diff --git a/sijapi/__init__.py b/sijapi/__init__.py
index bdb64a4..c2a14d3 100644
--- a/sijapi/__init__.py
+++ b/sijapi/__init__.py
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ L = Logger("Central", LOGS_DIR)
 # API essentials
 API = APIConfig.load('api', 'secrets')
 Dir = Configuration.load('dirs')
 LOCAL_HOSTS = [ipaddress.ip_address(localhost.strip()) for localhost in os.getenv('LOCAL_HOSTS', '').split(',')] + ['localhost']
diff --git a/sijapi/__main__.py b/sijapi/__main__.py
index 27eae12..e609014 100755
--- a/sijapi/__main__.py
+++ b/sijapi/__main__.py
@@ -39,12 +39,11 @@ def warn(text: str): logger.warning(text)
 def err(text: str): logger.error(text)
 def crit(text: str): logger.critical(text)
 async def lifespan(app: FastAPI):
     # Startup
     crit("sijapi launched")
-    crit(f"Arguments: {args}")
+    info(f"Arguments: {args}")
     # Load routers
     if args.test:
@@ -54,20 +53,10 @@ async def lifespan(app: FastAPI):
             if getattr(API.MODULES, module_name):
-    crit("Starting database synchronization...")
         # Initialize sync structures on all databases
         await API.initialize_sync()
-        # Check if other instances have more recent data
-        source = await API.get_most_recent_source()
-        if source:
-            crit(f"Pulling changes from {source['ts_id']} ({source['ts_ip']})...")
-            total_changes = await API.pull_changes(source)
-            crit(f"Data pull complete. Total changes: {total_changes}")
-        else:
-            crit("No instances with more recent data found or all instances are offline.")
     except Exception as e:
         crit(f"Error during startup: {str(e)}")
         crit(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
@@ -79,8 +68,6 @@ async def lifespan(app: FastAPI):
     await API.close_db_pools()
     crit("Database pools closed.")
 app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan)
@@ -135,30 +122,41 @@ async def handle_exception_middleware(request: Request, call_next):
     return response
-# This was removed on 7/31/2024 when we decided to instead use a targeted push sync approach.
-deprecated = '''
-async def push_changes_background():
+async def pull_changes():
-        await API.push_changes_to_all()
-    except Exception as e:
-        err(f"Error pushing changes to other databases: {str(e)}")
-        err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
-async def sync_middleware(request: Request, call_next):
-    response = await call_next(request)
-    # Check if the request was a database write operation
-    if request.method in ["POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"]:
+        await API.add_primary_keys_to_local_tables()
+        await API.add_primary_keys_to_remote_tables()
-            # Push changes to other databases
-            await API.push_changes_to_all()
+            source = await API.get_most_recent_source()
+            if source:
+                # Pull changes from the source
+                total_changes = await API.pull_changes(source)
+                return JSONResponse(content={
+                    "status": "success",
+                    "message": f"Pull complete. Total changes: {total_changes}",
+                    "source": f"{source['ts_id']} ({source['ts_ip']})",
+                    "changes": total_changes
+                })
+            else:
+                return JSONResponse(content={
+                    "status": "info",
+                    "message": "No instances with more recent data found or all instances are offline."
+                })
         except Exception as e:
-            err(f"Error pushing changes to other databases: {str(e)}")
-    return response
+            err(f"Error during pull: {str(e)}")
+            err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+            raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=f"Error during pull: {str(e)}")
+    except Exception as e:
+            err(f"Error while ensuring primary keys to tables: {str(e)}")
+            err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+            raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=f"Error during primary key insurance: {str(e)}")
 def load_router(router_name):
     router_file = ROUTER_DIR / f'{router_name}.py'
diff --git a/sijapi/classes.py b/sijapi/classes.py
index 191a564..ed7e5fd 100644
--- a/sijapi/classes.py
+++ b/sijapi/classes.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import math
 import os
 import re
 import uuid
+import time
 import aiofiles
 import aiohttp
 import asyncio
@@ -180,14 +181,18 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
     TZ: str
     KEYS: List[str]
     GARBAGE: Dict[str, Any]
     SPECIAL_TABLES: ClassVar[List[str]] = ['spatial_ref_sys']
     db_pools: Dict[str, Any] = Field(default_factory=dict)
+    offline_servers: Dict[str, float] = Field(default_factory=dict)
+    offline_timeout: float = Field(default=30.0)  # 30 second timeout for offline servers
+    online_hosts_cache: Dict[str, Tuple[List[Dict[str, Any]], float]] = Field(default_factory=dict)
+    online_hosts_cache_ttl: float = Field(default=30.0)  # Cache TTL in seconds
     def __init__(self, **data):
-        self._db_pools = {}
+        self.db_pools = {}
+        self.online_hosts_cache = {}  # Initialize the cache
+        self._sync_tasks = {}
     class Config:
         arbitrary_types_allowed = True
@@ -306,13 +311,48 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
             raise ValueError(f"No database configuration found for TS_ID: {ts_id}")
         return local_db
-    @asynccontextmanager
+    async def get_online_hosts(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
+        current_time = time.time()
+        cache_key = "online_hosts"
+        if cache_key in self.online_hosts_cache:
+            cached_hosts, cache_time = self.online_hosts_cache[cache_key]
+            if current_time - cache_time < self.online_hosts_cache_ttl:
+                return cached_hosts
+        online_hosts = []
+        local_ts_id = os.environ.get('TS_ID')
+        for pool_entry in self.POOL:
+            if pool_entry['ts_id'] != local_ts_id:
+                pool_key = f"{pool_entry['ts_ip']}:{pool_entry['db_port']}"
+                if pool_key in self.offline_servers:
+                    if current_time - self.offline_servers[pool_key] < self.offline_timeout:
+                        continue
+                    else:
+                        del self.offline_servers[pool_key]
+                conn = await self.get_connection(pool_entry)
+                if conn is not None:
+                    online_hosts.append(pool_entry)
+                    await conn.close()
+        self.online_hosts_cache[cache_key] = (online_hosts, current_time)
+        return online_hosts
     async def get_connection(self, pool_entry: Dict[str, Any] = None):
         if pool_entry is None:
             pool_entry = self.local_db
         pool_key = f"{pool_entry['ts_ip']}:{pool_entry['db_port']}"
+        # Check if the server is marked as offline
+        if pool_key in self.offline_servers:
+            if time.time() - self.offline_servers[pool_key] < self.offline_timeout:
+                return None
+            else:
+                del self.offline_servers[pool_key]
         if pool_key not in self.db_pools:
                 self.db_pools[pool_key] = await asyncpg.create_pool(
@@ -326,27 +366,21 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
             except Exception as e:
-                err(f"Failed to create connection pool for {pool_key}: {str(e)}")
-                yield None
-                return
+                warn(f"Failed to create connection pool for {pool_key}: {str(e)}")
+                self.offline_servers[pool_key] = time.time()
+                return None
-            async with self.db_pools[pool_key].acquire() as conn:
-                yield conn
+            return await asyncio.wait_for(self.db_pools[pool_key].acquire(), timeout=5)
+        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
+            warn(f"Timeout acquiring connection from pool for {pool_key}")
+            self.offline_servers[pool_key] = time.time()
+            return None
         except Exception as e:
-            err(f"Failed to acquire connection from pool for {pool_key}: {str(e)}")
-            yield None
+            warn(f"Failed to acquire connection for {pool_key}: {str(e)}")
+            self.offline_servers[pool_key] = time.time()
+            return None
-    async def close_db_pools(self):
-        info("Closing database connection pools...")
-        for pool_key, pool in self.db_pools.items():
-            try:
-                await pool.close()
-                debug(f"Closed pool for {pool_key}")
-            except Exception as e:
-                err(f"Error closing pool for {pool_key}: {str(e)}")
-        self.db_pools.clear()
-        info("All database connection pools closed.")
     async def initialize_sync(self):
         local_ts_id = os.environ.get('TS_ID')
@@ -356,52 +390,60 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
             if pool_entry['ts_id'] == local_ts_id:
                 continue  # Skip local database
-                async with self.get_connection(pool_entry) as conn:
-                    if conn is None:
-                        continue  # Skip this database if connection failed
-                    debug(f"Starting sync initialization for {pool_entry['ts_ip']}...")
-                    # Check PostGIS installation
-                    postgis_installed = await self.check_postgis(conn)
-                    if not postgis_installed:
-                        warn(f"PostGIS is not installed on {pool_entry['ts_id']} ({pool_entry['ts_ip']}). Some spatial operations may fail.")
-                    tables = await conn.fetch("""
-                        SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables 
-                        WHERE schemaname = 'public'
-                    """)
-                    for table in tables:
-                        table_name = table['tablename']
-                        await self.ensure_sync_columns(conn, table_name)
-                    debug(f"Sync initialization complete for {pool_entry['ts_ip']}. All tables now have necessary sync columns and triggers.")
