From 1a1b5249e58a2b44bd5e05c869c0169674ec4975 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sanj <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2024 23:10:36 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Auto-update: Tue Jul 30 23:10:36 PDT 2024

 sijapi/ |   2 +-
 sijapi/  | 691 ++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 2 files changed, 242 insertions(+), 451 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sijapi/ b/sijapi/
index 94cc479..4ebcbcb 100644
--- a/sijapi/
+++ b/sijapi/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import multiprocessing
 from dotenv import load_dotenv
 from dateutil import tz
 from pathlib import Path
-from .classes import Database, Geocoder, APIConfig, Configuration
+from .classes import Geocoder, APIConfig, Configuration
 from .logs import Logger
 # INITIALization
diff --git a/sijapi/ b/sijapi/
index 4d354ac..6533ff6 100644
--- a/sijapi/
+++ b/sijapi/
@@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ class Configuration(BaseModel):
 class APIConfig(BaseModel):
     HOST: str
     PORT: int
@@ -182,6 +183,8 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
     GARBAGE: Dict[str, Any]
     _db_pools: Dict[str, asyncpg.Pool] = {}
+    SPECIAL_TABLES = ['spatial_ref_sys']  # Tables that can't have server_id and version columns
     def load(cls, config_path: Union[str, Path], secrets_path: Union[str, Path]):
         config_path = cls._resolve_path(config_path, 'config')
@@ -301,36 +304,37 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
         if pool_entry is None:
             pool_entry = self.local_db
-        info(f"Attempting to connect to database: {pool_entry['ts_ip']}:{pool_entry['db_port']}")
-        try:
-            conn = await asyncpg.connect(
-                host=pool_entry['ts_ip'],
-                port=pool_entry['db_port'],
-                user=pool_entry['db_user'],
-                password=pool_entry['db_pass'],
-                database=pool_entry['db_name'],
-                timeout=5  # Add a timeout to prevent hanging
-            )
-            info(f"Successfully connected to {pool_entry['ts_ip']}:{pool_entry['db_port']}")
+        pool_key = f"{pool_entry['ts_ip']}:{pool_entry['db_port']}"
+        if pool_key not in self._db_pools:
+                self._db_pools[pool_key] = await asyncpg.create_pool(
+                    host=pool_entry['ts_ip'],
+                    port=pool_entry['db_port'],
+                    user=pool_entry['db_user'],
+                    password=pool_entry['db_pass'],
+                    database=pool_entry['db_name'],
+                    min_size=1,
+                    max_size=10,  # adjust as needed
+                    timeout=5  # connection timeout in seconds
+                )
+            except Exception as e:
+                err(f"Failed to create connection pool for {pool_key}: {str(e)}")
+                yield None
+                return
+        try:
+            async with self._db_pools[pool_key].acquire() as conn:
                 yield conn
-            finally:
-                await conn.close()
-                info(f"Closed connection to {pool_entry['ts_ip']}:{pool_entry['db_port']}")
         except asyncpg.exceptions.ConnectionDoesNotExistError:
-            err(f"Failed to connect to database: {pool_entry['ts_ip']}:{pool_entry['db_port']} - Connection does not exist")
-            raise
+            err(f"Failed to acquire connection from pool for {pool_key}: Connection does not exist")
+            yield None
         except asyncpg.exceptions.ConnectionFailureError:
-            err(f"Failed to connect to database: {pool_entry['ts_ip']}:{pool_entry['db_port']} - Connection failure")
-            raise
-        except asyncpg.exceptions.PostgresError as e:
-            err(f"PostgreSQL error when connecting to {pool_entry['ts_ip']}:{pool_entry['db_port']}: {str(e)}")
-            raise
+            err(f"Failed to acquire connection from pool for {pool_key}: Connection failure")
+            yield None
         except Exception as e:
-            err(f"Unexpected error when connecting to {pool_entry['ts_ip']}:{pool_entry['db_port']}: {str(e)}")
-            raise
+            err(f"Unexpected error when acquiring connection from pool for {pool_key}: {str(e)}")
+            yield None
     async def close_db_pools(self):
         info("Closing database connection pools...")
