justify-alignment accepts center, not middle

der-stefan 2014-12-16 14:17:33 -08:00
parent 7576427ea3
commit 90451936fa

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
|dx, dy|double|Displace label by fixed amount on either axis. Actual displacement also depends on vertical-alignment and horizontal-alignment|px|0.0|0.7 |dx, dy|double|Displace label by fixed amount on either axis. Actual displacement also depends on vertical-alignment and horizontal-alignment|px|0.0|0.7
|vertical-alignment|top, middle, bottom, auto|Position of label relative to point position. "auto" is "middle" for dy=0, "bottom" for dy>0, "top" for dy<0||auto| |vertical-alignment|top, middle, bottom, auto|Position of label relative to point position. "auto" is "middle" for dy=0, "bottom" for dy>0, "top" for dy<0||auto|
|horizontal-alignment|left, middle, right, auto|Position of label relative to point position||auto| |horizontal-alignment|left, middle, right, auto|Position of label relative to point position||auto|
|justify-alignment|left, middle, right, "auto|Justify multi-line text||auto| |justify-alignment|left, center, right, auto|Justify multi-line text||auto|
|text-ratio|double| Try to keep a given height to width ratio. Use 0 to disable this feature.|ratio|0| |text-ratio|double| Try to keep a given height to width ratio. Use 0 to disable this feature.|ratio|0|
|wrap-width|double|Length before wrapping long names. Use 0 to disable this feature.|px|0| |wrap-width|double|Length before wrapping long names. Use 0 to disable this feature.|px|0|
|wrap-before|true,false|Wrap text before wrap-width is reached. If this setting is off your lines will always be a bit longer than wrap-width. If this setting is on the lines will usually be a bit shorter, but can be longer if there is a single word that is longer than your current line limit.|bool|false| |wrap-before|true,false|Wrap text before wrap-width is reached. If this setting is off your lines will always be a bit longer than wrap-width. If this setting is on the lines will usually be a bit shorter, but can be longer if there is a single word that is longer than your current line limit.|bool|false|