+                conn = await self.get_connection(pool_entry)
+                if conn is None:
+                    continue  # Skip this database if connection failed
+                debug(f"Starting sync initialization for {pool_entry['ts_ip']}...")
+                # Check PostGIS installation
+                postgis_installed = await self.check_postgis(conn)
+                if not postgis_installed:
+                    warn(f"PostGIS is not installed on {pool_entry['ts_id']} ({pool_entry['ts_ip']}). Some spatial operations may fail.")
+                tables = await conn.fetch("""
+                    SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables 
+                    WHERE schemaname = 'public'
+                """)
+                for table in tables:
+                    table_name = table['tablename']
+                    await self.ensure_sync_columns(conn, table_name)
+                debug(f"Sync initialization complete for {pool_entry['ts_ip']}. All tables now have necessary sync columns and triggers.")
             except Exception as e:
                 err(f"Error initializing sync for {pool_entry['ts_ip']}: {str(e)}")
                 err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+    def _schedule_sync_task(self, table_name: str, pk_value: Any, version: int, server_id: str):
+        # Use a background task manager to handle syncing
+        task_key = f"{table_name}:{pk_value}" if pk_value else table_name
+        if task_key not in self._sync_tasks:
+            self._sync_tasks[task_key] = asyncio.create_task(self._sync_changes(table_name, pk_value, version, server_id))
     async def ensure_sync_columns(self, conn, table_name):
-        if conn is None:
-            debug(f"Skipping offline server...")
-            return None
-        if table_name in self.SPECIAL_TABLES:
-            debug(f"Skipping sync columns for special table: {table_name}")
+        if conn is None or table_name in self.SPECIAL_TABLES:
             return None
-            # Get primary key information
+            # Check if primary key exists
             primary_key = await conn.fetchval(f"""
                 SELECT a.attname
                 FROM   pg_index i
-                JOIN   pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = i.indrelid
-                                    AND a.attnum = ANY(i.indkey)
-                WHERE  i.indrelid = '{table_name}'::regclass
-                AND    i.indisprimary;
+                JOIN   pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = i.indrelid AND a.attnum = ANY(i.indkey)
+                WHERE  i.indrelid = '{table_name}'::regclass AND i.indisprimary;
+            if not primary_key:
+                # Add an id column as primary key if it doesn't exist
+                await conn.execute(f"""
+                    ALTER TABLE "{table_name}" 
+                """)
+                primary_key = 'id'
             # Ensure version column exists
             await conn.execute(f"""
                 ALTER TABLE "{table_name}" 
@@ -445,21 +487,11 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
             debug(f"Successfully ensured sync columns and trigger for table {table_name}")
             return primary_key
         except Exception as e:
             err(f"Error ensuring sync columns for table {table_name}: {str(e)}")
             err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
-    async def get_online_hosts(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        online_hosts = []
-        for pool_entry in self.POOL:
-            try:
-                async with self.get_connection(pool_entry) as conn:
-                    if conn is not None:
-                        online_hosts.append(pool_entry)
-            except Exception as e:
-                err(f"Error checking host {pool_entry['ts_ip']}:{pool_entry['db_port']}: {str(e)}")
-        return online_hosts
+            return None
     async def check_postgis(self, conn):
         if conn is None:
@@ -477,134 +509,508 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
         except Exception as e:
             err(f"Error checking PostGIS: {str(e)}")
             return False
-    async def execute_write_query(self, query: str, *args, table_name: str):
-        if table_name in self.SPECIAL_TABLES:
-            return await self._execute_special_table_write(query, *args, table_name=table_name)
+    async def pull_changes(self, source_pool_entry, batch_size=10000):
+        if source_pool_entry['ts_id'] == os.environ.get('TS_ID'):
+            debug("Skipping self-sync")
+            return 0
-        async with self.get_connection() as conn:
-            if conn is None:
-                raise ConnectionError("Failed to connect to local database")
+        total_changes = 0
+        source_id = source_pool_entry['ts_id']
+        source_ip = source_pool_entry['ts_ip']
+        dest_id = os.environ.get('TS_ID')
+        dest_ip = self.local_db['ts_ip']
-            # Ensure sync columns exist
-            primary_key = await self.ensure_sync_columns(conn, table_name)
+        info(f"Starting sync from source {source_id} ({source_ip}) to destination {dest_id} ({dest_ip})")
-            # Execute the query
-            result = await conn.execute(query, *args)
+        source_conn = None
+        dest_conn = None
+        try:
+            source_conn = await self.get_connection(source_pool_entry)
+            if source_conn is None:
+                warn(f"Unable to connect to source {source_id} ({source_ip}). Skipping sync.")
+                return 0
-            # Get the primary key and new version of the affected row
-            if primary_key:
-                affected_row = await conn.fetchrow(f"""
-                    SELECT "{primary_key}", version, server_id 
-                    FROM "{table_name}" 
-                    WHERE version = (SELECT MAX(version) FROM "{table_name}")
-                """)
-                if affected_row:
-                    await self.push_change(table_name, affected_row[primary_key], affected_row['version'], affected_row['server_id'])
-            else:
-                # For tables without a primary key, we'll push all rows
-                await self.push_all_changes(table_name)
+            dest_conn = await self.get_connection(self.local_db)
+            if dest_conn is None:
+                warn(f"Unable to connect to local database. Skipping sync.")
+                return 0
-        return result
-    async def push_change(self, table_name: str, pk_value: Any, version: int, server_id: str):
-        online_hosts = await self.get_online_hosts()
-        for pool_entry in online_hosts:
-            if pool_entry['ts_id'] != os.environ.get('TS_ID'):
+            tables = await source_conn.fetch("""
+                SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables 
+                WHERE schemaname = 'public'
+            """)
+            for table in tables:
+                table_name = table['tablename']
-                    async with self.get_connection(pool_entry) as remote_conn:
+                    if table_name in self.SPECIAL_TABLES:
+                        await self.sync_special_table(source_conn, dest_conn, table_name)
+                    else:
+                        primary_key = await self.ensure_sync_columns(dest_conn, table_name)
+                        last_synced_version = await self.get_last_synced_version(dest_conn, table_name, source_id)
+                        changes = await source_conn.fetch(f"""
+                            SELECT * FROM "{table_name}"
+                            WHERE version > $1 AND server_id = $2
+                            ORDER BY version ASC
+                            LIMIT $3
+                        """, last_synced_version, source_id, batch_size)
+                        if changes:
+                            changes_count = await self.apply_batch_changes(dest_conn, table_name, changes, primary_key)
+                            total_changes += changes_count
+                            if changes_count > 0:
+                                info(f"Synced batch for {table_name}: {changes_count} changes. Total so far: {total_changes}")
+                        else:
+                            debug(f"No changes to sync for {table_name}")
+                except Exception as e:
+                    err(f"Error syncing table {table_name}: {str(e)}")
+                    err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+            info(f"Sync complete from {source_id} ({source_ip}) to {dest_id} ({dest_ip}). Total changes: {total_changes}")
+        except Exception as e:
+            err(f"Error during sync process: {str(e)}")
+            err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+        finally:
+            if source_conn:
+                await source_conn.close()
+            if dest_conn:
+                await dest_conn.close()
+        info(f"Sync summary:")
+        info(f"  Total changes: {total_changes}")
+        info(f"  Tables synced: {len(tables) if 'tables' in locals() else 0}")
+        info(f"  Source: {source_id} ({source_ip})")
+        info(f"  Destination: {dest_id} ({dest_ip})")
+        return total_changes
+    async def get_last_synced_version(self, conn, table_name, server_id):
+        if conn is None:
+            debug(f"Skipping offline server...")
+            return 0
+        if table_name in self.SPECIAL_TABLES:
+            debug(f"Skipping get_last_synced_version because {table_name} is special.")
+            return 0  # Special handling for tables without version column
+        try:
+            last_version = await conn.fetchval(f"""
+                SELECT COALESCE(MAX(version), 0)
+                FROM "{table_name}"
+                WHERE server_id = $1
+            """, server_id)
+            return last_version
+        except Exception as e:
+            err(f"Error getting last synced version for table {table_name}: {str(e)}")
+            err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+            return 0
+    async def get_most_recent_source(self):
+        most_recent_source = None
+        max_version = -1
+        local_ts_id = os.environ.get('TS_ID')
+        online_hosts = await self.get_online_hosts()
+        num_online_hosts = len(online_hosts)
+        if num_online_hosts > 0:
+            online_ts_ids = [host['ts_id'] for host in online_hosts if host['ts_id'] != local_ts_id]
+            crit(f"Online hosts: {', '.join(online_ts_ids)}")
+            for pool_entry in online_hosts:
+                if pool_entry['ts_id'] == local_ts_id:
+                    continue  # Skip local database
+                try:
+                    conn = await self.get_connection(pool_entry)
+                    if conn is None:
+                        warn(f"Unable to connect to {pool_entry['ts_id']}. Skipping.")
