diff --git a/sijapi/classes.py b/sijapi/classes.py
index 1ea470c..e2aed2a 100644
--- a/sijapi/classes.py
+++ b/sijapi/classes.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
 from pathlib import Path
 from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, TypeVar, Type
+from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
 import aiofiles
 import aiohttp
 import asyncpg
@@ -311,13 +311,13 @@ class Geocoder:
             raise ValueError(f"Unsupported unit: {unit}")
-    async def timezone(self, lat: float, lon: float):
+    async def timezone(self, lat: float, lon: float) -> Optional[ZoneInfo]:
         loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
-        timezone = await loop.run_in_executor(self.executor, lambda: self.tf.timezone_at(lat=lat, lng=lon))
-        return timezone if timezone else 'Unknown'
+        timezone_str = await loop.run_in_executor(self.executor, lambda: self.tf.timezone_at(lat=lat, lng=lon))
+        return ZoneInfo(timezone_str) if timezone_str else None
     async def lookup(self, lat: float, lon: float):
         city, state, country = (await self.location(lat, lon))[0]['name'], (await self.location(lat, lon))[0]['admin1'], (await self.location(lat, lon))[0]['cc']
         elevation = await self.elevation(lat, lon)
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ class Geocoder:
     def coords_equal(self, coord1: Tuple[float, float], coord2: Tuple[float, float], tolerance: float = 1e-5) -> bool:
         return math.isclose(coord1[0], coord2[0], abs_tol=tolerance) and math.isclose(coord1[1], coord2[1], abs_tol=tolerance)
-    async def refresh_timezone(self, location: Union[Location, Tuple[float, float]], force: bool = False) -> str:
+    async def refresh_timezone(self, location: Union[Location, Tuple[float, float]], force: bool = False) -> Optional[ZoneInfo]:
         if isinstance(location, Location):
             lat, lon = location.latitude, location.longitude
@@ -457,6 +457,7 @@ class Geocoder:
             current_time - self.last_update > timedelta(hours=1) or
             not self.coords_equal(rounded_location, self.round_coords(*self.last_location) if self.last_location else (None, None))):
             new_timezone = await self.timezone(lat, lon)
             self.last_timezone = new_timezone
             self.last_update = current_time
@@ -465,9 +466,10 @@ class Geocoder:
         return self.last_timezone
     async def tz_save(self):
         cache_data = {
-            'last_timezone': self.last_timezone,
+            'last_timezone': str(self.last_timezone) if self.last_timezone else None,
             'last_update': self.last_update.isoformat() if self.last_update else None,
             'last_location': self.last_location
@@ -478,29 +480,31 @@ class Geocoder:
             async with aiofiles.open(self.cache_file, 'r') as f:
                 cache_data = json.loads(await f.read())
-            self.last_timezone = cache_data.get('last_timezone')
+            self.last_timezone = ZoneInfo(cache_data['last_timezone']) if cache_data.get('last_timezone') else None
             self.last_update = datetime.fromisoformat(cache_data['last_update']) if cache_data.get('last_update') else None
             self.last_location = tuple(cache_data['last_location']) if cache_data.get('last_location') else None
         except (FileNotFoundError, json.JSONDecodeError):
             # If file doesn't exist or is invalid, we'll start fresh
-            pass
+            self.last_timezone = None
+            self.last_update = None
+            self.last_location = None
-    async def tz_current(self, location: Union[Location, Tuple[float, float]]) -> str:
+    async def tz_current(self, location: Union[Location, Tuple[float, float]]) -> Optional[ZoneInfo]:
         await self.tz_cached()
         return await self.refresh_timezone(location)
-    async def tz_last(self) -> Optional[str]:
+    async def tz_last(self) -> Optional[ZoneInfo]:
         await self.tz_cached()
         return self.last_timezone
-    async def tz_at(self, lat: float, lon: float) -> str:
+    async def tz_at(self, lat: float, lon: float) -> Optional[ZoneInfo]:
         Get the timezone at a specific latitude and longitude without affecting the cache.
