The current code falls back to the base table for small scales. That approach has some drawbacks cause it forces the original table to share some conditions with its overviews (same SRID, alginment, scale constraints) for the rendering to work properly. What we propose is to always fall back to the highest resolution overview (lowest scale), rather than the original table, in order to avoid coupling the original table with the constraints imposed by rendering and still have them linked (in postgis raster metadata). Please note this approach is not 100% compatible as the base table won't be used. This should be no big deal because overviews can have an arbitrary resolution/scale.
1207 lines
45 KiB
1207 lines
45 KiB
* This file is part of Mapnik (c++ mapping toolkit)
* Copyright (C) 2015 Artem Pavlenko
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Initially developed by Sandro Santilli <> for CartoDB
#include "../postgis/connection_manager.hpp"
#include "../postgis/asyncresultset.hpp"
#include "pgraster_datasource.hpp"
#include "pgraster_featureset.hpp"
// mapnik
#include <mapnik/debug.hpp>
#include <mapnik/global.hpp> // for byte
#include <mapnik/boolean.hpp>
#include <mapnik/sql_utils.hpp>
#include <mapnik/util/conversions.hpp>
#include <mapnik/timer.hpp>
#include <mapnik/value_types.hpp>
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#include <mapnik/warning_ignore.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// stl
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
const double pgraster_datasource::FMAX = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
const std::string pgraster_datasource::RASTER_COLUMNS = "raster_columns";
const std::string pgraster_datasource::RASTER_OVERVIEWS = "raster_overviews";
const std::string pgraster_datasource::SPATIAL_REF_SYS = "spatial_ref_system";
using std::shared_ptr;
using mapnik::attribute_descriptor;
using mapnik::value_integer;
namespace {
// TODO: move to sql_utils
std::string quote_ident(std::string& s) {
return "\"" + s + "\""; // TODO: escape internal quotes
pgraster_datasource::pgraster_datasource(parameters const& params)
: datasource(params),
table_(*params.get<std::string>("table", "")),
raster_table_(*params.get<std::string>("raster_table", "")),
raster_field_(*params.get<std::string>("raster_field", "")),
key_field_(*params.get<std::string>("key_field", "")),
cursor_fetch_size_(*params.get<mapnik::value_integer>("cursor_size", 0)),
row_limit_(*params.get<value_integer>("row_limit", 0)),
srid_(*params.get<value_integer>("srid", 0)),
band_(*params.get<value_integer>("band", 0)),
prescale_rasters_(*params.get<mapnik::boolean_type>("prescale_rasters", false)),
use_overviews_(*params.get<mapnik::boolean_type>("use_overviews", false)),
clip_rasters_(*params.get<mapnik::boolean_type>("clip_rasters", false)),
desc_(*params.get<std::string>("type"), "utf-8"),
params.get<std::string>("connect_timeout", "4")),
pool_max_size_(*params_.get<value_integer>("max_size", 10)),
persist_connection_(*params.get<mapnik::boolean_type>("persist_connection", true)),
extent_from_subquery_(*params.get<mapnik::boolean_type>("extent_from_subquery", false)),
estimate_extent_(*params.get<mapnik::boolean_type>("estimate_extent", false)),
max_async_connections_(*params_.get<value_integer>("max_async_connection", 1)),
// params below are for testing purposes only and may be removed at any time
intersect_min_scale_(*params.get<value_integer>("intersect_min_scale", 0)),
intersect_max_scale_(*params.get<value_integer>("intersect_max_scale", 0))
mapnik::progress_timer __stats__(std::clog, "pgraster_datasource::init");
if (table_.empty())
throw mapnik::datasource_exception("Pgraster Plugin: missing <table> parameter");
boost::optional<std::string> ext = params.get<std::string>("extent");
if (ext && !ext->empty())
extent_initialized_ = extent_.from_string(*ext);
// NOTE: In multithread environment, pool_max_size_ should be
// max_async_connections_ * num_threads
if(max_async_connections_ > 1)
if(max_async_connections_ > pool_max_size_)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "PostGIS Plugin: Error: 'max_async_connections ("
<< max_async_connections_ << ") must be <= max_size(" << pool_max_size_ << ")";
throw mapnik::datasource_exception(err.str());
asynchronous_request_ = true;
boost::optional<value_integer> initial_size = params.get<value_integer>("initial_size", 1);
boost::optional<mapnik::boolean_type> autodetect_key_field = params.get<mapnik::boolean_type>("autodetect_key_field", false);
ConnectionManager::instance().registerPool(creator_, *initial_size, pool_max_size_);
CnxPool_ptr pool = ConnectionManager::instance().getPool(;
if (pool)
shared_ptr<Connection> conn = pool->borrowObject();
if (!conn) return;
if (conn->isOK())
if (raster_table_.empty())
raster_table_ = mapnik::sql_utils::table_from_sql(table_);
// non-trivial subqueries (having no FROM) make it
// impossible to use overviews
// TODO: improve "table_from_sql" ?