+                        continue
+                    tables = await conn.fetch("""
+                        SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables 
+                        WHERE schemaname = 'public'
+                    """)
+                    for table in tables:
+                        table_name = table['tablename']
+                        if table_name in self.SPECIAL_TABLES:
+                            continue 
+                        try:
+                            result = await conn.fetchrow(f"""
+                                SELECT MAX(version) as max_version, server_id
+                                FROM "{table_name}"
+                                WHERE version = (SELECT MAX(version) FROM "{table_name}")
+                                GROUP BY server_id
+                                ORDER BY MAX(version) DESC
+                                LIMIT 1
+                            """)
+                            if result:
+                                version, server_id = result['max_version'], result['server_id']
+                                info(f"Max version for {pool_entry['ts_id']}, table {table_name}: {version} (from server {server_id})")
+                                if version > max_version:
+                                    max_version = version
+                                    most_recent_source = pool_entry
+                            else:
+                                debug(f"No data in table {table_name} for {pool_entry['ts_id']}")
+                        except asyncpg.exceptions.UndefinedColumnError:
+                            warn(f"Version or server_id column does not exist in table {table_name} for {pool_entry['ts_id']}. Skipping.")
+                        except Exception as e:
+                            err(f"Error checking version for {pool_entry['ts_id']}, table {table_name}: {str(e)}")
+                except asyncpg.exceptions.ConnectionFailureError:
+                    warn(f"Failed to connect to database: {pool_entry['ts_ip']}:{pool_entry['db_port']}. Skipping.")
+                except Exception as e:
+                    err(f"Unexpected error occurred while checking version for {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {str(e)}")
+                    err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+                finally:
+                    if conn:
+                        await conn.close()
+        if most_recent_source is None:
+            if num_online_hosts > 0:
+                warn("Could not determine most recent source. Using first available online host.")
+                most_recent_source = next(host for host in online_hosts if host['ts_id'] != local_ts_id)
+            else:
+                crit("No other online hosts available for sync.")
+        return most_recent_source
+    async def _sync_changes(self, table_name: str, primary_key: str):
+        try:
+            local_conn = await self.get_connection()
+            if local_conn is None:
+                return
+            # Get the latest changes
+            changes = await local_conn.fetch(f"""
+                SELECT * FROM "{table_name}"
+                WHERE version > (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(version), 0) FROM "{table_name}" WHERE server_id != $1)
+                OR (version = (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(version), 0) FROM "{table_name}" WHERE server_id != $1) AND server_id = $1)
+                ORDER BY version ASC
+            """, os.environ.get('TS_ID'))
+            if changes:
+                online_hosts = await self.get_online_hosts()
+                for pool_entry in online_hosts:
+                    if pool_entry['ts_id'] != os.environ.get('TS_ID'):
+                        remote_conn = await self.get_connection(pool_entry)
                         if remote_conn is None:
+                        try:
+                            await self.apply_batch_changes(remote_conn, table_name, changes, primary_key)
+                        finally:
+                            await remote_conn.close()
+        except Exception as e:
+            err(f"Error syncing changes for {table_name}: {str(e)}")
+            err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+        finally:
+            if 'local_conn' in locals():
+                await local_conn.close()
-                        # Fetch the updated row from the local database
-                        async with self.get_connection() as local_conn:
-                            updated_row = await local_conn.fetchrow(f'SELECT * FROM "{table_name}" WHERE "{self.get_primary_key(table_name)}" = $1', pk_value)
-                        if updated_row:
-                            columns = updated_row.keys()
-                            placeholders = [f'${i+1}' for i in range(len(columns))]
-                            primary_key = self.get_primary_key(table_name)
-                            insert_query = f"""
-                                INSERT INTO "{table_name}" ({', '.join(f'"{col}"' for col in columns)})
-                                VALUES ({', '.join(placeholders)})
-                                ON CONFLICT ("{primary_key}") DO UPDATE SET
-                                {', '.join(f'"{col}" = EXCLUDED."{col}"' for col in columns if col != primary_key)},
-                                version = EXCLUDED.version,
-                                server_id = EXCLUDED.server_id
-                                WHERE "{table_name}".version < EXCLUDED.version
-                                OR ("{table_name}".version = EXCLUDED.version AND "{table_name}".server_id < EXCLUDED.server_id)
-                            """
-                            await remote_conn.execute(insert_query, *updated_row.values())
+    async def execute_read_query(self, query: str, *args, table_name: str):
+        online_hosts = await self.get_online_hosts()
+        results = []
+        max_version = -1
+        latest_result = None
+        for pool_entry in online_hosts:
+            conn = await self.get_connection(pool_entry)
+            if conn is None:
+                warn(f"Unable to connect to {pool_entry['ts_id']}. Skipping read.")
+                continue
+            try:
+                # Execute the query
+                result = await conn.fetch(query, *args)
+                if not result:
+                    continue
+                # Check version if it's not a special table
+                if table_name not in self.SPECIAL_TABLES:
+                    try:
+                        version_query = f"""
+                            SELECT MAX(version) as max_version, server_id
+                            FROM "{table_name}"
+                            WHERE version = (SELECT MAX(version) FROM "{table_name}")
+                            GROUP BY server_id
+                            ORDER BY MAX(version) DESC
+                            LIMIT 1
+                        """
+                        version_result = await conn.fetchrow(version_query)
+                        if version_result:
+                            version = version_result['max_version']
+                            server_id = version_result['server_id']
+                            info(f"Max version for {pool_entry['ts_id']}, table {table_name}: {version} (from server {server_id})")
+                            if version > max_version:
+                                max_version = version
+                                latest_result = result
+                        else:
+                            debug(f"No data in table {table_name} for {pool_entry['ts_id']}")
+                    except asyncpg.exceptions.UndefinedColumnError:
+                        warn(f"Version or server_id column does not exist in table {table_name} for {pool_entry['ts_id']}. Skipping version check.")
+                        if latest_result is None:
+                            latest_result = result
+                else:
+                    # For special tables, just use the first result
+                    if latest_result is None:
+                        latest_result = result
+                results.append((pool_entry['ts_id'], result))
+            except Exception as e:
+                err(f"Error executing read query on {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {str(e)}")
+                err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+            finally:
+                await conn.close()
+        if not latest_result:
+            warn(f"No results found for query on table {table_name}")
+            return []
+        # Log results from all databases
+        for ts_id, result in results:
+            info(f"Read result from {ts_id}: {result}")
+        return [dict(r) for r in latest_result]  # Convert Record objects to dictionaries
+    async def execute_write_query(self, query: str, *args, table_name: str):
+        conn = await self.get_connection()
+        if conn is None:
+            raise ConnectionError("Failed to connect to local database")
+        try:
+            if table_name in self.SPECIAL_TABLES:
+                return await self._execute_special_table_write(conn, query, *args, table_name=table_name)
+            primary_key = await self.ensure_sync_columns(conn, table_name)
+            result = await conn.execute(query, *args)
+            asyncio.create_task(self._sync_changes(table_name, primary_key))
+            return []
+        finally:
+            await conn.close()
+    async def _run_sync_tasks(self, tasks):
+        for task in tasks:
+            try:
+                await task
+            except Exception as e:
+                err(f"Error during background sync: {str(e)}")
+                err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+    async def push_change(self, table_name: str, pk_value: Any, version: int, server_id: str):
+        asyncio.create_task(self._push_change_background(table_name, pk_value, version, server_id))
+    async def _push_change_background(self, table_name: str, pk_value: Any, version: int, server_id: str):
+        online_hosts = await self.get_online_hosts()
+        successful_pushes = 0
+        failed_pushes = 0
+        for pool_entry in online_hosts:
+            if pool_entry['ts_id'] != os.environ.get('TS_ID'):
+                remote_conn = await self.get_connection(pool_entry)
+                if remote_conn is None:
+                    continue
+                try:
+                    local_conn = await self.get_connection()
+                    if local_conn is None:
+                        continue
+                    try:
+                        updated_row = await local_conn.fetchrow(f'SELECT * FROM "{table_name}" WHERE "{self.get_primary_key(table_name)}" = $1', pk_value)
+                    finally:
+                        await local_conn.close()
+                    if updated_row:
+                        columns = updated_row.keys()
+                        placeholders = [f'${i+1}' for i in range(len(columns))]
+                        primary_key = self.get_primary_key(table_name)
+                        remote_version = await remote_conn.fetchval(f"""
+                            SELECT version FROM "{table_name}" 
+                            WHERE "{primary_key}" = $1
+                        """, updated_row[primary_key])
+                        if remote_version is not None and remote_version >= updated_row['version']:
+                            debug(f"Remote version for {table_name} in {pool_entry['ts_id']} is already up to date. Skipping push.")