         :param lat: Latitude
         :param lon: Longitude
-        :return: Timezone string
+        :return: ZoneInfo object representing the timezone
         return await self.timezone(lat, lon)
diff --git a/sijapi/routers/note.py b/sijapi/routers/note.py
index 887c5a8..1498f22 100644
--- a/sijapi/routers/note.py
+++ b/sijapi/routers/note.py
@@ -84,14 +84,14 @@ async def build_daily_note_endpoint(
             date_str = dt_datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
         if location:
             lat, lon = map(float, location.split(','))
-            tz = GEO.tz_at(lat, lon)
+            tz = await GEO.tz_at(lat, lon)
             date_time = dateutil_parse(date_str).replace(tzinfo=tz)
             raise ValueError("Location is not provided or invalid.")
     except (ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError) as e:
         L.WARN(f"Falling back to localized datetime due to error: {e}")
-            date_time = loc.dt(date_str)
+            date_time = await loc.dt(date_str)
             places = await loc.fetch_locations(date_time)
             lat, lon = places[0].latitude, places[0].longitude
         except Exception as e:
@@ -358,14 +358,14 @@ async def generate_banner(dt, location: Location = None, forecast: str = None, m
 async def note_weather_get(
     date: str = Query(default="0", description="Enter a date in YYYY-MM-DD format, otherwise it will default to today."),
     latlon: str = Query(default="45,-125"),
-    refresh: bool = Query(default=False, description="Set to true to refresh the weather data")
+    refresh: str = Query(default="False", description="Set to True to force refresh the weather data")
+    force_refresh_weather = refresh == "True"
         date_time = dt_datetime.now() if date == "0" else await loc.dt(date)
         L.WARN(f"Using {date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} as our dt_datetime in note_weather_get.")
         L.DEBUG(f"date: {date} .. date_time: {date_time}")
-        content = await update_dn_weather(date_time) #, lat, lon)
+        content = await update_dn_weather(date_time, force_refresh_weather) #, lat, lon)
         return JSONResponse(content={"forecast": content}, status_code=200)
     except HTTPException as e:
@@ -377,19 +377,20 @@ async def note_weather_get(
-async def post_update_daily_weather_and_calendar_and_timeslips(date: str) -> PlainTextResponse:
+async def post_update_daily_weather_and_calendar_and_timeslips(date: str, refresh: str="False") -> PlainTextResponse:
     date_time = await loc.dt(date)
     L.WARN(f"Using {date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} as our dt_datetime in post_update_daily_weather_and_calendar_and_timeslips.")
-    await update_dn_weather(date_time)
+    force_refresh_weather = refresh == "True"
+    await update_dn_weather(date_time, force_refresh_weather)
     await update_daily_note_events(date_time)
     await build_daily_timeslips(date_time)
     return f"[Refresh]({API.URL}/update/note/{date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}"
-async def update_dn_weather(date_time: dt_datetime, lat: float = None, lon: float = None):
+async def update_dn_weather(date_time: dt_datetime, force_refresh: bool = False, lat: float = None, lon: float = None):
     L.WARN(f"Using {date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} as our datetime in update_dn_weather.")
         if lat and lon:
-            place = GEO.code((lat, lon))
+            place = await GEO.code((lat, lon))
             L.DEBUG(f"Updating weather for {date_time}")
@@ -422,8 +423,8 @@ async def update_dn_weather(date_time: dt_datetime, lat: float = None, lon: floa
         L.DEBUG(f"Journal path: absolute_path={absolute_path}, relative_path={relative_path}")
-            L.DEBUG(f"passing date_time {date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}, {lat}/{lon} into fetch_and_store")
-            day = await weather.get_weather(date_time, lat, lon)
+            L.DEBUG(f"passing date_time {date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}, {lat}/{lon} into get_weather")
+            day = await weather.get_weather(date_time, lat, lon, force_refresh)
             L.DEBUG(f"day information obtained from get_weather: {day}")
             if day:
                 DailyWeather = day.get('DailyWeather')
diff --git a/sijapi/routers/weather.py b/sijapi/routers/weather.py
index a9068ca..324d294 100644
--- a/sijapi/routers/weather.py
+++ b/sijapi/routers/weather.py
@@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
 Uses the VisualCrossing API and Postgres/PostGIS to source local weather forecasts and history.