@@ -343,14 +347,18 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
         info("All database connection pools closed.")
     async def initialize_sync(self):
         local_ts_id = os.environ.get('TS_ID')
-        for pool_entry in self.POOL:
+        online_hosts = await self.get_online_hosts()
+        for pool_entry in online_hosts:
             if pool_entry['ts_id'] == local_ts_id:
                 continue  # Skip local database
                 async with self.get_connection(pool_entry) as conn:
+                    if conn is None:
+                        continue  # Skip this database if connection failed
                     info(f"Starting sync initialization for {pool_entry['ts_ip']}...")
                     # Check PostGIS installation
@@ -358,130 +366,67 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
                     if not postgis_installed:
                         warn(f"PostGIS is not installed on {pool_entry['ts_id']} ({pool_entry['ts_ip']}). Some spatial operations may fail.")
-                    # Initialize sync_status table
-                    await self.initialize_sync_status_table(conn)
-                    # Continue with sync initialization
                     tables = await conn.fetch("""
                         SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables 
                         WHERE schemaname = 'public'
-                    all_tables_synced = True
                     for table in tables:
                         table_name = table['tablename']
-                        if not await self.ensure_sync_columns(conn, table_name):
-                            all_tables_synced = False
+                        await self.ensure_sync_columns(conn, table_name)
-                    if all_tables_synced:
-                        info(f"Sync initialization complete for {pool_entry['ts_ip']}. All tables now have version and server_id columns with appropriate triggers.")
-                    else:
-                        warn(f"Sync initialization partially complete for {pool_entry['ts_ip']}. Some tables may be missing version or server_id columns.")
+                    info(f"Sync initialization complete for {pool_entry['ts_ip']}. All tables now have necessary sync columns and triggers.")
             except Exception as e:
                 err(f"Error initializing sync for {pool_entry['ts_ip']}: {str(e)}")
                 err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
-    async def initialize_sync_status_table(self, conn):
-        await conn.execute("""
-            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sync_status (
-                table_name TEXT,
-                server_id TEXT,
-                last_synced_version INTEGER,
-                last_sync_time TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE,
-                PRIMARY KEY (table_name, server_id)
-            )
-        """)
-        # Check if the last_sync_time column exists, and add it if it doesn't
-        column_exists = await conn.fetchval("""
-            SELECT EXISTS (
-                SELECT 1
-                FROM information_schema.columns
-                WHERE table_name = 'sync_status' AND column_name = 'last_sync_time'
-            )
-        """)
-        if not column_exists:
-            await conn.execute("""
-                ALTER TABLE sync_status
-                ADD COLUMN last_sync_time TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE
-            """)
-    async def ensure_sync_structure(self, conn):
-        tables = await conn.fetch("""
-            SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables 
-            WHERE schemaname = 'public'
-        """)
-        for table in tables:
-            table_name = table['tablename']
-            await self.ensure_sync_columns(conn, table_name)
-            await self.ensure_sync_trigger(conn, table_name)
     async def ensure_sync_columns(self, conn, table_name):
+        if table_name in self.SPECIAL_TABLES:
+            info(f"Skipping sync columns for special table: {table_name}")
+            return None
-            # Check if the table has a primary key
-            has_primary_key = await conn.fetchval(f"""
-                SELECT EXISTS (
-                    SELECT 1
-                    FROM information_schema.table_constraints
-                    WHERE table_name = '{table_name}'
-                    AND constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY'
-                )
+            # Get primary key information
+            primary_key = await conn.fetchval(f"""
+                SELECT a.attname
+                FROM   pg_index i
+                JOIN   pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = i.indrelid
+                                    AND a.attnum = ANY(i.indkey)
+                WHERE  i.indrelid = '{table_name}'::regclass
+                AND    i.indisprimary;
-            # Check if version column exists
-            version_exists = await conn.fetchval(f"""
-                SELECT EXISTS (
-                    SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns 
