diff --git a/sijapi/routers/asr.py b/sijapi/routers/asr.py
index f518164..adf2caf 100644
--- a/sijapi/routers/asr.py
+++ b/sijapi/routers/asr.py
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ transcription_results = {}
 async def transcribe_endpoint(
-    bg_tasks: BackgroundTasks,
     file: UploadFile = File(...),
     params: str = Form(...)
@@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ async def transcribe_endpoint(
         temp_file.write(await file.read())
         temp_file_path = temp_file.name
-    transcription_job = await transcribe_audio(file_path=temp_file_path, params=parameters, bg_tasks=bg_tasks)
+    transcription_job = await transcribe_audio(file_path=temp_file_path, params=parameters)
     job_id = transcription_job["job_id"]
     # Poll for completion
@@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ async def transcribe_endpoint(
     # If we've reached this point, the transcription has taken too long
     return JSONResponse(content={"status": "timeout", "message": "Transcription is taking longer than expected. Please check back later."}, status_code=202)
-async def transcribe_audio(file_path, params: TranscribeParams, bg_tasks: BackgroundTasks):
+async def transcribe_audio(file_path, params: TranscribeParams):
     L.DEBUG(f"Transcribing audio file from {file_path}...")
     file_path = await convert_to_wav(file_path)
     model = params.model if params.model in WHISPER_CPP_MODELS else 'small'
@@ -90,6 +89,7 @@ async def transcribe_audio(file_path, params: TranscribeParams, bg_tasks: Backgr
     command.extend(['-t', str(max(1, min(params.threads or MAX_CPU_CORES, MAX_CPU_CORES)))])
     command.extend(['-np'])  # Always enable no-prints
     if params.split_on_word:
     if params.temperature > 0:
@@ -122,38 +122,56 @@ async def transcribe_audio(file_path, params: TranscribeParams, bg_tasks: Backgr
     # Create a unique ID for this transcription job
     job_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
+    L.DEBUG(f"Created job ID: {job_id}")
     # Store the job status
     transcription_results[job_id] = {"status": "processing", "result": None}
-    # Run the transcription in a background task
-    bg_tasks.add_task(process_transcription, command, file_path, job_id)
+    # Start the transcription process immediately
+    transcription_task = asyncio.create_task(process_transcription(command, file_path, job_id))
     max_wait_time = 300  # 5 minutes
     poll_interval = 1  # 1 second
     start_time = asyncio.get_event_loop().time()
-    while asyncio.get_event_loop().time() - start_time < max_wait_time:
-        job_status = transcription_results.get(job_id, {})
-        if job_status["status"] == "completed":
-            return job_status["result"]
-        elif job_status["status"] == "failed":
-            raise Exception(f"Transcription failed: {job_status.get('error', 'Unknown error')}")
-        await asyncio.sleep(poll_interval)
+    L.DEBUG(f"Starting to poll for job {job_id}")
+    try:
+        while asyncio.get_event_loop().time() - start_time < max_wait_time:
+            job_status = transcription_results.get(job_id, {})
+            L.DEBUG(f"Current status for job {job_id}: {job_status['status']}")
+            if job_status["status"] == "completed":
+                L.INFO(f"Transcription completed for job {job_id}")
+                return job_status["result"]
+            elif job_status["status"] == "failed":
+                L.ERR(f"Transcription failed for job {job_id}: {job_status.get('error', 'Unknown error')}")
+                raise Exception(f"Transcription failed: {job_status.get('error', 'Unknown error')}")
+            await asyncio.sleep(poll_interval)
-    raise TimeoutError("Transcription timed out")
+        L.ERR(f"Transcription timed out for job {job_id}")
+        raise TimeoutError("Transcription timed out")
+    finally:
+        # Ensure the task is cancelled if we exit the loop
+        transcription_task.cancel()
+    # This line should never be reached, but just in case:
+    raise Exception("Unexpected exit from transcription function")
 async def process_transcription(command, file_path, job_id):
+        L.DEBUG(f"Starting transcription process for job {job_id}")
         result = await run_transcription(command, file_path)
         transcription_results[job_id] = {"status": "completed", "result": result}
+        L.DEBUG(f"Transcription completed for job {job_id}")
     except Exception as e:
+        L.ERR(f"Transcription failed for job {job_id}: {str(e)}")
         transcription_results[job_id] = {"status": "failed", "error": str(e)}
         # Clean up the temporary file
+        L.DEBUG(f"Cleaned up temporary file for job {job_id}")
 async def run_transcription(command, file_path):
+    L.DEBUG(f"Running transcription command: {' '.join(command)}")
     proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
@@ -161,7 +179,10 @@ async def run_transcription(command, file_path):
     stdout, stderr = await proc.communicate()
     if proc.returncode != 0:
-        raise Exception(f"Error running command: {stderr.decode()}")
+        error_message = f"Error running command: {stderr.decode()}"
+        L.ERR(error_message)
+        raise Exception(error_message)
+    L.DEBUG("Transcription command completed successfully")
     return stdout.decode().strip()
 async def convert_to_wav(file_path: str):
diff --git a/sijapi/routers/note.py b/sijapi/routers/note.py
index 005ad64..1aa81f0 100644
--- a/sijapi/routers/note.py
+++ b/sijapi/routers/note.py
@@ -134,7 +134,6 @@ async def build_daily_timeslips(date):
 async def clip_post(
     bg_tasks: BackgroundTasks,
-    file: UploadFile = None,
     url: Optional[str] = Form(None),
     source: Optional[str] = Form(None),
     title: Optional[str] = Form(None),
@@ -147,14 +146,12 @@ async def clip_post(
 async def archive_post(
-    bg_tasks: BackgroundTasks,
-    file: UploadFile = None,
     url: Optional[str] = Form(None),
     source: Optional[str] = Form(None),
     title: Optional[str] = Form(None),
     encoding: str = Form('utf-8')
-    markdown_filename = await process_archive(bg_tasks, url, title, encoding, source)
+    markdown_filename = await process_archive(url, title, encoding, source)
     return {"message": "Clip saved successfully", "markdown_filename": markdown_filename}
@@ -199,7 +196,7 @@ async def process_for_daily_note(file: Optional[UploadFile] = File(None), text:
             L.DEBUG(f"Processing {f.name}...")
         if 'audio' in file_type:
-            transcription = await asr.transcribe_audio(file_path=absolute_path, params=asr.TranscribeParams(model="small-en", language="en", threads=6), bg_tasks=bg_tasks)
+            transcription = await asr.transcribe_audio(file_path=absolute_path, params=asr.TranscribeParams(model="small-en", language="en", threads=6))
             file_entry = f"![[{relative_path}]]"
         elif 'image' in file_type:
@@ -500,7 +497,6 @@ async def html_to_markdown(url: str = None, source: str = None) -> Optional[str]
 async def process_archive(
-    bg_tasks: BackgroundTasks,
     url: str,
     title: Optional[str] = None,
     encoding: str = 'utf-8',