sql/postgis-create-db-and-tables.sql " + dbname));
mapnik::parameters base_params;
base_params["type"] = "postgis";
base_params["dbname"] = dbname;
SECTION("Postgis should throw without 'table' parameter")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
SECTION("Postgis should throw with 'max_async_connection' greater than 'max_size'")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "test";
params["max_async_connection"] = "2";
params["max_size"] = "1";
SECTION("Postgis should throw with invalid metadata query")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "does_not_exist";
SECTION("Postgis should throw with invalid key field")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "test_invalid_id";
params["key_field"] = "id";
SECTION("Postgis should throw with multicolumn primary key")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "test_invalid_multi_col_pk";
params["autodetect_key_field"] = "true";
SECTION("Postgis should throw without geom column")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "test_no_geom_col";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
SECTION("Postgis should throw with invalid credentials")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "test";
params["user"] = "not_a_valid_user";
params["password"] = "not_a_valid_pwd";
SECTION("Postgis initialize dataset with persist_connection, schema, extent, geometry field, autodectect key field, simplify_geometries, row_limit")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["persist_connection"] = "false";
params["table"] = "public.test";
params["geometry_field"] = "geom";
params["autodetect_key_field"] = "true";
params["extent"] = "-1 -1, -1 2, 4 3, 3 -1, -1 -1";
params["simplify_geometries"] = "true";
params["row_limit"] = "1";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
SECTION("Postgis dataset geometry type")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "(SELECT * FROM test WHERE gid=1) as data";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
CHECK(ds->get_geometry_type() == mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Point);
SECTION("Postgis properly escapes names with single quotes")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "\"test'single'quotes\"";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
CHECK(ds->get_geometry_type() == mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Point);
SECTION("Postgis properly escapes names with double quotes")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "\"test\"\"double\"\"quotes\"";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
CHECK(ds->get_geometry_type() == mapnik::datasource_geometry_t::Point);
SECTION("Postgis query field names")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "test";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
REQUIRE(ds->type() == mapnik::datasource::datasource_t::Vector);
auto fields = ds->get_descriptor().get_descriptors();
require_field_names(fields, { "gid", "colbigint", "col_text", "col-char", "col+bool", "colnumeric", "colsmallint", "colfloat4", "colfloat8", "colcharacter" });
require_field_types(fields, { mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::String, mapnik::String, mapnik::Boolean, mapnik::Double, mapnik::Integer, mapnik::Double, mapnik::Double, mapnik::String });
SECTION("Postgis iterate features")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "test";
params["key_field"] = "gid";
params["max_async_connection"] = "2";
//params["cursor_size"] = "2";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
auto featureset = ds->features_at_point(mapnik::coord2d(1, 1));
mapnik::feature_ptr feature;
while ((bool(feature = featureset->next()))) {
REQUIRE(feature->get(2).to_string() == feature->get("col_text").to_string());
REQUIRE(feature->get(4).to_bool() == feature->get("col+bool").to_bool());
REQUIRE(feature->get(5).to_double() == feature->get("colnumeric").to_double());
REQUIRE(feature->get(5).to_string() == feature->get("colnumeric").to_string());
featureset = all_features(ds);
feature = featureset->next();
//deactivate char tests for now: not yet implemented.
//add at postgis_datasource.cpp:423
//case 18: // char
//REQUIRE("A" == feature->get("col-char").to_string());
feature = featureset->next();
//REQUIRE("B" == feature->get("col-char").to_string());
feature = featureset->next();
REQUIRE(false == feature->get("col+bool").to_bool());
SECTION("Postgis cursorresultest")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "(SELECT * FROM test) as data";
params["cursor_size"] = "2";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
auto featureset = all_features(ds);
CHECK(count_features(featureset) == 8);
featureset = all_features(ds);
mapnik::feature_ptr feature;
while (bool(feature = featureset->next())) {
CHECK(feature->size() == 10);
featureset = all_features(ds);
require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, mapnik::geometry::geometry_types::Point);
require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, mapnik::geometry::geometry_types::Point);
require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, mapnik::geometry::geometry_types::MultiPoint);
require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, mapnik::geometry::geometry_types::LineString);
require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, mapnik::geometry::geometry_types::MultiLineString);
require_geometry(featureset->next(), 1, mapnik::geometry::geometry_types::Polygon);
require_geometry(featureset->next(), 2, mapnik::geometry::geometry_types::MultiPolygon);
require_geometry(featureset->next(), 3, mapnik::geometry::geometry_types::GeometryCollection);
SECTION("Postgis bbox query")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "(SELECT * FROM public.test) as data WHERE geom && !bbox!";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
mapnik::box2d<double> ext = ds->envelope();
INFO(std::setprecision(6) << std::fixed << ext.minx() << "/" << ext.miny() << " " << ext.maxx() << "/" << ext.maxy());
REQUIRE(ext.minx() == -2);
REQUIRE(ext.miny() == -2);
REQUIRE(ext.maxx() == 5);
REQUIRE(ext.maxy() == 4);
SECTION("Postgis doesn't interpret @domain in email address as @variable")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "(SELECT gid, geom, 'fake@mail.ru' as email"
" FROM public.test LIMIT 1) AS data";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
auto featureset = all_features(ds);
auto feature = featureset->next();
CHECKED_IF(feature != nullptr)
CHECK(feature->get("email").to_string() == "fake@mail.ru");
SECTION("Postgis interpolates !@uservar! tokens in query")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "(SELECT * FROM public.test"
" WHERE GeometryType(geom) = !@wantedGeomType!"