 import asyncio
-from fastapi import APIRouter, HTTPException
+from fastapi import APIRouter, HTTPException, Query
 from fastapi import HTTPException
+from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
 from asyncpg.cursor import Cursor
 from httpx import AsyncClient
 from typing import Dict
-from datetime import datetime
+from datetime import datetime as dt_datetime
 from shapely.wkb import loads
 from binascii import unhexlify
 from sijapi import L, VISUALCROSSING_API_KEY, TZ, DB, GEO
@@ -16,39 +17,67 @@ from sijapi.routers import loc
 weather = APIRouter()
+@weather.get("/weather/refresh", response_class=JSONResponse)
+async def get_refreshed_weather(
+    date: str = Query(default=dt_datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), description="Enter a date in YYYY-MM-DD format, otherwise it will default to today."),
+    latlon: str = Query(default="None", description="Optionally enter latitude and longitude in the format 45.8411,-123.1765; if not provided it will use your recorded location."),
+    # date = await date
+    try:
+        if latlon == "None":
+            date_time = await loc.dt(date)
+            place = await loc.fetch_last_location_before(date_time)
+            lat = place.latitude
+            lon = place.longitude
+        else:
+            lat, lon = latlon.split(',')
+            tz = await GEO.tz_at(lat, lon)
+            date_time = await loc.dt(date, tz)
-async def get_weather(date_time: datetime, latitude: float, longitude: float):
-    # request_date_str = date_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+        L.DEBUG(f"passing date_time {date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}, {lat}/{lon} into get_weather")
+        day = await get_weather(date_time, lat, lon, force_refresh=True)
+        day_str = str(day)
+        return JSONResponse(content={"weather": day_str}, status_code=200)
+    except HTTPException as e:
+        return JSONResponse(content={"detail": str(e.detail)}, status_code=e.status_code)
+    except Exception as e:
+        L.ERR(f"Error in note_weather_get: {str(e)}")
+        raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=f"An error occurred: {str(e)}")
+async def get_weather(date_time: dt_datetime, latitude: float, longitude: float, force_refresh: bool = False):
     L.DEBUG(f"Called get_weather with lat: {latitude}, lon: {longitude}, date_time: {date_time}")
-    L.WARN(f"Using {date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} as our datetime in get_weather.")
-    daily_weather_data = await get_weather_from_db(date_time, latitude, longitude)
+    L.WARN(f"Using {date_time} as our datetime in get_weather.")