-                    WHERE table_name = '{table_name}' AND column_name = 'version'
-                )
+            # Ensure version column exists
+            await conn.execute(f"""
+                ALTER TABLE "{table_name}" 
+                ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS version INTEGER DEFAULT 1;
-            # Check if server_id column exists
-            server_id_exists = await conn.fetchval(f"""
-                SELECT EXISTS (
-                    SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns 
-                    WHERE table_name = '{table_name}' AND column_name = 'server_id'
-                )
+            # Ensure server_id column exists
+            await conn.execute(f"""
+                ALTER TABLE "{table_name}" 
+                ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS server_id TEXT DEFAULT '{os.environ.get('TS_ID')}';
-            # Add version column if it doesn't exist
-            if not version_exists:
-                await conn.execute(f"""
-                    ALTER TABLE "{table_name}" ADD COLUMN version INTEGER DEFAULT 1
-                """)
-            # Add server_id column if it doesn't exist
-            if not server_id_exists:
-                await conn.execute(f"""
-                    ALTER TABLE "{table_name}" ADD COLUMN server_id TEXT DEFAULT '{os.environ.get('TS_ID')}'
-                """)
             # Create or replace the trigger function
-            await conn.execute("""
+            await conn.execute(f"""
                 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_version_and_server_id()
                 RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
                     NEW.version = COALESCE(OLD.version, 0) + 1;
-                    NEW.server_id = $1;
+                    NEW.server_id = '{os.environ.get('TS_ID')}';
                     RETURN NEW;
                 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-            # Create the trigger if it doesn't exist
+            # Check if the trigger exists and create it if it doesn't
             trigger_exists = await conn.fetchval(f"""
                 SELECT EXISTS (
-                    SELECT 1 FROM pg_trigger 
-                    WHERE tgname = 'update_version_and_server_id_trigger' 
+                    SELECT 1
+                    FROM pg_trigger
+                    WHERE tgname = 'update_version_and_server_id_trigger'
                     AND tgrelid = '{table_name}'::regclass
@@ -490,128 +435,58 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
                 await conn.execute(f"""
                     CREATE TRIGGER update_version_and_server_id_trigger
                     BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON "{table_name}"
-                    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION update_version_and_server_id('{os.environ.get('TS_ID')}')
+                    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION update_version_and_server_id();
-            info(f"Successfully ensured sync columns and trigger for table {table_name}. Has primary key: {has_primary_key}")
-            return has_primary_key
+            info(f"Successfully ensured sync columns and trigger for table {table_name}")
+            return primary_key
         except Exception as e:
             err(f"Error ensuring sync columns for table {table_name}: {str(e)}")
             err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
-            return False
-    async def ensure_sync_trigger(self, conn, table_name):
-        await conn.execute(f"""
-            CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_version_and_server_id()
-            RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
-            BEGIN
-                NEW.version = COALESCE(OLD.version, 0) + 1;
-                NEW.server_id = '{os.environ.get('TS_ID')}';
-                RETURN NEW;
-            END;
-            $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+    async def apply_batch_changes(self, conn, table_name, changes, primary_key):
+        if not changes:
+            return 0
-            DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_version_and_server_id_trigger ON "{table_name}";
-            CREATE TRIGGER update_version_and_server_id_trigger
-            BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON "{table_name}"
-            FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION update_version_and_server_id();
-        """)
-    async def get_most_recent_source(self):
-        most_recent_source = None
-        max_version = -1
-        local_ts_id = os.environ.get('TS_ID')
-        for pool_entry in self.POOL:
-            if pool_entry['ts_id'] == local_ts_id:
-                continue  # Skip local database
+        try:
+            columns = list(changes[0].keys())
+            placeholders = [f'${i+1}' for i in range(len(columns))]
-            if not await self.is_server_accessible(pool_entry['ts_ip'], pool_entry['db_port']):
-                warn(f"Server {pool_entry['ts_id']} ({pool_entry['ts_ip']}:{pool_entry['db_port']}) is not accessible. Skipping.")