+                            successful_pushes += 1
+                            continue
+                        insert_query = f"""
+                            INSERT INTO "{table_name}" ({', '.join(f'"{col}"' for col in columns)})
+                            VALUES ({', '.join(placeholders)})
+                            ON CONFLICT ("{primary_key}") DO UPDATE SET
+                            {', '.join(f'"{col}" = EXCLUDED."{col}"' for col in columns if col != primary_key)},
+                            version = EXCLUDED.version,
+                            server_id = EXCLUDED.server_id
+                            WHERE "{table_name}".version < EXCLUDED.version
+                            OR ("{table_name}".version = EXCLUDED.version AND "{table_name}".server_id < EXCLUDED.server_id)
+                        """
+                        await remote_conn.execute(insert_query, *updated_row.values())
+                        successful_pushes += 1
                 except Exception as e:
                     err(f"Error pushing change to {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {str(e)}")
-                    err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+                    failed_pushes += 1
+                finally:
+                    if remote_conn:
+                        await remote_conn.close()
+        if successful_pushes > 0:
+            info(f"Successfully pushed changes to {successful_pushes} server(s) for {table_name}")
+        if failed_pushes > 0:
+            warn(f"Failed to push changes to {failed_pushes} server(s) for {table_name}")
     async def push_all_changes(self, table_name: str):
         online_hosts = await self.get_online_hosts()
+        tasks = []
         for pool_entry in online_hosts:
             if pool_entry['ts_id'] != os.environ.get('TS_ID'):
-                try:
-                    async with self.get_connection(pool_entry) as remote_conn:
-                        if remote_conn is None:
-                            continue
+                task = asyncio.create_task(self._push_changes_to_host(pool_entry, table_name))
+                tasks.append(task)
-                        # Fetch all rows from the local database
-                        async with self.get_connection() as local_conn:
-                            all_rows = await local_conn.fetch(f'SELECT * FROM "{table_name}"')
+        results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True)
+        successful_pushes = sum(1 for r in results if r is True)
+        failed_pushes = sum(1 for r in results if r is False or isinstance(r, Exception))
-                        if all_rows:
-                            columns = all_rows[0].keys()
-                            placeholders = [f'${i+1}' for i in range(len(columns))]
-                            insert_query = f"""
-                                INSERT INTO "{table_name}" ({', '.join(f'"{col}"' for col in columns)})
-                                VALUES ({', '.join(placeholders)})
-                                ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING
-                            """
-                            # Use a transaction to insert all rows
-                            async with remote_conn.transaction():
-                                for row in all_rows:
-                                    await remote_conn.execute(insert_query, *row.values())
-                except Exception as e:
-                    err(f"Error pushing all changes to {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {str(e)}")
-                    err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+        info(f"Push all changes summary for {table_name}: Successful: {successful_pushes}, Failed: {failed_pushes}")
+        if failed_pushes > 0:
+            warn(f"Failed to push all changes to {failed_pushes} server(s). Data may be out of sync.")
-    async def _execute_special_table_write(self, query: str, *args, table_name: str):
-        if table_name == 'spatial_ref_sys':
-            return await self._execute_spatial_ref_sys_write(query, *args)
-        # Add more special cases as needed
+    async def _push_changes_to_host(self, pool_entry: Dict[str, Any], table_name: str) -> bool:
+        remote_conn = None
+        try:
+            remote_conn = await self.get_connection(pool_entry)
+            if remote_conn is None:
+                warn(f"Unable to connect to {pool_entry['ts_id']}. Skipping push.")
+                return False
-    async def _execute_spatial_ref_sys_write(self, query: str, *args):
-        result = None
-        async with self.get_connection() as local_conn:
+            local_conn = await self.get_connection()
             if local_conn is None:
-                raise ConnectionError("Failed to connect to local database")
-            # Execute the query locally
-            result = await local_conn.execute(query, *args)
+                warn(f"Unable to connect to local database. Skipping push.")
+                return False
+            try:
+                all_rows = await local_conn.fetch(f'SELECT * FROM "{table_name}"')
+            finally:
+                await local_conn.close()
+            if all_rows:
+                columns = list(all_rows[0].keys())
+                placeholders = [f'${i+1}' for i in range(len(columns))]
+                insert_query = f"""
+                    INSERT INTO "{table_name}" ({', '.join(f'"{col}"' for col in columns)})
+                    VALUES ({', '.join(placeholders)})
+                    ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING
+                """
+                async with remote_conn.transaction():
+                    for row in all_rows:
+                        await remote_conn.execute(insert_query, *row.values())
+                return True
+            else:
+                debug(f"No rows to push for table {table_name}")
+                return True
+        except Exception as e:
+            err(f"Error pushing all changes to {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {str(e)}")
+            err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+            return False
+        finally:
+            if remote_conn:
+                await remote_conn.close()
+    async def _execute_special_table_write(self, conn, query: str, *args, table_name: str):
+        if table_name == 'spatial_ref_sys':
+            return await self._execute_spatial_ref_sys_write(conn, query, *args)
+    async def _execute_spatial_ref_sys_write(self, local_conn, query: str, *args):
+        # Execute the query locally
+        result = await local_conn.execute(query, *args)
         # Sync the entire spatial_ref_sys table with all online hosts
         online_hosts = await self.get_online_hosts()
         for pool_entry in online_hosts:
             if pool_entry['ts_id'] != os.environ.get('TS_ID'):
+                remote_conn = await self.get_connection(pool_entry)
+                if remote_conn is None:
+                    continue
-                    async with self.get_connection(pool_entry) as remote_conn:
-                        if remote_conn is None:
-                            continue
-                        await self.sync_spatial_ref_sys(local_conn, remote_conn)
+                    await self.sync_spatial_ref_sys(local_conn, remote_conn)
                 except Exception as e:
                     err(f"Error syncing spatial_ref_sys to {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {str(e)}")
                     err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+                finally:
+                    await remote_conn.close()
         return result
-    def get_primary_key(self, table_name: str) -> str:
-        # This method should return the primary key for the given table
-        # You might want to cache this information for performance
-        # For now, we'll assume it's always 'id', but you should implement proper logic here
-        return 'id'
+    async def apply_batch_changes(self, conn, table_name, changes, primary_key):
+        if conn is None or not changes:
+            debug(f"Skipping apply_batch_changes because conn is none or there are no changes.")
+            return 0
+        try:
+            columns = list(changes[0].keys())
+            placeholders = [f'${i+1}' for i in range(len(columns))]
+            if primary_key:
+                insert_query = f"""
+                    INSERT INTO "{table_name}" ({', '.join(f'"{col}"' for col in columns)})
+                    VALUES ({', '.join(placeholders)})
+                    ON CONFLICT ("{primary_key}") DO UPDATE SET
+                    {', '.join(f'"{col}" = EXCLUDED."{col}"' for col in columns if col not in [primary_key, 'version', 'server_id'])},
+                    version = EXCLUDED.version,
+                    server_id = EXCLUDED.server_id
+                    WHERE "{table_name}".version < EXCLUDED.version
+                    OR ("{table_name}".version = EXCLUDED.version AND "{table_name}".server_id < EXCLUDED.server_id)
+                """
+            else:
+                warn(f"Possible source of issue #4")
+                # For tables without a primary key, we'll use all columns for conflict resolution
+                insert_query = f"""
+                    INSERT INTO "{table_name}" ({', '.join(f'"{col}"' for col in columns)})
+                    VALUES ({', '.join(placeholders)})
+                    ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING
+                """
+            affected_rows = 0
+            async for change in tqdm(changes, desc=f"Syncing {table_name}", unit="row"):
+                values = [change[col] for col in columns]
+                result = await conn.execute(insert_query, *values)
+                affected_rows += int(result.split()[-1])
+            return affected_rows
+        except Exception as e:
+            err(f"Error applying batch changes to {table_name}: {str(e)}")
+            err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+            return 0
+    async def sync_special_table(self, source_conn, dest_conn, table_name):
+        if table_name == 'spatial_ref_sys':
+            return await self.sync_spatial_ref_sys(source_conn, dest_conn)
+        # Add more special cases as needed
     async def sync_spatial_ref_sys(self, source_conn, dest_conn):
@@ -666,6 +1072,77 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
             return 0
+    def get_primary_key(self, table_name: str) -> str:
+        # This method should return the primary key for the given table
+        # You might want to cache this information for performance
+        # For now, we'll assume it's always 'id', but you should implement proper logic here
+        return 'id'
+    async def add_primary_keys_to_local_tables(self):
+        conn = await self.get_connection()
+        debug(f"Adding primary keys to existing tables...")
