511 lines
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511 lines
15 KiB
* This file is part of Mapnik (c++ mapping toolkit)
* Copyright (C) 2015 Artem Pavlenko
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// mapnik
#include <mapnik/config.hpp>
#include <mapnik/color.hpp>
#include <mapnik/font_set.hpp>
#include <mapnik/enumeration.hpp>
#include <mapnik/box2d.hpp>
#include <mapnik/params.hpp>
#include <mapnik/well_known_srs.hpp>
#include <mapnik/image_compositing.hpp>
#include <mapnik/font_engine_freetype.hpp>
// boost
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
// stl
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
namespace mapnik
struct Featureset;
using featureset_ptr = std::shared_ptr<Featureset>;
class feature_type_style;
class view_transform;
class layer;
class MAPNIK_DECL Map : boost::equality_comparable<Map>
enum aspect_fix_mode
// grow the width or height of the specified geo bbox to fill the map size. default behaviour.
// grow the width or height of the map to accomodate the specified geo bbox.
// shrink the width or height of the specified geo bbox to fill the map size.
// shrink the width or height of the map to accomodate the specified geo bbox.
// adjust the width of the specified geo bbox, leave height and map size unchanged
// adjust the height of the specified geo bbox, leave width and map size unchanged
// adjust the width of the map, leave height and geo bbox unchanged
// adjust the height of the map, leave width and geo bbox unchanged
// do nothing
static const unsigned MIN_MAPSIZE=16;
static const unsigned MAX_MAPSIZE=MIN_MAPSIZE<<10;
unsigned width_;
unsigned height_;
std::string srs_;
int buffer_size_;
boost::optional<color> background_;
boost::optional<std::string> background_image_;
composite_mode_e background_image_comp_op_;
float background_image_opacity_;
std::map<std::string,feature_type_style> styles_;
std::map<std::string,font_set> fontsets_;
std::vector<layer> layers_;
aspect_fix_mode aspectFixMode_;
box2d<double> current_extent_;
boost::optional<box2d<double> > maximum_extent_;
std::string base_path_;
parameters extra_params_;
boost::optional<std::string> font_directory_;
freetype_engine::font_file_mapping_type font_file_mapping_;
freetype_engine::font_memory_cache_type font_memory_cache_;
using const_style_iterator = std::map<std::string,feature_type_style>::const_iterator;
using style_iterator = std::map<std::string,feature_type_style>::iterator;
using const_fontset_iterator = std::map<std::string,font_set>::const_iterator;
using fontset_iterator = std::map<std::string,font_set>::iterator;
/*! \brief Default constructor.
* Creates a map with these parameters:
* - width = 400
* - height = 400
* - projection = "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
/*! \brief Constructor
* @param width Initial map width.
* @param height Initial map height.
* @param srs Initial map projection.
Map(int width, int height, std::string const& srs = MAPNIK_LONGLAT_PROJ);
/*! \brief Copy Constructor.
* @param rhs Map to copy from.
Map(Map const& rhs);
// move ctor
Map(Map && other);
// assignment operator
Map& operator=(Map rhs);
// comparison op
bool operator==(Map const& other) const;
/*! \brief Get all styles
* @return Const reference to styles
std::map<std::string,feature_type_style> const& styles() const;
/*! \brief Get all styles
* @return Non-constant reference to styles
std::map<std::string,feature_type_style> & styles();
/*! \brief Get first iterator in styles.
* @return Constant style iterator.
const_style_iterator begin_styles() const;
/*! \brief Get last iterator in styles.
* @return Constant style iterator.
const_style_iterator end_styles() const;
/*! \brief Get first iterator in styles.
* @return Non-constant style iterator.
style_iterator begin_styles();
/*! \brief Get last iterator in styles.
* @return Non-constant style iterator.
style_iterator end_styles();
/*! \brief Insert a style in the map by copying.
* @param name The name of the style.
* @param style The style to insert.
* @return true If success.
* false If no success.
bool insert_style(std::string const& name,feature_type_style const& style);
/*! \brief Insert a style in the map by moving..
* @param name The name of the style.
* @param style The style to insert.
* @return true If success.
* false If no success.
bool insert_style(std::string const& name,feature_type_style && style);
/*! \brief Remove a style from the map.
* @param name The name of the style.
void remove_style(std::string const& name);
/*! \brief Find a style.
* @param name The name of the style.
* @return The style if found. If not found return the default map style.
boost::optional<feature_type_style const&> find_style(std::string const& name) const;
/*! \brief Insert a fontset into the map by copying.
* @param name The name of the fontset.
* @param fontset The fontset to insert.
* @return true If success.
* false If failure.
bool insert_fontset(std::string const& name, font_set const& fontset);
/*! \brief Insert a fontset into the map by moving.
* @param name The name of the fontset.
* @param fontset The fontset to insert.
* @return true If success.
* false If failure.
bool insert_fontset(std::string const& name, font_set && fontset);
/*! \brief Find a fontset.
* @param name The name of the fontset.
* @return The fontset if found. If not found return the default map fontset.
boost::optional<font_set const&> find_fontset(std::string const& name) const;
/*! \brief Get all fontsets
* @return Const reference to fontsets
std::map<std::string,font_set> const& fontsets() const;
/*! \brief Get all fontsets
* @return Non-constant reference to fontsets
std::map<std::string,font_set> & fontsets();
/*! \brief register fonts.
bool register_fonts(std::string const& dir, bool recurse = false);
/*! \brief cache registered fonts.
bool load_fonts();
/*! \brief Get number of all layers.
size_t layer_count() const;
/*! \brief Add a layer to the map by copying it.
