package upstream

import (



// upstreamIndexPages lists pages that may be considered as index pages for directories.
var upstreamIndexPages = []string{

// Options provides various options for the upstream request.
type Options struct {

	DefaultMimeType string
	ForbiddenMimeTypes map[string]struct{}
	TryIndexPages      bool
	BranchTimestamp    time.Time
	// internal
	appendTrailingSlash bool
	redirectIfExists    string

func getFastHTTPClient(timeout time.Duration) *fasthttp.Client {
	return &fasthttp.Client{
		ReadTimeout:        timeout,
		MaxConnDuration:    60 * time.Second,
		MaxConnWaitTimeout: 1000 * time.Millisecond,
		MaxConnsPerHost:    128 * 16, // TODO: adjust bottlenecks for best performance with Gitea!

// Upstream requests a file from the Gitea API at GiteaRoot and writes it to the request context.
func (o *Options) Upstream(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx, giteaRoot, giteaAPIToken string, branchTimestampCache, fileResponseCache cache.SetGetKey) (final bool) {
	log := log.With().Strs("upstream", []string{o.TargetOwner, o.TargetRepo, o.TargetBranch, o.TargetPath}).Logger()

	if o.ForbiddenMimeTypes == nil {
		o.ForbiddenMimeTypes = map[string]struct{}{}

	// Check if the branch exists and when it was modified
	if o.BranchTimestamp.IsZero() {
		branch := GetBranchTimestamp(o.TargetOwner, o.TargetRepo, o.TargetBranch, giteaRoot, giteaAPIToken, branchTimestampCache)

		if branch == nil {
			html.ReturnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusFailedDependency)
			return true
		o.TargetBranch = branch.Branch
		o.BranchTimestamp = branch.Timestamp

	if o.TargetOwner == "" || o.TargetRepo == "" || o.TargetBranch == "" {
		html.ReturnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusBadRequest)
		return true

	// Check if the browser has a cached version
	if ifModifiedSince, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, string(ctx.Request.Header.Peek("If-Modified-Since"))); err == nil {
		if !ifModifiedSince.Before(o.BranchTimestamp) {
			return true

	// Make a GET request to the upstream URL
	uri := path.Join(o.TargetOwner, o.TargetRepo, "raw", o.TargetBranch, o.TargetPath)
	var req *fasthttp.Request
	var res *fasthttp.Response
	var cachedResponse fileResponse
	var err error
	if cachedValue, ok := fileResponseCache.Get(uri + "?timestamp=" + strconv.FormatInt(o.BranchTimestamp.Unix(), 10)); ok && len(cachedValue.(fileResponse).body) > 0 {
		cachedResponse = cachedValue.(fileResponse)
	} else {
		req = fasthttp.AcquireRequest()
		req.SetRequestURI(path.Join(giteaRoot, giteaAPIRepos, uri))
		req.Header.Set(fasthttp.HeaderAuthorization, giteaAPIToken)
		res = fasthttp.AcquireResponse()
		res.SetBodyStream(&strings.Reader{}, -1)
		err = getFastHTTPClient(10*time.Second).Do(req, res)

	// Handle errors
	if (res == nil && !cachedResponse.exists) || (res != nil && res.StatusCode() == fasthttp.StatusNotFound) {
		if o.TryIndexPages {
			// copy the o struct & try if an index page exists
			optionsForIndexPages := *o
			optionsForIndexPages.TryIndexPages = false
			optionsForIndexPages.appendTrailingSlash = true
			for _, indexPage := range upstreamIndexPages {
				optionsForIndexPages.TargetPath = strings.TrimSuffix(o.TargetPath, "/") + "/" + indexPage
				if optionsForIndexPages.Upstream(ctx, giteaRoot, giteaAPIToken, branchTimestampCache, fileResponseCache) {
					_ = fileResponseCache.Set(uri+"?timestamp="+strconv.FormatInt(o.BranchTimestamp.Unix(), 10), fileResponse{
						exists: false,
					}, fileCacheTimeout)
					return true
			// compatibility fix for GitHub Pages (/example → /example.html)
			optionsForIndexPages.appendTrailingSlash = false
			optionsForIndexPages.redirectIfExists = strings.TrimSuffix(string(ctx.Request.URI().Path()), "/") + ".html"
			optionsForIndexPages.TargetPath = o.TargetPath + ".html"
			if optionsForIndexPages.Upstream(ctx, giteaRoot, giteaAPIToken, branchTimestampCache, fileResponseCache) {
				_ = fileResponseCache.Set(uri+"?timestamp="+strconv.FormatInt(o.BranchTimestamp.Unix(), 10), fileResponse{
					exists: false,
				}, fileCacheTimeout)
				return true
		if res != nil {
			// Update cache if the request is fresh
			_ = fileResponseCache.Set(uri+"?timestamp="+strconv.FormatInt(o.BranchTimestamp.Unix(), 10), fileResponse{
				exists: false,
			}, fileCacheTimeout)
		return false
	if res != nil && (err != nil || res.StatusCode() != fasthttp.StatusOK) {
		fmt.Printf("Couldn't fetch contents from \"%s\": %s (status code %d)\n", req.RequestURI(), err, res.StatusCode())
		html.ReturnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusInternalServerError)
		return true

	// Append trailing slash if missing (for index files), and redirect to fix filenames in general
	// o.appendTrailingSlash is only true when looking for index pages
	if o.appendTrailingSlash && !bytes.HasSuffix(ctx.Request.URI().Path(), []byte{'/'}) {
		ctx.Redirect(string(ctx.Request.URI().Path())+"/", fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
		return true
	if bytes.HasSuffix(ctx.Request.URI().Path(), []byte("/index.html")) {
		ctx.Redirect(strings.TrimSuffix(string(ctx.Request.URI().Path()), "index.html"), fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
		return true
	if o.redirectIfExists != "" {
		ctx.Redirect(o.redirectIfExists, fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
		return true
	log.Debug().Msg("error handling")

	// Set the MIME type
	mimeType := mime.TypeByExtension(path.Ext(o.TargetPath))
	mimeTypeSplit := strings.SplitN(mimeType, ";", 2)
	if _, ok := o.ForbiddenMimeTypes[mimeTypeSplit[0]]; ok || mimeType == "" {
		if o.DefaultMimeType != "" {
			mimeType = o.DefaultMimeType
		} else {
			mimeType = "application/octet-stream"

	// Everything's okay so far

	log.Debug().Msg("response preparations")

	// Write the response body to the original request
	var cacheBodyWriter bytes.Buffer
	if res != nil {
		if res.Header.ContentLength() > fileCacheSizeLimit {
			err = res.BodyWriteTo(ctx.Response.BodyWriter())
		} else {
			// TODO: cache is half-empty if request is cancelled - does the ctx.Err() below do the trick?
			err = res.BodyWriteTo(io.MultiWriter(ctx.Response.BodyWriter(), &cacheBodyWriter))
	} else {
		_, err = ctx.Write(cachedResponse.body)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Couldn't write body for \"%s\": %s\n", req.RequestURI(), err)
		html.ReturnErrorPage(ctx, fasthttp.StatusInternalServerError)
		return true

	if res != nil && ctx.Err() == nil {
		cachedResponse.exists = true
		cachedResponse.mimeType = mimeType
		cachedResponse.body = cacheBodyWriter.Bytes()
		_ = fileResponseCache.Set(uri+"?timestamp="+strconv.FormatInt(o.BranchTimestamp.Unix(), 10), cachedResponse, fileCacheTimeout)

	return true