diff --git a/sijapi/routers/note.py b/sijapi/routers/note.py
index 1498f22..c600286 100644
--- a/sijapi/routers/note.py
+++ b/sijapi/routers/note.py
@@ -243,18 +243,95 @@ async def update_frontmatter(date_time: dt_datetime, key: str, value: str):
     return {"message": "Frontmatter updated successfully."}
-async def banner_endpoint(dt: str, location: str = None, mood: str = None, other_context: str = None):
+async def banner_endpoint(dt: str, location: str = None, forecast: str = None, mood: str = None, other_context: str = None):
         Endpoint (POST) that generates a new banner image for the Obsidian daily note for a specified date, taking into account optional additional information, then updates the frontmatter if necessary.
     L.DEBUG(f"banner_endpoint requested with date: {dt} ({type(dt)})")
     date_time = await loc.dt(dt)
     L.DEBUG(f"date_time after localization: {date_time} ({type(date_time)})")
+    context = await generate_context(dt, location, forecast, mood, other_context)
     jpg_path = await generate_banner(date_time, location, mood=mood, other_context=other_context)
     return jpg_path
+async def generate_banner(dt, location: Location = None, forecast: str = None, mood: str = None, other_context: str = None):
+    # L.DEBUG(f"Location: {location}, forecast: {forecast}, mood: {mood}, other_context: {other_context}")
+    date_time = await loc.dt(dt)
+    L.DEBUG(f"generate_banner called with date_time: {date_time}")
+    destination_path, local_path = assemble_journal_path(date_time, filename="Banner", extension=".jpg", no_timestamp = True)
+    L.DEBUG(f"destination path generated: {destination_path}")
+    if not location or not isinstance(location, Location):
+        locations = await loc.fetch_locations(date_time)
+        if locations:
+            location = locations[0]
+    if not forecast:
+        forecast = await update_dn_weather(date_time, False, location.latitude, location.longitude)
+    prompt = await generate_context(date_time, location, forecast, mood, other_context)
+    L.DEBUG(f"Prompt: {prompt}")
+    final_path = await sd.workflow(prompt, scene=OBSIDIAN_BANNER_SCENE, destination_path=destination_path)
+    if not str(local_path) in str(final_path):
+        L.INFO(f"Apparent mismatch between local path, {local_path}, and final_path, {final_path}")
+    jpg_embed = f"\"![[{local_path}]]\""
+    await update_frontmatter(date_time, "banner", jpg_embed)
+    return local_path
+async def generate_context(date_time, location: Location, forecast: str, mood: str, other_context: str):
+    display_name = "Location: "
+    if location and isinstance(location, Location):
+        lat, lon = location.latitude, location.longitude
+        override_location = GEO.find_override_location(lat, lon)
+        display_name += f"{override_location}, " if override_location else ""
+        if location.display_name:
+            display_name += f"{location.display_name}"
+        else:
+            display_name += f"{location.road}, " if location.road else ""
+            display_name += f"the {location.neighbourhood} neighbourhood of " if location.neighbourhood else ""
+            display_name += f"the {location.suburb} suburb of " if location.suburb else ""
+            display_name += f"the {location.quarter} quarter, " if location.quarter else ""
+            display_name += f"{location.city}, " if location.city else ""
+            display_name += f"{location.state} " if location.state else ""
+            display_name += f"{location.country} " if location.country else ""
+        if display_name == "Location: ":
+            geocoded_location = await GEO.code((lat, lon))
+            if geocoded_location.display_name or geocoded_location.city or geocoded_location.country:
+                return await generate_context(date_time, geocoded_location, forecast, mood, other_context)
+            else:
+                L.WARN(f"Failed to get a useable location for purposes of generating a banner, but we'll generate one anyway.")
