Dropped color_factory class in favor of single color_parser function. Moved implementation to new color_factory.cpp since it is odd to have two headers (color.hpp, color_factory.hpp) and only one source file.
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69 lines
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#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE file_output_test
* This test module contains test cases that
* verify the correct generation of SVG output
* using file streams as destinations.
// boost.test
#include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
// boost.filesystem
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
// mapnik
#include <mapnik/map.hpp>
#include <mapnik/svg/output/svg_renderer.hpp>
#include <mapnik/color_factory.hpp>
// stl
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
namespace filesystem = boost::filesystem;
* This test case tests the generation of an SVG document
* using a file stream. It uses svg_renderer parameterized
* with an std::ofstream as a target for output.
* It's important to notice that svg_renderer doesn't create
* or close the file stream, but leaves that task to the client.
* The test fails if the file can't be created and succeeds
* otherwise.
* Note: the file is created in the directory in which the
* test is run.
using namespace mapnik;
typedef svg_renderer<std::ostream_iterator<char> > svg_ren;
Map map(800, 600);
std::string output_filename = "file_output_test_case.svg";
std::ofstream output_stream(output_filename.c_str());
std::ostream_iterator<char> output_stream_iterator(output_stream);
svg_ren renderer(map, output_stream_iterator);
filesystem::path output_filename_path =
filesystem::system_complete(filesystem::path(".")) / filesystem::path(output_filename);
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(filesystem::exists(output_filename_path), "File '"+output_filename_path.string()+"' was created.");
BOOST_FAIL("Could not create create/open file '"+output_filename+"'.");