     fetch_new_data = True
-    if daily_weather_data:
-        try:
-            L.DEBUG(f"Daily weather data from db: {daily_weather_data}")
-            last_updated = str(daily_weather_data['DailyWeather'].get('last_updated'))
-            last_updated = await loc.dt(last_updated)
-            stored_loc_data = unhexlify(daily_weather_data['DailyWeather'].get('location'))
-            stored_loc = loads(stored_loc_data)
-            stored_lat = stored_loc.y
-            stored_lon = stored_loc.x
-            stored_ele = stored_loc.z
-            hourly_weather = daily_weather_data.get('HourlyWeather')
-            L.DEBUG(f"Hourly: {hourly_weather}")
-            L.DEBUG(f"\nINFO:\nlast updated {last_updated}\nstored lat: {stored_lat} - requested lat: {latitude}\nstored lon: {stored_lon} - requested lon: {longitude}\n")
-            request_haversine = haversine(latitude, longitude, stored_lat, stored_lon)
-            L.DEBUG(f"\nINFO:\nlast updated {last_updated}\nstored lat: {stored_lat} - requested lat: {latitude}\nstored lon: {stored_lon} - requested lon: {longitude}\nHaversine: {request_haversine}")
-            if last_updated and (date_time <= datetime.now(TZ) and last_updated > date_time and request_haversine < 8) and hourly_weather and len(hourly_weather) > 0:
-                L.DEBUG(f"We can use existing data... :')")
-                fetch_new_data = False
+    if force_refresh == False:
+        daily_weather_data = await get_weather_from_db(date_time, latitude, longitude)
+        if daily_weather_data:
+            try:
+                L.DEBUG(f"Daily weather data from db: {daily_weather_data}")
+                last_updated = str(daily_weather_data['DailyWeather'].get('last_updated'))
+                last_updated = await loc.dt(last_updated)
+                stored_loc_data = unhexlify(daily_weather_data['DailyWeather'].get('location'))
+                stored_loc = loads(stored_loc_data)
+                stored_lat = stored_loc.y
+                stored_lon = stored_loc.x
+                stored_ele = stored_loc.z
-        except Exception as e:
-            L.ERR(f"Error in get_weather: {e}")
+                hourly_weather = daily_weather_data.get('HourlyWeather')
+                L.DEBUG(f"Hourly: {hourly_weather}")
+                L.DEBUG(f"\nINFO:\nlast updated {last_updated}\nstored lat: {stored_lat} - requested lat: {latitude}\nstored lon: {stored_lon} - requested lon: {longitude}\n")
+                request_haversine = haversine(latitude, longitude, stored_lat, stored_lon)
+                L.DEBUG(f"\nINFO:\nlast updated {last_updated}\nstored lat: {stored_lat} - requested lat: {latitude}\nstored lon: {stored_lon} - requested lon: {longitude}\nHaversine: {request_haversine}")
+                if last_updated and (date_time <= dt_datetime.now(TZ) and last_updated > date_time and request_haversine < 8) and hourly_weather and len(hourly_weather) > 0:
+                    L.DEBUG(f"We can use existing data... :')")
+                    fetch_new_data = False
+            except Exception as e:
+                L.ERR(f"Error in get_weather: {e}")
     if fetch_new_data:
         L.DEBUG(f"We require new data!")
@@ -85,13 +114,12 @@ async def get_weather(date_time: datetime, latitude: float, longitude: float):
     return daily_weather_data
-async def store_weather_to_db(date_time: datetime, weather_data: dict):
+async def store_weather_to_db(date_time: dt_datetime, weather_data: dict):
     L.WARN(f"Using {date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} as our datetime in store_weather_to_db")
     async with DB.get_connection() as conn:
             day_data = weather_data.get('days')[0]
-            L.DEBUG(f"day_data.get('sunrise'): {day_data.get('sunrise')}")
+            L.DEBUG(f"RAW DAY_DATA: {day_data}")
             # Handle preciptype and stations as PostgreSQL arrays
             preciptype_array = day_data.get('preciptype', []) or []
             stations_array = day_data.get('stations', []) or []
@@ -102,17 +130,15 @@ async def store_weather_to_db(date_time: datetime, weather_data: dict):
             # Get location details from weather data if available
             longitude = weather_data.get('longitude')
             latitude = weather_data.get('latitude')
+            tz = await GEO.tz_at(latitude, longitude)