+        if conn is None:
+            raise ConnectionError("Failed to connect to local database")
+        try:
+            tables = await conn.fetch("""
+                SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables 
+                WHERE schemaname = 'public'
+            """)
+            for table in tables:
+                table_name = table['tablename']
+                if table_name not in self.SPECIAL_TABLES:
+                    await self.ensure_sync_columns(conn, table_name)
+        finally:
+            await conn.close()
+    async def add_primary_keys_to_remote_tables(self):
+        online_hosts = await self.get_online_hosts()
+        for pool_entry in online_hosts:
+            conn = await self.get_connection(pool_entry)
+            if conn is None:
+                warn(f"Unable to connect to {pool_entry['ts_id']}. Skipping primary key addition.")
+                continue
+            try:
+                info(f"Adding primary keys to existing tables on {pool_entry['ts_id']}...")
+                tables = await conn.fetch("""
+                    SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables 
+                    WHERE schemaname = 'public'
+                """)
+                for table in tables:
+                    table_name = table['tablename']
+                    if table_name not in self.SPECIAL_TABLES:
+                        primary_key = await self.ensure_sync_columns(conn, table_name)
+                        if primary_key:
+                            info(f"Added/ensured primary key '{primary_key}' for table '{table_name}' on {pool_entry['ts_id']}")
+                        else:
+                            warn(f"Failed to add/ensure primary key for table '{table_name}' on {pool_entry['ts_id']}")
+                info(f"Completed adding primary keys to existing tables on {pool_entry['ts_id']}")
+            except Exception as e:
+                err(f"Error adding primary keys to existing tables on {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {str(e)}")
+                err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+            finally:
+                await conn.close()
+    async def close_db_pools(self):
+        info("Closing database connection pools...")
+        for pool_key, pool in self.db_pools.items():
+            try:
+                await pool.close()
+                debug(f"Closed pool for {pool_key}")
+            except Exception as e:
+                err(f"Error closing pool for {pool_key}: {str(e)}")
+        self.db_pools.clear()
+        info("All database connection pools closed.")
 class Location(BaseModel):
     latitude: float
@@ -679,7 +1156,7 @@ class Location(BaseModel):
     state: Optional[str] = None
     country: Optional[str] = None
     context: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
-    class_: Optional[str] = None
+    class_: Optional[str] = Field(None, alias="class")
     type: Optional[str] = None
     name: Optional[str] = None
     display_name: Optional[str] = None
@@ -697,11 +1174,7 @@ class Location(BaseModel):
         json_encoders = {
             datetime: lambda dt: dt.isoformat(),
-    def model_dump(self):
-            data = self.dict()
-            data["datetime"] = self.datetime.isoformat() if self.datetime else None
-            return data
+        populate_by_name = True
 class Geocoder:
diff --git a/sijapi/routers/gis.py b/sijapi/routers/gis.py
index 65bde57..e7b91e8 100644
--- a/sijapi/routers/gis.py
+++ b/sijapi/routers/gis.py
@@ -120,7 +120,6 @@ async def get_last_location() -> Optional[Location]:
     return None
 async def fetch_locations(start: Union[str, int, datetime], end: Union[str, int, datetime, None] = None) -> List[Location]:
     start_datetime = await dt(start)
     if end is None:
@@ -133,10 +132,24 @@ async def fetch_locations(start: Union[str, int, datetime], end: Union[str, int,
     debug(f"Fetching locations between {start_datetime} and {end_datetime}")
-    async with API.get_connection() as conn:
-        locations = []
-        # Check for records within the specified datetime range
-        range_locations = await conn.fetch('''
+    query = '''
+        SELECT id, datetime,
+        ST_X(ST_AsText(location)::geometry) AS longitude,
+        ST_Y(ST_AsText(location)::geometry) AS latitude,
+        ST_Z(ST_AsText(location)::geometry) AS elevation,
+        city, state, zip, street,
+        action, device_type, device_model, device_name, device_os
+        FROM locations
+        WHERE datetime >= $1 AND datetime <= $2
+        ORDER BY datetime DESC
+    '''
+    locations = await API.execute_read_query(query, start_datetime.replace(tzinfo=None), end_datetime.replace(tzinfo=None), table_name="locations")
+    debug(f"Range locations query returned: {locations}")
+    if not locations and (end is None or start_datetime.date() == end_datetime.date()):
+        fallback_query = '''
             SELECT id, datetime,
             ST_X(ST_AsText(location)::geometry) AS longitude,
             ST_Y(ST_AsText(location)::geometry) AS latitude,
@@ -144,30 +157,14 @@ async def fetch_locations(start: Union[str, int, datetime], end: Union[str, int,
             city, state, zip, street,
             action, device_type, device_model, device_name, device_os
             FROM locations
-            WHERE datetime >= $1 AND datetime <= $2
+            WHERE datetime < $1
             ORDER BY datetime DESC
-            ''', start_datetime.replace(tzinfo=None), end_datetime.replace(tzinfo=None))
-        debug(f"Range locations query returned: {range_locations}")
-        locations.extend(range_locations)
-        if not locations and (end is None or start_datetime.date() == end_datetime.date()):
-            location_data = await conn.fetchrow('''
-                SELECT id, datetime,
-                ST_X(ST_AsText(location)::geometry) AS longitude,
-                ST_Y(ST_AsText(location)::geometry) AS latitude,
-                ST_Z(ST_AsText(location)::geometry) AS elevation,
-                city, state, zip, street,
-                action, device_type, device_model, device_name, device_os
-                FROM locations
-                WHERE datetime < $1
-                ORDER BY datetime DESC
-                LIMIT 1
-                ''', start_datetime.replace(tzinfo=None))
-            debug(f"Fallback query returned: {location_data}")
-            if location_data:
-                locations.append(location_data)
+            LIMIT 1
+        '''
+        location_data = await API.execute_read_query(fallback_query, start_datetime.replace(tzinfo=None), table_name="locations")
+        debug(f"Fallback query returned: {location_data}")
+        if location_data:
+            locations = location_data
     debug(f"Locations found: {locations}")
@@ -197,35 +194,32 @@ async def fetch_locations(start: Union[str, int, datetime], end: Union[str, int,
     return location_objects if location_objects else []
-# Function to fetch the last location before the specified datetime
 async def fetch_last_location_before(datetime: datetime) -> Optional[Location]:
     datetime = await dt(datetime)
     debug(f"Fetching last location before {datetime}")
-    async with API.get_connection() as conn:
+    query = '''
+        SELECT id, datetime,
+            ST_X(ST_AsText(location)::geometry) AS longitude,
+            ST_Y(ST_AsText(location)::geometry) AS latitude,
+            ST_Z(ST_AsText(location)::geometry) AS elevation,
+            city, state, zip, street, country,
+            action
+        FROM locations
+        WHERE datetime < $1
+        ORDER BY datetime DESC
+        LIMIT 1
+    '''
+    location_data = await API.execute_read_query(query, datetime.replace(tzinfo=None), table_name="locations")
-        location_data = await conn.fetchrow('''
-            SELECT id, datetime,
-                ST_X(ST_AsText(location)::geometry) AS longitude,
-                ST_Y(ST_AsText(location)::geometry) AS latitude,
-                ST_Z(ST_AsText(location)::geometry) AS elevation,
-                city, state, zip, street, country,
-                action
-            FROM locations
-            WHERE datetime < $1
-            ORDER BY datetime DESC
-            LIMIT 1
-        ''', datetime.replace(tzinfo=None))
-        await conn.close()
-        if location_data:
-            debug(f"Last location found: {location_data}")
-            return Location(**location_data)
-        else:
-            debug("No location found before the specified datetime")
-            return None
+    if location_data:
+        debug(f"Last location found: {location_data[0]}")
+        return Location(**location_data[0])
+    else:
+        debug("No location found before the specified datetime")
+        return None
 @gis.get("/map", response_class=HTMLResponse)
 async def generate_map_endpoint(
@@ -247,16 +241,12 @@ async def generate_map_endpoint(
     return HTMLResponse(content=html_content)
 async def get_date_range():
-    async with API.get_connection() as conn:
-        query = "SELECT MIN(datetime) as min_date, MAX(datetime) as max_date FROM locations"
-        row = await conn.fetchrow(query)
-        if row and row['min_date'] and row['max_date']:
-            return row['min_date'], row['max_date']
-        else:
-            return datetime(2022, 1, 1), datetime.now()
+    query = "SELECT MIN(datetime) as min_date, MAX(datetime) as max_date FROM locations"
+    row = await API.execute_read_query(query, table_name="locations")
+    if row and row[0]['min_date'] and row[0]['max_date']:
+        return row[0]['min_date'], row[0]['max_date']
+    else:
+        return datetime(2022, 1, 1), datetime.now()
 async def generate_and_save_heatmap(
     start_date: Union[str, int, datetime],
@@ -313,8 +303,6 @@ Generate a heatmap for the given date range and save it as a PNG file using Foli
         err(f"Error generating and saving heatmap: {str(e)}")
 async def generate_map(start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, max_points: int):
     locations = await fetch_locations(start_date, end_date)
     if not locations:
@@ -343,8 +331,6 @@ async def generate_map(start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, max_points: int
     folium.TileLayer('cartodbdark_matter', name='Dark Mode').add_to(m)
-    # In the generate_map function:
     draw = Draw(
             'polygon': True,
@@ -433,70 +419,70 @@ map.on(L.Draw.Event.CREATED, function (event) {
     return m.get_root().render()
 async def post_location(location: Location):
-    # if not location.datetime:
-    #     info(f"location appears to be missing datetime: {location}")
-    # else:
-    #    debug(f"post_location called with {location.datetime}")
-    async with API.get_connection() as conn:
-        try:
-            context = location.context or {}
-            action = context.get('action', 'manual')
-            device_type = context.get('device_type', 'Unknown')
-            device_model = context.get('device_model', 'Unknown')
-            device_name = context.get('device_name', 'Unknown')
-            device_os = context.get('device_os', 'Unknown')
-            # Parse and localize the datetime
-            localized_datetime = await dt(location.datetime)
+    try:
+        context = location.context or {}
+        action = context.get('action', 'manual')
+        device_type = context.get('device_type', 'Unknown')
+        device_model = context.get('device_model', 'Unknown')
+        device_name = context.get('device_name', 'Unknown')
+        device_os = context.get('device_os', 'Unknown')
+        # Parse and localize the datetime
+        localized_datetime = await dt(location.datetime)
-            await conn.execute('''
-                INSERT INTO locations (
-                    datetime, location, city, state, zip, street, action, device_type, device_model, device_name, device_os,
-                    class_, type, name, display_name, amenity, house_number, road, quarter, neighbourhood, 
-                    suburb, county, country_code, country
-                )
-                VALUES ($1, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint($2, $3, $4), 4326), $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, 
-                        $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26)
-            ''', localized_datetime, location.longitude, location.latitude, location.elevation, location.city, location.state, 
-                    location.zip, location.street, action, device_type, device_model, device_name, device_os, 
-                    location.class_, location.type, location.name, location.display_name, 
-                    location.amenity, location.house_number, location.road, location.quarter, location.neighbourhood, 
-                    location.suburb, location.county, location.country_code, location.country)
-            await conn.close()
-            info(f"Successfully posted location: {location.latitude}, {location.longitude}, {location.elevation} on {localized_datetime}")
-            return {
-                'datetime': localized_datetime,
-                'latitude': location.latitude,
-                'longitude': location.longitude,
-                'elevation': location.elevation,
-                'city': location.city,
-                'state': location.state,
-                'zip': location.zip,
-                'street': location.street,
-                'action': action,
-                'device_type': device_type,
-                'device_model': device_model,
-                'device_name': device_name,
-                'device_os': device_os,
-                'class_': location.class_,
-                'type': location.type,
-                'name': location.name,
-                'display_name': location.display_name,
-                'amenity': location.amenity,
-                'house_number': location.house_number,
-                'road': location.road,
-                'quarter': location.quarter,
-                'neighbourhood': location.neighbourhood,
-                'suburb': location.suburb,
-                'county': location.county,
-                'country_code': location.country_code,
-                'country': location.country
-            }
-        except Exception as e:
-            err(f"Error posting location {e}")
-            err(traceback.format_exc())
-            return None
+        query = '''
+            INSERT INTO locations (
+                datetime, location, city, state, zip, street, action, device_type, device_model, device_name, device_os,
+                class_, type, name, display_name, amenity, house_number, road, quarter, neighbourhood, 
+                suburb, county, country_code, country
+            )
+            VALUES ($1, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint($2, $3, $4), 4326), $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, 
+                    $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26)
+        '''
+        await API.execute_write_query(
+            query,
+            localized_datetime, location.longitude, location.latitude, location.elevation, location.city, location.state, 
+            location.zip, location.street, action, device_type, device_model, device_name, device_os, 
+            location.class_, location.type, location.name, location.display_name, 
+            location.amenity, location.house_number, location.road, location.quarter, location.neighbourhood, 
+            location.suburb, location.county, location.country_code, location.country,
+            table_name="locations"
+        )
+        info(f"Successfully posted location: {location.latitude}, {location.longitude}, {location.elevation} on {localized_datetime}")
+        return {
+            'datetime': localized_datetime,
+            'latitude': location.latitude,
+            'longitude': location.longitude,
+            'elevation': location.elevation,
+            'city': location.city,
+            'state': location.state,
+            'zip': location.zip,
+            'street': location.street,
+            'action': action,
+            'device_type': device_type,
+            'device_model': device_model,
+            'device_name': device_name,
+            'device_os': device_os,
+            'class_': location.class_,
+            'type': location.type,
+            'name': location.name,
+            'display_name': location.display_name,
+            'amenity': location.amenity,
+            'house_number': location.house_number,
+            'road': location.road,
+            'quarter': location.quarter,
+            'neighbourhood': location.neighbourhood,
+            'suburb': location.suburb,
+            'county': location.county,
+            'country_code': location.country_code,
+            'country': location.country
+        }
+    except Exception as e:
+        err(f"Error posting location {e}")
+        err(traceback.format_exc())
+        return None
@@ -553,6 +539,7 @@ async def get_last_location_endpoint() -> JSONResponse:
         raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="No location found before the specified datetime")
 @gis.get("/locate/{datetime_str}", response_model=List[Location])
 async def get_locate(datetime_str: str, all: bool = False):
diff --git a/sijapi/routers/serve.py b/sijapi/routers/serve.py
index cb596a4..e87eb49 100644
--- a/sijapi/routers/serve.py
+++ b/sijapi/routers/serve.py
@@ -212,7 +212,6 @@ if API.EXTENSIONS.shellfish == "on" or API.EXTENSIONS.shellfish == True:
             except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
                 results.append(f"{address} is down")
-        # Generate a simple text-based graph
         graph = '|' * up_count + '.' * (len(addresses) - up_count)
         text_update = "\n".join(results)
@@ -220,7 +219,6 @@ if API.EXTENSIONS.shellfish == "on" or API.EXTENSIONS.shellfish == True:
         output = shellfish_run_widget_command(widget_command)
         return {"output": output, "graph": graph}
     def shellfish_update_widget(update: WidgetUpdate):
         widget_command = ["widget"]
@@ -290,6 +288,7 @@ if API.EXTENSIONS.courtlistener == "on" or API.EXTENSIONS.courtlistener == True:
         for result in results:
             bg_tasks.add_task(cl_docket_process, result)
         return JSONResponse(content={"message": "Received"}, status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK)