-                continue
+            if primary_key:
+                insert_query = f"""
+                    INSERT INTO "{table_name}" ({', '.join(f'"{col}"' for col in columns)})
+                    VALUES ({', '.join(placeholders)})
+                    ON CONFLICT ("{primary_key}") DO UPDATE SET
+                    {', '.join(f'"{col}" = EXCLUDED."{col}"' for col in columns if col not in [primary_key, 'version', 'server_id'])},
+                    version = EXCLUDED.version,
+                    server_id = EXCLUDED.server_id
+                    WHERE "{table_name}".version < EXCLUDED.version
+                    OR ("{table_name}".version = EXCLUDED.version AND "{table_name}".server_id < EXCLUDED.server_id)
+                """
+            else:
+                # For tables without a primary key, we'll use all columns for conflict resolution
+                insert_query = f"""
+                    INSERT INTO "{table_name}" ({', '.join(f'"{col}"' for col in columns)})
+                    VALUES ({', '.join(placeholders)})
+                    ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING
+                """
-            try:
-                async with self.get_connection(pool_entry) as conn:
-                    tables = await conn.fetch("""
-                        SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables 
-                        WHERE schemaname = 'public'
-                    """)
-                    for table in tables:
-                        table_name = table['tablename']
-                        try:
-                            result = await conn.fetchrow(f"""
-                                SELECT MAX(version) as max_version, server_id
-                                FROM "{table_name}"
-                                WHERE version = (SELECT MAX(version) FROM "{table_name}")
-                                GROUP BY server_id
-                                ORDER BY MAX(version) DESC
-                                LIMIT 1
-                            """)
-                            if result:
-                                version, server_id = result['max_version'], result['server_id']
-                                info(f"Max version for {pool_entry['ts_id']}, table {table_name}: {version} (from server {server_id})")
-                                if version > max_version:
-                                    max_version = version
-                                    most_recent_source = pool_entry
-                            else:
-                                info(f"No data in table {table_name} for {pool_entry['ts_id']}")
-                        except asyncpg.exceptions.UndefinedColumnError:
-                            warn(f"Version or server_id column does not exist in table {table_name} for {pool_entry['ts_id']}. Attempting to add...")
-                            await self.ensure_sync_columns(conn, table_name)
-                        except Exception as e:
-                            err(f"Error checking version for {pool_entry['ts_id']}, table {table_name}: {str(e)}")
+            debug(f"Generated insert query for {table_name}: {insert_query}")
-            except asyncpg.exceptions.ConnectionFailureError as e:
-                err(f"Failed to establish database connection with {pool_entry['ts_id']} ({pool_entry['ts_ip']}:{pool_entry['db_port']}): {str(e)}")
-            except Exception as e:
-                err(f"Unexpected error occurred while checking version for {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {str(e)}")
-                err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
-        return most_recent_source
+            affected_rows = 0
+            async for change in tqdm(changes, desc=f"Syncing {table_name}", unit="row"):
+                values = [change[col] for col in columns]
+                debug(f"Executing query for {table_name} with values: {values}")
+                result = await conn.execute(insert_query, *values)
+                affected_rows += int(result.split()[-1])
+            return affected_rows
-    async def is_server_accessible(self, host, port, timeout=2):
-        try:
-            future = asyncio.open_connection(host, port)
-            await asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout=timeout)
-            return True
-        except (asyncio.TimeoutError, ConnectionRefusedError, socket.gaierror):
-            return False
-    async def check_version_column_exists(self, conn):
-        try:
-            result = await conn.fetchval("""
-                SELECT EXISTS (
-                    SELECT 1 
-                    FROM information_schema.columns 
-                    WHERE table_schema = 'public' 
-                    AND column_name = 'version'
-                    AND table_name IN (SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public')
-                )
-            """)
-            if not result:
-                tables_without_version = await conn.fetch("""
-                    SELECT tablename 
-                    FROM pg_tables 
-                    WHERE schemaname = 'public' 
-                    AND tablename NOT IN (
-                        SELECT table_name 
-                        FROM information_schema.columns 
-                        WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND column_name = 'version'
