#!/bin/bash # Check if an argument is provided if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 " exit 1 fi # Get the conda environment name from the command line argument env_name="$1" # Check if the conda environment already exists if ! conda info --envs | grep -q "^$env_name "; then echo "Creating new conda environment: $env_name" conda create -n "$env_name" python=3.9 -y else echo "Conda environment '$env_name' already exists" fi # Activate the conda environment eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate "$env_name" # Get the path to the conda environment's python binary conda_python=$(which python) # Recursively search for requirements.txt files and install dependencies find . -name "requirements.txt" | while read -r req_file; do echo "Installing requirements from: $req_file" "$conda_python" -m pip install -r "$req_file" done echo "All requirements.txt files processed."