87 lines
3.3 KiB
87 lines
3.3 KiB
#encoding: utf8
from nose.tools import *
import os,sys
from utilities import execution_path
from utilities import Todo
import mapnik
def setup():
# All of the paths used are relative, if we run the tests
# from another directory we need to chdir()
def validate_pixels_are_demultiplied(image):
bad_pixels = []
for x in range(0,image.width(),2):
for y in range(0,image.height(),2):
pixel = image.get_pixel(x,y)
r = pixel & 0xff
g = (pixel >> 8) & 0xff
b = (pixel >> 16) & 0xff
a = (pixel >> 24) & 0xff
is_valid = (r >=0 and r < 256) and \
(g >=0 and g < 256) and \
(b >=0 and b < 256) and \
(a >=0 and a < 256)
if not is_valid:
bad_pixels.append("rgba(%s,%s,%s,%s) at %s,%s" % (r,g,b,a,x,y))
num_bad = len(bad_pixels)
return (num_bad == 0,num_bad)
def validate_pixels_are_premultiplied(image):
bad_pixels = []
for x in range(0,image.width(),2):
for y in range(0,image.height(),2):
pixel = image.get_pixel(x,y)
red = pixel & 0xff
green = (pixel >> 8) & 0xff
blue = (pixel >> 16) & 0xff
alpha = (pixel >> 24) & 0xff
a2 = alpha
if a2 == 0:
a2 = 1
a2 = a2*256
is_valid = (red >=0 and red/a2 < 256) and \
(green >=0 and red/a2 < 256) and \
(blue >=0 and red/a2 < 256) and \
(alpha >=0 and alpha < 256)
if not is_valid:
import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
bad_pixels.append("rgba(%s,%s,%s,%s) at %s,%s" % (red,green,blue,alpha,x,y))
num_bad = len(bad_pixels)
return (num_bad == 0,bad_pixels)
def test_compare_images():
b = mapnik.Image.open('./images/support/b.png')
for name in mapnik.CompositeOp.names:
a = mapnik.Image.open('./images/support/a.png')
actual = '/tmp/mapnik-comp-op-test-' + name + '.png'
expected = 'images/composited/' + name + '.png'
valid = validate_pixels_are_premultiplied(a)
if not valid[0]:
print '%s not validly pre-:\n\t%s pixels (%s)' % (name,len(valid[1]),valid[1][0])
valid = validate_pixels_are_demultiplied(a)
if not valid[0]:
print '%s not validly de-:\n\t%s pixels (%s)' % (name,len(valid[1]),valid[1][0])
expected_im = mapnik.Image.open(expected)
# compare them
eq_(a.tostring(),expected_im.tostring(), 'failed comparing actual (%s) and expected(%s)' % (actual,'tests/python_tests/'+ expected))
# b will be slightly modified by pre and then de multiplication rounding errors
# TODO - write test to ensure the image is 99% the same.
#expected_b = mapnik.Image.open('./images/support/b.png')
#eq_(b.tostring(),expected_b.tostring(), '/tmp/mapnik-comp-op-test-original-mask.png is no longer equivalent to original mask: ./images/support/b.png')
if __name__ == "__main__":
[eval(run)() for run in dir() if 'test_' in run]