475 lines
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475 lines
14 KiB
* This file is part of Mapnik (c++ mapping toolkit)
* Copyright (C) 2021 Artem Pavlenko
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// mapnik
#include <mapnik/config.hpp>
#include <mapnik/attribute.hpp>
#include <mapnik/view_transform.hpp>
#include <mapnik/transform_path_adapter.hpp>
#include <mapnik/offset_converter.hpp>
#include <mapnik/simplify.hpp>
#include <mapnik/simplify_converter.hpp>
#include <mapnik/util/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <mapnik/value/types.hpp>
#include <mapnik/symbolizer_enumerations.hpp>
#include <mapnik/symbolizer_keys.hpp>
#include <mapnik/symbolizer.hpp>
#include <mapnik/extend_converter.hpp>
#include <mapnik/adaptive_smooth.hpp>
#include <mapnik/warning.hpp>
#include <mapnik/warning_ignore_agg.hpp>
#include "agg_math_stroke.h"
#include "agg_trans_affine.h"
#include "agg_conv_clip_polygon.h"
#include "agg_conv_clip_polyline.h"
#include "agg_conv_stroke.h"
#include "agg_conv_dash.h"
#include "agg_conv_transform.h"
// stl
#include <type_traits>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <array>
namespace mapnik {
struct transform_tag
struct clip_line_tag
struct clip_poly_tag
struct smooth_tag
struct simplify_tag
struct stroke_tag
struct dash_tag
struct affine_transform_tag
struct offset_transform_tag
struct extend_tag
namespace detail {
template<typename T0, typename T1>
struct converter_traits
template<typename T>
struct converter_traits<T, mapnik::smooth_tag>
using geometry_type = T;
using conv_type = smooth_converter<geometry_type>;
template<typename Args>
static void setup(geometry_type& geom, Args const& args)
geom.algorithm(get<smooth_algorithm_enum, keys::smooth_algorithm>(args.sym, args.feature, args.vars));
geom.smooth_value(get<value_double, keys::smooth>(args.sym, args.feature, args.vars));
template<typename T>
struct converter_traits<T, mapnik::simplify_tag>
using geometry_type = T;
using conv_type = simplify_converter<geometry_type>;
template<typename Args>
static void setup(geometry_type& geom, Args const& args)
get<simplify_algorithm_e, keys::simplify_algorithm>(args.sym, args.feature, args.vars));
geom.set_simplify_tolerance(get<value_double, keys::simplify_tolerance>(args.sym, args.feature, args.vars));
template<typename T>
struct converter_traits<T, mapnik::clip_line_tag>
using geometry_type = T;
using conv_type = typename agg::conv_clip_polyline<geometry_type>;
template<typename Args>
static void setup(geometry_type& geom, Args const& args)
auto const& box = args.bbox;
geom.clip_box(box.minx(), box.miny(), box.maxx(), box.maxy());
template<typename T>
struct converter_traits<T, mapnik::dash_tag>
using geometry_type = T;
using conv_type = typename agg::conv_dash<geometry_type>;
template<typename Args>
static void setup(geometry_type& geom, Args const& args)
auto const& sym = args.sym;
auto const& feat = args.feature;
auto const& vars = args.vars;
double scale_factor = args.scale_factor;
auto dash = get_optional<dash_array>(sym, keys::stroke_dasharray, feat, vars);
if (dash)
for (auto const& d : *dash)
geom.add_dash(d.first * scale_factor, d.second * scale_factor);
template<typename Symbolizer, typename PathType, typename Feature>
void set_join_caps(Symbolizer const& sym, PathType& stroke, Feature const& feature, attributes const& vars)
const line_join_enum join = get<line_join_enum, keys::stroke_linejoin>(sym, feature, vars);
switch (join)
case line_join_enum::MITER_JOIN:
case line_join_enum::MITER_REVERT_JOIN:
case line_join_enum::ROUND_JOIN:
const line_cap_enum cap = get<line_cap_enum, keys::stroke_linecap>(sym, feature, vars);
switch (cap)
case line_cap_enum::BUTT_CAP:
case line_cap_enum::SQUARE_CAP:
template<typename T>
struct converter_traits<T, mapnik::stroke_tag>
using geometry_type = T;
using conv_type = typename agg::conv_stroke<geometry_type>;
template<typename Args>
static void setup(geometry_type& geom, Args const& args)
auto const& sym = args.sym;
auto const& feat = args.feature;
auto const& vars = args.vars;
set_join_caps(sym, geom, feat, vars);
double miterlimit = get<value_double, keys::stroke_miterlimit>(sym, feat, vars);
double scale_factor = args.scale_factor;
double width = get<value_double, keys::stroke_width>(sym, feat, vars);
geom.generator().width(width * scale_factor);
template<typename T>
struct converter_traits<T, mapnik::clip_poly_tag>
using geometry_type = T;
using conv_type = typename agg::conv_clip_polygon<geometry_type>;
template<typename Args>
static void setup(geometry_type& geom, Args const& args)
auto const& box = args.bbox;
geom.clip_box(box.minx(), box.miny(), box.maxx(), box.maxy());
template<typename T>
struct converter_traits<T, mapnik::transform_tag>
using geometry_type = T;
using conv_type = transform_path_adapter<view_transform, geometry_type>;
template<typename Args>
static void setup(geometry_type& geom, Args const& args)
template<typename T>
struct converter_traits<T, mapnik::affine_transform_tag>
using geometry_type = T;
using conv_base_type = agg::conv_transform<geometry_type, agg::trans_affine const>;
struct conv_type : public conv_base_type
conv_type(geometry_type& geom)
: conv_base_type(geom, agg::trans_affine::identity)
template<typename Args>
static void setup(geometry_type& geom, Args& args)
template<typename T>
struct converter_traits<T, mapnik::offset_transform_tag>
using geometry_type = T;
using conv_type = offset_converter<geometry_type>;
template<typename Args>
static void setup(geometry_type& geom, Args const& args)
auto const& sym = args.sym;
auto const& feat = args.feature;
auto const& vars = args.vars;
double offset = get<value_double, keys::offset>(sym, feat, vars);
geom.set_offset(offset * args.scale_factor);
template<typename T>
struct converter_traits<T, mapnik::extend_tag>
using geometry_type = T;
using conv_type = extend_converter<geometry_type>;
template<typename Args>
static void setup(geometry_type& geom, Args const& args)
auto const& sym = args.sym;
auto const& feat = args.feature;
auto const& vars = args.vars;
double extend = get<value_double, keys::extend>(sym, feat, vars);
geom.set_extend(extend * args.scale_factor);
template<typename T0, typename T1>
struct is_switchable
static constexpr bool value = true;
template<typename T>
struct is_switchable<T, transform_tag>
static constexpr bool value = false;
template<typename T>
struct is_switchable<T, stroke_tag>
static constexpr bool value = false;
template<typename Dispatcher, typename... ConverterTypes>
struct converters_helper;
template<typename Dispatcher, typename Current, typename... ConverterTypes>
struct converters_helper<Dispatcher, Current, ConverterTypes...>
template<typename Converter>
static void set(Dispatcher& disp, std::size_t state)
if (std::is_same<Converter, Current>::value)
constexpr std::size_t index = sizeof...(ConverterTypes);
disp.vec_[index] = state;
converters_helper<Dispatcher, ConverterTypes...>::template set<Converter>(disp, state);
template<typename Geometry, typename Processor>
static void forward(Dispatcher& disp,
Geometry& geom,
Processor& proc,
typename std::enable_if<detail::is_switchable<Geometry, Current>::value>::type* = 0)
constexpr std::size_t index = sizeof...(ConverterTypes);