             elevation = await GEO.elevation(latitude, longitude)
             location_point = f"POINTZ({longitude} {latitude} {elevation})" if longitude and latitude and elevation else None
-            # Correct for the datetime objects 
-            L.WARN(f"Uncorrected datetime in store_weather_to_db: {day_data['datetime']}")
-            day_data['datetime'] = await loc.dt(day_data.get('datetime')) #day_data.get('datetime'))
-            L.WARN(f"Corrected datetime in store_weather_to_db with localized datetime: {day_data['datetime']}")
-            L.WARN(f"Uncorrected sunrise time in store_weather_to_db: {day_data['sunrise']}")
-            day_data['sunrise'] = day_data['datetime'].replace(hour=int(day_data.get('sunrise').split(':')[0]), minute=int(day_data.get('sunrise').split(':')[1]))
-            L.WARN(f"Corrected sunrise time in store_weather_to_db with localized datetime: {day_data['sunrise']}")
-            day_data['sunset'] = day_data['datetime'].replace(hour=int(day_data.get('sunset').split(':')[0]), minute=int(day_data.get('sunset').split(':')[1])) 
+            L.WARN(f"Uncorrected datetimes in store_weather_to_db: {day_data['datetime']}, sunrise: {day_data['sunrise']}, sunset: {day_data['sunset']}")
+            day_data['datetime'] = await loc.dt(day_data.get('datetimeEpoch'))
+            day_data['sunrise'] = await loc.dt(day_data.get('sunriseEpoch'))
+            day_data['sunset'] = await loc.dt(day_data.get('sunsetEpoch'))
+            L.WARN(f"Corrected datetimes in store_weather_to_db: {day_data['datetime']}, sunrise: {day_data['sunrise']}, sunset: {day_data['sunset']}")
             daily_weather_params = (
                 day_data.get('sunrise'), day_data.get('sunriseEpoch'),
@@ -120,7 +146,7 @@ async def store_weather_to_db(date_time: datetime, weather_data: dict):
                 day_data.get('description'), day_data.get('tempmax'),
                 day_data.get('tempmin'), day_data.get('uvindex'),
                 day_data.get('winddir'), day_data.get('windspeed'),
-                day_data.get('icon'), datetime.now(),
+                day_data.get('icon'), dt_datetime.now(tz),
                 day_data.get('datetime'), day_data.get('datetimeEpoch'),
                 day_data.get('temp'), day_data.get('feelslikemax'),
                 day_data.get('feelslikemin'), day_data.get('feelslike'),
@@ -141,9 +167,9 @@ async def store_weather_to_db(date_time: datetime, weather_data: dict):
             daily_weather_query = '''
             INSERT INTO DailyWeather (
-                sunrise, sunriseEpoch, sunset, sunsetEpoch, description,
+                sunrise, sunriseepoch, sunset, sunsetepoch, description,
                 tempmax, tempmin, uvindex, winddir, windspeed, icon, last_updated,
-                datetime, datetimeEpoch, temp, feelslikemax, feelslikemin, feelslike,
+                datetime, datetimeepoch, temp, feelslikemax, feelslikemin, feelslike,
                 dew, humidity, precip, precipprob, precipcover, preciptype,
                 snow, snowdepth, windgust, pressure, cloudcover, visibility,
                 solarradiation, solarenergy, severerisk, moonphase, conditions,
@@ -151,26 +177,16 @@ async def store_weather_to_db(date_time: datetime, weather_data: dict):
             ) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26, $27, $28, $29, $30, $31, $32, $33, $34, $35, $36, $37, $38)
             RETURNING id
-            # Debug logs for better insights
-            # L.DEBUG("Executing query: %s", daily_weather_query)
-            # L.DEBUG("With parameters: %s", daily_weather_params)
-            # Execute the query to insert daily weather data
             async with conn.transaction():
                 daily_weather_id = await conn.fetchval(daily_weather_query, *daily_weather_params)
             if 'hours' in day_data:
+                L.DEBUG(f"Processing hours now...")
                 for hour_data in day_data['hours']:
-                        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
-                    #    hour_data['datetime'] = parse_date(hour_data.get('datetime'))
-                        hour_timestamp = date_str + ' ' + hour_data['datetime']
-                        hour_data['datetime'] = await loc.dt(hour_timestamp)
-                        L.DEBUG(f"Processing hours now...")
