update styling and provide a simple example

Jez Nicholson 2018-01-30 12:25:30 +00:00
parent 09a89c22ac
commit b13ccdb2d4

@ -4,86 +4,118 @@ See also [a reference PDF](http://gis.19327.n8.nabble.com/attachment/5340415/0/M
## General ## General
Comments can be placed in the configuration file using the default xml <!-- --> syntax Comments can be placed in the file using the default xml &lt;!-- --> syntax
## Map Basic usage: a [Map](#map) consists of [Styles](#style) defined in [Rules](#rule), and [Layers](#layer) apply those [Styles](#style) by name to [Datasources](#datasource) such as a Shapefile:
The Map object defines the master object of a mapnik configuration XML. It defines map wide parameters and serves as the envelope for Style and Layer definitions. ```xml
<Map background-color="white" srs="+proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +ellps=airy +towgs84=446.448,-125.157,542.06,0.1502,0.247,0.8421,-20.4894 +units=m +no_defs">
<Style name="TidalWater_FullColour">
<PolygonSymbolizer fill="#D5F4F8"/>
<Parameter name="file">./OS-VectorMap-District/st/ST_TidalWater.shp</Parameter>
<Parameter name="type">shape</Parameter>
* Element: *Map* ## &lt;Map&gt;
* Element type: Root element * Element type: The master object of a Mapnik configuration XML. Has map-wide parameters and serves as the container for Styles and Layers.
* Attributes (in alphabetical order):
* Attributes: * *"background-color"=* HTML color code for the background-color of the map (for instance #000000)
* *background-color*: HTML color code for the background-color of the map (for instance #000000) * was *"bg-color"=* prior to Mapnik2.
* 'bg-color' before Mapnik2.
* Opacity is controlled by the last two digits of an 8-digit value. #00000000 means transparent background. The default value is #000000FF. * Opacity is controlled by the last two digits of an 8-digit value. #00000000 means transparent background. The default value is #000000FF.
* *background-image*: Available in Mapnik2: use an image for the background instead of a color fill. * *"background-image"=* Available in Mapnik2: use an image for the background instead of a color fill.
* *font-directory*: Available in Mapnik2: pass a directory that contains fonts, which will automatically be registered if they end in ttf, otf, ttc, pfa, pfb, ttc, or dfont. * *"buffer-size"=* Default 0; Good value is usually tile size/2 to help avoid cut labels. This influences envelope used by placement detector ( i.e. 'avoid_edges' parameter). Also set maximum-extent, otherwise you will get problems for bboxes near the borders of your map.
* *srs*: Coordinate system in which the map is rendered (for instance '+proj=latlong+datum=WGS84' for a WGS84 Geographic coordinate system) * *"font-directory"=* Available in Mapnik2: pass a directory that contains fonts, which will automatically be registered if they end in ttf, otf, ttc, pfa, pfb, ttc, or dfont.
* *buffer-size*: Default 0; Good value is usually tile size/2 to help avoid cut labels. This influences envelope used by placement detector ( i.e. 'avoid_edges' parameter). Also set maximum-extent, otherwise you will get problems for bboxes near the borders of your map. * *"maximum-extent"=* Set to maximum extent of (projected) map, ie. in coordinates of result map. For instance "-20037508.34, -20037508.34, 20037508.34, 20037508.34". See also [[BoundsClipping]].
* *maximum-extent*: Set to maximum extent of (projected) map, ie. in coordinates of result map. For instance "-20037508.34, -20037508.34, 20037508.34, 20037508.34". See also [[BoundsClipping]]. * *"minimum-version"=* Declare the minimum version of mapnik to be used with the stylesheet. Example: minimum-version="0.6.1". Will print a notice if you use an older mapnik version.
