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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
Below are a list of methods and properties available in mapnik.Map.
* __Map.append_style__ - adds a style to the map
@ -34,3 +35,410 @@ Below are a list of methods and properties available in mapnik.Map.
* __Map.zoom_all__
* __Map.zoom_to_box__ - takes an Envelope as an argument and zooms to that
append_style( (Map)arg1, (str)style_name, (Style)style_object) -> bool :
Insert a Mapnik Style onto the map by appending it.
>>> sty
<mapnik._mapnik.Style object at 0x6a330>
>>> m.append_style('Style Name', sty)
True # style object added to map by name
>>> m.append_style('Style Name', sty)
False # you can only append styles with unique names
C++ signature :
bool append_style(mapnik::Map {lvalue},std::string,mapnik::feature_type_style)
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object.
If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.
int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point
argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string
representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use
the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a
non-string. If base is zero, the proper base is guessed based on the
string content. If the argument is outside the integer range a
long object will be returned instead.
buffered_envelope( (Map)arg1) -> Box2d :
Get the Box2d() of the Map given
the Map.buffer_size.
>>> m = Map(600,400)
>>> m.envelope()
>>> m.buffered_envelope()
>>> m.buffer_size = 1
>>> m.buffered_envelope()
C++ signature :
mapnik::box2d<double> buffered_envelope(mapnik::Map {lvalue})
envelope( (Map)arg1) -> Box2d :
Return the Map Box2d object
and print the string representation
of the current extent of the map.
>>> m.envelope()
>>> dir(m.envelope())
...'center', 'contains', 'expand_to_include', 'forward',
...'height', 'intersect', 'intersects', 'inverse', 'maxx',
...'maxy', 'minx', 'miny', 'width'
C++ signature :
mapnik::box2d<double> envelope(mapnik::Map {lvalue})
extra_attributes( (Map)arg1) -> Parameters :
C++ signature :
mapnik::parameters extra_attributes(mapnik::Map {lvalue})
find_inmem_metawriter( (Map)arg1, (str)name) -> MetaWriterInMem :
Gets an inmem metawriter, or None if no such metawriter exists.
Use this after the map has been rendered to retrieve information about the hit areas rendered on the map.
C++ signature :
boost::shared_ptr<mapnik::metawriter_inmem> find_inmem_metawriter(mapnik::Map,std::string)
find_style( (Map)arg1, (str)style_name) -> Style :
Query the Map for a style by name and return
a style object if found or raise KeyError
style if not found.
>>> m.find_style('Style Name')
<mapnik._mapnik.Style object at 0x654f0>
C++ signature :
mapnik::feature_type_style find_style(mapnik::Map,std::string)
get_metawriter_property( (Map)arg1, (str)name) -> str :
Reads a metawriter property.
These properties are completely user-defined and can be used tocreate filenames, etc.
>>> map.set_metawriter_property("x", "10")
>>> map.get_metawriter_property("x")
C++ signature :
std::string get_metawriter_property(mapnik::Map {lvalue},std::string)
has_metawriter( (Map)arg1) -> bool :
Check if the Map has any active metawriters
>>> m.has_metawriter()
C++ signature :
bool has_metawriter(mapnik::Map)
int(x[, base]) -> integer
Convert a string or number to an integer, if possible. A floating point
argument will be truncated towards zero (this does not include a string
representation of a floating point number!) When converting a string, use
the optional base. It is an error to supply a base when converting a
non-string. If base is zero, the proper base is guessed based on the
string content. If the argument is outside the integer range a
long object will be returned instead.
pan( (Map)arg1, (int)x, (int)y) -> None :
Set the Map center at a given x,y location
as integers in the coordinates of the pixmap or map surface.
>>> m = Map(600,400)
>>> m.envelope().center()
Coord(-0.5,-0.5) # default Map center
>>> m.pan(-1,-1)
>>> m.envelope().center()
C++ signature :
void pan(mapnik::Map {lvalue},int,int)
pan_and_zoom( (Map)arg1, (int)x, (int)y, (float)factor) -> None :
Set the Map center at a given x,y location
and zoom factor as a float.