if ( raster_table_[raster_table_.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n")] == '(' )
if ( use_overviews_ )
std::ostringstream err;
err << "Pgraster Plugin: overviews cannot be used "
"with non-trivial subqueries";
MAPNIK_LOG_WARN(pgraster) << err.str();
use_overviews_ = false;
if ( ! extent_from_subquery_ ) {
std::ostringstream err;
err << "Pgraster Plugin: extent can only be computed "
"from subquery as we could not found table source";
MAPNIK_LOG_WARN(pgraster) << err.str();
extent_from_subquery_ = true;
std::string::size_type idx = raster_table_.find_last_of('.');
if (idx != std::string::npos)
schema_ = raster_table_.substr(0, idx);
raster_table_ = raster_table_.substr(idx + 1);
// If we do not know either the geometry_field or the srid or we
// want to use overviews but do not know about schema, or
// no extent was specified, then attempt to fetch the missing
// information from a raster_columns entry.
// This will return no records if we are querying a bogus table returned
// from the simplistic table parsing in table_from_sql() or if
// the table parameter references a table, view, or subselect not
// registered in the geometry columns.
geometryColumn_ = mapnik::sql_utils::unquote_double(raster_field_);
if (!raster_table_.empty() && (
geometryColumn_.empty() || srid_ == 0 ||
(schema_.empty() && use_overviews_) ||
! extent_initialized_
mapnik::progress_timer __stats2__(std::clog, "pgraster_datasource::init(get_srid_and_geometry_column)");
std::ostringstream s;
s << "SELECT r_raster_column col, srid, r_table_schema";
if ( ! extent_initialized_ ) {
s << ", st_xmin(extent) xmin, st_ymin(extent) ymin"
<< ", st_xmax(extent) xmax, st_ymax(extent) ymax";
s << " FROM "
<< RASTER_COLUMNS << " WHERE r_table_name='"
<< mapnik::sql_utils::unquote_double(raster_table_)
<< "'";
if (! schema_.empty())
s << " AND r_table_schema='"
<< mapnik::sql_utils::unquote_double(schema_)
<< "'";
if (! raster_field_.empty())
s << " AND r_raster_column='"
<< mapnik::sql_utils::unquote_double(raster_field_)
<< "'";
MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(pgraster) <<
"pgraster_datasource: running query " << s.str();
shared_ptr<ResultSet> rs = conn->executeQuery(s.str());
if (rs->next())
geometryColumn_ = rs->getValue("col");
if ( ! extent_initialized_ )
double lox, loy, hix, hiy;
if (mapnik::util::string2double(rs->getValue("xmin"), lox) &&
mapnik::util::string2double(rs->getValue("ymin"), loy) &&
mapnik::util::string2double(rs->getValue("xmax"), hix) &&
mapnik::util::string2double(rs->getValue("ymax"), hiy))
extent_.init(lox, loy, hix, hiy);
extent_initialized_ = true;
MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(pgraster) << "pgraster_datasource: Layer extent=" << extent_;
MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(pgraster) << "pgraster_datasource: Could not determine extent from query: " << s.str();
if (srid_ == 0)
const char* srid_c = rs->getValue("srid");
if (srid_c != nullptr)
int result = 0;
const char * end = srid_c + std::strlen(srid_c);
if (mapnik::util::string2int(srid_c, end, result))
srid_ = result;
if ( schema_.empty() )
schema_ = rs->getValue("r_table_schema");
MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(pgraster) << "pgraster_datasource: no response from metadata query " << s.str();
catch (mapnik::datasource_exception const& ex) {
// let this pass on query error and use the fallback below
MAPNIK_LOG_WARN(pgraster) << "pgraster_datasource: metadata query failed: " << ex.what();
// If we still do not know the srid then we can try to fetch
// it from the 'table_' parameter, which should work even if it is
// a subselect as long as we know the geometry_field to query
if (! geometryColumn_.empty() && srid_ <= 0)
s << "SELECT ST_SRID(\"" << geometryColumn_ << "\") AS srid FROM "
<< populate_tokens(table_) << " WHERE \"" << geometryColumn_ << "\" IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1;";
shared_ptr<ResultSet> rs = conn->executeQuery(s.str());
