diff --git a/sijapi/__main__.py b/sijapi/__main__.py
index e9619c7..43bf81b 100755
--- a/sijapi/__main__.py
+++ b/sijapi/__main__.py
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, HTTPException, Response
 from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
 from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
 from starlette.middleware.base import BaseHTTPMiddleware
-from starlette.middleware.base import BaseHTTPMiddleware
 from starlette.requests import ClientDisconnect
 from hypercorn.asyncio import serve
 from hypercorn.config import Config as HypercornConfig
@@ -44,7 +43,6 @@ err(f"Error message.")
 def crit(text: str): logger.critical(text)
 crit(f"Critical message.")
 async def lifespan(app: FastAPI):
     # Startup
@@ -52,36 +50,30 @@ async def lifespan(app: FastAPI):
     crit(f"Arguments: {args}")
     # Load routers
-    for module_name in API.MODULES.__fields__:
-        if getattr(API.MODULES, module_name):
-            load_router(module_name)
+    if args.test:
+        load_router(args.test)
+    else:
+        for module_name in API.MODULES.__fields__:
+            if getattr(API.MODULES, module_name):
+                load_router(module_name)
     crit("Starting database synchronization...")
-        # Log the current TS_ID
-        crit(f"Current TS_ID: {os.environ.get('TS_ID', 'Not set')}")
-        # Log the local_db configuration
-        local_db = API.local_db
-        crit(f"Local DB configuration: {local_db}")
-        # Test local connection
-        async with API.get_connection() as conn:
-            version = await conn.fetchval("SELECT version()")
-            crit(f"Successfully connected to local database. PostgreSQL version: {version}")
+        # Initialize sync structures
+        await API.initialize_sync()
         # Sync schema across all databases
         await API.sync_schema()
         crit("Schema synchronization complete.")
-        # Attempt to pull changes from another database
-        source = await API.get_default_source()
+        # Check if other instances have more recent data
+        source = await API.get_most_recent_source()
         if source:
             crit(f"Pulling changes from {source['ts_id']}...")
             await API.pull_changes(source)
             crit("Data pull complete.")
-            crit("No available source for pulling changes. This might be the only active database.")
+            crit("No instances with more recent data found.")
     except Exception as e:
         crit(f"Error during startup: {str(e)}")
@@ -93,7 +85,6 @@ async def lifespan(app: FastAPI):
     crit("Shutting down...")
     # Perform any cleanup operations here if needed
 app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan)
@@ -124,7 +115,6 @@ class SimpleAPIKeyMiddleware(BaseHTTPMiddleware):
                         content={"detail": "Invalid or missing API key"}
         response = await call_next(request)
-        # debug(f"Request from {client_ip} is complete")
         return response
 # Add the middleware to your FastAPI app
@@ -136,7 +126,6 @@ async def http_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: HTTPException):
     err(f"Request: {request.method} {request.url}")
     return JSONResponse(status_code=exc.status_code, content={"detail": exc.detail})
 async def handle_exception_middleware(request: Request, call_next):
@@ -149,6 +138,19 @@ async def handle_exception_middleware(request: Request, call_next):
     return response
+async def sync_middleware(request: Request, call_next):
+    response = await call_next(request)
+    # Check if the request was a database write operation
+    if request.method in ["POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"]:
+        try:
+            # Push changes to other databases
+            await API.push_changes_to_all()
+        except Exception as e:
+            err(f"Error pushing changes to other databases: {str(e)}")
+    return response
 def load_router(router_name):
     router_file = ROUTER_DIR / f'{router_name}.py'
@@ -160,25 +162,16 @@ def load_router(router_name):
             module = importlib.import_module(module_path)
             router = getattr(module, router_name)
-            # module_logger.info(f"{router_name.capitalize()} router loaded.")
         except (ImportError, AttributeError) as e:
             module_logger.critical(f"Failed to load router {router_name}: {e}")
         module_logger.error(f"Router file for {router_name} does not exist.")