-                        # L.DEBUG(f"Processing {hour_data['datetime']}")
+                        await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
+                        hour_data['datetime'] = await loc.dt(hour_data.get('datetimeEpoch'))
                         hour_preciptype_array = hour_data.get('preciptype', []) or []
                         hour_stations_array = hour_data.get('stations', []) or []
                         hourly_weather_params = (
@@ -204,21 +220,15 @@ async def store_weather_to_db(date_time: datetime, weather_data: dict):
                             hourly_weather_query = '''
-                            INSERT INTO HourlyWeather (daily_weather_id, datetime, datetimeEpoch, temp, feelslike, humidity, dew, precip, precipprob,
+                            INSERT INTO HourlyWeather (daily_weather_id, datetime, datetimeepoch, temp, feelslike, humidity, dew, precip, precipprob,
                             preciptype, snow, snowdepth, windgust, windspeed, winddir, pressure, cloudcover, visibility, solarradiation, solarenergy,
                             uvindex, severerisk, conditions, icon, stations, source)
                             VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26)
                             RETURNING id
-                            # Debug logs for better insights
-                            # L.DEBUG("Executing query: %s", hourly_weather_query)
-                            # L.DEBUG("With parameters: %s", hourly_weather_params)
-                            # Execute the query to insert hourly weather data
                             async with conn.transaction():
                                 hourly_weather_id = await conn.fetchval(hourly_weather_query, *hourly_weather_params)
-                            # L.ERR(f"\n{hourly_weather_id}")
+                                L.DEBUG(f"Done processing hourly_weather_id {hourly_weather_id}")
                         except Exception as e:
                             L.ERR(f"EXCEPTION: {e}")
@@ -232,7 +242,7 @@ async def store_weather_to_db(date_time: datetime, weather_data: dict):
-async def get_weather_from_db(date_time: datetime, latitude: float, longitude: float):
+async def get_weather_from_db(date_time: dt_datetime, latitude: float, longitude: float):
     L.WARN(f"Using {date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')} as our datetime in get_weather_from_db.")
     async with DB.get_connection() as conn:
         query_date = date_time.date()
@@ -246,7 +256,6 @@ async def get_weather_from_db(date_time: datetime, latitude: float, longitude: f
                 LIMIT 1
             daily_weather_record = await conn.fetchrow(query, query_date, longitude, latitude, longitude, latitude)
             if daily_weather_record is None:
@@ -255,9 +264,14 @@ async def get_weather_from_db(date_time: datetime, latitude: float, longitude: f
             # Convert asyncpg.Record to a mutable dictionary
             daily_weather_data = dict(daily_weather_record)
+            # L.DEBUG(f"Daily weather data prior to tz corrections: {daily_weather_data}")
             # Now we can modify the dictionary
-            daily_weather_data['datetime'] = await loc.dt(daily_weather_data.get('datetime'))
+            # tz = await GEO.tz_at(latitude, longitude)
+            # daily_weather_data['datetime'] = await loc.dt(daily_weather_data.get('datetime'), tz)
+            # daily_weather_data['sunrise'] = await loc.dt(daily_weather_data.get('sunrise'), tz)
+            # daily_weather_data['sunset'] = await loc.dt(daily_weather_data.get('sunset'), tz)
+            # L.DEBUG(f"Daily weather data after tz corrections: {daily_weather_data}")
             # Query to get hourly weather data
             query = '''
@@ -270,9 +284,10 @@ async def get_weather_from_db(date_time: datetime, latitude: float, longitude: f
             hourly_weather_data = []
             for record in hourly_weather_records:
                 hour_data = dict(record)
-                hour_data['datetime'] = await loc.dt(hour_data.get('datetime'))
+                # hour_data['datetime'] = await loc.dt(hour_data.get('datetime'), tz)
+            L.DEBUG(f"Hourly weather data after tz corrections: {hourly_weather_data}")
             day = {
                 'DailyWeather': daily_weather_data,
                 'HourlyWeather': hourly_weather_data,