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# This file is part of Mapnik (C++/Python mapping toolkit)
# Copyright (C) 2009 Artem Pavlenko
# Mapnik is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""Mapnik Python module.
Boost Python bindings to the Mapnik C++ shared library.
Several things happen when you do:
>>> import mapnik
1) Mapnik C++ objects are imported via the '__init__.py' from the '_mapnik.so' shared object
(_mapnik.pyd on win) which references libmapnik.so (linux), libmapnik.dylib (mac), or
mapnik.dll (win32).
2) The paths to the input plugins and font directories are imported from the 'paths.py'
file which was constructed and installed during SCons installation.
3) All available input plugins and TrueType fonts are automatically registered.
4) Boost Python metaclass injectors are used in the '__init__.py' to extend several
objects adding extra convenience when accessed via Python.
import os
import sys
import warnings
def bootstrap_env():
If an optional settings file exists, inherit its
environment settings before loading the mapnik library.
This feature is intended for customized packages of mapnik.
The settings file should be a python file with an 'env' variable
that declares a dictionary of key:value pairs to push into the
global process environment, if not already set, like:
env = {'ICU_DATA':'/usr/local/share/icu/'}
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'mapnik_settings.py')):
from mapnik_settings import env
process_keys = os.environ.keys()
for key, value in env.items():
if key not in process_keys:
os.environ[key] = value
from _mapnik import *
from paths import inputpluginspath, fontscollectionpath
import printing
printing.renderer = render
# The base Boost.Python class
BoostPythonMetaclass = Coord.__class__
class _MapnikMetaclass(BoostPythonMetaclass):
def __init__(self, name, bases, dict):
for b in bases:
if type(b) not in (self, type):
for k,v in list(dict.items()):
if hasattr(b, k):
setattr(b, '_c_'+k, getattr(b, k))
return type.__init__(self, name, bases, dict)
# metaclass injector compatible with both python 2 and 3
# http://mikewatkins.ca/2008/11/29/python-2-and-3-metaclasses/
_injector = _MapnikMetaclass('_injector', (object, ), {})
def Filter(*args,**kwargs):
warnings.warn("'Filter' is deprecated and will be removed in Mapnik 3.x, use 'Expression' instead",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return Expression(*args, **kwargs)
class Envelope(Box2d):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
warnings.warn("'Envelope' is deprecated and will be removed in Mapnik 3.x, use 'Box2d' instead",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
Box2d.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
class _Coord(Coord,_injector):
Represents a point with two coordinates (either lon/lat or x/y).
Following operators are defined for Coord:
Addition and subtraction of Coord objects:
>>> Coord(10, 10) + Coord(20, 20)
Coord(30.0, 30.0)
>>> Coord(10, 10) - Coord(20, 20)
Coord(-10.0, -10.0)
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division between
a Coord and a float:
>>> Coord(10, 10) + 1
Coord(11.0, 11.0)
>>> Coord(10, 10) - 1
Coord(-9.0, -9.0)
>>> Coord(10, 10) * 2
Coord(20.0, 20.0)
>>> Coord(10, 10) / 2
Coord(5.0, 5.0)
Equality of coords (as pairwise equality of components):
>>> Coord(10, 10) is Coord(10, 10)
>>> Coord(10, 10) == Coord(10, 10)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Coord(%s,%s)' % (self.x, self.y)
def forward(self, projection):
Projects the point from the geographic coordinate
space into the cartesian space. The x component is
considered to be longitude, the y component the
Returns the easting (x) and northing (y) as a
coordinate pair.
Example: Project the geographic coordinates of the
city center of Stuttgart into the local
map projection (GK Zone 3/DHDN, EPSG 31467)
>>> p = Projection('+init=epsg:31467')
>>> Coord(9.1, 48.7).forward(p)
return forward_(self, projection)
def inverse(self, projection):
Projects the point from the cartesian space
into the geographic space. The x component is
considered to be the easting, the y component
to be the northing.
Returns the longitude (x) and latitude (y) as a
coordinate pair.
Example: Project the cartesian coordinates of the
city center of Stuttgart in the local
map projection (GK Zone 3/DHDN, EPSG 31467)
into geographic coordinates:
>>> p = Projection('+init=epsg:31467')
>>> Coord(3507360.12813,5395719.2749).inverse(p)
Coord(9.1, 48.7)
return inverse_(self, projection)
class _Box2d(Box2d,_injector):
Represents a spatial envelope (i.e. bounding box).