>>> m = Map(600,400)
>>> m.envelope().center()
Coord(-0.5,-0.5) # default Map center
>>> m.scale()
>>> m.pan_and_zoom(-1,-1,0.25)
>>> m.scale()
C++ signature :
void pan_and_zoom(mapnik::Map {lvalue},int,int,double)
query_map_point( (Map)arg1, (int)layer_idx, (float)pixel_x, (float)pixel_y) -> Featureset :
Query a Map Layer (by layer index) for features
intersecting the given x,y location in the pixel
coordinates of the rendered map image.
Layer index starts at 0 (first layer in map).
Will return a Mapnik Featureset if successful
otherwise will return None.
>>> featureset = m.query_map_point(0,200,200)
>>> featureset
<mapnik._mapnik.Featureset object at 0x23b0b0>
>>> featureset.features
>>> [<mapnik.Feature object at 0x3995630>]
C++ signature :
boost::shared_ptr<mapnik::Featureset> query_map_point(mapnik::Map,int,double,double)
query_point( (Map)arg1, (int)layer idx, (float)x, (float)y) -> Featureset :
Query a Map Layer (by layer index) for features
intersecting the given x,y location in the coordinates
of map projection.
Layer index starts at 0 (first layer in map).
Will return a Mapnik Featureset if successful
otherwise will return None.
>>> featureset = m.query_point(0,-122,48)
>>> featureset
<mapnik._mapnik.Featureset object at 0x23b0b0>
>>> featureset.features
>>> [<mapnik.Feature object at 0x3995630>]
C++ signature :
boost::shared_ptr<mapnik::Featureset> query_point(mapnik::Map,int,double,double)
remove_all( (Map)arg1) -> None :
Remove all Mapnik Styles and layers from the Map.
>>> m.remove_all()
C++ signature :
void remove_all(mapnik::Map {lvalue})
remove_style( (Map)arg1, (str)style_name) -> None :
Remove a Mapnik Style from the map.
>>> m.remove_style('Style Name')
C++ signature :
void remove_style(mapnik::Map {lvalue},std::string)
resize( (Map)arg1, (int)width, (int)height) -> None :
Resize a Mapnik Map.
>>> m.resize(64,64)
C++ signature :
void resize(mapnik::Map {lvalue},unsigned int,unsigned int)
scale( (Map)arg1) -> float :
Return the Map Scale.
>>> m.scale()
C++ signature :
double scale(mapnik::Map {lvalue})
scale_denominator( (Map)arg1) -> float :
Return the Map Scale Denominator.
>>> m.scale_denominator()
C++ signature :
double scale_denominator(mapnik::Map {lvalue})
set_metawriter_property( (Map)arg1, (str)name, (str)value) -> None :
Sets a metawriter property.
These properties are completely user-defined and can be used tocreate filenames, etc.
>>> map.set_metawriter_property("x", str(x))
>>> map.set_metawriter_property("y", str(y))
>>> map.set_metawriter_property("z", str(z))
Use a path like "[z]/[x]/[y].json" to create filenames.
C++ signature :
void set_metawriter_property(mapnik::Map {lvalue},std::string,std::string)
str(object) -> string
Return a nice string representation of the object.
If the argument is a string, the return value is the same object.
view_transform( (Map)arg1) -> ViewTransform :
Return the map ViewTransform object
which is used internally to convert between
geographic coordinates and screen coordinates.
>>> m.view_transform()
C++ signature :
mapnik::CoordTransform view_transform(mapnik::Map {lvalue})
zoom( (Map)arg1, (float)factor) -> None :
Zoom in or out by a given factor.
Positive number zooms in, negative number
zooms out.
>>> m.zoom(0.25)
C++ signature :
void zoom(mapnik::Map {lvalue},double)
zoom_all( (Map)arg1) -> None :
Set the geographical extent of the map
to the combined extents of all active layers.
>>> m.zoom_all()
C++ signature :
void zoom_all(mapnik::Map {lvalue})
zoom_to_box( (Map)arg1, (Box2d)Boxd2) -> None :
Set the geographical extent of the map
by specifying a Mapnik Box2d.
>>> extext = Box2d(-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0)
>>> m.zoom_to_box(extent)
C++ signature :
void zoom_to_box(mapnik::Map {lvalue},mapnik::box2d<double>)
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