package upstream

import (



const (
	headerLastModified    = "Last-Modified"
	headerIfModifiedSince = "If-Modified-Since"

	rawMime = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"

// upstreamIndexPages lists pages that may be considered as index pages for directories.
var upstreamIndexPages = []string{

// upstreamNotFoundPages lists pages that may be considered as custom 404 Not Found pages.
var upstreamNotFoundPages = []string{

// Options provides various options for the upstream request.
type Options struct {
	TargetOwner  string
	TargetRepo   string
	TargetBranch string
	TargetPath   string

	// Used for debugging purposes.
	Host string

	TryIndexPages   bool
	BranchTimestamp time.Time
	// internal
	appendTrailingSlash bool
	redirectIfExists    string

	ServeRaw bool

// Upstream requests a file from the Gitea API at GiteaRoot and writes it to the request context.
func (o *Options) Upstream(ctx *context.Context, giteaClient *gitea.Client) (final bool) {
	log := log.With().Strs("upstream", []string{o.TargetOwner, o.TargetRepo, o.TargetBranch, o.TargetPath}).Logger()

	if o.TargetOwner == "" || o.TargetRepo == "" {
		html.ReturnErrorPage(ctx, "either repo owner or name info is missing", http.StatusBadRequest)
		return true

	// Check if the branch exists and when it was modified
	if o.BranchTimestamp.IsZero() {
		branchExist, err := o.GetBranchTimestamp(giteaClient)
		// handle 404
		if err != nil && errors.Is(err, gitea.ErrorNotFound) || !branchExist {
				fmt.Sprintf("branch %q for '%s/%s' not found", o.TargetBranch, o.TargetOwner, o.TargetRepo),
			return true

		// handle unexpected errors
		if err != nil {
				fmt.Sprintf("could not get timestamp of branch %q: %v", o.TargetBranch, err),
			return true

	// Check if the browser has a cached version
	if ctx.Response() != nil {
		if ifModifiedSince, err := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, ctx.Response().Header.Get(headerIfModifiedSince)); err == nil {
			if ifModifiedSince.After(o.BranchTimestamp) {
				log.Trace().Msg("check response against last modified: valid")
				return true
		log.Trace().Msg("check response against last modified: outdated")


	reader, header, statusCode, err := giteaClient.ServeRawContent(o.TargetOwner, o.TargetRepo, o.TargetBranch, o.TargetPath)
	if reader != nil {
		defer reader.Close()


	// Handle not found error
	if err != nil && errors.Is(err, gitea.ErrorNotFound) {
		if o.TryIndexPages {
			// copy the o struct & try if an index page exists
			optionsForIndexPages := *o
			optionsForIndexPages.TryIndexPages = false
			optionsForIndexPages.appendTrailingSlash = true
			for _, indexPage := range upstreamIndexPages {
				optionsForIndexPages.TargetPath = strings.TrimSuffix(o.TargetPath, "/") + "/" + indexPage
				if optionsForIndexPages.Upstream(ctx, giteaClient) {
					return true
			// compatibility fix for GitHub Pages (/example → /example.html)
			optionsForIndexPages.appendTrailingSlash = false
			optionsForIndexPages.redirectIfExists = strings.TrimSuffix(ctx.Path(), "/") + ".html"
			optionsForIndexPages.TargetPath = o.TargetPath + ".html"
			if optionsForIndexPages.Upstream(ctx, giteaClient) {
				return true

		ctx.StatusCode = http.StatusNotFound
		if o.TryIndexPages {
			// copy the o struct & try if a not found page exists
			optionsForNotFoundPages := *o
			optionsForNotFoundPages.TryIndexPages = false
			optionsForNotFoundPages.appendTrailingSlash = false
			for _, notFoundPage := range upstreamNotFoundPages {
				optionsForNotFoundPages.TargetPath = "/" + notFoundPage
				if optionsForNotFoundPages.Upstream(ctx, giteaClient) {
					return true
		return false

	// handle unexpected client errors
	if err != nil || reader == nil || statusCode != http.StatusOK {
		log.Debug().Msg("Handling error")
		var msg string

		if err != nil {
			msg = "gitea client returned unexpected error"
			msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", msg, err)
		if reader == nil {
			msg = "gitea client returned no reader"
		if statusCode != http.StatusOK {
			msg = fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't fetch contents (status code %d)", statusCode)

		html.ReturnErrorPage(ctx, msg, http.StatusInternalServerError)
		return true

	// Append trailing slash if missing (for index files), and redirect to fix filenames in general
	// o.appendTrailingSlash is only true when looking for index pages
	if o.appendTrailingSlash && !strings.HasSuffix(ctx.Path(), "/") {
		ctx.Redirect(ctx.Path()+"/", http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
		return true
	if strings.HasSuffix(ctx.Path(), "/index.html") {
		ctx.Redirect(strings.TrimSuffix(ctx.Path(), "index.html"), http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
		return true
	if o.redirectIfExists != "" {
		ctx.Redirect(o.redirectIfExists, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
		return true

	// Set ETag & MIME
	o.setHeader(ctx, header)

	log.Debug().Msg("Prepare response")


	// Write the response body to the original request
	if reader != nil {
		_, err := io.Copy(ctx.RespWriter, reader)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("Couldn't write body for %q", o.TargetPath)
			html.ReturnErrorPage(ctx, "", http.StatusInternalServerError)
			return true

	log.Debug().Msg("Sending response")

	return true