2006-10-03 08:52:24 +00:00

369 lines
14 KiB

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Marcin Kalicinski
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// For more information, see
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp"
#include "boost/property_tree/detail/info_parser_error.hpp"
#include "boost/property_tree/detail/info_parser_utils.hpp"
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <stack>
#include <fstream>
#include <cctype>
namespace boost { namespace property_tree { namespace info_parser
// Expand known escape sequences
template<class It>
std::basic_string<typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type>
expand_escapes(It b, It e)
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type Ch;
std::basic_string<Ch> result;
while (b != e)
if (*b == Ch('\\'))
if (b == e)
throw info_parser_error("character expected after backslash", "", 0);
else if (*b == Ch('0')) result += Ch('\0');
else if (*b == Ch('a')) result += Ch('\a');
else if (*b == Ch('b')) result += Ch('\b');
else if (*b == Ch('f')) result += Ch('\f');
else if (*b == Ch('n')) result += Ch('\n');
else if (*b == Ch('r')) result += Ch('\r');
else if (*b == Ch('t')) result += Ch('\t');
else if (*b == Ch('v')) result += Ch('\v');
else if (*b == Ch('"')) result += Ch('"');
else if (*b == Ch('\'')) result += Ch('\'');
else if (*b == Ch('\\')) result += Ch('\\');
throw info_parser_error("unknown escape sequence", "", 0);
result += *b;
return result;
// Advance pointer past whitespace
template<class Ch>
void skip_whitespace(const Ch *&text)
using namespace std;
while (isspace(*text))
// Extract word (whitespace delimited) and advance pointer accordingly
template<class Ch>
std::basic_string<Ch> read_word(const Ch *&text)
using namespace std;
const Ch *start = text;
while (!isspace(*text) && *text != Ch(';') && *text != Ch('\0'))
return expand_escapes(start, text);
// Extract line (eol delimited) and advance pointer accordingly
template<class Ch>
std::basic_string<Ch> read_line(const Ch *&text)
using namespace std;
const Ch *start = text;
while (*text != Ch('\0') && *text != Ch(';'))
while (text > start && isspace(*(text - 1)))
return expand_escapes(start, text);
// Extract string (inside ""), and advance pointer accordingly
// Set need_more_lines to true if \ continuator found
template<class Ch>
std::basic_string<Ch> read_string(const Ch *&text, bool *need_more_lines)
if (*text == Ch('\"'))
// Skip "
// Find end of string, but skip escaped "
bool escaped = false;
const Ch *start = text;
while ((escaped || *text != Ch('\"')) && *text != Ch('\0'))
escaped = (!escaped && *text == Ch('\\'));
// If end of string found
if (*text == Ch('\"'))
std::basic_string<Ch> result = expand_escapes(start, text++);
if (*text == Ch('\\'))
if (!need_more_lines)
throw info_parser_error("unexpected \\", "", 0);
if (*text == Ch('\0') || *text == Ch(';'))
*need_more_lines = true;
throw info_parser_error("expected end of line after \\", "", 0);
if (need_more_lines)
*need_more_lines = false;
return result;
throw info_parser_error("unexpected end of line", "", 0);
throw info_parser_error("expected \"", "", 0);
// Extract key
template<class Ch>
std::basic_string<Ch> read_key(const Ch *&text)
if (*text == Ch('\"'))
return read_string(text, NULL);
return read_word(text);
// Extract data
template<class Ch>
std::basic_string<Ch> read_data(const Ch *&text, bool *need_more_lines)
if (*text == Ch('\"'))
return read_string(text, need_more_lines);
*need_more_lines = false;
return read_word(text);
// Build ptree from info stream
template<class Ptree>
void read_info_internal(std::basic_istream<typename Ptree::char_type> &stream,
Ptree &pt,
const std::string &filename,
int include_depth)
// Character type
typedef typename Ptree::char_type Ch;
// Possible parser states
enum state_t {
s_key, // Parser expects key
s_data, // Parser expects data
s_data_cont // Parser expects data continuation
unsigned long line_no = 0;
state_t state = s_key; // Parser state
Ptree *last = NULL; // Pointer to last created ptree
std::basic_string<Ch> line; // Define line here to minimize reallocations
// Initialize ptree stack (used to handle nesting)
std::stack<Ptree *> stack;
stack.push(&pt); // Push root ptree on stack initially
// While there are characters in the stream
while (stream.good())
// Read one line from stream
std::getline(stream, line);
if (!stream.good() && !stream.eof())
throw info_parser_error("read error", "", 0);
const Ch *text = line.c_str();
// If directive found
if (*text == Ch('#'))
// Determine directive type
++text; // skip #
std::basic_string<Ch> directive = read_word(text);
if (directive == convert_chtype<Ch, char>("include")) // #include
if (include_depth > 100)
throw info_parser_error("include depth too large, probably recursive include", "", 0);
std::basic_string<Ch> s = read_string(text, NULL);
std::string inc_name = convert_chtype<char, Ch>(s.c_str());
std::basic_ifstream<Ch> inc_stream(inc_name.c_str());
if (!inc_stream.good())
throw info_parser_error("cannot open include file " + inc_name, "", 0);
read_info_internal(inc_stream, *, inc_name, include_depth + 1);
else // Unknown directive
throw info_parser_error("unknown directive", "", 0);
// Directive must be followed by end of line
if (*text != Ch('\0'))
throw info_parser_error("expected end of line", "", 0);
// Go to next line
// While there are characters left in line
while (1)
// Stop parsing on end of line or comment
if (*text == Ch('\0') || *text == Ch(';'))
if (state == s_data) // If there was no data set state to s_key
state = s_key;
// Process according to current parser state
switch (state)
// Parser expects key
case s_key:
if (*text == Ch('{')) // Brace opening found
if (!last)
throw info_parser_error("unexpected {", "", 0);
last = NULL;
else if (*text == Ch('}')) // Brace closing found
if (stack.size() <= 1)
throw info_parser_error("unmatched }", "", 0);
last = NULL;
else // Key text found
std::basic_string<Ch> key = read_key(text);
last = &>push_back(std::make_pair(key, Ptree()))->second;
state = s_data;
}; break;
// Parser expects data
case s_data:
// Last ptree must be defined because we are going to add data to it
if (*text == Ch('{')) // Brace opening found
last = NULL;
state = s_key;
else if (*text == Ch('}')) // Brace closing found
if (stack.size() <= 1)
throw info_parser_error("unmatched }", "", 0);
last = NULL;
state = s_key;
else // Data text found
bool need_more_lines;
std::basic_string<Ch> data = read_data(text, &need_more_lines);
last->data() = data;
state = need_more_lines ? s_data_cont : s_key;
}; break;
// Parser expects continuation of data after \ on previous line
case s_data_cont:
// Last ptree must be defined because we are going to update its data
if (*text == Ch('\"')) // Continuation must start with "
bool need_more_lines;
std::basic_string<Ch> data = read_string(text, &need_more_lines);
last->put_own(last->template get_own<std::basic_string<Ch> >() + data);
state = need_more_lines ? s_data_cont : s_key;
throw info_parser_error("expected \" after \\ in previous line", "", 0);
}; break;
// Should never happen
// Check if stack has initial size, otherwise some {'s have not been closed
if (stack.size() != 1)
throw info_parser_error("unmatched {", "", 0);
catch (info_parser_error &e)
// If line undefined rethrow error with correct filename and line
if (e.line() == 0)
throw info_parser_error(e.message(), filename, line_no);
throw e;
} } }