if (rs->next())
const char* srid_c = rs->getValue("srid");
if (srid_c != nullptr)
int result = 0;
const char * end = srid_c + std::strlen(srid_c);
if (mapnik::util::string2int(srid_c, end, result))
srid_ = result;
// If overviews were requested, take note of the max scale
// of each available overview, sorted by scale descending
if ( use_overviews_ )
std::ostringstream err;
if ( schema_.empty() )
err << "Pgraster Plugin: unable to lookup available table"
<< " overviews due to unknown schema";
throw mapnik::datasource_exception(err.str());
if ( geometryColumn_.empty() )
err << "Pgraster Plugin: unable to lookup available table"
<< " overviews due to unknown column name";
throw mapnik::datasource_exception(err.str());
std::ostringstream s;
s << "select "
"r.r_table_schema sch, "
"r.r_table_name tab, "
"r.r_raster_column col, "
"greatest(abs(r.scale_x), abs(r.scale_y)) scl "
" raster_overviews o,"
" raster_columns r "
" o.r_table_schema = '"
<< mapnik::sql_utils::unquote_double(schema_)
<< "' and o.r_table_name = '"
<< mapnik::sql_utils::unquote_double(raster_table_)
<< "' and o.r_raster_column = '"
<< mapnik::sql_utils::unquote_double(geometryColumn_)
<< "' and r.r_table_schema = o.o_table_schema"
" and r.r_table_name = o.o_table_name"
" and r.r_raster_column = o.o_raster_column"
" ORDER BY scl ASC";
MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(pgraster) << "pgraster_datasource: running query " << s.str();
shared_ptr<ResultSet> rs = conn->executeQuery(s.str());
while (rs->next())
pgraster_overview ov = pgraster_overview();
ov.schema = rs->getValue("sch");
ov.table = rs->getValue("tab");
ov.column = rs->getValue("col");
ov.scale = atof(rs->getValue("scl"));
if(ov.scale == 0.0f)
MAPNIK_LOG_WARN(pgraster) << "pgraster_datasource: found invalid overview "
<< ov.schema << "." << ov.table << "." << ov.column << " with scale " << ov.scale;
MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(pgraster) << "pgraster_datasource: found overview " << ov.schema << "." << ov.table << "." << ov.column << " with scale " << ov.scale;
if ( overviews_.empty() ) {
MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(pgraster) << "pgraster_datasource: no overview found for " << schema_ << "." << raster_table_ << "." << geometryColumn_;
// detect primary key
if (*autodetect_key_field && key_field_.empty())
mapnik::progress_timer __stats2__(std::clog, "pgraster_datasource::bind(get_primary_key)");
std::ostringstream s;
s << "SELECT a.attname, a.attnum, t.typname, t.typname in ('int2','int4','int8') "
"AS is_int FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t, pg_namespace n, pg_index i "
"WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND a.attrelid = c.oid "
"AND a.atttypid = t.oid AND c.relnamespace = n.oid "
"AND c.oid = i.indrelid AND i.indisprimary = 't' "
"AND t.typname !~ '^geom' AND c.relname ="
<< " '" << mapnik::sql_utils::unquote_double(raster_table_) << "' "
//"AND a.attnum = ANY (i.indkey) " // postgres >= 8.1
<< "AND (i.indkey[0]=a.attnum OR i.indkey[1]=a.attnum OR i.indkey[2]=a.attnum "
"OR i.indkey[3]=a.attnum OR i.indkey[4]=a.attnum OR i.indkey[5]=a.attnum "
"OR i.indkey[6]=a.attnum OR i.indkey[7]=a.attnum OR i.indkey[8]=a.attnum "
"OR i.indkey[9]=a.attnum) ";
if (! schema_.empty())
s << "AND n.nspname='"
<< mapnik::sql_utils::unquote_double(schema_)
<< "' ";
s << "ORDER BY a.attnum";
shared_ptr<ResultSet> rs_key = conn->executeQuery(s.str());
if (rs_key->next())
unsigned int result_rows = rs_key->size();
if (result_rows == 1)
bool is_int = (std::string(rs_key->getValue(3)) == "t");
if (is_int)
const char* key_field_string = rs_key->getValue(0);
if (key_field_string)
key_field_ = std::string(key_field_string);
MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(pgraster) << "pgraster_datasource: auto-detected key field of '"
<< key_field_ << "' on table '" << raster_table_ << "'";
// throw for cases like a numeric primary key, which is invalid