* @param l The layer to add.
void add_layer(layer const& l);
/*! \brief Add a layer to the map by moving it.
* @param l The layer to add.
void add_layer(layer && l);
/*! \brief Get a layer.
* @param index layer number.
* @return Constant layer.
layer const& get_layer(size_t index) const;
/*! \brief Get a layer.
* @param index layer number.
* @return Non-constant layer.
layer& get_layer(size_t index);
/*! \brief Remove a layer.
* @param index layer number.
void remove_layer(size_t index);
/*! \brief Get all layers.
* @return Constant layers.
std::vector<layer> const& layers() const;
/*! \brief Get all layers.
* @return Non-constant layers.
std::vector<layer> & layers();
/*! \brief Remove all layers and styles from the map.
void remove_all();
/*! \brief Get map width.
unsigned width() const;
/*! \brief Get map height.
unsigned height() const;
/*! \brief Set map width.
void set_width(unsigned width);
/*! \brief Set map height.
void set_height(unsigned height);
/*! \brief Resize the map.
void resize(unsigned width,unsigned height);
/*! \brief Get the map projection.
* @return Map projection.
std::string const& srs() const;
/*! \brief Set the map projection.
* @param srs Map projection.
void set_srs(std::string const& srs);
/*! \brief Set the map background color.
* @param c Background color.
void set_background(color const& c);
/*! \brief Get the map background color
* @return Background color as boost::optional
* object
boost::optional<color> const& background() const;
/*! \brief Set the map background image filename.
* @param image_filename Background image filename.
void set_background_image(std::string const& image_filename);
/*! \brief Get the map background image
* @return Background image path as std::string
* object
boost::optional<std::string> const& background_image() const;
/*! \brief Set the compositing operation uses to blend the background image into the background color.
* @param comp_op compositing operation.
void set_background_image_comp_op(composite_mode_e comp_op);
/*! \brief Get the map background image compositing operation
* @return Background image compositing operation as composite_mode_e
* object
composite_mode_e background_image_comp_op() const;
/*! \brief Set the map background image opacity.
* @param opacity Background image opacity.
void set_background_image_opacity(float opacity);
/*! \brief Get the map background image opacity
* @return opacity value as float
float background_image_opacity() const;
/*! \brief Set buffer size
* @param buffer_size Buffer size in pixels.
void set_buffer_size(int buffer_size);
/*! \brief Get the map buffer size
* @return Buffer size as int
int buffer_size() const;
/*! \brief Set the map maximum extent.
* @param box The bounding box for the maximum extent.
void set_maximum_extent(box2d<double> const& box);
/*! \brief Get the map maximum extent as box2d<double>
boost::optional<box2d<double> > const& maximum_extent() const;
void reset_maximum_extent();
/*! \brief Get the map base path where paths should be relative to.
std::string const& base_path() const;
/*! \brief Set the map base path where paths should be relative to.
* @param base Map base_path.
void set_base_path(std::string const& base);
/*! \brief Zoom the map at the current position.
* @param factor The factor how much the map is zoomed in or out.
void zoom(double factor);
/*! \brief Zoom the map to a bounding box.
* Aspect is handled automatic if not fitting to width/height.
* @param box The bounding box where to zoom.
void zoom_to_box(box2d<double> const& box);
/*! \brief Zoom the map to show all data.
void zoom_all();
void pan(int x,int y);
void pan_and_zoom(int x,int y,double zoom);
/*! \brief Get current bounding box.
* @return The current bounding box.
box2d<double> const& get_current_extent() const;
/*! \brief Get current buffered bounding box.
* @return The current buffered bounding box.
box2d<double> get_buffered_extent() const;
* @return The Map Scale.
double scale() const;
double scale_denominator() const;
view_transform transform() const;
* @brief Query a Map layer (by layer index) for features
* Intersecting the given x,y location in the coordinates
* of map projection.
* @param index The index of the layer to query from.
* @param x The x coordinate where to query.
* @param y The y coordinate where to query.
* @return A Mapnik Featureset if successful otherwise will return nullptr.
featureset_ptr query_point(unsigned index, double x, double y) const;
* @brief Query a Map layer (by layer index) for features
* Intersecting the given x,y location in the coordinates
* of the pixmap or map surface.
* @param index The index of the layer to query from.
* @param x The x coordinate where to query.
* @param y The y coordinate where to query.
* @return A Mapnik Featureset if successful otherwise will return nullptr.
featureset_ptr query_map_point(unsigned index, double x, double y) const;
inline void set_aspect_fix_mode(aspect_fix_mode afm) { aspectFixMode_ = afm; }
inline aspect_fix_mode get_aspect_fix_mode() const { return aspectFixMode_; }
* @brief Get extra, arbitrary Parameters attached to the Map
parameters const& get_extra_parameters() const;
* @brief Get non-const extra, arbitrary Parameters attached to the Map
parameters& get_extra_parameters();
* @brief Set extra, arbitary Parameters of the Map
void set_extra_parameters(parameters& params);
boost::optional<std::string> const& font_directory() const
return font_directory_;
void set_font_directory(std::string const& dir)
font_directory_ = dir;
freetype_engine::font_file_mapping_type const& get_font_file_mapping() const
return font_file_mapping_;
freetype_engine::font_file_mapping_type & get_font_file_mapping()
return font_file_mapping_;
freetype_engine::font_memory_cache_type const& get_font_memory_cache() const
return font_memory_cache_;
freetype_engine::font_memory_cache_type & get_font_memory_cache()
return font_memory_cache_;
friend void swap(Map & rhs, Map & lhs);
void fixAspectRatio();
#endif // MAPNIK_MAP_HPP