#!/bin/bash source /home/sij/.GLOBAL_VARS service="https://am.i.mullvad.net/ip" # Obtain the current public IP address #current_ip=$(ssh -n sij@ curl -s $service) current_ip=$(curl -s $service) last_ip=$(cat /home/sij/.services/ip.txt) api_token=$CF_API_KEY # Path to the JSON file with zone IDs, subdomains, and DNS IDs mappings json_file="/home/sij/.services/cf_domains.json" force_update=false # Parse command line arguments for --force flag while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in -f|--force) force_update=true ;; *) echo "Unknown parameter passed: $1"; exit 1 ;; esac shift done # Temporary file to store update results temp_file=$(mktemp) # Function to update DNS records update_dns_record() { zone_id=$1 subdomain=$2 dns_id=$3 update_result=$(curl -s -X PUT "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/$zone_id/dns_records/$dns_id" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $api_token" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data "{\"type\":\"A\",\"name\":\"$subdomain\",\"content\":\"$current_ip\",\"ttl\":120,\"proxied\":true}") echo "$update_result" >> "$temp_file" } # Check if IP has changed or --force flag is used if [ "$current_ip" != "$last_ip" ] || [ "$force_update" = true ]; then echo $current_ip > /home/sij/.services/ip.txt # Iterate through each domain in the JSON /home/sij/miniforge3/bin/jq -r '.[] | .zone_id as $zone_id | .subdomains | to_entries[] | [$zone_id, .key, .value] | @tsv' $json_file | while IFS=$'\t' read -r zone_id subdomain dns_id; do update_dns_record "$zone_id" "$subdomain" "$dns_id" done # Combine all update results into a single JSON array /home/sij/miniforge3/bin/jq -s '.' "$temp_file" # Remove the temporary file rm "$temp_file" else echo "IP address has not changed from ${last_ip}. No action taken." fi