 def main(argv):
-    if args.test:
-        load_router(args.test)
-    else:
-        crit(f"sijapi launched")
-        crit(f"Arguments: {args}")
-        for module_name in API.MODULES.__fields__:
-            if getattr(API.MODULES, module_name):
-                load_router(module_name)
     config = HypercornConfig()
     config.bind = [API.BIND]
+    config.startup_timeout = 3600  # 1 hour
     asyncio.run(serve(app, config))
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main(sys.argv[1:])
\ No newline at end of file
+    main(sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/sijapi/classes.py b/sijapi/classes.py
index d8e7fcf..1d4291d 100644
--- a/sijapi/classes.py
+++ b/sijapi/classes.py
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ def warn(text: str): logger.warning(text)
 def err(text: str): logger.error(text)
 def crit(text: str): logger.critical(text)
+TS_ID=os.getenv("TS_ID", "NULL")
 T = TypeVar('T', bound='Configuration')
 class Configuration(BaseModel):
     HOME: Path = Path.home()
@@ -156,6 +158,17 @@ class Configuration(BaseModel):
         arbitrary_types_allowed = True
+from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
+from pathlib import Path
+import yaml
+import re
+import os
+import asyncpg
+from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
+from sijapi import TS_ID
+import traceback
 class APIConfig(BaseModel):
     HOST: str
     PORT: int
@@ -183,7 +196,6 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
             with open(secrets_path, 'r') as file:
                 secrets_data = yaml.safe_load(file)
-            # info(f"Loaded secrets: {secrets_data}")
         except FileNotFoundError:
             err(f"Secrets file not found: {secrets_path}")
             secrets_data = {}
@@ -279,8 +291,7 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
     def local_db(self):
-        ts_id = os.environ.get('TS_ID')
-        return next((db for db in self.POOL if db['ts_id'] == ts_id), None)
+        return next((db for db in self.POOL if db['ts_id'] == TS_ID), None)
     async def get_connection(self, pool_entry: Dict[str, Any] = None):
@@ -305,104 +316,158 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
             crit(f"Error: {str(e)}")
-    async def push_changes(self, query: str, *args):
-        connections = []
-        try:
-            for pool_entry in self.POOL[1:]:  # Skip the first (local) database
-                conn = await self.get_connection(pool_entry).__aenter__()
-                connections.append(conn)
+    async def initialize_sync(self):
+        async with self.get_connection() as conn:
+            # Create sync_status table
+            await conn.execute("""
+                CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sync_status (
+                    table_name TEXT,
+                    server_id TEXT,
+                    last_synced_version INTEGER,
+                    PRIMARY KEY (table_name, server_id)
+                )
+            """)
+            # Get all tables
+            tables = await conn.fetch("""
+                SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables 
+                WHERE schemaname = 'public'
+            """)
+            # Add version and server_id columns to all tables, create triggers
+            for table in tables:
+                table_name = table['tablename']
+                await conn.execute(f"""
+                    ALTER TABLE "{table_name}" 
+                    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS version INTEGER DEFAULT 1,
+                    ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS server_id TEXT DEFAULT '{TS_ID}';
-            results = await asyncio.gather(
-                *[conn.execute(query, *args) for conn in connections],
-                return_exceptions=True
-            )
+                    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_version_and_server_id()
+                    RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$
+                    BEGIN
+                        NEW.version = COALESCE(OLD.version, 0) + 1;
+                        NEW.server_id = '{TS_ID}';
+                        RETURN NEW;
+                    END;
+                    $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-            for pool_entry, result in zip(self.POOL[1:], results):
-                if isinstance(result, Exception):
-                    err(f"Failed to push to {pool_entry['ts_ip']}: {str(result)}")
-                else:
-                    info(f"Successfully pushed to {pool_entry['ts_ip']}")
+                    DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_version_and_server_id_trigger ON "{table_name}";
+                    CREATE TRIGGER update_version_and_server_id_trigger
+                    BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON "{table_name}"
+                    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION update_version_and_server_id();
-        finally:
-            for conn in connections:
-                await conn.__aexit__(None, None, None)
+                    INSERT INTO sync_status (table_name, server_id, last_synced_version)
+                    VALUES ('{table_name}', '{TS_ID}', 0)
+                    ON CONFLICT (table_name, server_id) DO NOTHING;
+                """)
-    async def get_default_source(self):
-        local = self.local_db
-        for db in self.POOL:
-            if db != local:
-                try:
-                    async with self.get_connection(db):
-                        return db
-                except:
+    async def get_most_recent_source(self):
+        most_recent_source = None
+        max_version = -1
+        for pool_entry in self.POOL:
+            if pool_entry['ts_id'] == TS_ID:
+                continue
+            try:
+                async with self.get_connection(pool_entry) as conn:
+                    version = await conn.fetchval("""
+                        SELECT MAX(last_synced_version) FROM sync_status
+                    """)
+                    if version > max_version:
+                        max_version = version
+                        most_recent_source = pool_entry
+            except Exception as e:
+                err(f"Error checking version for {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {str(e)}")
+        return most_recent_source
+    async def pull_changes(self, source_pool_entry):
+        async with self.get_connection(source_pool_entry) as source_conn:
+            async with self.get_connection() as dest_conn:
+                tables = await source_conn.fetch("""
+                    SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables 
+                    WHERE schemaname = 'public'
+                """)
+                for table in tables:
+                    table_name = table['tablename']
+                    last_synced_version = await self.get_last_synced_version(table_name, source_pool_entry['ts_id'])
+                    changes = await source_conn.fetch(f"""
+                        SELECT * FROM "{table_name}"
+                        WHERE version > $1 AND server_id = $2
+                        ORDER BY version ASC
+                    """, last_synced_version, source_pool_entry['ts_id'])
+                    for change in changes:
+                        columns = change.keys()
+                        values = [change[col] for col in columns]
+                        await dest_conn.execute(f"""
+                            INSERT INTO "{table_name}" ({', '.join(columns)})
+                            VALUES ({', '.join(f'${i+1}' for i in range(len(columns)))})
+                            ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET
+                            {', '.join(f"{col} = EXCLUDED.{col}" for col in columns if col != 'id')}
+                        """, *values)
+                    if changes:
+                        await self.update_sync_status(table_name, source_pool_entry['ts_id'], changes[-1]['version'])
+    async def push_changes_to_all(self):
+        async with self.get_connection() as local_conn:
+            tables = await local_conn.fetch("""
+                SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables 
+                WHERE schemaname = 'public'
+            """)
+            for pool_entry in self.POOL:
+                if pool_entry['ts_id'] == TS_ID:
-        return None
-    async def pull_changes(self, source_pool_entry: Dict[str, Any] = None):
-        try:
-            if source_pool_entry is None:
-                source_pool_entry = await self.get_default_source()
-            if source_pool_entry is None:
-                err("No available source for pulling changes")
-                return
-            async with self.get_connection(source_pool_entry) as source_conn:
-                async with self.get_connection() as dest_conn:
-                    tables = await source_conn.fetch(
-                        "SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public'"
-                    )
-                    for table in tables:
-                        table_name = table['tablename']
-                        info(f"Processing table: {table_name}")
-                        # Get primary key column(s)
-                        pk_columns = await source_conn.fetch("""
-                            SELECT a.attname
-                            FROM   pg_index i
-                            JOIN   pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = i.indrelid
-                                                AND a.attnum = ANY(i.indkey)
-                            WHERE  i.indrelid = $1::regclass
-                            AND    i.indisprimary;
-                        """, table_name)
-                        pk_cols = [col['attname'] for col in pk_columns]
-                        info(f"Primary key columns for {table_name}: {pk_cols}")
-                        if not pk_cols:
-                            warn(f"No primary key found for table {table_name}. Skipping.")