-                    )
-                """)
-                table_names = ", ".join([t['tablename'] for t in tables_without_version])
-                warn(f"Tables without 'version' column: {table_names}")
-            return result
         except Exception as e:
-            err(f"Error checking for 'version' column existence: {str(e)}")
-            return False
+            err(f"Error applying batch changes to {table_name}: {str(e)}")
+            err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+            return 0
     async def pull_changes(self, source_pool_entry, batch_size=10000):
         if source_pool_entry['ts_id'] == os.environ.get('TS_ID'):
@@ -634,41 +509,34 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
                         WHERE schemaname = 'public'
-                    for table in tables:
+                    async for table in tqdm(tables, desc="Syncing tables", unit="table"):
                         table_name = table['tablename']
-                            debug(f"Processing table: {table_name}")
-                            has_primary_key = await self.ensure_sync_columns(dest_conn, table_name)
-                            debug(f"Table {table_name} has primary key: {has_primary_key}")
-                            last_synced_version = await self.get_last_synced_version(dest_conn, table_name, source_id)
-                            debug(f"Last synced version for {table_name}: {last_synced_version}")
-                            changes = await source_conn.fetch(f"""
-                                SELECT * FROM "{table_name}"
-                                WHERE version > $1 AND server_id = $2
-                                ORDER BY version ASC
-                                LIMIT $3
-                            """, last_synced_version, source_id, batch_size)
-                            debug(f"Number of changes for {table_name}: {len(changes)}")
-                            if changes:
-                                debug(f"Sample change for {table_name}: {changes[0]}")
-                                changes_count = await self.apply_batch_changes(dest_conn, table_name, changes, has_primary_key)
-                                total_changes += changes_count
-                                if changes_count > 0:
-                                    last_synced_version = changes[-1]['version']
-                                    await self.update_sync_status(dest_conn, table_name, source_id, last_synced_version)
-                                info(f"Synced batch for {table_name}: {changes_count} changes. Total so far: {total_changes}")
+                            if table_name in self.SPECIAL_TABLES:
+                                await self.sync_special_table(source_conn, dest_conn, table_name)
-                                info(f"No changes to sync for {table_name}")
+                                primary_key = await self.ensure_sync_columns(dest_conn, table_name)
+                                last_synced_version = await self.get_last_synced_version(dest_conn, table_name, source_id)
+                                changes = await source_conn.fetch(f"""
+                                    SELECT * FROM "{table_name}"
+                                    WHERE version > $1 AND server_id = $2
+                                    ORDER BY version ASC
+                                    LIMIT $3
+                                """, last_synced_version, source_id, batch_size)
+                                if changes:
+                                    changes_count = await self.apply_batch_changes(dest_conn, table_name, changes, primary_key)
+                                    total_changes += changes_count
+                                    if changes_count > 0:
+                                        info(f"Synced batch for {table_name}: {changes_count} changes. Total so far: {total_changes}")
+                                else:
+                                    info(f"No changes to sync for {table_name}")
                         except Exception as e:
                             err(f"Error syncing table {table_name}: {str(e)}")
                             err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
-                            # Continue with the next table
             info(f"Sync complete from {source_id} ({source_ip}) to {dest_id} ({dest_ip}). Total changes: {total_changes}")
@@ -684,63 +552,91 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
         return total_changes
+    async def get_online_hosts(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
+        online_hosts = []
+        for pool_entry in self.POOL:
+            try:
+                async with self.get_connection(pool_entry) as conn:
+                    if conn is not None:
+                        online_hosts.append(pool_entry)
+            except Exception as e:
+                err(f"Error checking host {pool_entry['ts_ip']}:{pool_entry['db_port']}: {str(e)}")
+        return online_hosts
-    async def apply_batch_changes(self, conn, table_name, changes, has_primary_key):
-        if not changes:
-            return 0
-        try:
-            columns = list(changes[0].keys())
-            placeholders = [f'${i}' for i in range(1, len(columns) + 1)]
