# PATH-worthy Scripts Hey folks, this repo is just a collection of various scripts I use frequently enough to justify keeping them in my system PATH. I haven't written documentation for all of these scripts. I might in time. For now, here's just a few highlights. ## bates A simple Python-based utility for extracting Bates numbers from PDF documents and optionally renaming files based on those numbers. Particularly useful for organizing legal documents or any PDFs with sequential numbering. ### Overview This tool helps you: - Extract Bates numbers from PDFs (both text-based and scanned documents) - Rename files based on their Bates number range - Preserve original filenames in macOS Finder comments - Process entire folders of PDFs in one go - Prepare files for use with my [Bates Source Link](https://sij.ai/sij/DEVONthink/src/branch/main/Bates%20Source%20Link.scpt$0) DEVONthink script ### Installation 1. Install Python dependencies: ```bash pip3 install pdfplumber ``` If you plan to use OCR capabilities, also install: ```bash pip3 install pytesseract pdf2image ``` 2. For OCR support, install system dependencies: On macOS: ```bash brew install tesseract poppler ``` On Ubuntu/Debian: ```bash sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr poppler-utils ``` ### Basic Usage Test extraction without renaming files: ```bash python3 bates.py /path/to/folder --prefix "FWS-" --digits 6 --dry-run ``` Rename files based on Bates numbers: ```bash python3 bates.py /path/to/folder --prefix "FWS-" --digits 6 --name-prefix "FWS " ``` ### Options - `--prefix`: The Bates number prefix to search for (default: "FWS-") - `--digits`: Number of digits after the prefix (default: 6) - `--ocr`: Enable OCR for scanned documents - `--dry-run`: Test extraction without renaming files - `--name-prefix`: Prefix to use when renaming files - `--log`: Set logging level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL) ### Notes - Always test with `--dry-run` first - Original filenames are preserved in Finder comments (macOS only) - OCR is disabled by default to keep things fast