Following operators are defined for Box2d:
e1 + e2 is equvalent to e1.expand_to_include(e2) but yields
a new envelope instead of modifying e1
Currently e1 - e2 returns e1.
Multiplication and division with floats:
Multiplication and division change the width and height of the envelope
by the given factor without modifying its center..
That is, e1 * x is equivalent to:
e1.width(x * e1.width())
e1.height(x * e1.height()),
except that a new envelope is created instead of modifying e1.
e1 / x is equivalent to e1 * (1.0/x).
Equality: two envelopes are equal if their corner points are equal.
def __repr__(self):
return 'Box2d(%s,%s,%s,%s)' % \
def forward(self, projection):
Projects the envelope from the geographic space
into the cartesian space by projecting its corner
See also:
Coord.forward(self, projection)
return forward_(self, projection)
def inverse(self, projection):
Projects the envelope from the cartesian space
into the geographic space by projecting its corner
See also:
Coord.inverse(self, projection).
return inverse_(self, projection)
class _Projection(Projection,_injector):
def __repr__(self):
return "Projection('%s')" % self.params()
def forward(self,obj):
Projects the given object (Box2d or Coord)
from the geographic space into the cartesian space.
See also:
Box2d.forward(self, projection),
Coord.forward(self, projection).
return forward_(obj,self)
def inverse(self,obj):
Projects the given object (Box2d or Coord)
from the cartesian space into the geographic space.
See also:
Box2d.inverse(self, projection),
Coord.inverse(self, projection).
return inverse_(obj,self)
class _Datasource(Datasource,_injector):
def all_features(self,fields=None):
query = Query(self.envelope())
attributes = fields or self.fields()
for fld in attributes:
return self.features(query).features
def featureset(self,fields=None):
query = Query(self.envelope())
attributes = fields or self.fields()
for fld in attributes:
return self.features(query)
class _Color(Color,_injector):
def __repr__(self):
return "Color(R=%d,G=%d,B=%d,A=%d)" % (self.r,self.g,self.b,self.a)
class _ProcessedText(ProcessedText, _injector):
def append(self, properties, text):
#More pythonic name
self.push_back(properties, text)
class _Symbolizers(Symbolizers,_injector):
def __getitem__(self, idx):
sym = Symbolizers._c___getitem__(self, idx)
return sym.symbol()
def _add_symbol_method_to_symbolizers(vars=globals()):
def symbol_for_subcls(self):
return self
def symbol_for_cls(self):
return getattr(self,self.type())()
for name, obj in vars.items():
if name.endswith('Symbolizer') and not name.startswith('_'):
if name == 'Symbolizer':
symbol = symbol_for_cls
symbol = symbol_for_subcls
type('dummy', (obj,_injector), {'symbol': symbol})
def Datasource(**keywords):
"""Wrapper around CreateDatasource.
Create a Mapnik Datasource using a dictionary of parameters.
Keywords must include:
type='plugin_name' # e.g. type='gdal'
See the convenience factory methods of each input plugin for
details on additional required keyword arguments.
return CreateDatasource(keywords)
# convenience factory methods
def Shapefile(**keywords):
"""Create a Shapefile Datasource.
Required keyword arguments:
file -- path to shapefile without extension
Optional keyword arguments:
base -- path prefix (default None)
encoding -- file encoding (default 'utf-8')
>>> from mapnik import Shapefile, Layer
>>> shp = Shapefile(base='/home/mapnik/data',file='world_borders')
>>> lyr = Layer('Shapefile Layer')
>>> lyr.datasource = shp
keywords['type'] = 'shape'
return CreateDatasource(keywords)
def PostGIS(**keywords):
"""Create a PostGIS Datasource.
Required keyword arguments:
dbname -- database name to connect to
table -- table name or subselect query
*Note: if using subselects for the 'table' value consider also
passing the 'geometry_field' and 'srid' and 'extent_from_subquery'
options and/or specifying the 'geometry_table' option.