-            if has_primary_key:
-                insert_query = f"""
-                    INSERT INTO "{table_name}" ({', '.join(f'"{col}"' for col in columns)})
-                    VALUES ({', '.join(placeholders)})
-                    ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT {table_name}_pkey DO UPDATE SET
-                    {', '.join(f'"{col}" = EXCLUDED."{col}"' for col in columns if col not in ['version', 'server_id'])},
-                    version = EXCLUDED.version,
-                    server_id = EXCLUDED.server_id
-                    WHERE "{table_name}".version < EXCLUDED.version
-                    OR ("{table_name}".version = EXCLUDED.version AND "{table_name}".server_id < EXCLUDED.server_id)
-                """
-            else:
-                # For tables without a primary key, we'll use all columns for conflict detection
-                insert_query = f"""
-                    INSERT INTO "{table_name}" ({', '.join(f'"{col}"' for col in columns)})
-                    VALUES ({', '.join(placeholders)})
-                    ON CONFLICT ({', '.join(f'"{col}"' for col in columns if col not in ['version', 'server_id'])}) DO UPDATE SET
-                    version = EXCLUDED.version,
-                    server_id = EXCLUDED.server_id
-                    WHERE "{table_name}".version < EXCLUDED.version
-                    OR ("{table_name}".version = EXCLUDED.version AND "{table_name}".server_id < EXCLUDED.server_id)
-                """
-            debug(f"Generated insert query for {table_name}: {insert_query}")
-            # Prepare the statement
-            stmt = await conn.prepare(insert_query)
-            affected_rows = 0
-            for change in changes:
+    async def push_changes_to_all(self):
+        for pool_entry in self.POOL:
+            if pool_entry['ts_id'] != os.environ.get('TS_ID'):
-                    values = [change[col] for col in columns]
-                    result = await stmt.fetchval(*values)
-                    affected_rows += 1
+                    await self.push_changes_to_one(pool_entry)
                 except Exception as e:
-                    err(f"Error inserting row into {table_name}: {str(e)}")
-                    err(f"Row data: {change}")
-                    # Continue with the next row
-            return affected_rows
+                    err(f"Error pushing changes to {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {str(e)}")
+    async def push_changes_to_one(self, pool_entry):
+        try:
+            async with self.get_connection() as local_conn:
+                async with self.get_connection(pool_entry) as remote_conn:
+                    tables = await local_conn.fetch("""
+                        SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables 
+                        WHERE schemaname = 'public'
+                    """)
+                    for table in tables:
+                        table_name = table['tablename']
+                        try:
+                            if table_name in self.SPECIAL_TABLES:
+                                await self.sync_special_table(local_conn, remote_conn, table_name)
+                            else:
+                                primary_key = await self.ensure_sync_columns(remote_conn, table_name)
+                                last_synced_version = await self.get_last_synced_version(remote_conn, table_name, os.environ.get('TS_ID'))
+                                changes = await local_conn.fetch(f"""
+                                    SELECT * FROM "{table_name}"
+                                    WHERE version > $1 AND server_id = $2
+                                    ORDER BY version ASC
+                                """, last_synced_version, os.environ.get('TS_ID'))
+                                if changes:
+                                    changes_count = await self.apply_batch_changes(remote_conn, table_name, changes, primary_key)
+                                    if changes_count > 0:
+                                        info(f"Pushed {changes_count} changes for table {table_name} to {pool_entry['ts_id']}")
+                        except Exception as e:
+                            err(f"Error pushing changes for table {table_name} to {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {str(e)}")
+                            err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+            info(f"Successfully pushed changes to {pool_entry['ts_id']}")
         except Exception as e:
-            err(f"Error applying batch changes to {table_name}: {str(e)}")
+            err(f"Error pushing changes to {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {str(e)}")
             err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
-            return 0
+    async def get_last_synced_version(self, conn, table_name, server_id):
+        if table_name in self.SPECIAL_TABLES:
+            return 0  # Special handling for tables without version column
+        return await conn.fetchval(f"""
+            SELECT COALESCE(MAX(version), 0)
+            FROM "{table_name}"
+            WHERE server_id = $1
+        """, server_id)
+    async def check_postgis(self, conn):
+        try:
+            result = await conn.fetchval("SELECT PostGIS_version();")