* *paths-from-xml*: Check if relative paths should be interpreted as relative to/from XML location (default is true) * *"paths-from-xml"=* Check if relative paths should be interpreted as relative to/from XML location (default is true)
* *minimum-version*: Declare the minimum version of mapnik to be used with the stylesheet. Example: minimum-version="0.6.1". Will print a notice if you use an older mapnik version. * *"srs"=* Coordinate system in which the map is rendered (for instance '+proj=latlong+datum=WGS84' for a WGS84 Geographic coordinate system)
* Children: * Children:
* *[Style](#style)* * *[&lt;Datasource&gt;](#datasource)* See also [37f49e2](https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/commit/37f49e29cce2d334fe9839)
* *[Layer](#layer)* * *[&lt;FileSource&gt;](#filesource)*: See [37f49e2](https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/commit/37f49e29cce2d334fe9839)
* *FileSource*: See [37f49e2](https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/commit/37f49e29cce2d334fe9839) * *&lt;FontSet&gt;*: Defines a fontset for fallback fonts (if a character isn't found in the first font, proceed through the list until it is found)
* *Datasource*: See [Datasource](#datasource) and [37f49e2](https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/commit/37f49e29cce2d334fe9839) * *&lt;Include&gt;*: The container tag used to wrap all context in files included via XInclude
* *FontSet*: Defines a fontset for fallback fonts (if a character isn't found in the first font, proceed through the list until it is found) * *[&lt;Layer&gt;](#layer)*
* *Include*: The container tag used to wrap all context in files included via XInclude * *[&lt;Style&gt;](#style)*
* *xmlcomment*: (Ignored by Mapnik) * *xmlcomment*: (Ignored by Mapnik)
* *xmlattr*: (Ignored by Mapnik) * *xmlattr*: (Ignored by Mapnik)
## Style ## &lt;Style&gt;
A Style object defines the way objects can be rendered. A Mapnik configuration file can have an unlimited number of Style objects. Style objects are referenced by Layer objects in order to actually be rendered. * Element type: Collection of Rules. Defines the way objects are rendered. A Mapnik configuration file can have an unlimited number of Style objects. Referenced by Layer objects to render geodata.
* Attributes:
* *"filter-mode"=* Whether *all* rules in the Style should be evaluated (default) or if rendering should stop after the *first* matching rule. See [#706](https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/issues/706)
* *"name"=* Name for this Style object. Needs to be unique per configuration file. A Style is referenced by a Layer through the corresponding StyleName parameter. If a name is ommited, what will happen?
* *"opacity"=* Style level opacity: 1 is fully opaque while zero is fully transparent and .5 would be 50% transparent. See [#314](https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/issues/314)
* Children:
* *[&lt;Rule&gt;](#rule)*
* *xmlcomment*: (Ignored by Mapnik)
* *xmlattr*: (Ignored by Mapnik)
* Element: *Style* ## &lt;Rule&gt;
* Element type: Collection of Rules * Element type: specifies the symbology to use at a particular zoom level
* Attributes * Attributes
* *name*: Name for this Style object. Needs to be unique per configuration file. A Style is referenced by a Layer through the corresponding StyleName parameter. If a name is ommited, what will happen? * *"name"=* optional
* *opacity*: Style level opacity: 1 is fully opaque while zero is fully transparent and .5 would be 50% transparent. See [#314](https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/issues/314) * *"title"=*
* *filter-mode*: Whether *all* rules in the Style should be evaluated (default) or if rendering should stop after the *first* matching rule. See [#706](https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/issues/706) * Children (scale, filter-by-column-values, symbology):
* *[&lt;MinScaleDenominator&gt;](MinScaleDenominator)*: minimum map scale at which this rule applies
* *[&lt;MaxScaleDenominator&gt;](MaxScaleDenominator)*: maximum map scale at which this rule applies
* *[&lt;Filter&gt;](Filter)*: optionally apply based on attribute value
* *[&lt;ElseFilter&gt;](ElseFilter)*: optionally apply based on attribute value
* *[&lt;PointSymbolizer&gt;](PointSymbolizer)* (Similar to MarkersSymbolizer, see [#2115](https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/issues/2115))
* *[&lt;LineSymbolizer&gt;](LineSymbolizer)*
* *[&lt;LinePatternSymbolizer&gt;](LinePatternSymbolizer)*
* *[&lt;MarkersSymbolizer&gt;](MarkersSymbolizer)*
* *[&lt;ShieldSymbolizer&gt;](ShieldSymbolizer)*
* *[&lt;PolygonSymbolizer&gt;](PolygonSymbolizer)*
* *[&lt;PolygonPatternSymbolizer&gt;](PolygonPatternSymbolizer)*
* *[&lt;TextSymbolizer&gt;](TextSymbolizer)*
* *[&lt;RasterSymbolizer&gt;](RasterSymbolizer)*
* *[&lt;BuildingSymbolizer&gt;](BuildingSymbolizer)*
* *[&lt;GroupSymbolizer&gt;](GroupSymbolizer)*
* *[&lt;DebugSymbolizer&gt;](DebugSymbolizer)*
* Children: See [[SymbologySupport]] for more info on Symbolizers
* *[Rule](#rule)*
* *xmlcomment*: (Ignored by Mapnik) > v.0.7.1: Please note that some Symbolizers require attributes while others require <CssParameter>-elements.
