2015-06-16 12:49:16 +02:00

355 lines
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* This file is part of Mapnik (c++ mapping toolkit)
* Copyright (C) 2015 Artem Pavlenko
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// mapnik
#include <mapnik/config.hpp>
#include <mapnik/debug.hpp>
// stl
#include <bitset>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
namespace mapnik {
class illegal_enum_value : public std::exception
what_() {}
illegal_enum_value( std::string const& what ) :
what_( what )
virtual ~illegal_enum_value() throw() {}
virtual const char * what() const throw()
return what_.c_str();
std::string what_;
/** Slim wrapper for enumerations. It creates a new type from a native enum and
* a char pointer array. It almost exactly behaves like a native enumeration
* type. It supports string conversion through stream operators. This is usefull
* for debugging, serialization/deserialization and also helps with implementing
* language bindings. The two convinient macros DEFINE_ENUM() and IMPLEMENT_ENUM()
* are provided to help with instanciation.
* @par Limitations:
* - The enum must start at zero.
* - The enum must be consecutive.
* - The enum must be terminated with a special token consisting of the enum's
* name plus "_MAX".
* - The corresponding char pointer array must be terminated with an empty string.
* - The names must only consist of characters and digits (<i>a-z, A-Z, 0-9</i>),
* underscores (<i>_</i>) and dashes (<i>-</i>).
* @warning At the moment the verify_mapnik_enum() method is called during static initialization.
* It quits the application with exit code 1 if any error is detected. The other solution
* i thought of is to do the checks at compile time (using boost::mpl).
* @par Example:
* The following code goes into the header file:
* @code
* enum fruit_enum {
* fruit_enum_MAX
* };
* static const char * fruit_strings[] = {
* "apple",
* "cherry",
* "banana",
* "passion_fruit",
* ""
* };
* DEFINE_ENUM( fruit, fruit_enum);
* @endcode
* In the corresponding cpp file do:
* @code
* IMPLEMENT_ENUM( fruit, fruit_strings );
* @endcode
* And here is how to use the resulting type Fruit
* @code
* int
* main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
* fruit f(APPLE);
* switch ( f ) {
* case BANANA:
* case APPLE:
* cerr << "No thanks. I hate " << f << "s" << endl;
* break;
* default:
* cerr << "Hmmm ... yummy " << f << endl;
* break;
* }
* f = CHERRY;
* fruit_enum native_enum = f;
* f.from_string("passion_fruit");
* for (unsigned i = 0; i < fruit::MAX; ++i) {
* cerr << i << " = " << fruit::get_string(i) << endl;
* }
* f.from_string("elephant"); // throws illegal_enum_value
* return 0;
* }
* @endcode
template <typename ENUM, int THE_MAX>
class MAPNIK_DECL enumeration {
using native_type = ENUM;
: value_() {}
enumeration( ENUM v )
: value_(v) {}
enumeration( enumeration const& other )
: value_(other.value_) {}
/** Assignment operator for native enum values. */
void operator=(ENUM v)
value_ = v;
/** Assignment operator. */
void operator=(enumeration const& other)
value_ = other.value_;
/** Conversion operator for native enum values. */
operator ENUM() const
return value_;
enum Max
/** Converts @p str to an enum.
* @throw illegal_enum_value @p str is not a legal identifier.
* */
void from_string(std::string const& str)
// TODO: Enum value strings with underscore are deprecated in Mapnik 3.x
// and support will be removed in Mapnik 4.x.
bool deprecated = false;
std::string str_copy(str);
if (str_copy.find('_') != std::string::npos)
std::replace(str_copy.begin(), str_copy.end(), '_', '-');
deprecated = true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < THE_MAX; ++i)
if (str_copy == our_strings_[i])
value_ = static_cast<ENUM>(i);
if (deprecated)
MAPNIK_LOG_ERROR(enumerations) << "enumeration value (" << str << ") using \"_\" is deprecated and will be removed in Mapnik 4.x, use '" << str_copy << "' instead";
throw illegal_enum_value(std::string("Illegal enumeration value '") +
str + "' for enum " + our_name_);
/** Parses the input stream @p is for a word consisting of characters and
* digits (<i>a-z, A-Z, 0-9</i>) and underscores (<i>_</i>).
* The failbit of the stream is set if the word is not a valid identifier.
std::istream & parse(std::istream & is)
std::string word;
char c;
while ( is.peek() != std::char_traits< char >::eof())
is >> c;
if ( isspace(c) && word.empty() )
if ( isalnum(c) || (c == '_') || c == '-' )
word += c;
from_string( word );
catch (illegal_enum_value const&)
return is;
/** Returns the current value as a string identifier. */
std::string as_string() const
return our_strings_[value_];
/** Prints the string identifier to the output stream @p os. */
std::ostream & print(std::ostream & os = std::cerr) const
return os << our_strings_[value_];
/** Static helper function to iterate over valid identifiers. */
static const char * get_string(unsigned i)
return our_strings_[i];
/** Performs some simple checks and quits the application if
* any error is detected. Tries to print helpful error messages.
static bool verify_mapnik_enum(const char * filename, unsigned line_no)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < THE_MAX; ++i)
if (our_strings_[i] == 0 )
std::cerr << "### FATAL: Not enough strings for enum "
<< our_name_ << " defined in file '" << filename
<< "' at line " << line_no;
if ( std::string("") != our_strings_[THE_MAX])
std::cerr << "### FATAL: The string array for enum " << our_name_
<< " defined in file '" << filename << "' at line " << line_no
<< " has too many items or is not terminated with an "
<< "empty string";
return true;
static std::string const& get_full_qualified_name()
return our_name_;
static std::string get_name()
std::string::size_type idx = our_name_.find_last_of(":");
if ( idx == std::string::npos )
return our_name_;
} else {
return our_name_.substr( idx + 1 );
ENUM value_;
static const char ** our_strings_ ;
static std::string our_name_ ;
static bool our_verified_flag_;
/** ostream operator for enumeration
* @relates mapnik::enumeration
template <class ENUM, int THE_MAX>
std::ostream &
operator<<(std::ostream & os, const mapnik::enumeration<ENUM, THE_MAX> & e)
e.print( os );
return os;
/** istream operator for enumeration
* @relates mapnik::enumeration
template <class ENUM, int THE_MAX>
std::istream &
operator>>(std::istream & is, mapnik::enumeration<ENUM, THE_MAX> & e)
e.parse( is );
return is;
} // end of namespace
/** Helper macro.
* @relates mapnik::enumeration
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define DEFINE_ENUM( name, e) \
template enumeration<e, e ## _MAX>; \
using name = enumeration<e, e ## _MAX>;
#define DEFINE_ENUM( name, e) \
using name = enumeration<e, e ## _MAX>;
/** Helper macro. Runs the verify_mapnik_enum() method during static initialization.
* @relates mapnik::enumeration
#define IMPLEMENT_ENUM( name, strings ) \
template <> MAPNIK_DECL const char ** name ::our_strings_ = strings; \
template <> MAPNIK_DECL std::string name ::our_name_ = #name; \
template <> MAPNIK_DECL bool name ::our_verified_flag_( name ::verify_mapnik_enum(__FILE__, __LINE__));