" LIMIT 1) AS data";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
mapnik::transcoder tr("utf8");
mapnik::query qry(ds->envelope());
qry.set_variables({{"wantedGeomType", tr.transcode("POINT")}});
CHECK(qry.variables().count("wantedGeomType") == 1);
auto featureset = ds->features(qry);
auto feature = featureset->next();
CHECKED_IF(feature != nullptr)
auto const& geom = feature->get_geometry();
CHECK(mapnik::geometry::geometry_type(geom) == mapnik::geometry::Point);
qry.set_variables({{"wantedGeomType", tr.transcode("POLYGON")}});
CHECK(qry.variables().count("wantedGeomType") == 1);
featureset = ds->features(qry);
feature = featureset->next();
CHECKED_IF(feature != nullptr)
auto const& geom = feature->get_geometry();
CHECK(mapnik::geometry::geometry_type(geom) == mapnik::geometry::Polygon);
SECTION("Postgis query extent: full dataset")
//include schema to increase coverage
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "(SELECT * FROM public.test) as data";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
mapnik::box2d<double> ext = ds->envelope();
INFO(std::setprecision(6) << std::fixed << ext.minx() << "/" << ext.miny() << " " << ext.maxx() << "/" << ext.maxy());
REQUIRE(ext.minx() == -2);
REQUIRE(ext.miny() == -2);
REQUIRE(ext.maxx() == 5);
REQUIRE(ext.maxy() == 4);
/* deactivated for merging: still investigating a proper fix
SECTION("Postgis query extent from subquery")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "(SELECT * FROM test where gid=4) as data";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
mapnik::box2d<double> ext = ds->envelope();
INFO(std::setprecision(6) << std::fixed << ext.minx() << "/" << ext.miny() << " " << ext.maxx() << "/" << ext.maxy());
REQUIRE(ext.minx() == 0);
REQUIRE(ext.miny() == 0);
REQUIRE(ext.maxx() == 1);
REQUIRE(ext.maxy() == 2);
SECTION("Postgis query extent: from subquery with 'extent_from_subquery=true'")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
params["table"] = "(SELECT * FROM test where gid=4) as data";
params["extent_from_subquery"] = "true";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
mapnik::box2d<double> ext = ds->envelope();
INFO(std::setprecision(6) << std::fixed << ext.minx() << "/" << ext.miny() << " " << ext.maxx() << "/" << ext.maxy());
REQUIRE(ext.minx() == 0);
REQUIRE(ext.miny() == 0);
REQUIRE(ext.maxx() == 1);
REQUIRE(ext.maxy() == 2);
/* deactivated for merging: still investigating a proper fix
SECTION("Postgis query extent: subset with 'extent_from_subquery=true' and 'scale_denominator'")
mapnik::parameters params(base_params);
// !!!! postgis-vt-util::z() returns 'null' when 'scale_denominator > 600000000'
// https://github.com/mapbox/postgis-vt-util/blob/559f073877696a6bfea41baf3e1065f9cf4d18d1/postgis-vt-util.sql#L615-L617
params["table"] = "(SELECT * FROM test where gid=4 AND z(!scale_denominator!) BETWEEN 0 AND 22) as data";
params["extent_from_subquery"] = "true";
auto ds = mapnik::datasource_cache::instance().create(params);
REQUIRE(ds != nullptr);
mapnik::box2d<double> ext = ds->envelope();
INFO("" << std::setprecision(6) << std::fixed << ext.minx() << "/" << ext.miny() << " " << ext.maxx() << "/" << ext.maxy());
REQUIRE(ext.minx() == 0);
REQUIRE(ext.miny() == 0);
REQUIRE(ext.maxx() == 1);
REQUIRE(ext.maxy() == 2);
TEST_CASE("ConnectionCreator") {
SECTION("ConnectionCreator::id() should not expose password")
ConnectionCreator<Connection> creator(boost::optional<std::string>("host"),
CHECK(creator.id() == "host=host port=12345 dbname=dbname user=user connect_timeout=111");