if (disp.vec_[index] == 1)
using conv_type = typename detail::converter_traits<Geometry, Current>::conv_type;
conv_type conv(geom);
detail::converter_traits<conv_type, Current>::setup(conv, disp.args_);
converters_helper<Dispatcher, ConverterTypes...>::forward(disp, conv, proc);
converters_helper<Dispatcher, ConverterTypes...>::forward(disp, geom, proc);
template<typename Geometry, typename Processor>
static void forward(Dispatcher& disp,
Geometry& geom,
Processor& proc,
typename std::enable_if<!detail::is_switchable<Geometry, Current>::value>::type* = 0)
using conv_type = typename detail::converter_traits<Geometry, Current>::conv_type;
conv_type conv(geom);
detail::converter_traits<conv_type, Current>::setup(conv, disp.args_);
converters_helper<Dispatcher, ConverterTypes...>::forward(disp, conv, proc);
template<typename Dispatcher>
struct converters_helper<Dispatcher>
template<typename Converter>
static void set(Dispatcher&, std::size_t)
template<typename Geometry, typename Processor>
static void forward(Dispatcher&, Geometry& geom, Processor& proc)
template<typename Args, std::size_t NUM_CONV>
struct dispatcher : util::noncopyable
using this_type = dispatcher;
using args_type = Args;
dispatcher(box2d<double> const& bbox,
symbolizer_base const& sym,
view_transform const& tr,
proj_transform const& prj_trans,
agg::trans_affine const& affine_trans,
feature_impl const& feature,
attributes const& vars,
double scale_factor)
: args_(bbox, sym, tr, prj_trans, affine_trans, feature, vars, scale_factor)
std::fill(vec_.begin(), vec_.end(), 0);
std::array<std::size_t, NUM_CONV> vec_;
args_type args_;
struct arguments : util::noncopyable
arguments(box2d<double> const& _bbox,
symbolizer_base const& _sym,
view_transform const& _tr,
proj_transform const& _prj_trans,
agg::trans_affine const& _affine_trans,
feature_impl const& _feature,
attributes const& _vars,
double _scale_factor)
: bbox(_bbox)
, sym(_sym)
, tr(_tr)
, prj_trans(_prj_trans)
, affine_trans(_affine_trans)
, feature(_feature)
, vars(_vars)
, scale_factor(_scale_factor)
box2d<double> const& bbox;
symbolizer_base const& sym;
view_transform const& tr;
proj_transform const& prj_trans;
agg::trans_affine const& affine_trans;
feature_impl const& feature;
attributes const& vars;
double scale_factor;
} // namespace detail
template<typename... ConverterTypes>
struct vertex_converter : private util::noncopyable
using bbox_type = box2d<double>;
using symbolizer_type = symbolizer_base;
using trans_type = view_transform;
using proj_trans_type = proj_transform;
using affine_trans_type = agg::trans_affine;
using feature_type = feature_impl;
using args_type = detail::arguments;
using dispatcher_type = detail::dispatcher<args_type, sizeof...(ConverterTypes)>;
vertex_converter(bbox_type const& bbox,
symbolizer_type const& sym,
trans_type const& tr,
proj_trans_type const& prj_trans,
affine_trans_type const& affine_trans,
feature_type const& feature,
attributes const& vars,
double scale_factor)
: disp_(bbox, sym, tr, prj_trans, affine_trans, feature, vars, scale_factor)
template<typename VertexAdapter, typename Processor>
void apply(VertexAdapter& geom, Processor& proc)
detail::converters_helper<dispatcher_type, ConverterTypes...>::template forward<VertexAdapter, Processor>(disp_,
template<typename Converter>
void set()
detail::converters_helper<dispatcher_type, ConverterTypes...>::template set<Converter>(disp_, 1);
template<typename Converter>
void unset()
detail::converters_helper<dispatcher_type, ConverterTypes...>::template set<Converter>(disp_, 0);
dispatcher_type disp_;
} // namespace mapnik