* *xmlattr*: (Ignored by Mapnik) > Refer to the examples given on the individual pages for the correct syntax.
> This has been updated in Mapnik 2.0
## Layer
* Element: *Layer*
* Element type: References a Style (StyleName) and a DataSource
## &lt;Layer&gt;
* Element type: Applies a Style (StyleName) to a DataSource
* Attributes: * Attributes:
* *name*: The Name of the layer * *"abstract"=* Default ""
* *status*: Default "on"; *on* or *off*, "0" or "1" * *"cache-features"=* Default "off". Setting this to "on" triggers mapnik to attempt to cache features in memory for rendering when (and only when) a layer has multiple styles attached to it. (only available in >mapnik 2 since r2636).
* *clear-label-cache*: Default "off". Setting this to "on" clears the internal placement detector list, causing the items of this layer, and from this layer on, to be rendered without taking previous rendered items into account ('clear collision avoidance list') * *"clear-label-cache"=* Default "off". Setting this to "on" clears the internal placement detector list, causing the items of this layer, and from this layer on, to be rendered without taking previous rendered items into account ('clear collision avoidance list')
* *cache-features*: Default "off". Setting this to "on" triggers mapnik to attempt to cache features in memory for rendering when (and only when) a layer has multiple styles attached to it. (only available in >mapnik 2 since r2636). * *"minzoom"=* Default 0.0
* *srs*: Default inherits from map.srs; Reference system from the the project [Proj.4](http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/). e.g. +proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 * *"maxzoom"=* Default 1.797693134862316e+308
* *abstract*: Default "" * *"name"=* The name of the layer
* *title*: Default "" * *"srs"=* Default inherits from Map.srs; Reference system from the the project [Proj.4](http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/). e.g. +proj=latlong +datum=WGS84
* *minzoom*: Default 0.0 * *"status"=* Default "on"; *on* or *off*, "0" or "1"
* *maxzoom*: Default 1.797693134862316e+308 * *"title"=* Default ""
* *queryable*: Default "false" * *"queryable"=* Default "false"
* Children: * Children:
* *StyleName*: The name of a defined [#Style style]. The style must contain the same string in the attribute *name*. * *[&lt;Datasource&gt;](#datasource)*: The geodata to be rendered.
* *[Datasource](#datasource)* * *&lt;StyleName&gt;*: The name of a defined Style. Must contain the exact same string as in the attribute *Style.name*.
## Datasource ## &lt;Datasource&gt;
See also the [Python API docs](http://mapnik.org/docs/v2.1.0/api/python/index.html)
* Element: *Datasource*
* Element type: References the map data source and parameters. * Element type: References the map data source and parameters.