+            if result:
+                info(f"PostGIS version: {result}")
+                return True
+            else:
+                warn("PostGIS is not installed or not working properly")
+                return False
+        except Exception as e:
+            err(f"Error checking PostGIS: {str(e)}")
+            return False
+    async def sync_special_table(self, source_conn, dest_conn, table_name):
+        if table_name == 'spatial_ref_sys':
+            return await self.sync_spatial_ref_sys(source_conn, dest_conn)
+        # Add more special cases as needed
     async def sync_spatial_ref_sys(self, source_conn, dest_conn):
@@ -803,126 +699,59 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
             err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
             return 0
-    async def push_changes_to_all(self):
-        for pool_entry in self.POOL:
-            if pool_entry['ts_id'] != os.environ.get('TS_ID'):
-                try:
-                    await self.push_changes_to_one(pool_entry)
-                except Exception as e:
-                    err(f"Error pushing changes to {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {str(e)}")
-    async def push_changes_to_one(self, pool_entry):
-        try:
-            async with self.get_connection() as local_conn:
-                async with self.get_connection(pool_entry) as remote_conn:
-                    tables = await local_conn.fetch("""
+    async def get_most_recent_source(self):
+        most_recent_source = None
+        max_version = -1
+        local_ts_id = os.environ.get('TS_ID')
+        online_hosts = await self.get_online_hosts()
+        for pool_entry in online_hosts:
+            if pool_entry['ts_id'] == local_ts_id:
+                continue  # Skip local database
+            try:
+                async with self.get_connection(pool_entry) as conn:
+                    tables = await conn.fetch("""
                         SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables 
                         WHERE schemaname = 'public'
                     for table in tables:
                         table_name = table['tablename']
+                        if table_name in self.SPECIAL_TABLES:
+                            continue  # Skip special tables for version comparison
-                            last_synced_version = await self.get_last_synced_version(remote_conn, table_name, os.environ.get('TS_ID'))
-                            changes = await local_conn.fetch(f"""
-                                SELECT * FROM "{table_name}"
-                                WHERE version > $1 AND server_id = $2
-                                ORDER BY version ASC
-                            """, last_synced_version, os.environ.get('TS_ID'))
-                            if changes:
-                                debug(f"Pushing changes for table {table_name}")
-                                debug(f"Columns: {', '.join(changes[0].keys())}")
-                                columns = list(changes[0].keys())
-                                placeholders = [f'${i+1}' for i in range(len(columns))]
-                                insert_query = f"""
-                                    INSERT INTO "{table_name}" ({', '.join(f'"{col}"' for col in columns)})
-                                    VALUES ({', '.join(placeholders)})
-                                    ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET
-                                    {', '.join(f'"{col}" = EXCLUDED."{col}"' for col in columns if col != 'id')}
-                                """
-                                debug(f"Insert query: {insert_query}")
-                                for change in changes:
-                                    values = [change[col] for col in columns]
-                                    await remote_conn.execute(insert_query, *values)
-                                await self.update_sync_status(remote_conn, table_name, os.environ.get('TS_ID'), changes[-1]['version'])
+                            result = await conn.fetchrow(f"""
+                                SELECT MAX(version) as max_version, server_id
+                                FROM "{table_name}"
+                                WHERE version = (SELECT MAX(version) FROM "{table_name}")
+                                GROUP BY server_id
+                                ORDER BY MAX(version) DESC
+                                LIMIT 1
+                            """)
+                            if result:
+                                version, server_id = result['max_version'], result['server_id']
+                                info(f"Max version for {pool_entry['ts_id']}, table {table_name}: {version} (from server {server_id})")
+                                if version > max_version:
+                                    max_version = version
+                                    most_recent_source = pool_entry
+                            else:
+                                info(f"No data in table {table_name} for {pool_entry['ts_id']}")
+                        except asyncpg.exceptions.UndefinedColumnError:
+                            warn(f"Version or server_id column does not exist in table {table_name} for {pool_entry['ts_id']}. Skipping.")
