337 lines
7.9 KiB
337 lines
7.9 KiB
* This file is part of Mapnik (c++ mapping toolkit)
* Copyright (C) 2009 Artem Pavlenko
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// mapnik
#include <mapnik/value.hpp>
#include <mapnik/attribute.hpp>
// boost
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <boost/regex/icu.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
namespace mapnik
namespace tags {
struct plus
static const char* str()
return "+";
struct minus
static const char* str()
return "-";
struct mult
static const char* str()
return "*";
struct div
static const char* str()
return "/";
struct mod
static const char* str()
return "%";
struct less
static const char* str()
return "<";
struct less_equal
static const char* str()
return "<=";
struct greater
static const char* str()
return ">";
struct greater_equal
static const char* str()
return ">=";
struct equal_to
static const char* str()
return "=";
struct not_equal_to
static const char* str()
return "!=";
struct logical_not
static const char* str()
return "not ";
struct logical_and
static const char* str()
return " and ";
struct logical_or
static const char* str()
return " or ";
} // end operation tags
template <typename Tag> struct binary_node;
template <typename Tag> struct unary_node;
struct regex_match_node;
struct regex_replace_node;
typedef mapnik::value value_type;
typedef boost::variant <
boost::recursive_wrapper<binary_node<tags::plus> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper<binary_node<tags::minus> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper<binary_node<tags::mult> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper<binary_node<tags::div> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper<binary_node<tags::mod> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper<binary_node<tags::less> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper<binary_node<tags::less_equal> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper<binary_node<tags::greater> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper<binary_node<tags::greater_equal> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper<binary_node<tags::equal_to> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper<binary_node<tags::not_equal_to> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper<unary_node<tags::logical_not> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper<binary_node<tags::logical_and> >,
boost::recursive_wrapper<binary_node<tags::logical_or> >,
> expr_node;
template <typename Tag> struct make_op;
template <> struct make_op<tags::plus> { typedef std::plus<value_type> type;};
template <> struct make_op<tags::minus> { typedef std::minus<value_type> type;};
template <> struct make_op<tags::mult> { typedef std::multiplies<value_type> type;};
template <> struct make_op<tags::div> { typedef std::divides<value_type> type;};
template <> struct make_op<tags::mod> { typedef std::modulus<value_type> type;};
template <> struct make_op<tags::less> { typedef std::less<value_type> type;};
template <> struct make_op<tags::less_equal> { typedef std::less_equal<value_type> type;};
template <> struct make_op<tags::greater> { typedef std::greater<value_type> type;};
template <> struct make_op<tags::greater_equal> { typedef std::greater_equal<value_type> type;};
template <> struct make_op<tags::equal_to> { typedef std::equal_to<value_type> type;};
template <> struct make_op<tags::not_equal_to> { typedef std::not_equal_to<value_type> type;};
template <> struct make_op<tags::logical_not> { typedef std::logical_not<value_type> type;};
template <> struct make_op<tags::logical_and> { typedef std::logical_and<value_type> type;};
template <> struct make_op<tags::logical_or> { typedef std::logical_or<value_type> type;};
template <typename Tag>
struct unary_node
unary_node (expr_node const& a)
: expr(a) {}
static const char* type()
return Tag::str();
expr_node expr;
template <typename Tag>
struct binary_node
binary_node(expr_node const& a, expr_node const& b)
: left(a),
right(b) {}
static const char* type()
return Tag::str();
expr_node left,right;
struct regex_match_node
regex_match_node (expr_node const& a, UnicodeString const& ustr)
: expr(a),
pattern(boost::make_u32regex(ustr)) {}
expr_node expr;
boost::u32regex pattern;
struct regex_replace_node
regex_replace_node (expr_node const& a, UnicodeString const& ustr, UnicodeString const& f)
: expr(a),
format(f) {}
expr_node expr;
boost::u32regex pattern;
UnicodeString format;
struct function_call
template<typename Fun>
explicit function_call (expr_node const a, Fun f)
: expr(a),
call_(f) {}
expr_node expr;
boost::function<value_type(value_type)> call_;
// ops
inline expr_node & operator += ( expr_node &left ,const expr_node &right)
return left = binary_node<tags::plus>(left,right);
inline expr_node & operator -= ( expr_node &left ,const expr_node &right)
return left = binary_node<tags::minus>(left,right);
inline expr_node & operator *= ( expr_node &left ,const expr_node &right)
return left = binary_node<tags::mult>(left,right);
inline expr_node & operator /= ( expr_node &left ,const expr_node &right)
return left = binary_node<tags::div>(left,right);
inline expr_node & operator %= ( expr_node &left ,const expr_node &right)
return left = binary_node<tags::mod>(left,right);
inline expr_node & operator < ( expr_node &left, expr_node const& right)
return left = binary_node<tags::less>(left,right);
inline expr_node & operator <= ( expr_node &left, expr_node const& right)
return left = binary_node<tags::less_equal>(left,right);
inline expr_node & operator > ( expr_node &left, expr_node const& right)
return left = binary_node<tags::greater>(left,right);
inline expr_node & operator >= ( expr_node &left, expr_node const& right)
return left = binary_node<tags::greater_equal>(left,right);
inline expr_node & operator == ( expr_node &left, expr_node const& right)
return left = binary_node<tags::equal_to>(left,right);
inline expr_node & operator != ( expr_node &left, expr_node const& right)
return left = binary_node<tags::not_equal_to>(left,right);
inline expr_node & operator ! (expr_node & expr)
return expr = unary_node<tags::logical_not>(expr);
inline expr_node & operator && ( expr_node &left, expr_node const& right)
return left = binary_node<tags::logical_and>(left,right);
inline expr_node & operator || ( expr_node &left, expr_node const& right)
return left = binary_node<tags::logical_or>(left,right);