// as it should be floating point (int numerics are useless)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "PostGIS Plugin: Error: '"
<< rs_key->getValue(0)
<< "' on table '"
<< raster_table_
<< "' is not a valid integer primary key field\n";
throw mapnik::datasource_exception(err.str());
else if (result_rows > 1)
std::ostringstream err;
err << "PostGIS Plugin: Error: '"
<< "multi column primary key detected but is not supported";
throw mapnik::datasource_exception(err.str());
// if a globally unique key field/primary key is required
// but still not known at this point, then throw
if (*autodetect_key_field && key_field_.empty())
throw mapnik::datasource_exception(std::string("PostGIS Plugin: Error: primary key required")
+ " but could not be detected for table '" +
raster_table_ + "', please supply 'key_field' option to specify field to use for primary key");
if (srid_ == 0)
srid_ = -1;
MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(pgraster) << "pgraster_datasource: Table " << table_ << " is using SRID=" << srid_;
// At this point the geometry_field may still not be known
// but we'll catch that where more useful...
MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(pgraster) << "pgraster_datasource: Using SRID=" << srid_;
MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(pgraster) << "pgraster_datasource: Using geometry_column=" << geometryColumn_;
// collect attribute desc
mapnik::progress_timer __stats2__(std::clog, "pgraster_datasource::bind(get_column_description)");
std::ostringstream s;
s << "SELECT * FROM " << populate_tokens(table_) << " LIMIT 0";
shared_ptr<ResultSet> rs = conn->executeQuery(s.str());
int count = rs->getNumFields();
bool found_key_field = false;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
std::string fld_name = rs->getFieldName(i);
int type_oid = rs->getTypeOID(i);
// validate type of key_field
if (! found_key_field && ! key_field_.empty() && fld_name == key_field_)
if (type_oid == 20 || type_oid == 21 || type_oid == 23)
found_key_field = true;
desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::Integer));
std::ostringstream error_s;
error_s << "invalid type '";
std::ostringstream type_s;
type_s << "SELECT oid, typname FROM pg_type WHERE oid = " << type_oid;
shared_ptr<ResultSet> rs_oid = conn->executeQuery(type_s.str());
if (rs_oid->next())
error_s << rs_oid->getValue("typname")
<< "' (oid:" << rs_oid->getValue("oid") << ")";
error_s << "oid:" << type_oid << "'";
error_s << " for key_field '" << fld_name << "' - "
<< "must be an integer primary key";
throw mapnik::datasource_exception(error_s.str());
switch (type_oid)
case 16: // bool
desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::Boolean));
case 20: // int8
case 21: // int2
case 23: // int4
desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::Integer));
case 700: // float4
case 701: // float8
case 1700: // numeric
desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::Double));
case 1042: // bpchar
case 1043: // varchar
case 25: // text
case 705: // literal
desc_.add_descriptor(attribute_descriptor(fld_name, mapnik::String));
default: // should not get here
s << "SELECT oid, typname FROM pg_type WHERE oid = " << type_oid;
shared_ptr<ResultSet> rs_oid = conn->executeQuery(s.str());
if (rs_oid->next())
std::string typname(rs_oid->getValue("typname"));
if (typname != "geometry" && typname != "raster")
MAPNIK_LOG_WARN(pgraster) << "pgraster_datasource: Unknown type=" << typname
<< " (oid:" << rs_oid->getValue("oid") << ")";
MAPNIK_LOG_WARN(pgraster) << "pgraster_datasource: Unknown type_oid=" << type_oid;
// Close explicitly the connection so we can 'fork()' without sharing open connections
if (! persist_connection_)
CnxPool_ptr pool = ConnectionManager::instance().getPool(;
if (pool)
try {
shared_ptr<Connection> conn = pool->borrowObject();
if (conn)
} catch (mapnik::datasource_exception const& ex) {
// happens when borrowObject tries to
// create a new connection and fails.