                         except Exception as e:
-                            err(f"Error pushing changes for table {table_name}: {str(e)}")
-                            err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
-            info(f"Successfully pushed changes to {pool_entry['ts_id']}")
-        except Exception as e:
-            err(f"Error pushing changes to {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {str(e)}")
-            err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+                            err(f"Error checking version for {pool_entry['ts_id']}, table {table_name}: {str(e)}")
+            except asyncpg.exceptions.ConnectionFailureError:
+                warn(f"Failed to connect to database: {pool_entry['ts_ip']}:{pool_entry['db_port']}")
+            except Exception as e:
+                err(f"Unexpected error occurred while checking version for {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {str(e)}")
+                err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+        return most_recent_source
-    async def update_sync_status(self, conn, table_name, server_id, version):
-        await conn.execute("""
-            INSERT INTO sync_status (table_name, server_id, last_synced_version, last_sync_time)
-            VALUES ($1, $2, $3, NOW())
-            ON CONFLICT (table_name, server_id) DO UPDATE
-            SET last_synced_version = EXCLUDED.last_synced_version,
-                last_sync_time = EXCLUDED.last_sync_time
-        """, table_name, server_id, version)
-    async def get_last_synced_version(self, conn, table_name, server_id):
-        return await conn.fetchval(f"""
-            SELECT COALESCE(MAX(version), 0)
-            FROM "{table_name}"
-            WHERE server_id = $1
-        """, server_id)
-    async def update_last_synced_version(self, conn, table_name, server_id, version):
-        await conn.execute(f"""
-            INSERT INTO "{table_name}" (server_id, version)
-            VALUES ($1, $2)
-            ON CONFLICT (server_id) DO UPDATE
-            SET version = EXCLUDED.version
-            WHERE "{table_name}".version < EXCLUDED.version
-        """, server_id, version)
-    async def get_schema_version(self, pool_entry):
-        async with self.get_connection(pool_entry) as conn:
-            return await conn.fetchval("""
-                SELECT COALESCE(MAX(version), 0) FROM (
-                    SELECT MAX(version) as version FROM pg_tables
-                    WHERE schemaname = 'public'
-                ) as subquery
-            """)
-    async def create_sequence_if_not_exists(self, conn, sequence_name):
-        await conn.execute(f"""
-        DO $$
-        BEGIN
-            IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_sequences WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND sequencename = '{sequence_name}') THEN
-                CREATE SEQUENCE {sequence_name};
-            END IF;
-        END $$;
-        """)
-    async def check_postgis(self, conn):
-        try:
-            result = await conn.fetchval("SELECT PostGIS_version();")
-            if result:
-                info(f"PostGIS version: {result}")
-                return True
-            else:
-                warn("PostGIS is not installed or not working properly")
-                return False
-        except Exception as e:
-            err(f"Error checking PostGIS: {str(e)}")
-            return False
@@ -1231,44 +1060,6 @@ class Geocoder:
     def __del__(self):
-class Database(BaseModel):
-    host: str = Field(..., description="Database host")
-    port: int = Field(5432, description="Database port")
-    user: str = Field(..., description="Database user")
-    password: str = Field(..., description="Database password")
-    database: str = Field(..., description="Database name")
-    db_schema: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Database schema")
-    @asynccontextmanager
-    async def get_connection(self):
-        conn = await asyncpg.connect(
-  ,
-            port=self.port,
-            user=self.user,
-            password=self.password,
-            database=self.database
-        )
-        try:
-            if self.db_schema:
-                await conn.execute(f"SET search_path TO {self.db_schema}")
-            yield conn
-        finally:
-            await conn.close()
-    @classmethod
-    def from_env(cls):
-        import os
-        return cls(
-            host=os.getenv("DB_HOST", "localhost"),
-            port=int(os.getenv("DB_PORT", 5432)),
-            user=os.getenv("DB_USER"),
-            password=os.getenv("DB_PASSWORD"),
-            database=os.getenv("DB_NAME"),
-            db_schema=os.getenv("DB_SCHEMA")
-        )
-    def to_dict(self):
-        return self.dict(exclude_none=True)
 class IMAPConfig(BaseModel):
     username: str