When doing an envelope-points reprojection to a geographic CS, check the points stay in clockwise order. Otherwise expand the resulting bounds to include the world. Includes visual test. Cairo tests aren't finding differences, but the renderer is doing the right thing.
152 lines
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152 lines
6 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
from nose.tools import *
import mapnik
import random
import math
from utilities import run_all, assert_box2d_almost_equal
# Tests that exercise map projections.
def test_normalizing_definition():
p = mapnik.Projection('+init=epsg:4326')
expanded = p.expanded()
eq_('+proj=longlat' in expanded,True)
# Trac Ticket #128
def test_wgs84_inverse_forward():
p = mapnik.Projection('+init=epsg:4326')
c = mapnik.Coord(3.01331418311, 43.3333092669)
e = mapnik.Box2d(-122.54345245, 45.12312553, 68.2335581353, 48.231231233)
# It appears that the y component changes very slightly, is this OK?
# so we test for 'almost equal float values'
assert_almost_equal(p.inverse(c).y, c.y)
assert_almost_equal(p.inverse(c).x, c.x)
assert_almost_equal(p.forward(c).y, c.y)
assert_almost_equal(p.forward(c).x, c.x)
assert_almost_equal(p.inverse(e).center().y, e.center().y)
assert_almost_equal(p.inverse(e).center().x, e.center().x)
assert_almost_equal(p.forward(e).center().y, e.center().y)
assert_almost_equal(p.forward(e).center().x, e.center().x)
assert_almost_equal(c.inverse(p).y, c.y)
assert_almost_equal(c.inverse(p).x, c.x)
assert_almost_equal(c.forward(p).y, c.y)
assert_almost_equal(c.forward(p).x, c.x)
assert_almost_equal(e.inverse(p).center().y, e.center().y)
assert_almost_equal(e.inverse(p).center().x, e.center().x)
assert_almost_equal(e.forward(p).center().y, e.center().y)
assert_almost_equal(e.forward(p).center().x, e.center().x)
def wgs2merc(lon,lat):
x = lon * 20037508.34 / 180;
y = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi / 360)) / (math.pi / 180);
y = y * 20037508.34 / 180;
return [x,y];
def merc2wgs(x,y):
x = (x / 20037508.34) * 180;
y = (y / 20037508.34) * 180;
y = 180 / math.pi * (2 * math.atan(math.exp(y * math.pi/180)) - math.pi/2);
if x > 180: x = 180;
if x < -180: x = -180;
if y > 85.0511: y = 85.0511;
if y < -85.0511: y = -85.0511;
return [x,y]
#echo -109 37 | cs2cs -f "%.10f" +init=epsg:4326 +to +init=epsg:3857
#-12133824.4964668211 4439106.7872505859 0.0000000000
## todo
# benchmarks
# better well known detection
# better srs matching with strip/trim
# python copy to avoid crash
def test_proj_transform_between_init_and_literal():
one = mapnik.Projection('+init=epsg:4326')
two = mapnik.Projection('+init=epsg:3857')
tr1 = mapnik.ProjTransform(one,two)
tr1b = mapnik.ProjTransform(two,one)
wgs84 = '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs'
merc = '+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over'
src = mapnik.Projection(wgs84)
dest = mapnik.Projection(merc)
tr2 = mapnik.ProjTransform(src,dest)
tr2b = mapnik.ProjTransform(dest,src)
for x in xrange(-180,180,10):
for y in xrange(-60,60,10):
coord = mapnik.Coord(x,y)
merc_coord1 = tr1.forward(coord)
merc_coord2 = tr1b.backward(coord)
merc_coord3 = tr2.forward(coord)
merc_coord4 = tr2b.backward(coord)
eq_(math.fabs(merc_coord1.x - merc_coord1.x) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(merc_coord1.x - merc_coord2.x) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(merc_coord1.x - merc_coord3.x) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(merc_coord1.x - merc_coord4.x) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(merc_coord1.y - merc_coord1.y) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(merc_coord1.y - merc_coord2.y) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(merc_coord1.y - merc_coord3.y) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(merc_coord1.y - merc_coord4.y) < 1,True)
lon_lat_coord1 = tr1.backward(merc_coord1)
lon_lat_coord2 = tr1b.forward(merc_coord2)
lon_lat_coord3 = tr2.backward(merc_coord3)
lon_lat_coord4 = tr2b.forward(merc_coord4)
eq_(math.fabs(coord.x - lon_lat_coord1.x) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(coord.x - lon_lat_coord2.x) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(coord.x - lon_lat_coord3.x) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(coord.x - lon_lat_coord4.x) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(coord.y - lon_lat_coord1.y) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(coord.y - lon_lat_coord2.y) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(coord.y - lon_lat_coord3.y) < 1,True)
eq_(math.fabs(coord.y - lon_lat_coord4.y) < 1,True)
# Github Issue #2648
def test_proj_antimeridian_bbox():
# this is logic from feature_style_processor::prepare_layer()
PROJ_ENVELOPE_POINTS = 20 # include/mapnik/config.hpp
prjGeog = mapnik.Projection('+init=epsg:4326')
prjProj = mapnik.Projection('+init=epsg:2193')
prj_trans_fwd = mapnik.ProjTransform(prjProj, prjGeog)
prj_trans_rev = mapnik.ProjTransform(prjGeog, prjProj)
# bad = mapnik.Box2d(-177.31453250437079, -62.33374815225163, 178.02778363316355, -24.584597490955804)
better = mapnik.Box2d(-180.0, -62.33374815225163, 180.0, -24.584597490955804)
buffered_query_ext = mapnik.Box2d(274000, 3087000, 3327000, 7173000)
fwd_ext = prj_trans_fwd.forward(buffered_query_ext, PROJ_ENVELOPE_POINTS)
assert_box2d_almost_equal(fwd_ext, better)
# check the same logic works for .backward()
ext = mapnik.Box2d(274000, 3087000, 3327000, 7173000)
rev_ext = prj_trans_rev.backward(ext, PROJ_ENVELOPE_POINTS)
assert_box2d_almost_equal(rev_ext, better)
# checks for not being snapped (ie. not antimeridian)
normal = mapnik.Box2d(148.766759749,-60.1222810238,159.95484893,-24.9771195151)
buffered_query_ext = mapnik.Box2d(274000, 3087000, 276000, 7173000)
fwd_ext = prj_trans_fwd.forward(buffered_query_ext, PROJ_ENVELOPE_POINTS)
assert_box2d_almost_equal(fwd_ext, normal)
# check the same logic works for .backward()
ext = mapnik.Box2d(274000, 3087000, 276000, 7173000)
rev_ext = prj_trans_rev.backward(ext, PROJ_ENVELOPE_POINTS)
assert_box2d_almost_equal(rev_ext, normal)
if __name__ == "__main__":
exit(run_all(eval(x) for x in dir() if x.startswith("test_")))