Optional db connection keyword arguments:
user -- database user to connect as (default: see postgres docs)
password -- password for database user (default: see postgres docs)
host -- portgres hostname (default: see postgres docs)
port -- postgres port (default: see postgres docs)
initial_size -- integer size of connection pool (default: 1)
max_size -- integer max of connection pool (default: 10)
persist_connection -- keep connection open (default: True)
Optional table-level keyword arguments:
extent -- manually specified data extent (comma delimited string, default: None)
estimate_extent -- boolean, direct PostGIS to use the faster, less accurate `estimate_extent` over `extent` (default: False)
extent_from_subquery -- boolean, direct Mapnik to query Postgis for the extent of the raw 'table' value (default: uses 'geometry_table')
geometry_table -- specify geometry table to use to look up metadata (default: automatically parsed from 'table' value)
geometry_field -- specify geometry field to use (default: first entry in geometry_columns)
srid -- specify srid to use (default: auto-detected from geometry_field)
row_limit -- integer limit of rows to return (default: 0)
cursor_size -- integer size of binary cursor to use (default: 0, no binary cursor is used)
>>> from mapnik import PostGIS, Layer
>>> params = dict(dbname='mapnik',table='osm',user='postgres',password='gis')
>>> params['estimate_extent'] = False
>>> params['extent'] = '-20037508,-19929239,20037508,19929239'
>>> postgis = PostGIS(**params)
>>> lyr = Layer('PostGIS Layer')
>>> lyr.datasource = postgis
keywords['type'] = 'postgis'
return CreateDatasource(keywords)
def Raster(**keywords):
"""Create a Raster (Tiff) Datasource.
Required keyword arguments:
file -- path to stripped or tiled tiff
lox -- lowest (min) x/longitude of tiff extent
loy -- lowest (min) y/latitude of tiff extent
hix -- highest (max) x/longitude of tiff extent
hiy -- highest (max) y/latitude of tiff extent
Hint: lox,loy,hix,hiy make a Mapnik Box2d
Optional keyword arguments:
base -- path prefix (default None)
multi -- whether the image is in tiles on disk (default False)
Multi-tiled keyword arguments:
x_width -- virtual image number of tiles in X direction (required)
y_width -- virtual image number of tiles in Y direction (required)
tile_size -- if an image is in tiles, how large are the tiles (default 256)
tile_stride -- if an image is in tiles, what's the increment between rows/cols (default 1)
>>> from mapnik import Raster, Layer
>>> raster = Raster(base='/home/mapnik/data',file='elevation.tif',lox=-122.8,loy=48.5,hix=-122.7,hiy=48.6)
>>> lyr = Layer('Tiff Layer')
>>> lyr.datasource = raster
keywords['type'] = 'raster'
return CreateDatasource(keywords)
def Gdal(**keywords):
"""Create a GDAL Raster Datasource.
Required keyword arguments:
file -- path to GDAL supported dataset
Optional keyword arguments:
base -- path prefix (default None)
shared -- boolean, open GdalDataset in shared mode (default: False)
bbox -- tuple (minx, miny, maxx, maxy). If specified, overrides the bbox detected by GDAL.
>>> from mapnik import Gdal, Layer
>>> dataset = Gdal(base='/home/mapnik/data',file='elevation.tif')
>>> lyr = Layer('GDAL Layer from TIFF file')
>>> lyr.datasource = dataset
keywords['type'] = 'gdal'
if 'bbox' in keywords:
if isinstance(keywords['bbox'], (tuple, list)):
keywords['bbox'] = ','.join([str(item) for item in keywords['bbox']])
return CreateDatasource(keywords)
def Occi(**keywords):
"""Create a Oracle Spatial (10g) Vector Datasource.
Required keyword arguments:
user -- database user to connect as
password -- password for database user
host -- oracle host to connect to (does not refer to SID in tsnames.ora)
table -- table name or subselect query
Optional keyword arguments:
initial_size -- integer size of connection pool (default 1)
max_size -- integer max of connection pool (default 10)
extent -- manually specified data extent (comma delimited string, default None)
estimate_extent -- boolean, direct Oracle to use the faster, less accurate estimate_extent() over extent() (default False)
encoding -- file encoding (default 'utf-8')
geometry_field -- specify geometry field (default 'GEOLOC')
use_spatial_index -- boolean, force the use of the spatial index (default True)
>>> from mapnik import Occi, Layer
>>> params = dict(host='myoracle',user='scott',password='tiger',table='test')
>>> params['estimate_extent'] = False
>>> params['extent'] = '-20037508,-19929239,20037508,19929239'
>>> oracle = Occi(**params)
>>> lyr = Layer('Oracle Spatial Layer')
>>> lyr.datasource = oracle
keywords['type'] = 'occi'
return CreateDatasource(keywords)
def Ogr(**keywords):
"""Create a OGR Vector Datasource.