     async def cl_docket_process(result):
         async with httpx.AsyncClient() as session:
@@ -346,11 +345,13 @@ if API.EXTENSIONS.courtlistener == "on" or API.EXTENSIONS.courtlistener == True:
             await cl_download_file(file_url, target_path, session)
             debug(f"Downloaded {file_name} to {target_path}")
     def cl_case_details(docket):
         case_info = CASETABLE.get(str(docket), {"code": "000", "shortname": "UNKNOWN"})
         case_code = case_info.get("code")
         short_name = case_info.get("shortname")
         return case_code, short_name
     async def cl_download_file(url: str, path: Path, session: aiohttp.ClientSession = None):
         headers = {
@@ -417,19 +418,20 @@ if API.EXTENSIONS.courtlistener == "on" or API.EXTENSIONS.courtlistener == True:
             await cl_download_file(download_url, target_path, session)
             debug(f"Downloaded {file_name} to {target_path}")
 @serve.get("/s", response_class=HTMLResponse)
 async def shortener_form(request: Request):
     return templates.TemplateResponse("shortener.html", {"request": request})
 async def create_short_url(request: Request, long_url: str = Form(...), custom_code: Optional[str] = Form(None)):
-    await create_tables()
     if custom_code:
         if len(custom_code) != 3 or not custom_code.isalnum():
             return templates.TemplateResponse("shortener.html", {"request": request, "error": "Custom code must be 3 alphanumeric characters"})
-        existing = await API.execute_write_query('SELECT 1 FROM short_urls WHERE short_code = $1', custom_code, table_name="short_urls")
+        existing = await API.execute_read_query('SELECT 1 FROM short_urls WHERE short_code = $1', custom_code, table_name="short_urls")
         if existing:
             return templates.TemplateResponse("shortener.html", {"request": request, "error": "Custom code already in use"})
@@ -437,8 +439,9 @@ async def create_short_url(request: Request, long_url: str = Form(...), custom_c
         chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
         while True:
+            debug(f"FOUND THE ISSUE")
             short_code = ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(3))
-            existing = await API.execute_write_query('SELECT 1 FROM short_urls WHERE short_code = $1', short_code, table_name="short_urls")
+            existing = await API.execute_read_query('SELECT 1 FROM short_urls WHERE short_code = $1', short_code, table_name="short_urls")
             if not existing:
@@ -451,48 +454,36 @@ async def create_short_url(request: Request, long_url: str = Form(...), custom_c
     short_url = f"https://sij.ai/{short_code}"
     return templates.TemplateResponse("shortener.html", {"request": request, "short_url": short_url})
-async def create_tables():
-    await API.execute_write_query('''
-        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS short_urls (
-            short_code VARCHAR(3) PRIMARY KEY,
-            long_url TEXT NOT NULL,
-        )
-    ''', table_name="short_urls")
-    await API.execute_write_query('''
-        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS click_logs (
-            id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
-            short_code VARCHAR(3) REFERENCES short_urls(short_code),
-            ip_address TEXT,
-            user_agent TEXT
-        )
-    ''', table_name="click_logs")
-@serve.get("/{short_code}", response_class=RedirectResponse, status_code=301)
-async def redirect_short_url(request: Request, short_code: str = PathParam(..., min_length=3, max_length=3)):
-    if request.headers.get('host') != 'sij.ai':
-        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Not Found")
-    result = await API.execute_write_query(
+async def redirect_short_url(short_code: str):
+    results = await API.execute_read_query(
         'SELECT long_url FROM short_urls WHERE short_code = $1',
-    if result:
-        await API.execute_write_query(
-            'INSERT INTO click_logs (short_code, ip_address, user_agent) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)',
-            short_code, request.client.host, request.headers.get("user-agent"),
-            table_name="click_logs"
-        )
-        return result['long_url']
-    else:
+    if not results:
         raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Short URL not found")
+    long_url = results[0].get('long_url')
+    if not long_url:
+        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Long URL not found")
+    # Increment click count (you may want to do this asynchronously)
+    await API.execute_write_query(
+        'INSERT INTO click_logs (short_code, clicked_at) VALUES ($1, $2)',
+        short_code, datetime.now(),
+        table_name="click_logs"
+    )
+    return RedirectResponse(url=long_url)
 async def get_analytics(short_code: str):
-    url_info = await API.execute_write_query(
+    url_info = await API.execute_read_query(
         'SELECT long_url, created_at FROM short_urls WHERE short_code = $1',
@@ -500,13 +491,13 @@ async def get_analytics(short_code: str):
     if not url_info:
         raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Short URL not found")
-    click_count = await API.execute_write_query(
+    click_count = await API.execute_read_query(
         'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM click_logs WHERE short_code = $1',
-    clicks = await API.execute_write_query(
+    clicks = await API.execute_read_query(
         'SELECT clicked_at, ip_address, user_agent FROM click_logs WHERE short_code = $1 ORDER BY clicked_at DESC LIMIT 100',
@@ -521,15 +512,20 @@ async def get_analytics(short_code: str):
 async def forward_traffic(reader: asyncio.StreamReader, writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, destination: str):
-    dest_host, dest_port = destination.split(':')
-    dest_port = int(dest_port)
+    try:
+        dest_host, dest_port = destination.split(':')
+        dest_port = int(dest_port)
+    except ValueError:
+        warn(f"Invalid destination format: {destination}. Expected 'host:port'.")
+        writer.close()
+        await writer.wait_closed()
+        return
         dest_reader, dest_writer = await asyncio.open_connection(dest_host, dest_port)
     except Exception as e:
+        warn(f"Failed to connect to destination {destination}: {str(e)}")
         await writer.wait_closed()
@@ -543,7 +539,7 @@ async def forward_traffic(reader: asyncio.StreamReader, writer: asyncio.StreamWr
                 await dst.drain()
         except Exception as e:
-            pass
+            warn(f"Error in forwarding: {str(e)}")
             await dst.wait_closed()
@@ -554,8 +550,12 @@ async def forward_traffic(reader: asyncio.StreamReader, writer: asyncio.StreamWr
 async def start_server(source: str, destination: str):
-    host, port = source.split(':')
-    port = int(port)
+    if ':' in source:
+        host, port = source.split(':')
+        port = int(port)
+    else:
+        host = source
+        port = 80
     server = await asyncio.start_server(
         lambda r, w: forward_traffic(r, w, destination),
@@ -566,6 +566,7 @@ async def start_server(source: str, destination: str):
     async with server:
         await server.serve_forever()
 async def start_port_forwarding():
     if hasattr(Serve, 'forwarding_rules'):
         for rule in Serve.forwarding_rules:
@@ -573,6 +574,7 @@ async def start_port_forwarding():
         warn("No forwarding rules found in the configuration.")
 async def get_forward_status():
     if hasattr(Serve, 'forwarding_rules'):
@@ -580,5 +582,5 @@ async def get_forward_status():
         return {"status": "inactive", "message": "No forwarding rules configured"}
-# Add this to the end of your serve.py file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sijapi/routers/weather.py b/sijapi/routers/weather.py
index a457fa1..55b091e 100644
--- a/sijapi/routers/weather.py
+++ b/sijapi/routers/weather.py
@@ -116,129 +116,129 @@ async def get_weather(date_time: dt_datetime, latitude: float, longitude: float,
 async def store_weather_to_db(date_time: dt_datetime, weather_data: dict):
     warn(f"Using {date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} as our datetime in store_weather_to_db")
-    async with API.get_connection() as conn:
-        try:
-            day_data = weather_data.get('days')[0]
-            debug(f"RAW DAY_DATA: {day_data}")
-            # Handle preciptype and stations as PostgreSQL arrays
-            preciptype_array = day_data.get('preciptype', []) or []
-            stations_array = day_data.get('stations', []) or []
+    try:
+        day_data = weather_data.get('days')[0]
+        debug(f"RAW DAY_DATA: {day_data}")
+        # Handle preciptype and stations as PostgreSQL arrays
+        preciptype_array = day_data.get('preciptype', []) or []
+        stations_array = day_data.get('stations', []) or []
-            date_str = date_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
-            warn(f"Using {date_str} in our query in store_weather_to_db.")
+        date_str = date_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+        warn(f"Using {date_str} in our query in store_weather_to_db.")
