diff --git a/sijapi/classes.py b/sijapi/classes.py
index 0df567d..41965d2 100644
--- a/sijapi/classes.py
+++ b/sijapi/classes.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 # classes.py
-import asyncio
 import json
 import yaml
 import math
@@ -8,7 +7,9 @@ import re
 import uuid
 import aiofiles
 import aiohttp
+import asyncio
 import asyncpg
+import socket
 import traceback
 import reverse_geocoder as rg
 from pathlib import Path
@@ -330,6 +331,7 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
             err(f"Unexpected error when acquiring connection from pool for {pool_key}: {str(e)}")
     async def close_db_pools(self):
         info("Closing database connection pools...")
         for pool_key, pool in self._db_pools.items():
@@ -341,6 +343,7 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
         info("All database connection pools closed.")
     async def initialize_sync(self):
         local_ts_id = os.environ.get('TS_ID')
         for pool_entry in self.POOL:
@@ -348,10 +351,13 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
                 continue  # Skip local database
                 async with self.get_connection(pool_entry) as conn:
+                    info(f"Starting sync initialization for {pool_entry['ts_ip']}...")
                     await self.ensure_sync_structure(conn)
-                info(f"Sync initialization complete for {pool_entry['ts_ip']}. All tables now have version and server_id columns with appropriate triggers.")
+                    info(f"Sync initialization complete for {pool_entry['ts_ip']}. All tables should now have version and server_id columns with appropriate triggers.")
             except Exception as e:
                 err(f"Error initializing sync for {pool_entry['ts_ip']}: {str(e)}")
+                err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
     async def ensure_sync_structure(self, conn):
         tables = await conn.fetch("""
@@ -364,37 +370,45 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
             await self.ensure_sync_columns(conn, table_name)
             await self.ensure_sync_trigger(conn, table_name)
     async def ensure_sync_columns(self, conn, table_name):
-        await conn.execute(f"""
-            DO $$ 
-            BEGIN 
-                BEGIN
-                    ALTER TABLE "{table_name}" 
-                    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS version INTEGER DEFAULT 1;
-                EXCEPTION
-                    WHEN duplicate_column THEN 
-                        -- Do nothing, column already exists
-                END;
-                BEGIN
-                    ALTER TABLE "{table_name}" 
-                    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS server_id TEXT DEFAULT '{os.environ.get('TS_ID')}';
-                EXCEPTION
-                    WHEN duplicate_column THEN 
-                        -- Do nothing, column already exists
-                END;
-            END $$;
-        """)
-        # Verify that the columns were added
-        result = await conn.fetchrow(f"""
-            SELECT 
-                EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '{table_name}' AND column_name = 'version') as has_version,
-                EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '{table_name}' AND column_name = 'server_id') as has_server_id
-        """)
-        if not (result['has_version'] and result['has_server_id']):
-            raise Exception(f"Failed to add version and/or server_id columns to table {table_name}")
+        try:
+            await conn.execute(f"""
+                DO $$ 
+                BEGIN 
+                    BEGIN
+                        ALTER TABLE "{table_name}" 
+                        ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS version INTEGER DEFAULT 1;
+                    EXCEPTION
+                        WHEN duplicate_column THEN 
+                            NULL;
+                    END;
+                    BEGIN
+                        ALTER TABLE "{table_name}" 
+                        ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS server_id TEXT DEFAULT '{os.environ.get('TS_ID')}';
+                    EXCEPTION
+                        WHEN duplicate_column THEN 
+                            NULL;
+                    END;
+                END $$;
+            """)
+            # Verify that the columns were added
+            result = await conn.fetchrow(f"""
+                SELECT 
+                    EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '{table_name}' AND column_name = 'version') as has_version,
+                    EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '{table_name}' AND column_name = 'server_id') as has_server_id
+            """)
+            if not (result['has_version'] and result['has_server_id']):
+                raise Exception(f"Failed to add version and/or server_id columns to table {table_name}")
+            else:
+                info(f"Successfully added/verified version and server_id columns for table {table_name}")
+        except Exception as e:
+            err(f"Error ensuring sync columns for table {table_name}: {str(e)}")
+            err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
     async def ensure_sync_trigger(self, conn, table_name):
         await conn.execute(f"""
@@ -423,11 +437,18 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
             if pool_entry['ts_id'] == local_ts_id:
                 continue  # Skip local database
+            if not await self.is_server_accessible(pool_entry['ts_ip'], pool_entry['db_port']):
+                warn(f"Server {pool_entry['ts_id']} ({pool_entry['ts_ip']}:{pool_entry['db_port']}) is not accessible. Skipping.")