Required keyword arguments:
file -- path to OGR supported dataset
layer -- name of layer to use within datasource (optional if layer_by_index or layer_by_sql is used)
Optional keyword arguments:
layer_by_index -- choose layer by index number instead of by layer name or sql.
layer_by_sql -- choose layer by sql query number instead of by layer name or index.
base -- path prefix (default None)
encoding -- file encoding (default 'utf-8')
>>> from mapnik import Ogr, Layer
>>> datasource = Ogr(base='/home/mapnik/data',file='rivers.geojson',layer='OGRGeoJSON')
>>> lyr = Layer('OGR Layer from GeoJSON file')
>>> lyr.datasource = datasource
keywords['type'] = 'ogr'
return CreateDatasource(keywords)
def SQLite(**keywords):
"""Create a SQLite Datasource.
Required keyword arguments:
file -- path to SQLite database file
table -- table name or subselect query
Optional keyword arguments:
base -- path prefix (default None)
encoding -- file encoding (default 'utf-8')
extent -- manually specified data extent (comma delimited string, default None)
metadata -- name of auxillary table containing record for table with xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, and f_table_name
geometry_field -- name of geometry field (default 'the_geom')
key_field -- name of primary key field (default 'OGC_FID')
row_offset -- specify a custom integer row offset (default 0)
row_limit -- specify a custom integer row limit (default 0)
wkb_format -- specify a wkb type of 'spatialite' (default None)
use_spatial_index -- boolean, instruct sqlite plugin to use Rtree spatial index (default True)
>>> from mapnik import SQLite, Layer
>>> sqlite = SQLite(base='/home/mapnik/data',file='osm.db',table='osm',extent='-20037508,-19929239,20037508,19929239')
>>> lyr = Layer('SQLite Layer')
>>> lyr.datasource = sqlite
keywords['type'] = 'sqlite'
return CreateDatasource(keywords)
def Rasterlite(**keywords):
"""Create a Rasterlite Datasource.
Required keyword arguments:
file -- path to Rasterlite database file
table -- table name or subselect query
Optional keyword arguments:
base -- path prefix (default None)
extent -- manually specified data extent (comma delimited string, default None)
>>> from mapnik import Rasterlite, Layer
>>> rasterlite = Rasterlite(base='/home/mapnik/data',file='osm.db',table='osm',extent='-20037508,-19929239,20037508,19929239')
>>> lyr = Layer('Rasterlite Layer')
>>> lyr.datasource = rasterlite
keywords['type'] = 'rasterlite'
return CreateDatasource(keywords)
def Osm(**keywords):
"""Create a Osm Datasource.
Required keyword arguments:
file -- path to OSM file
Optional keyword arguments:
encoding -- file encoding (default 'utf-8')
url -- url to fetch data (default None)
bbox -- data bounding box for fetching data (default None)
>>> from mapnik import Osm, Layer
>>> datasource = Osm(file='test.osm')
>>> lyr = Layer('Osm Layer')
>>> lyr.datasource = datasource
# note: parser only supports libxml2 so not exposing option
# parser -- xml parser to use (default libxml2)
keywords['type'] = 'osm'
return CreateDatasource(keywords)
def Kismet(**keywords):
"""Create a Kismet Datasource.
Required keyword arguments:
host -- kismet hostname
port -- kismet port
Optional keyword arguments:
encoding -- file encoding (default 'utf-8')
extent -- manually specified data extent (comma delimited string, default None)
>>> from mapnik import Kismet, Layer
>>> datasource = Kismet(host='localhost',port=2501,extent='-179,-85,179,85')
>>> lyr = Layer('Kismet Server Layer')
>>> lyr.datasource = datasource
keywords['type'] = 'kismet'
return CreateDatasource(keywords)
def Geos(**keywords):
"""Create a GEOS Vector Datasource.