// In turn, new connection would be needed
// when our broke and was thus no good to
// be borrowed
// See
const char * pgraster_datasource::name()
return "pgraster";
mapnik::datasource::datasource_t pgraster_datasource::type() const
return type_;
layer_descriptor pgraster_datasource::get_descriptor() const
return desc_;
std::string pgraster_datasource::sql_bbox(box2d<double> const& env) const
std::ostringstream b;
if (srid_ > 0)
b << "ST_SetSRID(";
b << "'BOX3D(";
b << std::setprecision(16);
b << env.minx() << " " << env.miny() << ",";
b << env.maxx() << " " << env.maxy() << ")'::box3d";
if (srid_ > 0)
b << ", " << srid_ << ")";
return b.str();
std::string pgraster_datasource::populate_tokens(std::string const& sql) const
std::string populated_sql = sql;
if (boost::algorithm::icontains(sql, bbox_token_))
box2d<double> max_env(-1.0 * FMAX, -1.0 * FMAX, FMAX, FMAX);
const std::string max_box = sql_bbox(max_env);
boost::algorithm::replace_all(populated_sql, bbox_token_, max_box);
if (boost::algorithm::icontains(sql, scale_denom_token_))
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << FMAX;
boost::algorithm::replace_all(populated_sql, scale_denom_token_, ss.str());
if (boost::algorithm::icontains(sql, pixel_width_token_))
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << 0;
boost::algorithm::replace_all(populated_sql, pixel_width_token_, ss.str());
if (boost::algorithm::icontains(sql, pixel_height_token_))
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << 0;
boost::algorithm::replace_all(populated_sql, pixel_height_token_, ss.str());
return populated_sql;
std::string pgraster_datasource::populate_tokens(std::string const& sql, double scale_denom, box2d<double> const& env, double pixel_width, double pixel_height) const
std::string populated_sql = sql;
std::string box = sql_bbox(env);
if (boost::algorithm::icontains(populated_sql, scale_denom_token_))
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << scale_denom;
boost::algorithm::replace_all(populated_sql, scale_denom_token_, ss.str());
if (boost::algorithm::icontains(sql, pixel_width_token_))
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << pixel_width;
boost::algorithm::replace_all(populated_sql, pixel_width_token_, ss.str());
if (boost::algorithm::icontains(sql, pixel_height_token_))
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << pixel_height;
boost::algorithm::replace_all(populated_sql, pixel_height_token_, ss.str());
if (boost::algorithm::icontains(populated_sql, bbox_token_))
boost::algorithm::replace_all(populated_sql, bbox_token_, box);
return populated_sql;
std::ostringstream s;
if (intersect_min_scale_ > 0 && (scale_denom <= intersect_min_scale_))
s << " WHERE ST_Intersects(\"" << geometryColumn_ << "\"," << box << ")";
else if (intersect_max_scale_ > 0 && (scale_denom >= intersect_max_scale_))
// do no bbox restriction
s << " WHERE \"" << geometryColumn_ << "\" && " << box;
return populated_sql + s.str();
std::shared_ptr<IResultSet> pgraster_datasource::get_resultset(std::shared_ptr<Connection> &conn, std::string const& sql, CnxPool_ptr const& pool, processor_context_ptr ctx) const
if (!ctx)
// ! asynchronous_request_
if (cursor_fetch_size_ > 0)
// cursor
std::ostringstream csql;
std::string cursor_name = conn->new_cursor_name();
if (! conn->execute(csql.str()))
// TODO - better error
throw mapnik::datasource_exception("Pgraster Plugin: error creating cursor for data select." );
return std::make_shared<CursorResultSet>(conn, cursor_name, cursor_fetch_size_);