+    elif location and isinstance(location, str):
+        display_name = f"Location: {location}\n"
+    else:
+        display_name = ""
+    if not forecast:
+        forecast = "The weather forecast is: " + await update_dn_weather(date_time)
+    sentiment = await sentiment_analysis(date_time)
+    mood = sentiment if not mood else mood
+    mood = f"Mood: {mood}" if mood else ""
+    if mood and sentiment: mood = f"Mood: {mood}, {sentiment}"
+    elif mood and not sentiment: mood = f"Mood: {mood}"
+    elif sentiment and not mood: mood = f"Mood: {sentiment}"
+    else: mood = ""
+    events = await cal.get_events(date_time, date_time)
+    formatted_events = []
+    for event in events:
+        event_str = event.get('name')
+        if event.get('location'):
+            event_str += f" at {event.get('location')}"
+        formatted_events.append(event_str)
+    additional_info = ', '.join(formatted_events) if formatted_events else ''
+    other_context = f"{other_context}, {additional_info}" if other_context else additional_info
+    other_context = f"Additional information: {other_context}" if other_context else "" 
+    prompt = "Generate an aesthetically appealing banner image for a daily note that helps to visualize the following scene information: "
+    prompt += "\n".join([display_name, forecast, mood, other_context])
@@ -279,80 +356,6 @@ async def sentiment_analysis(date_time: dt_datetime):
         return ""
-async def generate_banner(dt, location: Location = None, forecast: str = None, mood: str = None, other_context: str = None):
-    # L.DEBUG(f"Location: {location}, forecast: {forecast}, mood: {mood}, other_context: {other_context}")
-    date_time = await loc.dt(dt)
-    L.DEBUG(f"generate_banner called with date_time: {date_time}")
-    destination_path, local_path = assemble_journal_path(date_time, filename="Banner", extension=".jpg", no_timestamp = True)
-    L.DEBUG(f"destination path generated: {destination_path}")
-    if not location:
-        locations = await loc.fetch_locations(date_time)
-        if locations:
-            location = locations[0]
-    display_name = "Location: "
-    if location:
-        lat, lon = location.latitude, location.longitude
-        override_location = GEO.find_override_location(lat, lon)
-        display_name += f"{override_location}, " if override_location else ""
-        if location.display_name:
-            display_name += f"{location.display_name}"
-        else:
-            display_name += f"{location.road}, " if location.road else ""
-            display_name += f"the {location.neighbourhood} neighbourhood of " if location.neighbourhood else ""
-            display_name += f"the {location.suburb} suburb of " if location.suburb else ""
-            display_name += f"the {location.quarter} quarter, " if location.quarter else ""
-            display_name += f"{location.city}, " if location.city else ""
-            display_name += f"{location.state} " if location.state else ""
-            display_name += f"{location.country} " if location.country else ""
-        if display_name == "Location: ":
-            geocoded_location = await GEO.code((lat, lon))
-            if geocoded_location.display_name or geocoded_location.city or geocoded_location.country:
-                return await generate_banner(dt, geocoded_location, forecast, mood, other_context)
-            else:
-                L.WARN(f"Failed to get a useable location for purposes of generating a banner, but we'll generate one anyway.")
-    if not forecast:
-        forecast = "The weather forecast is: " + await update_dn_weather(date_time)
-    sentiment = await sentiment_analysis(date_time)
-    mood = sentiment if not mood else mood
-    mood = f"Mood: {mood}" if mood else ""
-    if mood and sentiment: mood = f"Mood: {mood}, {sentiment}"
-    elif mood and not sentiment: mood = f"Mood: {mood}"
-    elif sentiment and not mood: mood = f"Mood: {sentiment}"
-    else: mood = ""
-    events = await cal.get_events(date_time, date_time)
-    formatted_events = []
-    for event in events:
-        event_str = event.get('name')
-        if event.get('location'):
-            event_str += f" at {event.get('location')}"
-        formatted_events.append(event_str)
-    additional_info = ', '.join(formatted_events) if formatted_events else ''
-    other_context = f"{other_context}, {additional_info}" if other_context else additional_info
-    other_context = f"Additional information: {other_context}" if other_context else "" 
-    prompt = "Generate an aesthetically appealing banner image for a daily note that helps to visualize the following scene information: "
-    prompt += "\n".join([display_name, forecast, mood, other_context])
-    L.DEBUG(f"Prompt: {prompt}")
-    # sd.workflow(prompt: str, scene: str = None, size: str = None, style: str = "photorealistic", earlyurl: bool = False, destination_path: str = None):
-    final_path = await sd.workflow(prompt, scene=OBSIDIAN_BANNER_SCENE, size="1080x512", style="romantic", destination_path=destination_path)
-    if not str(local_path) in str(final_path):
-        L.INFO(f"Apparent mismatch between local path, {local_path}, and final_path, {final_path}")
-    jpg_embed = f"\"![[{local_path}]]\""
-    await update_frontmatter(date_time, "banner", jpg_embed)
-    return local_path
 @note.get("/note/weather", response_class=JSONResponse)
 async def note_weather_get(
@@ -430,7 +433,7 @@ async def update_dn_weather(date_time: dt_datetime, force_refresh: bool = False,
                 DailyWeather = day.get('DailyWeather')
                 HourlyWeather = day.get('HourlyWeather')
                 if DailyWeather:
-                    L.DEBUG(f"Day: {DailyWeather}")
+                    # L.DEBUG(f"Day: {DailyWeather}")
                     icon = DailyWeather.get('icon')
                     L.DEBUG(f"Icon: {icon}")
diff --git a/sijapi/routers/weather.py b/sijapi/routers/weather.py
index 324d294..c8093fd 100644
--- a/sijapi/routers/weather.py
+++ b/sijapi/routers/weather.py
@@ -287,12 +287,12 @@ async def get_weather_from_db(date_time: dt_datetime, latitude: float, longitude
                 # hour_data['datetime'] = await loc.dt(hour_data.get('datetime'), tz)
-            L.DEBUG(f"Hourly weather data after tz corrections: {hourly_weather_data}")
+            # L.DEBUG(f"Hourly weather data after tz corrections: {hourly_weather_data}")
             day = {
                 'DailyWeather': daily_weather_data,
                 'HourlyWeather': hourly_weather_data,
-            L.DEBUG(f"day: {day}")
+            # L.DEBUG(f"day: {day}")
             return day
         except Exception as e:
             L.ERR(f"Unexpected error occurred: {e}")