Required keyword arguments:
wkt -- inline WKT text of the geometry
Optional keyword arguments:
extent -- manually specified data extent (comma delimited string, default None)
>>> from mapnik import Geos, Layer
>>> datasource = Geos(wkt='MULTIPOINT(100 100, 50 50, 0 0)')
>>> lyr = Layer('GEOS Layer from WKT string')
>>> lyr.datasource = datasource
keywords['type'] = 'geos'
return CreateDatasource(keywords)
class _TextSymbolizer(TextSymbolizer,_injector):
def text_size(self):
warnings.warn("'text_size' is deprecated, use format.text_size",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.format.text_size
def text_size(self, text_size):
warnings.warn("'text_size' is deprecated, use format.text_size",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.format.text_size = text_size
def face_name(self):
warnings.warn("'face_name' is deprecated, use format.face_name",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.format.face_name
def face_name(self, face_name):
warnings.warn("'face_name' is deprecated, use format.face_name",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.format.face_name = face_name
def fontset(self):
warnings.warn("'fontset' is deprecated, use format.fontset",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.format.fontset
def fontset(self, fontset):
warnings.warn("'fontset' is deprecated, use format.fontset",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.format.fontset = fontset
def character_spacing(self):
warnings.warn("'character_spacing' is deprecated, use format.character_spacing",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.format.character_spacing
def character_spacing(self, character_spacing):
warnings.warn("'character_spacing' is deprecated, use format.character_spacing",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.format.character_spacing = character_spacing
def line_spacing(self):
warnings.warn("'line_spacing' is deprecated, use format.line_spacing",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.format.line_spacing
def line_spacing(self, line_spacing):
warnings.warn("'line_spacing' is deprecated, use format.line_spacing",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.format.line_spacing = line_spacing
def text_opacity(self):
warnings.warn("'text_opacity' is deprecated, use format.text_opacity",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.format.text_opacity
def text_opacity(self, text_opacity):
warnings.warn("'text_opacity' is deprecated, use format.text_opacity",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.format.text_opacity = text_opacity
def wrap_char(self):
warnings.warn("'wrap_char' is deprecated, use format.wrap_char",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.format.wrap_char
def wrap_char(self, wrap_char):
warnings.warn("'wrap_char' is deprecated, use format.wrap_char",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.format.wrap_char = wrap_char
def wrap_before(self):
warnings.warn("'wrap_before' is deprecated, use format.wrap_before",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.format.wrap_before
def wrap_before(self, wrap_before):
warnings.warn("'wrap_before' is deprecated, use format.wrap_before",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.format.wrap_before = wrap_before
def text_transform(self):
warnings.warn("'text_transform' is deprecated, use format.text_transform",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.format.text_transform
def text_transform(self, text_transform):
warnings.warn("'text_transform' is deprecated, use format.text_transform",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.format.text_transform = text_transform
def fill(self):
warnings.warn("'fill' is deprecated, use format.fill",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.format.fill
def fill(self, fill):
warnings.warn("'fill' is deprecated, use format.fill",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.format.fill = fill
def halo_fill(self):
warnings.warn("'halo_fill' is deprecated, use format.halo_fill",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.format.halo_fill
def halo_fill(self, halo_fill):
warnings.warn("'halo_fill' is deprecated, use format.halo_fill",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.format.halo_fill = halo_fill
def halo_radius(self):
warnings.warn("'halo_radius' is deprecated, use format.halo_radius",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.format.halo_radius
def halo_radius(self, halo_radius):
warnings.warn("'halo_radius' is deprecated, use format.halo_radius",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.format.halo_radius = halo_radius
def label_placement(self):
warnings.warn("'label_placement' is deprecated, use properties.label_placement",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.properties.label_placement
def label_placement(self, label_placement):
warnings.warn("'label_placement' is deprecated, use properties.label_placement",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.properties.label_placement = label_placement
def horizontal_alignment(self):
warnings.warn("'horizontal_alignment' is deprecated, use properties.horizontal_alignment",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.properties.horizontal_alignment
def horizontal_alignment(self, horizontal_alignment):
warnings.warn("'horizontal_alignment' is deprecated, use properties.horizontal_alignment",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.properties.horizontal_alignment = horizontal_alignment
def justify_alignment(self):
warnings.warn("'justify_alignment' is deprecated, use properties.justify_alignment",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.properties.justify_alignment
def justify_alignment(self, justify_alignment):
warnings.warn("'justify_alignment' is deprecated, use properties.justify_alignment",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.properties.justify_alignment = justify_alignment
def vertical_alignment(self):
warnings.warn("'vertical_alignment' is deprecated, use properties.vertical_alignment",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.properties.vertical_alignment
def vertical_alignment(self, vertical_alignment):