// no cursor
return conn->executeQuery(sql, 1);
{ // asynchronous requests
std::shared_ptr<postgis_processor_context> pgis_ctxt = std::static_pointer_cast<postgis_processor_context>(ctx);
if (conn)
// lauch async req & create asyncresult with conn
conn->executeAsyncQuery(sql, 1);
return std::make_shared<AsyncResultSet>(pgis_ctxt, pool, conn, sql);
// create asyncresult with null connection
std::shared_ptr<AsyncResultSet> res = std::make_shared<AsyncResultSet>(pgis_ctxt, pool, conn, sql);
return res;
processor_context_ptr pgraster_datasource::get_context(feature_style_context_map & ctx) const
if (!asynchronous_request_)
return processor_context_ptr();
std::string ds_name(name());
feature_style_context_map::const_iterator itr = ctx.find(ds_name);
if (itr != ctx.end())
return itr->second;
return ctx.insert(std::make_pair(ds_name,std::make_shared<postgis_processor_context>())).first->second;
featureset_ptr pgraster_datasource::features(query const& q) const
// if the driver is in asynchronous mode, return the appropriate fetaures
if (asynchronous_request_ )
return features_with_context(q,std::make_shared<postgis_processor_context>());
return features_with_context(q,processor_context_ptr());
featureset_ptr pgraster_datasource::features_with_context(query const& q,processor_context_ptr proc_ctx) const
mapnik::progress_timer __stats__(std::clog, "pgraster_datasource::features_with_context");
box2d<double> const& box = q.get_bbox();
double scale_denom = q.scale_denominator();
CnxPool_ptr pool = ConnectionManager::instance().getPool(;
if (pool)
shared_ptr<Connection> conn;
if ( asynchronous_request_ )
// limit use to num_async_request_ => if reached don't borrow the last connexion object
std::shared_ptr<postgis_processor_context> pgis_ctxt = std::static_pointer_cast<postgis_processor_context>(proc_ctx);
if ( pgis_ctxt->num_async_requests_ < max_async_connections_ )
conn = pool->borrowObject();
// Always get a connection in synchronous mode
conn = pool->borrowObject();
if(!conn )
throw mapnik::datasource_exception("Pgraster Plugin: Null connection");
if (geometryColumn_.empty())
std::ostringstream s_error;
s_error << "PostGIS: geometry name lookup failed for table '";
if (! schema_.empty())
s_error << schema_ << ".";
s_error << raster_table_
<< "'. Please manually provide the 'geometry_field' parameter or add an entry "
<< "in the geometry_columns for '";
if (! schema_.empty())
s_error << schema_ << ".";
s_error << raster_table_ << "'.";
throw mapnik::datasource_exception(s_error.str());
const double px_gw = 1.0 / std::get<0>(q.resolution());
const double px_gh = 1.0 / std::get<1>(q.resolution());
MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(pgraster) << "pgraster_datasource: px_gw=" << px_gw
<< " px_gh=" << px_gh;
std::string table_with_bbox;
std::string col = geometryColumn_;
if ( use_overviews_ && !overviews_.empty()) {
std::string sch = overviews_[0].schema;
std::string tab = overviews_[0].table;
col = overviews_[0].column;
const double scale = std::min(px_gw, px_gh);
std::vector<pgraster_overview>::const_reverse_iterator i;
for (i=overviews_.rbegin(); i!=overviews_.rend(); ++i) {
const pgraster_overview& o = *i;
if ( o.scale < scale ) {
sch = o.schema;
tab = o.table;
col = o.column;
<< "pgraster_datasource: using overview "
<< o.schema << "." << o.table << "." << o.column
<< " with scale=" << o.scale
<< " for min out scale=" << scale;
} else {
<< "pgraster_datasource: overview "
<< o.schema << "." << o.table << "." << o.column