+                continue
                 async with self.get_connection(pool_entry) as conn:
                     if not await self.check_version_column_exists(conn):
-                        warn(f"Version column does not exist in {pool_entry['ts_id']}. Skipping.")
-                        continue
+                        warn(f"Version column does not exist in some tables for {pool_entry['ts_id']}. Attempting to add...")
+                        await self.ensure_sync_structure(conn)
+                        if not await self.check_version_column_exists(conn):
+                            warn(f"Failed to add version column to all tables in {pool_entry['ts_id']}. Skipping.")
+                            continue
                     version = await conn.fetchval("""
                         SELECT COALESCE(MAX(version), -1)
@@ -437,27 +458,61 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
                             WHERE schemaname = 'public'
                         ) as subquery
+                    info(f"Max version for {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {version}")
                     if version > max_version:
                         max_version = version
                         most_recent_source = pool_entry
-            except asyncpg.exceptions.ConnectionFailureError:
-                warn(f"Failed to connect to database: {pool_entry['ts_ip']}:{pool_entry['db_port']}")
+            except asyncpg.exceptions.ConnectionFailureError as e:
+                err(f"Failed to establish database connection with {pool_entry['ts_id']} ({pool_entry['ts_ip']}:{pool_entry['db_port']}): {str(e)}")
+            except asyncpg.exceptions.PostgresError as e:
+                err(f"PostgreSQL error occurred while querying {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {str(e)}")
+                if "column \"version\" does not exist" in str(e):
+                    err(f"The 'version' column is missing in one or more tables on {pool_entry['ts_id']}. This might indicate a synchronization issue.")
             except Exception as e:
-                warn(f"Error checking version for {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {str(e)}")
+                err(f"Unexpected error occurred while checking version for {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {str(e)}")
+                err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
         return most_recent_source
+    async def is_server_accessible(self, host, port, timeout=2):
+        try:
+            future = asyncio.open_connection(host, port)
+            await asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout=timeout)
+            return True
+        except (asyncio.TimeoutError, ConnectionRefusedError, socket.gaierror):
+            return False
     async def check_version_column_exists(self, conn):
-        result = await conn.fetchval("""
-            SELECT EXISTS (
-                SELECT 1 
-                FROM information_schema.columns 
-                WHERE table_schema = 'public' 
-                AND column_name = 'version'
-                AND table_name IN (SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public')
-            )
-        """)
-        return result
+        try:
+            result = await conn.fetchval("""
+                SELECT EXISTS (
+                    SELECT 1 
+                    FROM information_schema.columns 
+                    WHERE table_schema = 'public' 
+                    AND column_name = 'version'
+                    AND table_name IN (SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public')
+                )
+            """)
+            if not result:
+                tables_without_version = await conn.fetch("""
+                    SELECT tablename 
+                    FROM pg_tables 
+                    WHERE schemaname = 'public' 
+                    AND tablename NOT IN (
+                        SELECT table_name 
+                        FROM information_schema.columns 
+                        WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND column_name = 'version'
+                    )
+                """)
+                table_names = ", ".join([t['tablename'] for t in tables_without_version])
+                warn(f"Tables without 'version' column: {table_names}")
+            return result
+        except Exception as e:
+            err(f"Error checking for 'version' column existence: {str(e)}")
+            return False
     async def pull_changes(self, source_pool_entry, batch_size=10000):