* Attributes: * Attributes:
* *name*: Create a datasource template ([37f49e2](https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/commit/37f49e29cce2d334fe9839)) * *"name"=* Create a datasource template ([37f49e2](https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/commit/37f49e29cce2d334fe9839))
* *base*: Inherit from a datasource template ([37f49e2](https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/commit/37f49e29cce2d334fe9839)) * *"base"=* Inherit from a datasource template ([37f49e2](https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/commit/37f49e29cce2d334fe9839))
* Generic Parameters: * Generic Parameters:
* type: Specifies the format of the data source * *"type"=* The format of the data source
* Possible values: * Possible values:
* '''shape''' : ESRI shapefile * '''shape''' : ESRI shapefile
* '''postgis''' : Postgis table or query * '''postgis''' : Postgis table or query
@ -91,10 +123,9 @@ A Style object defines the way objects can be rendered. A Mapnik configuration
* '''raster''' : Tiled or stripped TIFF * '''raster''' : Tiled or stripped TIFF
* '''gdal''' : GDAL supported raster dataset (not build by default) * '''gdal''' : GDAL supported raster dataset (not build by default)
* '''ogr''' : OGR supported vector datasource (not build by default) * '''ogr''' : OGR supported vector datasource (not build by default)
* '''osm''' : Open Street Map (not build by default) * '''osm''' : OpenStreetMap (not build by default)
* *estimate_extent*: boolean to tell Mapnik to estimate the extent of the layer (true) or not (false) * *"estimate_extent"=* boolean to tell Mapnik to estimate the extent of the layer (true) or not (false)
* *extent*: manually enter an extent if estimate_extent is set to false * *"extent"=* manually enter an extent if estimate_extent is set to false
* Additional parameters for type *postgis* see: Parameters on the [[PostGIS]] page. * Additional parameters for type *postgis* see: Parameters on the [[PostGIS]] page.
* Additional parameters for type *pgraster* see: Parameters on the [[PgRaster]] page. * Additional parameters for type *pgraster* see: Parameters on the [[PgRaster]] page.
* Additional parameters for type *shape* see [[ShapeFile]] * Additional parameters for type *shape* see [[ShapeFile]]
@ -102,50 +133,14 @@ A Style object defines the way objects can be rendered. A Mapnik configuration
* Additional parameters for type *ogr* see [[OGR]]. * Additional parameters for type *ogr* see [[OGR]].
* Additional parameters for type *osm* see [[OsmPlugin]] * Additional parameters for type *osm* see [[OsmPlugin]]
See also the [Python API docs](http://mapnik.org/docs/v2.1.0/api/python/index.html)
## Rule ## &lt;Include&Gt;
* Element: *Rule*
* Element type:
* Attributes
* *name*
* *title*
* Children:
* *[[Filter]]*
* *[[ElseFilter]]*
* *[[MinScaleDenominator]]*
* *[[MaxScaleDenominator]]*
* *[[PointSymbolizer]]* (Similar to MarkersSymbolizer, see [#2115](https://github.com/mapnik/mapnik/issues/2115))
* *[[LineSymbolizer]]*
* *[[LinePatternSymbolizer]]*
* *[[MarkersSymbolizer]]*
* *[[ShieldSymbolizer]]*
* *[[PolygonSymbolizer]]*
* *[[PolygonPatternSymbolizer]]*
* *[[TextSymbolizer]]*
* *[[RasterSymbolizer]]*
* *[[BuildingSymbolizer]]*
* *[[GroupSymbolizer]]*
* *[[DebugSymbolizer]]*
Also see [[SymbologySupport]] for more info on Symbolizers
> v.0.7.1: Please note that some Symbolizers require attributes while others require <CssParameter>-elements.
> Refer to the examples given on the individual pages for the correct syntax.
> This has been fixed in Mapnik 2.0
## Include
* Element: *Include*
* Element type: Provides a container for included XML. Should be used only in included files as the outermost tag. * Element type: Provides a container for included XML. Should be used only in included files as the outermost tag.
* Attributes - None * Attributes - None
* Children: * Children:
* *[Style](#style)* * *[&lt;Style&gt;](#style)*
* *[Layer](#layer)* * *[&lt;Layer&gt;](#layer)*
* *FileSource*: * *&lt;FileSource&gt;*
* *Datasource*: See [Datasource](#datasource) * *&lt;Datasource&gt;* See [Datasource](#datasource)
* *FontSet*: Defines a fontset for fallback fonts (if a character isn't found in the first font, proceed through the list until it is found) * *&lt;FontSet&gt;* Defines a fontset for fallback fonts (if a character isn't found in the first font, proceed through the list until it is found)