-            # Get location details from weather data if available
-            longitude = weather_data.get('longitude')
-            latitude = weather_data.get('latitude')
-            tz = await GEO.tz_at(latitude, longitude)
-            elevation = await GEO.elevation(latitude, longitude)
-            location_point = f"POINTZ({longitude} {latitude} {elevation})" if longitude and latitude and elevation else None
+        # Get location details from weather data if available
+        longitude = weather_data.get('longitude')
+        latitude = weather_data.get('latitude')
+        tz = await GEO.tz_at(latitude, longitude)
+        elevation = await GEO.elevation(latitude, longitude)
+        location_point = f"POINTZ({longitude} {latitude} {elevation})" if longitude and latitude and elevation else None
-            warn(f"Uncorrected datetimes in store_weather_to_db: {day_data['datetime']}, sunrise: {day_data['sunrise']}, sunset: {day_data['sunset']}")
-            day_data['datetime'] = await gis.dt(day_data.get('datetimeEpoch'))
-            day_data['sunrise'] = await gis.dt(day_data.get('sunriseEpoch'))
-            day_data['sunset'] = await gis.dt(day_data.get('sunsetEpoch'))
-            warn(f"Corrected datetimes in store_weather_to_db: {day_data['datetime']}, sunrise: {day_data['sunrise']}, sunset: {day_data['sunset']}")
+        warn(f"Uncorrected datetimes in store_weather_to_db: {day_data['datetime']}, sunrise: {day_data['sunrise']}, sunset: {day_data['sunset']}")
+        day_data['datetime'] = await gis.dt(day_data.get('datetimeEpoch'))
+        day_data['sunrise'] = await gis.dt(day_data.get('sunriseEpoch'))
+        day_data['sunset'] = await gis.dt(day_data.get('sunsetEpoch'))
+        warn(f"Corrected datetimes in store_weather_to_db: {day_data['datetime']}, sunrise: {day_data['sunrise']}, sunset: {day_data['sunset']}")
-            daily_weather_params = (
-                day_data.get('sunrise'), day_data.get('sunriseEpoch'),
-                day_data.get('sunset'), day_data.get('sunsetEpoch'),
-                day_data.get('description'), day_data.get('tempmax'),
-                day_data.get('tempmin'), day_data.get('uvindex'),
-                day_data.get('winddir'), day_data.get('windspeed'),
-                day_data.get('icon'), dt_datetime.now(tz),
-                day_data.get('datetime'), day_data.get('datetimeEpoch'),
-                day_data.get('temp'), day_data.get('feelslikemax'),
-                day_data.get('feelslikemin'), day_data.get('feelslike'),
-                day_data.get('dew'), day_data.get('humidity'),
-                day_data.get('precip'), day_data.get('precipprob'),
-                day_data.get('precipcover'), preciptype_array,
-                day_data.get('snow'), day_data.get('snowdepth'),
-                day_data.get('windgust'), day_data.get('pressure'),
-                day_data.get('cloudcover'), day_data.get('visibility'),
-                day_data.get('solarradiation'), day_data.get('solarenergy'),
-                day_data.get('severerisk', 0), day_data.get('moonphase'),
-                day_data.get('conditions'), stations_array, day_data.get('source'),
-                location_point
-            )
-        except Exception as e:
-            err(f"Failed to prepare database query in store_weather_to_db! {e}")
-        try:
-            daily_weather_query = '''
-            INSERT INTO DailyWeather (
-                sunrise, sunriseepoch, sunset, sunsetepoch, description,
-                tempmax, tempmin, uvindex, winddir, windspeed, icon, last_updated,
-                datetime, datetimeepoch, temp, feelslikemax, feelslikemin, feelslike,
-                dew, humidity, precip, precipprob, precipcover, preciptype,
-                snow, snowdepth, windgust, pressure, cloudcover, visibility,
-                solarradiation, solarenergy, severerisk, moonphase, conditions,
-                stations, source, location
-            ) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26, $27, $28, $29, $30, $31, $32, $33, $34, $35, $36, $37, $38)
-            RETURNING id
-            '''
+        daily_weather_params = (
+            day_data.get('sunrise'), day_data.get('sunriseEpoch'),
+            day_data.get('sunset'), day_data.get('sunsetEpoch'),
+            day_data.get('description'), day_data.get('tempmax'),
+            day_data.get('tempmin'), day_data.get('uvindex'),
+            day_data.get('winddir'), day_data.get('windspeed'),
+            day_data.get('icon'), dt_datetime.now(tz),
+            day_data.get('datetime'), day_data.get('datetimeEpoch'),
+            day_data.get('temp'), day_data.get('feelslikemax'),
+            day_data.get('feelslikemin'), day_data.get('feelslike'),
+            day_data.get('dew'), day_data.get('humidity'),
+            day_data.get('precip'), day_data.get('precipprob'),
+            day_data.get('precipcover'), preciptype_array,
+            day_data.get('snow'), day_data.get('snowdepth'),
+            day_data.get('windgust'), day_data.get('pressure'),
+            day_data.get('cloudcover'), day_data.get('visibility'),
+            day_data.get('solarradiation'), day_data.get('solarenergy'),
+            day_data.get('severerisk', 0), day_data.get('moonphase'),
+            day_data.get('conditions'), stations_array, day_data.get('source'),
+            location_point
+        )
+    except Exception as e:
+        err(f"Failed to prepare database query in store_weather_to_db! {e}")
+        return "FAILURE"
+    try:
+        daily_weather_query = '''
+        INSERT INTO DailyWeather (
+            sunrise, sunriseepoch, sunset, sunsetepoch, description,
+            tempmax, tempmin, uvindex, winddir, windspeed, icon, last_updated,
+            datetime, datetimeepoch, temp, feelslikemax, feelslikemin, feelslike,
+            dew, humidity, precip, precipprob, precipcover, preciptype,
+            snow, snowdepth, windgust, pressure, cloudcover, visibility,
+            solarradiation, solarenergy, severerisk, moonphase, conditions,
+            stations, source, location
+        ) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26, $27, $28, $29, $30, $31, $32, $33, $34, $35, $36, $37, $38)
+        RETURNING id
+        '''
+        daily_weather_id = await API.execute_write_query(daily_weather_query, *daily_weather_params, table_name="DailyWeather")
+        if 'hours' in day_data:
+            debug(f"Processing hours now...")
+            for hour_data in day_data['hours']:
+                try:
+                    await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
+                    hour_data['datetime'] = await gis.dt(hour_data.get('datetimeEpoch'))
+                    hour_preciptype_array = hour_data.get('preciptype', []) or []
+                    hour_stations_array = hour_data.get('stations', []) or []
+                    hourly_weather_params = (
+                        daily_weather_id,
+                        hour_data['datetime'],
+                        hour_data.get('datetimeEpoch'),
+                        hour_data['temp'],
+                        hour_data['feelslike'],
+                        hour_data['humidity'],
+                        hour_data['dew'],
+                        hour_data['precip'],
+                        hour_data['precipprob'],
+                        hour_preciptype_array,
+                        hour_data['snow'],
+                        hour_data['snowdepth'],
+                        hour_data['windgust'],
+                        hour_data['windspeed'],
+                        hour_data['winddir'],
+                        hour_data['pressure'],
+                        hour_data['cloudcover'],
+                        hour_data['visibility'],
+                        hour_data['solarradiation'],
+                        hour_data['solarenergy'],
+                        hour_data['uvindex'],
+                        hour_data.get('severerisk', 0),
+                        hour_data['conditions'],
+                        hour_data['icon'],
+                        hour_stations_array,
+                        hour_data.get('source', ''),
+                    )
-            async with conn.transaction():
-                daily_weather_id = await conn.fetchval(daily_weather_query, *daily_weather_params)
-            if 'hours' in day_data:
-                debug(f"Processing hours now...")
-                for hour_data in day_data['hours']:
-                        await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
-                        hour_data['datetime'] = await gis.dt(hour_data.get('datetimeEpoch'))
-                        hour_preciptype_array = hour_data.get('preciptype', []) or []
-                        hour_stations_array = hour_data.get('stations', []) or []
-                        hourly_weather_params = (
-                            daily_weather_id,
-                            hour_data['datetime'],
-                            hour_data.get('datetimeEpoch'),
-                            hour_data['temp'],
-                            hour_data['feelslike'],
-                            hour_data['humidity'],
-                            hour_data['dew'],
-                            hour_data['precip'],
-                            hour_data['precipprob'],
-                            hour_preciptype_array,
-                            hour_data['snow'],
-                            hour_data['snowdepth'],
-                            hour_data['windgust'],
-                            hour_data['windspeed'],
-                            hour_data['winddir'],
-                            hour_data['pressure'],
-                            hour_data['cloudcover'],
-                            hour_data['visibility'],
-                            hour_data['solarradiation'],
-                            hour_data['solarenergy'],
-                            hour_data['uvindex'],
-                            hour_data.get('severerisk', 0),
-                            hour_data['conditions'],
-                            hour_data['icon'],
-                            hour_stations_array,
-                            hour_data.get('source', ''),
-                        )
-                        try:
-                            hourly_weather_query = '''
-                            INSERT INTO HourlyWeather (daily_weather_id, datetime, datetimeepoch, temp, feelslike, humidity, dew, precip, precipprob,
-                            preciptype, snow, snowdepth, windgust, windspeed, winddir, pressure, cloudcover, visibility, solarradiation, solarenergy,
-                            uvindex, severerisk, conditions, icon, stations, source)
-                            VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26)
-                            RETURNING id
-                            '''
-                            async with conn.transaction():
-                                hourly_weather_id = await conn.fetchval(hourly_weather_query, *hourly_weather_params)
-                                debug(f"Done processing hourly_weather_id {hourly_weather_id}")
-                        except Exception as e:
-                            err(f"EXCEPTION: {e}")
+                        hourly_weather_query = '''
+                        INSERT INTO HourlyWeather (daily_weather_id, datetime, datetimeepoch, temp, feelslike, humidity, dew, precip, precipprob,
+                        preciptype, snow, snowdepth, windgust, windspeed, winddir, pressure, cloudcover, visibility, solarradiation, solarenergy,
+                        uvindex, severerisk, conditions, icon, stations, source)
+                        VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26)
+                        RETURNING id
+                        '''
+                        hourly_weather_id = await API.execute_write_query(hourly_weather_query, *hourly_weather_params, table_name="HourlyWeather")
+                        debug(f"Done processing hourly_weather_id {hourly_weather_id}")
                     except Exception as e:
                         err(f"EXCEPTION: {e}")
-            return "SUCCESS"
-        except Exception as e:
-            err(f"Error in dailyweather storage: {e}")
+                except Exception as e:
+                    err(f"EXCEPTION: {e}")
+        return "SUCCESS"
+    except Exception as e:
+        err(f"Error in dailyweather storage: {e}")
+        return "FAILURE"