<< " with scale=" << o.scale
<< " not good for min out scale " << scale;
table_with_bbox = table_; // possibly a subquery
mapnik::sql_utils::unquote_double(raster_table_), tab);
mapnik::sql_utils::unquote_double(schema_), sch);
mapnik::sql_utils::unquote_double(geometryColumn_), col);
table_with_bbox = populate_tokens(table_with_bbox,
scale_denom, box, px_gw, px_gh);
} else {
table_with_bbox = populate_tokens(table_, scale_denom, box, px_gw, px_gh);
std::ostringstream s;
s << "SELECT ST_AsBinary(";
if (band_) s << "ST_Band(";
if (prescale_rasters_) s << "ST_Resize(";
if (clip_rasters_) s << "ST_Clip(";
s << "\"" << col << "\"";
if (clip_rasters_) {
s << ", ST_Expand(" << sql_bbox(box)
<< ", greatest(abs(ST_ScaleX(\""
<< col << "\")), abs(ST_ScaleY(\""
<< col << "\")))))";
if (prescale_rasters_) {
const double scale = std::min(px_gw, px_gh);
s << ", least(abs(ST_ScaleX(\"" << col
<< "\"))::float8/" << scale
<< ", 1.0), least(abs(ST_ScaleY(\"" << col
<< "\"))::float8/" << scale << ", 1.0))";
// TODO: if band_ is given, we'll interpret as indexed so
// the rescaling must NOT ruin it (use algorithm mode!)
if (band_) s << ", " << band_ << ")";
s << ") AS geom";
mapnik::context_ptr ctx = std::make_shared<mapnik::context_type>();
std::set<std::string> const& props = q.property_names();
std::set<std::string>::const_iterator pos = props.begin();
std::set<std::string>::const_iterator end = props.end();
if (! key_field_.empty())
mapnik::sql_utils::quote_attr(s, key_field_);
for (; pos != end; ++pos)
if (*pos != key_field_)
mapnik::sql_utils::quote_attr(s, *pos);
for (; pos != end; ++pos)
mapnik::sql_utils::quote_attr(s, *pos);
s << " FROM " << table_with_bbox;
if (row_limit_ > 0)
s << " LIMIT " << row_limit_;
MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(pgraster) << "pgraster_datasource: "
"features query: " << s.str();
std::shared_ptr<IResultSet> rs = get_resultset(conn, s.str(), pool, proc_ctx);
return std::make_shared<pgraster_featureset>(rs, ctx,
desc_.get_encoding(), !key_field_.empty(),
band_ ? 1 : 0 // whatever band number is given we'd have
// extracted with ST_Band above so it becomes
// band number 1
return featureset_ptr();
featureset_ptr pgraster_datasource::features_at_point(coord2d const& pt, double tol) const
mapnik::progress_timer __stats__(std::clog, "pgraster_datasource::features_at_point");
CnxPool_ptr pool = ConnectionManager::instance().getPool(;
if (pool)
shared_ptr<Connection> conn = pool->borrowObject();
if (!conn) return featureset_ptr();
if (conn->isOK())
if (geometryColumn_.empty())
std::ostringstream s_error;
s_error << "PostGIS: geometry name lookup failed for table '";
if (! schema_.empty())
s_error << schema_ << ".";
s_error << raster_table_
<< "'. Please manually provide the 'geometry_field' parameter or add an entry "
<< "in the geometry_columns for '";
if (! schema_.empty())
s_error << schema_ << ".";
s_error << raster_table_ << "'.";
throw mapnik::datasource_exception(s_error.str());
std::ostringstream s;
s << "SELECT ST_AsBinary(\"" << geometryColumn_ << "\") AS geom";
mapnik::context_ptr ctx = std::make_shared<mapnik::context_type>();
auto const& desc = desc_.get_descriptors();
if (!key_field_.empty())
mapnik::sql_utils::quote_attr(s, key_field_);
for (auto const& attr_info : desc)
std::string const& name = attr_info.get_name();
if (name != key_field_)
mapnik::sql_utils::quote_attr(s, name);
for (auto const& attr_info : desc)
std::string const& name = attr_info.get_name();
mapnik::sql_utils::quote_attr(s, name);