-                            continue
-                        # Fetch all rows from the source table
-                        rows = await source_conn.fetch(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name}")
-                        info(f"Fetched {len(rows)} rows from {table_name}")
-                        if rows:
-                            columns = list(rows[0].keys())
-                            info(f"Columns for {table_name}: {columns}")
-                            # Upsert records to the destination table
-                            for row in rows:
-                                try:
-                                    query = f"""
-                                        INSERT INTO {table_name} ({', '.join(columns)})
-                                        VALUES ({', '.join(f'${i+1}' for i in range(len(columns)))})
-                                        ON CONFLICT ({', '.join(pk_cols)}) DO UPDATE SET
-                                        {', '.join(f"{col} = EXCLUDED.{col}" for col in columns if col not in pk_cols)}
-                                    """
-                                    info(f"Executing query: {query}")
-                                    info(f"With values: {[row[col] for col in columns]}")
-                                    await dest_conn.execute(query, *[row[col] for col in columns])
-                                except Exception as e:
-                                    err(f"Error processing row in {table_name}: {str(e)}")
-                                    err(f"Problematic row: {row}")
-                        info(f"Completed processing table: {table_name}")
-                    info(f"Successfully pulled changes from {source_pool_entry['ts_ip']}")
-        except Exception as e:
-            err(f"Unexpected error in pull_changes: {str(e)}")
-            err(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
+                try:
+                    async with self.get_connection(pool_entry) as remote_conn:
+                        for table in tables:
+                            table_name = table['tablename']
+                            last_synced_version = await self.get_last_synced_version(table_name, pool_entry['ts_id'])
+                            changes = await local_conn.fetch(f"""
+                                SELECT * FROM "{table_name}"
+                                WHERE version > $1 AND server_id = $2
+                                ORDER BY version ASC
+                            """, last_synced_version, TS_ID)
+                            for change in changes:
+                                columns = change.keys()
+                                values = [change[col] for col in columns]
+                                await remote_conn.execute(f"""
+                                    INSERT INTO "{table_name}" ({', '.join(columns)})
+                                    VALUES ({', '.join(f'${i+1}' for i in range(len(columns)))})
+                                    ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET
+                                    {', '.join(f"{col} = EXCLUDED.{col}" for col in columns if col != 'id')}
+                                """, *values)
+                            if changes:
+                                await self.update_sync_status(table_name, pool_entry['ts_id'], changes[-1]['version'])
+                    info(f"Successfully pushed changes to {pool_entry['ts_id']}")
+                except Exception as e:
+                    err(f"Error pushing changes to {pool_entry['ts_id']}: {str(e)}")
+    async def get_last_synced_version(self, table_name, server_id):
+        async with self.get_connection() as conn:
+            return await conn.fetchval("""
+                SELECT last_synced_version FROM sync_status
+                WHERE table_name = $1 AND server_id = $2
+            """, table_name, server_id) or 0
+    async def update_sync_status(self, table_name, server_id, version):
+        async with self.get_connection() as conn:
+            await conn.execute("""
+                INSERT INTO sync_status (table_name, server_id, last_synced_version)
+                VALUES ($1, $2, $3)
+                ON CONFLICT (table_name, server_id) DO UPDATE
+                SET last_synced_version = EXCLUDED.last_synced_version
+            """, table_name, server_id, version)
     async def sync_schema(self):
         for pool_entry in self.POOL:
@@ -459,45 +524,6 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
         END $$;
-    async def get_schema(self, pool_entry: Dict[str, Any]):
-        async with self.get_connection(pool_entry) as conn:
-            tables = await conn.fetch("""
-                SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type, character_maximum_length,
-                    is_nullable, column_default, ordinal_position
-                FROM information_schema.columns
-                WHERE table_schema = 'public'
-                ORDER BY table_name, ordinal_position
-            """)
-            indexes = await conn.fetch("""
-                SELECT indexname, indexdef
-                FROM pg_indexes
-                WHERE schemaname = 'public'
-            """)
-            constraints = await conn.fetch("""
-                SELECT conname, contype, conrelid::regclass::text as table_name,
-                    pg_get_constraintdef(oid) as definition
-                FROM pg_constraint
-                WHERE connamespace = 'public'::regnamespace
-            """)
-            return {
-                'tables': tables,
-                'indexes': indexes,
-                'constraints': constraints
-            }
-    async def create_sequence_if_not_exists(self, conn, sequence_name):
-        await conn.execute(f"""
-        DO $$
-        BEGIN
-            IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_sequences WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND sequencename = '{sequence_name}') THEN
-                CREATE SEQUENCE {sequence_name};
-            END IF;
-        END $$;
-        """)
     async def apply_schema_changes(self, pool_entry: Dict[str, Any], source_schema, target_schema):
         async with self.get_connection(pool_entry) as conn:
             source_tables = {t['table_name']: t for t in source_schema['tables']}
@@ -567,8 +593,6 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
                                         await conn.execute(sql)
                 except Exception as e:
                     err(f"Error processing table {table_name}: {str(e)}")
-                    # Optionally, you might want to raise this exception if you want to stop the entire process
-                    # raise
                 source_indexes = {idx['indexname']: idx['indexdef'] for idx in source_schema['indexes']}