diff --git a/sijapi/__main__.py b/sijapi/__main__.py
index 43bf81b..caea1c1 100755
--- a/sijapi/__main__.py
+++ b/sijapi/__main__.py
@@ -69,12 +69,13 @@ async def lifespan(app: FastAPI):
         # Check if other instances have more recent data
         source = await API.get_most_recent_source()
         if source:
-            crit(f"Pulling changes from {source['ts_id']}...")
-            await API.pull_changes(source)
-            crit("Data pull complete.")
+            crit(f"Pulling changes from {source['ts_id']} ({source['ts_ip']})...")
+            total_changes = await API.pull_changes(source)
+            crit(f"Data pull complete. Total changes: {total_changes}")
             crit("No instances with more recent data found.")
     except Exception as e:
         crit(f"Error during startup: {str(e)}")
         crit(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}")
diff --git a/sijapi/classes.py b/sijapi/classes.py
index 91ad0d6..9c8b62f 100644
--- a/sijapi/classes.py
+++ b/sijapi/classes.py
@@ -378,6 +378,17 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
         return most_recent_source
     async def pull_changes(self, source_pool_entry):
+        total_inserts = 0
+        total_updates = 0
+        table_changes = {}
+        source_id = source_pool_entry['ts_id']
+        source_ip = source_pool_entry['ts_ip']
+        dest_id = os.environ.get('TS_ID')
+        dest_ip = self.local_db['ts_ip']
+        info(f"Starting sync from source {source_id} ({source_ip}) to destination {dest_id} ({dest_ip})")
         async with self.get_connection(source_pool_entry) as source_conn:
             async with self.get_connection() as dest_conn:
                 tables = await source_conn.fetch("""
@@ -387,36 +398,62 @@ class APIConfig(BaseModel):
                 for table in tables:
                     table_name = table['tablename']
-                    last_synced_version = await self.get_last_synced_version(table_name, source_pool_entry['ts_id'])
+                    inserts = 0
+                    updates = 0
+                    last_synced_version = await self.get_last_synced_version(table_name, source_id)
                     changes = await source_conn.fetch(f"""
                         SELECT * FROM "{table_name}"
                         WHERE version > $1 AND server_id = $2
                         ORDER BY version ASC
-                    """, last_synced_version, source_pool_entry['ts_id'])
+                    """, last_synced_version, source_id)
                     for change in changes:
                         columns = list(change.keys())
                         values = [change[col] for col in columns]
-                        # Log the target database and table name
-                        debug(f"Attempting to insert data into table: {table_name} in database: {dest_conn._params['database']} (host: {dest_conn._params['host']})")
+                        debug(f"Syncing data for table: {table_name} from {source_id} to {dest_id}")
-                        insert_query = f"""
-                            INSERT INTO "{table_name}" ({', '.join(columns)})
-                            VALUES ({', '.join(f'${i+1}' for i in range(len(columns)))})
-                            ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET
-                            {', '.join(f"{col} = EXCLUDED.{col}" for col in columns if col != 'id')}
-                        """
+                        if table_name == 'sync_status':
+                            insert_query = f"""
+                                INSERT INTO "{table_name}" ({', '.join(columns)})
+                                VALUES ({', '.join(f'${i+1}' for i in range(len(columns)))})
+                                ON CONFLICT (table_name, server_id) DO UPDATE SET
+                                {', '.join(f"{col} = EXCLUDED.{col}" for col in columns if col not in ['table_name', 'server_id'])}
+                            """
+                        else:
+                            insert_query = f"""
+                                INSERT INTO "{table_name}" ({', '.join(columns)})
+                                VALUES ({', '.join(f'${i+1}' for i in range(len(columns)))})
+                                ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET
+                                {', '.join(f"{col} = EXCLUDED.{col}" for col in columns if col != 'id')}
+                            """
-                            await dest_conn.execute(insert_query, *values)
-                        except asyncpg.exceptions.UndefinedColumnError as e:
-                            err(f"UndefinedColumnError in table: {table_name} in database: {dest_conn._params['database']} (host: {dest_conn._params['host']})")
-                            raise e
+                            result = await dest_conn.execute(insert_query, *values)
+                            if 'UPDATE' in result:
+                                updates += 1
+                            else:
+                                inserts += 1
+                        except Exception as e:
+                            err(f"Error syncing data for table {table_name} from {source_id} to {dest_id}: {str(e)}")
                     if changes:
-                        await self.update_sync_status(table_name, source_pool_entry['ts_id'], changes[-1]['version'])
+                        await self.update_sync_status(table_name, source_id, changes[-1]['version'])
+                    total_inserts += inserts
+                    total_updates += updates
+                    table_changes[table_name] = {'inserts': inserts, 'updates': updates}
+                    info(f"Synced {table_name} from {source_id} to {dest_id}: {inserts} inserts, {updates} updates")
+        info(f"Sync complete from {source_id} ({source_ip}) to {dest_id} ({dest_ip})")
+        info(f"Total changes: {total_inserts} inserts, {total_updates} updates")
+        info("Changes by table:")
+        for table, changes in table_changes.items():
+            info(f"  {table}: {changes['inserts']} inserts, {changes['updates']} updates")
+        return total_inserts + total_updates
     async def push_changes_to_all(self):