box2d<double> box(pt.x - tol, pt.y - tol, pt.x + tol, pt.y + tol);
std::string table_with_bbox = populate_tokens(table_, FMAX, box, 0, 0);
s << " FROM " << table_with_bbox;
if (row_limit_ > 0)
s << " LIMIT " << row_limit_;
std::shared_ptr<IResultSet> rs = get_resultset(conn, s.str(), pool);
return std::make_shared<pgraster_featureset>(rs, ctx, desc_.get_encoding(), !key_field_.empty());
return featureset_ptr();
box2d<double> pgraster_datasource::envelope() const
if (extent_initialized_)
return extent_;
CnxPool_ptr pool = ConnectionManager::instance().getPool(;
if (pool)
shared_ptr<Connection> conn = pool->borrowObject();
if (!conn) return extent_;
if (conn->isOK())
std::ostringstream s;
std::string col = mapnik::sql_utils::unquote_double(geometryColumn_);
std::string sch = mapnik::sql_utils::unquote_double(schema_);
std::string tab = mapnik::sql_utils::unquote_double(raster_table_);
if ( ! overviews_.empty() )
// query from highest-factor overview instead
const pgraster_overview& o = overviews_.back();
sch = o.schema;
tab = o.table;
col = o.column;
if (col.empty())
std::ostringstream s_error;
s_error << "PostGIS: unable to query the layer extent of table '";
if (! sch.empty())
s_error << sch << ".";
s_error << raster_table_ << "' because we cannot determine the raster field name."
<< "\nPlease provide either an 'extent' parameter to skip this query, "
<< "a 'raster_field' and/or 'raster_table' parameter, or add "
<< "standard constraints to your raster table.";
throw mapnik::datasource_exception("Pgraster Plugin: " + s_error.str());
if (estimate_extent_)
if (tab.empty())
std::ostringstream s_error;
s_error << "PostGIS: unable to query the layer extent as "
<< "we couldn't determine the raster table name.\n"
<< "Please provide either an 'extent' parameter to skip this query, "
<< "a 'raster_table' parameter, or do not set 'estimate_extent'";
throw mapnik::datasource_exception("Pgraster Plugin: " + s_error.str());
s << "SELECT ST_XMin(ext),ST_YMin(ext),ST_XMax(ext),ST_YMax(ext)"
<< " FROM (SELECT ST_Estimated_Extent('";
if (! sch.empty())
s << mapnik::sql_utils::unquote_double(sch) << "','";
s << mapnik::sql_utils::unquote_double(tab) << "','"
<< mapnik::sql_utils::unquote_double(col) << "') as ext) as tmp";
s << "SELECT ST_XMin(ext),ST_YMin(ext),ST_XMax(ext),ST_YMax(ext)"
<< " FROM (SELECT ST_Extent(" << quote_ident(col) << "::geometry) as ext from ";
if (extent_from_subquery_)
// if a subselect limits records then calculating the extent upon the
// subquery will be faster and the bounds will be more accurate
s << populate_tokens(table_) << ") as tmpx";
if (! sch.empty())
s << quote_ident(sch) << ".";
// but if the subquery does not limit records then querying the
// actual table will be faster as indexes can be used
s << quote_ident(tab) << ") as tmp";
shared_ptr<ResultSet> rs = conn->executeQuery(s.str());
if (rs->next() && ! rs->isNull(0))
double lox, loy, hix, hiy;
if (mapnik::util::string2double(rs->getValue(0), lox) &&
mapnik::util::string2double(rs->getValue(1), loy) &&
mapnik::util::string2double(rs->getValue(2), hix) &&
mapnik::util::string2double(rs->getValue(3), hiy))
extent_.init(lox, loy, hix, hiy);
extent_initialized_ = true;
MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(pgraster) << "pgraster_datasource: Could not determine extent from query: " << s.str();
return extent_;
boost::optional<mapnik::datasource_geometry_t> pgraster_datasource::get_geometry_type() const
return boost::optional<mapnik::datasource_geometry_t>();