warnings.warn("'vertical_alignment' is deprecated, use properties.vertical_alignment",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.properties.vertical_alignment = vertical_alignment
def orientation(self):
warnings.warn("'orientation' is deprecated, use properties.orientation",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.properties.orientation
def orientation(self, orientation):
warnings.warn("'orientation' is deprecated, use properties.orientation",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.properties.orientation = orientation
def displacement(self):
warnings.warn("'displacement' is deprecated, use properties.displacement",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.properties.displacement
def displacement(self, displacement):
warnings.warn("'displacement' is deprecated, use properties.displacement",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.properties.displacement = displacement
def label_spacing(self):
warnings.warn("'label_spacing' is deprecated, use properties.label_spacing",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.properties.label_spacing
def label_spacing(self, label_spacing):
warnings.warn("'label_spacing' is deprecated, use properties.label_spacing",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.properties.label_spacing = label_spacing
def label_position_tolerance(self):
warnings.warn("'label_position_tolerance' is deprecated, use properties.label_position_tolerance",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.properties.label_position_tolerance
def label_position_tolerance(self, label_position_tolerance):
warnings.warn("'label_position_tolerance' is deprecated, use properties.label_position_tolerance",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.properties.label_position_tolerance = label_position_tolerance
def avoid_edges(self):
warnings.warn("'avoid_edges' is deprecated, use properties.avoid_edges",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.properties.avoid_edges
def avoid_edges(self, avoid_edges):
warnings.warn("'avoid_edges' is deprecated, use properties.avoid_edges",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.properties.avoid_edges = avoid_edges
def minimum_distance(self):
warnings.warn("'minimum_distance' is deprecated, use properties.minimum_distance",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.properties.minimum_distance
def minimum_distance(self, minimum_distance):
warnings.warn("'minimum_distance' is deprecated, use properties.minimum_distance",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.properties.minimum_distance = minimum_distance
def minimum_padding(self):
warnings.warn("'minimum_padding' is deprecated, use properties.minimum_padding",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.properties.minimum_padding
def minimum_padding(self, minimum_padding):
warnings.warn("'minimum_padding' is deprecated, use properties.minimum_padding",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.properties.minimum_padding = minimum_padding
def minimum_path_length(self):
warnings.warn("'minimum_path_length' is deprecated, use properties.minimum_path_length",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.properties.minimum_path_length
def minimum_path_length(self, minimum_path_length):
warnings.warn("'minimum_path_length' is deprecated, use properties.minimum_path_length",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.properties.minimum_path_length = minimum_path_length
def maximum_angle_char_delta(self):
warnings.warn("'maximum_angle_char_delta' is deprecated, use properties.maximum_angle_char_delta",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.properties.maximum_angle_char_delta
def maximum_angle_char_delta(self, maximum_angle_char_delta):
warnings.warn("'maximum_angle_char_delta' is deprecated, use properties.maximum_angle_char_delta",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.properties.maximum_angle_char_delta = maximum_angle_char_delta
def force_odd_labels(self):
warnings.warn("'force_odd_labels' is deprecated, use properties.force_odd_labels",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.properties.force_odd_labels
def force_odd_labels(self, force_odd_labels):
warnings.warn("'force_odd_labels' is deprecated, use properties.force_odd_labels",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.properties.force_odd_labels = force_odd_labels
def allow_overlap(self):
warnings.warn("'allow_overlap' is deprecated, use properties.allow_overlap",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.properties.allow_overlap
def allow_overlap(self, allow_overlap):
warnings.warn("'allow_overlap' is deprecated, use properties.allow_overlap",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.properties.allow_overlap = allow_overlap
def text_ratio(self):
warnings.warn("'text_ratio' is deprecated, use properties.text_ratio",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.properties.text_ratio
def text_ratio(self, text_ratio):
warnings.warn("'text_ratio' is deprecated, use properties.text_ratio",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.properties.text_ratio = text_ratio
def wrap_width(self):
warnings.warn("'wrap_width' is deprecated, use properties.wrap_width",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
return self.properties.wrap_width
def wrap_width(self, wrap_width):
warnings.warn("'wrap_width' is deprecated, use properties.wrap_width",
DeprecationWarning, 2)
self.properties.wrap_width = wrap_width
def mapnik_version_from_string(version_string):
"""Return the Mapnik version from a string."""
n = version_string.split('.')
return (int(n[0]) * 100000) + (int(n[1]) * 100) + (int(n[2]));
def register_plugins(path=inputpluginspath):
"""Register plugins located by specified path"""
def register_fonts(path=fontscollectionpath,valid_extensions=['.ttf','.otf','.ttc','.pfa','.pfb','.ttc','.dfont']):
"""Recursively register fonts using path argument as base directory"""
for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(path):
for filename in filenames:
if os.path.splitext(filename.lower())[1] in valid_extensions:
FontEngine.instance().register_font(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
# auto-register known plugins and fonts